Can Obama save the Democrats?

Where is your link to support your up to 40% or will you admit you are lying?

I never mentioned a link.
I never mentioned a poll.

I shared an OPINION.

You're unhinged as fuck.

Awww, so it is your opinion that he will get up to 40% of the Latino vote which is based on nothing in reality...

Yeah, I see why you slurp down the bath water of Trump because neither one of you are grounded in reality...

So take issue with that seeing you are scared to even take a little bet...

Typical coward that voted for Trump because Mexicans did a better job in life...

So can Obama save the Democrats?

I say no, but I am sure you will disagree because you have issues...
I know my politics confuse you. They're not terribly complicated, but they flummox you terribly.

I don't how to fix that. Plus, I know you're going to fabricate my positions anyway, so I don't know what to tell you.

Can't help you. Sorry.
What exactly am I getting wrong? Be specific.

Watch now folks as Mac obfuscates and then accuses me of obfuscating. You know, as he obfuscates.

He still thinks someone like me who proclaims I am a disgraceful sinner is being a hypocrite when I proclaim that I am disgraceful sinner.

Do you think Mac needs help? I will admit I need it. No doubt.

Is Mac certifiable though? He is weird.
Yes, I know you think I'm "weird".

I have no need to obfuscate, I just know that trying to communicate with nutters is pointless.

Here. Absolutely, 100% full disclosure, no obfuscation. This is the second line of my sig, linked to a thread in which I disembowel a Regressive Lefty. My positions on the issues are made quite clear: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.

Do you have the balls to read it? If you do, you'll know your "extreme leftist" silliness is just more nutter dishonesty.

Or will you obfuscate?

If you do not believe Trump is the chosen one, messiah and God then you are the enemy.

Fuck it!

Obama can not save the Democratic Party because like the Trumpsters it is lost and can not be saved.

Democrats like Cortez are the waive of the future and the left want this.

America is to the point you are thy enemy if you disagree with me and gone are the days when getting 51% of what you want is a win...

Scorch Earth Politics is the rage...
That's the binary situation we find ourselves in. And those of us whose thought processes don't work that way are being drowned out, even though there's more of us than there is of them.

The majority is like the kids in a cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food fight. We're wondering how much cleanup will be needed once the adults take control again.
And here he goes again.............the only adult in the room.

Another legend in his own mind.....The more temperate and measured iron fist.
You Pretend to be a Moderate.............but you belong with the Far left.......LOL
And for the thousandth time, the second line of my sig, to illustrate your dishonesty:

2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
And for the thousandth are full of it............

Obama is cashing in now..........for his service to the establishment..............

The Far Left nutbags have taken the Dem Party.............and the moderates are RUNNING FOR COVER.......

Trump has played you dumb asses like a fiddle..........through Trolling their sorry butts and the corrupt media.........and now the Dems are imploding.....

What exactly am I getting wrong? Be specific.

Watch now folks as Mac obfuscates and then accuses me of obfuscating. You know, as he obfuscates.

He still thinks someone like me who proclaims I am a disgraceful sinner is being a hypocrite when I proclaim that I am disgraceful sinner.

Do you think Mac needs help? I will admit I need it. No doubt.

Is Mac certifiable though? He is weird.
Yes, I know you think I'm "weird".

I have no need to obfuscate, I just know that trying to communicate with nutters is pointless.

Here. Absolutely, 100% full disclosure, no obfuscation. This is the second line of my sig, linked to a thread in which I disembowel a Regressive Lefty. My positions on the issues are made quite clear: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.

Do you have the balls to read it? If you do, you'll know your "extreme leftist" silliness is just more nutter dishonesty.

Or will you obfuscate?

If you do not believe Trump is the chosen one, messiah and God then you are the enemy.

Fuck it!

Obama can not save the Democratic Party because like the Trumpsters it is lost and can not be saved.

Democrats like Cortez are the waive of the future and the left want this.

America is to the point you are thy enemy if you disagree with me and gone are the days when getting 51% of what you want is a win...

Scorch Earth Politics is the rage...
That's the binary situation we find ourselves in. And those of us whose thought processes don't work that way are being drowned out, even though there's more of us than there is of them.

