Can Obama save the Democrats?

Holy crap, that would cause a shitstorm. Bloomberg is persona non grata with the Regressives, because it looks like he's jumping in to try and save a shitty field.

No, Bloomberg is persona non grata because he supported a racist regime of stopping and frisking black people on suspicion of being black.

Pelosi to me is the most interesting character in ALL of this. She's in Paul Ryan's shoes right now, trying to keep everything together as they come apart at the seams. She's very pragmatic and calculating, and most of the party just isn't right now.

"Pragmatic" is what got us Trump in the first place.
When Trump won in 2016, I expressed concern that the blowback from the hardcore Left would be so strong that the Democratic Party would be taken over by the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, leaving us with a truly fucked up choice in 2020.

So, bang, here we are. Obama sees it, too: Obama looms over divided Democratic primary

So, can Obama save the party?

His latest remarks came last week as Obama met with party donors in California, where he urged Democrats to “chill out” about the primary contest and prepare to rally behind the eventual nominee. But he also appeared to warn against calling for too drastic of change.

“When you listen to the average voter — even ones who aren’t stalwart Democrats, but who are more independent or are low-information voters — they don’t feel that things are working well, but they’re also nervous about changes that might take away what little they have,” Obama said.

For some Democrats, Obama’s remarks reinforced their concerns that the primary field has lurched too far to the left and that the party may be barreling toward a loss in 2020 unless it can unite behind a moderate nominee capable of appealing to a broader swath of voters in the general election.

“I think that to some extent Obama is the canary in the coal mine,” said Dick Harpootlian, a former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party who is supporting former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential bid. “He’s warning Democrats that if you buy an agenda that is not relevant or salable in November, you’re guaranteeing Donald Trump a second term.”


Well let's see, can Obama save the democrats?

Well who created this monster? It seems to me that Mr. Partisan shill who shoved a massive health care policy devoid of any Republican participation, Mr. RESIST at any cost has created the beast we have now. Oh, and I might add that this same democratic party is demanding to replace the health care system they all shoved down our collective throats and the ink is not even dry on the legislation.

You have to face some facts here, Obama is poison in it's purest form with a smile on his face, a twinkle in his eye, and a silk smooth tongue to boot while he is weaponizing the IRS to go after his political opponents in the shadows and buying off members of his own party not to run in the DNC primary, etc.

People like you just love this man, isn't that right?
Elsewhere in this thread, I pointed out that his wins may have indirectly played a role in this.

I do like Obama, although I disagree with him on some issues.

Maybe we can drop the partisan talking points and keep the conversation interesting.

You obviously don't have a problem with a man who lied is arse off about a health care plan he sold them. First he says he won't raise taxes on the Middle Class and says his health care plan is not a tax even though there is a mandate to buy it. Then he mocks those who question the Constitutionality of the law because of the mandate, but when it hits SCOTUS we find out that it is not Constitutional unless it is a tax. Then all of a sudden it becomes the largest tax on the Middle Class in US history once Justice Roberts decides to single handedly "fix" the legislation by declaring it a tax by himself.

But it does not end there. Obama also promised people they could keep their same coverage and same doctors, only to find out later it was all a big lie. Tell me, what would happen do the CEO of a health care company that lied their arse off about cost and coverage? Would they not be in jail? I sure as hell hope so, yet you want this same man to fix a political party?

And I could sit here all day telling you how Obama had violated the Constitution in a myriad of ways and how people like you looked the other way because you "like" this man. How can you support a man who gave guns to drug lords across the border at taxpayer expense while preaching to law abiding citizens that their gun rights need to be restricted? How can you support a man who assassinated American citizens abroad with drone strikes without due process? How can you support a man who starts a war in Libya and violated the War Powers Act by not notifying Congress after so many days, and then glibly says he did not violate the War Powers Act because he did not consider it a war?

Sorry, is this not interesting enough for your reading enjoyment? I could post some girly pictures if it would help.
Trump is in line to get up to 40% of the latino vote.

Flip Texas???

So Trump will win California and Illnois with that right?

No, you will be very upset in 2020 when you discover your polls were wrong once again.

