Can Nikki Haley win POTUS in 2024?

Can Nikki Haley win POTUS in 2024?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 63.0%
  • No

    Votes: 10 37.0%

  • Total voters
Her parents were born in India. If she was born before they became naturalized American citizens then she's not an Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizen eligible for the presidency. We've done had one ineligible president that wasn't natural born citizen with Obama and it turned out to be a disaster. Another thing, people in the south still have the red ass at Nikki for banning confederate flags and not respecting southern heritage by removing Confederate statues of southern civil war heroes.

On top of that NO towelheads in the White house!! No racism here it's just that we shouldn't totally sell ourselves out to every identity group on the planet!!

Yep- no racism at all there.

Always good to remind people who and what Trump supporters are.
Says the person that voted for a candidate that called blacks super predators and who's husband instituted mandatory sentencing guidelines....YAWN

So what is your position on 'towelheads'?
No, democrats are going to win big time!

LMAO Dem's are in disarray and have no money after this fiasco...

I'm sure she stiffed a waiter on a tip some time in the last 20 years and the democrat sycophantic press will be absolutely certain it spells the end of western civilization. IOW, she needs to be prepared for hatred that will make that directed at Trump look like a walk in the park. They can't allow a woman or minority to be a Republican front runner, after all.

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Still pointing out- that the only ones who have a problem with Haley in this thread are 'conservatives'- such as MacGarret, and Fauxpatriot etc.
Her parents were born in India. If she was born before they became naturalized American citizens then she's not an Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizen eligible for the presidency. We've done had one ineligible president that wasn't natural born citizen with Obama and it turned out to be a disaster. Another thing, people in the south still have the red ass at Nikki for banning confederate flags and not respecting southern heritage by removing Confederate statues of southern civil war heroes.

That is an incorrect interpretation. All the Constitution says is that the President must be a natural born citizen. It doesn't say anything about the status of the parents when the person is born in the U.S.
See the quote by the father of the 14th Amendment, Congressman John Bingham given on the House floor, 1866.

“Every human being born within the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.”
— John Bingham

Nice try, but that language is not included in the Constitution.
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Her parents were born in India. If she was born before they became naturalized American citizens then she's not an Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizen eligible for the presidency. We've done had one ineligible president that wasn't natural born citizen with Obama and it turned out to be a disaster. Another thing, people in the south still have the red ass at Nikki for banning confederate flags and not respecting southern heritage by removing Confederate statues of southern civil war heroes.

On top of that NO towelheads in the White house!! No racism here it's just that we shouldn't totally sell ourselves out to every identity group on the planet!!

Yep- no racism at all there.

Always good to remind people who and what Trump supporters are.
Says the person that voted for a candidate that called blacks super predators and who's husband instituted mandatory sentencing guidelines....YAWN

So what is your position on 'towelheads'?
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. They are useful allies against the Jews. Do I want one for president? Hell no.
Her parents were born in India. If she was born before they became naturalized American citizens then she's not an Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizen eligible for the presidency. We've done had one ineligible president that wasn't natural born citizen with Obama and it turned out to be a disaster. Another thing, people in the south still have the red ass at Nikki for banning confederate flags and not respecting southern heritage by removing Confederate statues of southern civil war heroes.

On top of that NO towelheads in the White house!! No racism here it's just that we shouldn't totally sell ourselves out to every identity group on the planet!!

Yep- no racism at all there.

Always good to remind people who and what Trump supporters are.
Says the person that voted for a candidate that called blacks super predators and who's husband instituted mandatory sentencing guidelines....YAWN

So what is your position on 'towelheads'?
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. They are useful allies against the Jews. Do I want one for president? Hell no.

Wow, are you a creep!
There was a time I would have said she could win in 2020, but I'm fairly certain that Trump has poisoned that well...
So far- by my count- 3 contards against Haley, no liberals against her.

And not a single contard has expressed any 'concern' about a Trump supporter declaring that no 'towelhead' should be President.
What are her qualifications for POTUS? Also Trump will not seek reelection in 2020 so the field is wide open.
He already filed for reelection in 2020 so.

He won't run, he's less than 1 year in and after 3 more at his age he will be wore out. Plus he will want to go enjoy his billions of wealth for whatever years he has left. Bookmark my post he won't run in 2020.
What are her qualifications for POTUS? Also Trump will not seek reelection in 2020 so the field is wide open.