The key is Warren is hated more than Trump, so Latino and Black voters might not vote instead...
Well, that goes back to the article in the OP.

Does Obama have enough sway in the party to save it from itself? Evidently Warren is beginning to soften in the polls, and Biden is still out in front (even if Obama is not all that excited about him). So if the party can run a decent ticket, it's in much better shape.

Some are thinking Obama should endorse Bloomberg but I do not think that is wise.

Yes, I believe Bloomberg would be better suited as President over Trump, Warren, Biden or Sanders but Obama endorsing him my make the split in the party wider.

Pelosi need to get control of the party for it to have any chance of winning and even then I believe it is late!
Holy crap, that would cause a shitstorm. Bloomberg is persona non grata with the Regressives, because it looks like he's jumping in to try and save a shitty field.

Pelosi to me is the most interesting character in ALL of this. She's in Paul Ryan's shoes right now, trying to keep everything together as they come apart at the seams. She's very pragmatic and calculating, and most of the party just isn't right now.

When Pelosi called for the Impeachment Inquiry it signaled to me that Cortez and company finally got their wish without knowing Pelosi was doing this to shut them up while knowing this could blow the party up.

Obama knows right now the Democrats are in a political shift like the GOP in Reagan days, but is this shift the right move at this time?

No, and Obama knows this and see the Democrats driving potential voters into Trump arms or staying home.

Obama can not save them now and to be honest I think the Democrats need this so a purge can happen...
Yeah, I was a little surprised to see her do that, and I think it shows how insane things must be, behind the scenes.

He's the only guy who can turn this around, but it may be that the party has left him behind.

THAT FAST. That tells you something about making long term assumptions.
Trump is the worst thing to happen to the Republican party, and when he leaves it will take decades before they recover.

Democrats seem to be heading more to the Cortez and Talib types than Clinton, Obama and Biden types.

That will never sell in Purple and Red America...
A pretty toxic mess right now, served up by the wings.

America seem happy with the toxic atmosphere in D.C. and across the nation.

The key for Democrats can they get Social Conservative Tejanos to flip Texas and if they can the Republican party is dead until it reinvents itself again...

As of now Warren will lose Texas badly and so will any Socialist Democrat, so Democrats are still years out of winning this State...
Trump is in line to get up to 40% of the latino vote.

Flip Texas???

So Trump will win California and Illnois with that right?

No, you will be very upset in 2020 when you discover your polls were wrong once again.

The key is Warren is hated more than Trump, so Latino and Black voters might not vote instead...
You make a comment about TEXAS. I reply to comment about TEXAS. You then invoke CALIFORNIA.....


You made comment about 40% of the latino vote, so I commented that mean Trump will win California and Illinois, right?

So as usual you failed and polls are like ex-prisoners and every once in awhile you get a good one but most are worthless...

So do not mention the Latino vote unless you state it is only for Texas and even then Trump will not garner that much of the damn vote!

Better yet punk why not wager and I bet that Trump get below 20% of the latino in Texas and nationwide and if I win you write a full page apology and if I lose I will write a full page apology and leave the board!

My bet is you will forget this and then whine and block me when you lose!
Really, Joey? Still going with the "can't trust Trump with the nukes cause he's CRAZY!" narrative?

Wall Street is "afraid" of Liz Warren because her economic policies will put us into a major recession and she really won't care!

Funny, you guys said the same thing about Obama, and funny thing... he got us out of the Bush Great Recession... but you were too busy being racist to notice...


Well who created this monster? It seems to me that Mr. Partisan shill who shoved a massive health care policy devoid of any Republican participation, Mr. RESIST at any cost has created the beast we have now. Oh, and I might add that this same democratic party is demanding to replace the health care system they all shoved down our collective throats and the ink is not even dry on the legislation. We tried to warn all of you ignorant fools.

You left out the part where the system that he supported was one Republicans advocated for years, until the Black Guy did it. Democrats always wanted Single Payer.... ACA was a compromise with the GOP and their masters in the Insurance industry... But it's like that movie where you make a shady deal with the bad guy and he screws you...
So Trump will win California and Illnois with that right?

No, you will be very upset in 2020 when you discover your polls were wrong once again.

The key is Warren is hated more than Trump, so Latino and Black voters might not vote instead...
Well, that goes back to the article in the OP.

Does Obama have enough sway in the party to save it from itself? Evidently Warren is beginning to soften in the polls, and Biden is still out in front (even if Obama is not all that excited about him). So if the party can run a decent ticket, it's in much better shape.

Some are thinking Obama should endorse Bloomberg but I do not think that is wise.

Yes, I believe Bloomberg would be better suited as President over Trump, Warren, Biden or Sanders but Obama endorsing him my make the split in the party wider.

Pelosi need to get control of the party for it to have any chance of winning and even then I believe it is late!
Holy crap, that would cause a shitstorm. Bloomberg is persona non grata with the Regressives, because it looks like he's jumping in to try and save a shitty field.

Pelosi to me is the most interesting character in ALL of this. She's in Paul Ryan's shoes right now, trying to keep everything together as they come apart at the seams. She's very pragmatic and calculating, and most of the party just isn't right now.

When Pelosi called for the Impeachment Inquiry it signaled to me that Cortez and company finally got their wish without knowing Pelosi was doing this to shut them up while knowing this could blow the party up.

Obama knows right now the Democrats are in a political shift like the GOP in Reagan days, but is this shift the right move at this time?

No, and Obama knows this and see the Democrats driving potential voters into Trump arms or staying home.

Obama can not save them now and to be honest I think the Democrats need this so a purge can happen...
Yeah, I was a little surprised to see her do that, and I think it shows how insane things must be, behind the scenes.

He's the only guy who can turn this around, but it may be that the party has left him behind.

THAT FAST. That tells you something about making long term assumptions.

They left him behind the day he left office.

Now some are claiming he was Conservative, so ya know their political allegiances shift after than a northern wind...
Can't you just FEEL that all these INVESTIGATIONS are going to collate into this when the SABOTEURS Shit finally hits the fan....can't wait!

A pretty toxic mess right now, served up by the wings.

America seem happy with the toxic atmosphere in D.C. and across the nation.

The key for Democrats can they get Social Conservative Tejanos to flip Texas and if they can the Republican party is dead until it reinvents itself again...

As of now Warren will lose Texas badly and so will any Socialist Democrat, so Democrats are still years out of winning this State...
Trump is in line to get up to 40% of the latino vote.

Flip Texas???

So Trump will win California and Illnois with that right?

No, you will be very upset in 2020 when you discover your polls were wrong once again.

The key is Warren is hated more than Trump, so Latino and Black voters might not vote instead...
You make a comment about TEXAS. I reply to comment about TEXAS. You then invoke CALIFORNIA.....


You made comment about 40% of the latino vote, so I commented that mean Trump will win California and Illinois, right?

So as usual you failed and polls are like ex-prisoners and every once in awhile you get a good one but most are worthless...

So do not mention the Latino vote unless you state it is only for Texas and even then Trump will not garner that much of the damn vote!

Better yet punk why not wager and I bet that Trump get below 20% of the latino in Texas and nationwide and if I win you write a full page apology and if I lose I will write a full page apology and leave the board!

My bet is you will forget this and then whine and block me when you lose!
We were talking about Texas ya fucking retard. You know, the claim that Texas would flip from red to blue. Then you replied with California. A state that is HEAVILY already blue. And that somehow was your defense for a dumbass Texas comment.
Then you invoke personal comments about my past when called on it.

You're kidding me right?

The meat puppet faggot is responsible for the democrook party swinging hard left.
Obama would be right wing in Europe. I'd say Bernie did more to turn the party left. He didn't win the primary but his message created huge ripples on the left.

Economically I would agree that obozo isn't as hardcore collectivist as Bernie promotes, and that's why the banking cartels opposed him in favor of hitlery in 2016, however it was during obozo's administration that the racist agitators, fascists, freaks and sexual deviants managed to find themselves capable of terrorism and causing riots without being prosecuted.