You mean other than being a governor for 6 years?

That's a start, I'd want to know her performance as governor, education, other prior experience. Lets be honest that moon bat in California has served more years as governor and nobody wants him to be POTUS.
Can Nikki Haley win POTUS in 2024?
I sure in the hell wouldn't vote for her. I can't stand her. She is a chicken hawk neo con. NO THANKS! I would probably vote for Pence but I would rather have a TRUE populist like President Trump in 2024 or I will just vote 3rd party like I did until 2016.

Got you down as a "No".

Not sure if that means she can win or not.
I don't think she can win no. People had a chance to vote for people like Haley in 2016 like Cruz and Rubio....they rejected it.

Whooosh right over his head.

How much would it be worth to the Republican Party to place the first female in the White House? How much would they gain from nominating, let alone getting elected, a "brown" female? Aside from all of which, Haley can run intellectual circles around the Cruzes and Rubios --- let alone Rump.

Just imagine the meltdown the first time Rump calls her 'raghead' and starts babbling about "blood". Oh there will be blood, the metaphorical kind, and it will be orange. I for one hope that showdown happens. It would be an all-time takedown and couldn't happen to a more deserving asshole.
What are her qualifications for POTUS? Also Trump will not seek reelection in 2020 so the field is wide open.

You mean other than being a governor for 6 years?

That's a start, I'd want to know her performance as governor, education, other prior experience. Lets be honest that moon bat in California has served more years as governor and nobody wants him to be POTUS.

Brown frankly has been a great governor this time around- the only reason why he is not electable is because he is too old and won't even consider running(the wisdom of age).

If only there was some way to find out more about Haley's experience......if only.....
Can Nikki Haley win POTUS in 2024?
I sure in the hell wouldn't vote for her. I can't stand her. She is a chicken hawk neo con. NO THANKS! I would probably vote for Pence but I would rather have a TRUE populist like President Trump in 2024 or I will just vote 3rd party like I did until 2016.

Got you down as a "No".

Not sure if that means she can win or not.
I don't think she can win no. People had a chance to vote for people like Haley in 2016 like Cruz and Rubio....they rejected it.

Whooosh right over his head.

How much would it be worth to the Republican Party to place the first female in the White House? How much would they gain from nominating, let alone getting elected, a "brown" female? Aside from all of which, Haley can run intellectual circles around the Cruzes and Rubios --- let alone Rump.

Just imagine the meltdown the first time Rump calls her 'raghead' and starts babbling about "blood". Oh there will be blood, the metaphorical kind, and it will be orange. I for one hope that showdown happens. It would be an all-time takedown and couldn't happen to a more deserving asshole.

Just pointing out once again- that the only ones who have been against Haley in this thread- are all Trump supporters.

Just pointing out the obvious.
Can Nikki Haley win POTUS in 2024?
I sure in the hell wouldn't vote for her. I can't stand her. She is a chicken hawk neo con. NO THANKS! I would probably vote for Pence but I would rather have a TRUE populist like President Trump in 2024 or I will just vote 3rd party like I did until 2016.

Got you down as a "No".

Not sure if that means she can win or not.
I don't think she can win no. People had a chance to vote for people like Haley in 2016 like Cruz and Rubio....they rejected it.

Whooosh right over his head.

How much would it be worth to the Republican Party to place the first female in the White House? How much would they gain from nominating, let alone getting elected, a "brown" female? Aside from all of which, Haley can run intellectual circles around the Cruzes and Rubios --- let alone Rump.

Just imagine the meltdown the first time Rump calls her 'raghead' and starts babbling about "blood". Oh there will be blood, the metaphorical kind, and it will be orange. I for one hope that showdown happens. It would be an all-time takedown and couldn't happen to a more deserving asshole.

Just pointing out once again- that the only ones who have been against Haley in this thread- are all Trump supporters.

Just pointing out the obvious.

Astute observation. It speaks bigly volumes.
When Trump is toppled, Kasich will be the first out of the gate for 2020. I bet Nikki is already preparing to be out one day behind K.

Well, yeah, but here's the thing.

WHEN Trump is forced out of office, Pence gets his job, and that pretty much makes him a shoe-in for the nomination if he wants it in 2020.

Heck, Jerry Ford got the nomination over Ronald Reagan in 1976, even AFTER he pardoned Nixon and he came pretty darn close to beating Jimmy Carter.

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