I'm not sure how or why fascists are "right wing" to euroweenies, but my understanding of a political spectrum and the power of the state over that of individuals makes them very left wing.

He tried to hand healthcare to the insurance companies on a silver platter. How liberal of him.

It's very liberal of him to force people to purchase a product from corporations and ensure a certain profit margin to those entities through the force of the state. If instead, the industry was deregulated, no longer had to employ platoons of compliance and tort lawyers, allowed to market across state lines and compete the problem would have been solved.

Liberals always do the opposite of what needs to be done though.

When Trump won in 2016, I expressed concern that the blowback from the hardcore Left would be so strong that the Democratic Party would be taken over by the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, leaving us with a truly fucked up choice in 2020.

So, bang, here we are. Obama sees it, too: Obama looms over divided Democratic primary

So, can Obama save the party?

His latest remarks came last week as Obama met with party donors in California, where he urged Democrats to “chill out” about the primary contest and prepare to rally behind the eventual nominee. But he also appeared to warn against calling for too drastic of change.

“When you listen to the average voter — even ones who aren’t stalwart Democrats, but who are more independent or are low-information voters — they don’t feel that things are working well, but they’re also nervous about changes that might take away what little they have,” Obama said.

For some Democrats, Obama’s remarks reinforced their concerns that the primary field has lurched too far to the left and that the party may be barreling toward a loss in 2020 unless it can unite behind a moderate nominee capable of appealing to a broader swath of voters in the general election.

“I think that to some extent Obama is the canary in the coal mine,” said Dick Harpootlian, a former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party who is supporting former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential bid. “He’s warning Democrats that if you buy an agenda that is not relevant or salable in November, you’re guaranteeing Donald Trump a second term.”


Well let's see, can Obama save the democrats?

Well who created this monster? It seems to me that Mr. Partisan shill who shoved a massive health care policy devoid of any Republican participation, Mr. RESIST at any cost has created the beast we have now. Oh, and I might add that this same democratic party is demanding to replace the health care system they all shoved down our collective throats and the ink is not even dry on the legislation.

You have to face some facts here, Obama is poison in it's purest form with a smile on his face, a twinkle in his eye, and a silk smooth tongue to boot while he is weaponizing the IRS to go after his political opponents in the shadows and buying off members of his own party not to run in the DNC primary, etc.

People like you just love this man, isn't that right?
Elsewhere in this thread, I pointed out that his wins may have indirectly played a role in this.

I do like Obama, although I disagree with him on some issues.

Maybe we can drop the partisan talking points and keep the conversation interesting.

You obviously don't have a problem with a man who lied is arse off about a health care plan he sold them. First he says he won't raise taxes on the Middle Class and says his health care plan is not a tax even though there is a mandate to buy it. Then he mocks those who question the Constitutionality of the law because of the mandate, but when it hits SCOTUS we find out that it is not Constitutional unless it is a tax. Then all of a sudden it becomes the largest tax on the Middle Class in US history once Justice Roberts decides to single handedly "fix" the legislation by declaring it a tax by himself.

But it does not end there. Obama also promised people they could keep their same coverage and same doctors, only to find out later it was all a big lie. Tell me, what would happen do the CEO of a health care company that lied their arse off about cost and coverage? Would they not be in jail? I sure as hell hope so, yet you want this same man to fix a political party?

And I could sit here all day telling you how Obama had violated the Constitution in a myriad of ways and how people like you looked the other way because you "like" this man. How can you support a man who gave guns to drug lords across the border at taxpayer expense while preaching to law abiding citizens that their gun rights need to be restricted? How can you support a man who assassinated American citizens abroad with drone strikes without due process? How can you support a man who starts a war in Libya and violated the War Powers Act by not notifying Congress after so many days, and then glibly says he did not violate the War Powers Act because he did not consider it a war?

Sorry, is this not interesting enough for your reading enjoyment? I could post some girly pictures if it would help.
Oh, but that crease in his slacks! :rolleyes-41:
America seem happy with the toxic atmosphere in D.C. and across the nation.

The key for Democrats can they get Social Conservative Tejanos to flip Texas and if they can the Republican party is dead until it reinvents itself again...

As of now Warren will lose Texas badly and so will any Socialist Democrat, so Democrats are still years out of winning this State...
Trump is in line to get up to 40% of the latino vote.

Flip Texas???

So Trump will win California and Illnois with that right?

No, you will be very upset in 2020 when you discover your polls were wrong once again.

The key is Warren is hated more than Trump, so Latino and Black voters might not vote instead...
You make a comment about TEXAS. I reply to comment about TEXAS. You then invoke CALIFORNIA.....


You made comment about 40% of the latino vote, so I commented that mean Trump will win California and Illinois, right?

So as usual you failed and polls are like ex-prisoners and every once in awhile you get a good one but most are worthless...

So do not mention the Latino vote unless you state it is only for Texas and even then Trump will not garner that much of the damn vote!

Better yet punk why not wager and I bet that Trump get below 20% of the latino in Texas and nationwide and if I win you write a full page apology and if I lose I will write a full page apology and leave the board!

My bet is you will forget this and then whine and block me when you lose!
We were talking about Texas ya fucking retard. You know, the claim that Texas would flip from red to blue. Then you replied with California. A state that is HEAVILY already blue. And that somehow was your defense for a dumbass Texas comment.
Then you invoke personal comments about my past when called on it.


Read what you wrote you pathetic Trumpster!

You wrote Trump would get 40% of the Latino vote in 2020 and did not state just Texas which mean you meant nationwide!

So stop lying and either take the bet or admit your 40% is pure nonsense even for Texas!

And the true failure in life is anyone believing Trump will get 40% of the Latino vote but then again you believed Trump was getting 20 million Amish votes, so you are slow...
Really, Joey? Still going with the "can't trust Trump with the nukes cause he's CRAZY!" narrative?

Wall Street is "afraid" of Liz Warren because her economic policies will put us into a major recession and she really won't care!

Funny, you guys said the same thing about Obama, and funny thing... he got us out of the Bush Great Recession... but you were too busy being racist to notice...


Well who created this monster? It seems to me that Mr. Partisan shill who shoved a massive health care policy devoid of any Republican participation, Mr. RESIST at any cost has created the beast we have now. Oh, and I might add that this same democratic party is demanding to replace the health care system they all shoved down our collective throats and the ink is not even dry on the legislation. We tried to warn all of you ignorant fools.

You left out the part where the system that he supported was one Republicans advocated for years, until the Black Guy did it. Democrats always wanted Single Payer.... ACA was a compromise with the GOP and their masters in the Insurance industry... But it's like that movie where you make a shady deal with the bad guy and he screws you...

The Republican created Romneycare was used in Massachusetts and there are similarities to that and Obamacare. But I bet you did not know that the people of Massachusetts tried to stop Obamacare. Senator Kennedy was diagnosed with brain cancer, but they knew that they needed his vote to pass the legislation in the Senate. So do you know what they did, they tried to get the laws changed so that someone could fill in who was appointed who would vote for Obamacare like he wanted. Problem is, that attempt failed as Scott Brown, the first Republican to be elected to the Senate in the liberal state in decades who ran on stopping Obamacare, was elected. So there he was poised to stop the legislation in the Senate but the democrats used Reconciliation to bypass him. Of course, the only way they could get their own members to vote for the bill was to bribe them like they did the Cornhusker kickback, etc. That is when you heard Pelosi in the House famously say, "We need to first pass the legislation so we can read it and know what is in it."

In short, I am in favor of states creating their own health care system like they did in MA. I may not agree with it, but a liberal state should be able to pass liberal policies. Likewise, a conservative state should be able to pass conservative polices. This is how Federalism is designed to work. That way you have a myriad of various health care policies out there and then we can see what actually works better verses forcing a divided nation to put all it's eggs in one basket win, lose, or draw. Instead, Progressives have created a top heavy government where the President now lives our lives for us. He tells us what doctors we should have, what health treatments we can obtain, what teacher educates our children and with what curriculum, and even what pots we are able to piss in.

Progressives have destroyed Federalism.
Really, Joey? Still going with the "can't trust Trump with the nukes cause he's CRAZY!" narrative?

Wall Street is "afraid" of Liz Warren because her economic policies will put us into a major recession and she really won't care!

Funny, you guys said the same thing about Obama, and funny thing... he got us out of the Bush Great Recession... but you were too busy being racist to notice...


Well who created this monster? It seems to me that Mr. Partisan shill who shoved a massive health care policy devoid of any Republican participation, Mr. RESIST at any cost has created the beast we have now. Oh, and I might add that this same democratic party is demanding to replace the health care system they all shoved down our collective throats and the ink is not even dry on the legislation. We tried to warn all of you ignorant fools.

You left out the part where the system that he supported was one Republicans advocated for years, until the Black Guy did it. Democrats always wanted Single Payer.... ACA was a compromise with the GOP and their masters in the Insurance industry... But it's like that movie where you make a shady deal with the bad guy and he screws you...

The Republican created Romneycare was used in Massachusetts and there are similarities to that and Obamacare. But I bet you did not know that the people of Massachusetts tried to stop Obamacare. Senator Kennedy was diagnosed with brain cancer, but they knew that they needed his vote to pass the legislation in the Senate. So do you know what they did, they tried to get the laws changed so that someone could fill in who was appointed who would vote for Obamacare like he wanted. Problem is, that attempt failed as Scott Brown, the first Republican to be elected to the Senate in the liberal state in decades who ran on stopping Obamacare, was elected. So there he was poised to stop the legislation in the Senate but the democrats used Reconciliation to bypass him. Of course, the only way they could get their own members to vote for the bill was to bribe them like they did the Cornhusker kickback, etc.

In short, I am in favor of states creating their own health care system like they did in MA. I may not agree with it, but a liberal state should be able to pass liberal policies. Likewise, a conservative state should be able to pass conservative polices. This is how Federalism is designed to work. That way you have a myriad of various health care policies out there and then we can see what actually works better verses forcing a divided nation to put all it's eggs in one basket win, lose, or draw. Instead, Progressives have created a top heavy government where the President now lives our lives for us. He tells us what doctors we should have, what health treatments we can obtain, what teacher educates our children and with what curriculum, and even what pots we are able to piss in.

Progressives have destroyed Federalism.
Note that the progs are still clinging to the "yahhbuttRomneycare" argument...Still tacitly admitting that they're so bereft of any original ideas, that they have to steal the very worst of idiocy from fake republicans like Romney and stamp them with their brand.
When Trump won in 2016, I expressed concern that the blowback from the hardcore Left would be so strong that the Democratic Party would be taken over by the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, leaving us with a truly fucked up choice in 2020.

So, bang, here we are. Obama sees it, too: Obama looms over divided Democratic primary

So, can Obama save the party?

His latest remarks came last week as Obama met with party donors in California, where he urged Democrats to “chill out” about the primary contest and prepare to rally behind the eventual nominee. But he also appeared to warn against calling for too drastic of change.

“When you listen to the average voter — even ones who aren’t stalwart Democrats, but who are more independent or are low-information voters — they don’t feel that things are working well, but they’re also nervous about changes that might take away what little they have,” Obama said.

For some Democrats, Obama’s remarks reinforced their concerns that the primary field has lurched too far to the left and that the party may be barreling toward a loss in 2020 unless it can unite behind a moderate nominee capable of appealing to a broader swath of voters in the general election.

“I think that to some extent Obama is the canary in the coal mine,” said Dick Harpootlian, a former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party who is supporting former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential bid. “He’s warning Democrats that if you buy an agenda that is not relevant or salable in November, you’re guaranteeing Donald Trump a second term.”

Is Mac suggesting he will be voting for the extreme left anyway?

Mac is so confusing. He claims he is against Trump's spending. Yet, he votes for democrats and will vote for any democrat. Even the ones proposing a $93 trillion dollar new green deal AND Medicare for all. Get that? Against Trump spending and votes for democrats.

He claims he hates identity politics and votes for democrats. Now, he is seemingly suggesting that obama was not an extreme leftist? That he did not engage in identity politics. That is the only thing the democrats have used for 50 years. They have been socialists since Woodrow Wilson.

Is there a bigger example of what a deranged hypocritical extreme leftist than Mac? Is it the lies that he tells us or the ones he tells himself that creeps you out more about Mac?
Trump is in line to get up to 40% of the latino vote.

Flip Texas???

So Trump will win California and Illnois with that right?

No, you will be very upset in 2020 when you discover your polls were wrong once again.

The key is Warren is hated more than Trump, so Latino and Black voters might not vote instead...
You make a comment about TEXAS. I reply to comment about TEXAS. You then invoke CALIFORNIA.....


You made comment about 40% of the latino vote, so I commented that mean Trump will win California and Illinois, right?

So as usual you failed and polls are like ex-prisoners and every once in awhile you get a good one but most are worthless...

So do not mention the Latino vote unless you state it is only for Texas and even then Trump will not garner that much of the damn vote!

Better yet punk why not wager and I bet that Trump get below 20% of the latino in Texas and nationwide and if I win you write a full page apology and if I lose I will write a full page apology and leave the board!

My bet is you will forget this and then whine and block me when you lose!
We were talking about Texas ya fucking retard. You know, the claim that Texas would flip from red to blue. Then you replied with California. A state that is HEAVILY already blue. And that somehow was your defense for a dumbass Texas comment.
Then you invoke personal comments about my past when called on it.


Read what you wrote you pathetic Trumpster!

You wrote Trump would get 40% of the Latino vote in 2020 and did not state just Texas which mean you meant nationwide!

So stop lying and either take the bet or admit your 40% is pure nonsense even for Texas!

And the true failure in life is anyone believing Trump will get 40% of the Latino vote but then again you believed Trump was getting 20 million Amish votes, so you are slow...
I said up to 40% and therefore a Texas flip was out of the question.

YOU countered with some California nonsense lol

You seem particularly triggered this morning.
Trump is the worst thing to happen to the Republican party, and when he leaves it will take decades before they recover.

Democrats seem to be heading more to the Cortez and Talib types than Clinton, Obama and Biden types.

That will never sell in Purple and Red America...
A pretty toxic mess right now, served up by the wings.

America seem happy with the toxic atmosphere in D.C. and across the nation.

The key for Democrats can they get Social Conservative Tejanos to flip Texas and if they can the Republican party is dead until it reinvents itself again...

As of now Warren will lose Texas badly and so will any Socialist Democrat, so Democrats are still years out of winning this State...
Trump is in line to get up to 40% of the latino vote.

Flip Texas???

So Trump will win California and Illnois with that right?

No, you will be very upset in 2020 when you discover your polls were wrong once again.

The key is Warren is hated more than Trump, so Latino and Black voters might not vote instead...
You make a comment about TEXAS. I reply to comment about TEXAS. You then invoke CALIFORNIA.....


Note their dependence on waves of foreign invaders to overwhelm American votes for Republicans?
When Trump won in 2016, I expressed concern that the blowback from the hardcore Left would be so strong that the Democratic Party would be taken over by the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, leaving us with a truly fucked up choice in 2020.

So, bang, here we are. Obama sees it, too: Obama looms over divided Democratic primary

So, can Obama save the party?

His latest remarks came last week as Obama met with party donors in California, where he urged Democrats to “chill out” about the primary contest and prepare to rally behind the eventual nominee. But he also appeared to warn against calling for too drastic of change.

“When you listen to the average voter — even ones who aren’t stalwart Democrats, but who are more independent or are low-information voters — they don’t feel that things are working well, but they’re also nervous about changes that might take away what little they have,” Obama said.

For some Democrats, Obama’s remarks reinforced their concerns that the primary field has lurched too far to the left and that the party may be barreling toward a loss in 2020 unless it can unite behind a moderate nominee capable of appealing to a broader swath of voters in the general election.

“I think that to some extent Obama is the canary in the coal mine,” said Dick Harpootlian, a former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party who is supporting former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential bid. “He’s warning Democrats that if you buy an agenda that is not relevant or salable in November, you’re guaranteeing Donald Trump a second term.”

Is Mac suggesting he will be voting for the extreme left anyway?

Mac is so confusing. He claims he is against Trump's spending. Yet, he votes for democrats and will vote for any democrat. Even the ones proposing a $93 trillion dollar new green deal AND Medicare for all. Get that? Against Trump spending and votes for democrats.

He claims he hates identity politics and votes for democrats. Now, he is seemingly suggesting that obama was not an extreme leftist? That he did not engage in identity politics. That is the only thing the democrats have used for 50 years. They have been socialists since Woodrow Wilson.

Is there a bigger example of what a deranged hypocritical extreme leftist than Mac. Is it the lies that he tells us or the ones he tells himself that creeps you out more about Mac?
MAC has always been a fraud..........LOL
When Trump won in 2016, I expressed concern that the blowback from the hardcore Left would be so strong that the Democratic Party would be taken over by the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, leaving us with a truly fucked up choice in 2020.

So, bang, here we are. Obama sees it, too: Obama looms over divided Democratic primary

So, can Obama save the party?

His latest remarks came last week as Obama met with party donors in California, where he urged Democrats to “chill out” about the primary contest and prepare to rally behind the eventual nominee. But he also appeared to warn against calling for too drastic of change.

“When you listen to the average voter — even ones who aren’t stalwart Democrats, but who are more independent or are low-information voters — they don’t feel that things are working well, but they’re also nervous about changes that might take away what little they have,” Obama said.

For some Democrats, Obama’s remarks reinforced their concerns that the primary field has lurched too far to the left and that the party may be barreling toward a loss in 2020 unless it can unite behind a moderate nominee capable of appealing to a broader swath of voters in the general election.

“I think that to some extent Obama is the canary in the coal mine,” said Dick Harpootlian, a former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party who is supporting former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential bid. “He’s warning Democrats that if you buy an agenda that is not relevant or salable in November, you’re guaranteeing Donald Trump a second term.”

Is Mac suggesting he will be voting for the extreme left anyway?

Mac is so confusing. He claims he is against Trump's spending. Yet, he votes for democrats and will vote for any democrat. Even the ones proposing a $93 trillion dollar new green deal AND Medicare for all. Get that? Against Trump spending and votes for democrats.

He claims he hates identity politics and votes for democrats. Now, he is seemingly suggesting that obama was not an extreme leftist? That he did not engage in identity politics. That is the only thing the democrats have used for 50 years. They have been socialists since Woodrow Wilson.

Is there a bigger example of what a deranged hypocritical extreme leftist than Mac. Is it the lies that he tells us or the ones he tells himself that creeps you out more about Mac?
I know my politics confuse you. They're not terribly complicated, but they flummox you terribly.

I don't how to fix that. Plus, I know you're going to fabricate my positions anyway, so I don't know what to tell you.

Can't help you. Sorry.
The DEMS have a problem in my view. Well, 2 problems. Republicans are able to view an election as a strategic undertaking and will vote for anyone who wins their nomination. Trump is not a conservative; not a family values supporter, generally a scumbag who worships one thing; the blob he sees in the mirror.

From 8 years ago, this is a massive change in Republican demographics. Their voters have zero principles and are just dumb enough to believe what they are told.

The DEMS on the other hand, look at elections as if you get some sort of medal for not getting your party’s nomination that matters. Bernier supporters in particular.

The other problem is this…

I often listen to podcasts. One is “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me” which is a comedic quiz show on NPR. During one of the set-ups to their bluff the listener segment, the host stated something to the effect that you can’t go on a good vacation for $5,000.00. I looked at the radio in my car with my mouth open really astounded that they actually said that. I know it’s a comedy show but the set-up isn’t meant to be a punch line. Also, one time the hosts of another show were talking about their reactions to Notre Dame burning down. All of them had visited the cathedral “numerous times”. While it’s no big deal, it seems to me that this is a symptom of elitist positioning. The broadcast was’t meant to be political but it is a symptom of what is; the dreaded “out of touch” label.

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