The majority is like the kids in a cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food fight. We're wondering how much cleanup will be needed once the adults take control again.
And here he goes again.............the only adult in the room.

Another legend in his own mind.....The more temperate and measured iron fist.

We are all legends in our own minds...

Many of us believe our penis is larger than others and that is why so many act like big dicks while the actual size is smaller in reality.

Fact is Mac question is honest and no Obama can not save the Democrats from political suicide but will his ego allow him sit and let them kill the political party?
What exactly am I getting wrong? Be specific.

Watch now folks as Mac obfuscates and then accuses me of obfuscating. You know, as he obfuscates.

He still thinks someone like me who proclaims I am a disgraceful sinner is being a hypocrite when I proclaim that I am disgraceful sinner.

Do you think Mac needs help? I will admit I need it. No doubt.

Is Mac certifiable though? He is weird.
Yes, I know you think I'm "weird".

I have no need to obfuscate, I just know that trying to communicate with nutters is pointless.

Here. Absolutely, 100% full disclosure, no obfuscation. This is the second line of my sig, linked to a thread in which I disembowel a Regressive Lefty. My positions on the issues are made quite clear: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.

Do you have the balls to read it? If you do, you'll know your "extreme leftist" silliness is just more nutter dishonesty.

Or will you obfuscate?

If you do not believe Trump is the chosen one, messiah and God then you are the enemy.

Fuck it!

Obama can not save the Democratic Party because like the Trumpsters it is lost and can not be saved.

Democrats like Cortez are the waive of the future and the left want this.

America is to the point you are thy enemy if you disagree with me and gone are the days when getting 51% of what you want is a win...

Scorch Earth Politics is the rage...
That's the binary situation we find ourselves in. And those of us whose thought processes don't work that way are being drowned out, even though there's more of us than there is of them.

The majority is like the kids in a cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food fight. We're wondering how much cleanup will be needed once the adults take control again.
And here he goes again.............the only adult in the room.

Another legend in his own mind.....The more temperate and measured iron fist.
All you guys have to do is just have a normal, adult conversation, without the personal insults, vulgarity, name-calling, distortion and talking points.

It's really not that tough, I swear.

Instead, you go right to this stuff, and I respond accordingly.

I can't help that. I'd rather just be civil and have interesting chats. There are quite a few people who can do that, thankfully.
Lol, anifta is saying send the Jews to the ovens. They do represent your party well.

When did they say this? Are you listening to Fox News again?
There is a forum on here about it. Like I said they represent your party very well.
View attachment 292235

Republicans now:

View attachment 292241 View attachment 292242 View attachment 292243

Yeah that surely represents the majority of Republicans whose Demographic is largely those making more than 150k/yr. Funny, I drive through high-end Republican neighborhoods in my area and no such stuff going on. I would say you should drive through some high-end Democratic neighborhoods but they are hard to find outside of urban areas and Hollywoood.
You Pretend to be a Moderate.............but you belong with the Far left.......LOL
And for the thousandth time, the second line of my sig, to illustrate your dishonesty:

2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
And for the thousandth are full of it............

Obama is cashing in now..........for his service to the establishment..............

The Far Left nutbags have taken the Dem Party.............and the moderates are RUNNING FOR COVER.......

Trump has played you dumb asses like a fiddle..........through Trolling their sorry butts and the corrupt media.........and now the Dems are imploding.....

I wasn't holding my breath, but at least I know I tried.
Yes, I know you think I'm "weird".

I have no need to obfuscate, I just know that trying to communicate with nutters is pointless.

Here. Absolutely, 100% full disclosure, no obfuscation. This is the second line of my sig, linked to a thread in which I disembowel a Regressive Lefty. My positions on the issues are made quite clear: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.

Do you have the balls to read it? If you do, you'll know your "extreme leftist" silliness is just more nutter dishonesty.

Or will you obfuscate?

If you do not believe Trump is the chosen one, messiah and God then you are the enemy.

Fuck it!

Obama can not save the Democratic Party because like the Trumpsters it is lost and can not be saved.

Democrats like Cortez are the waive of the future and the left want this.

America is to the point you are thy enemy if you disagree with me and gone are the days when getting 51% of what you want is a win...

Scorch Earth Politics is the rage...
That's the binary situation we find ourselves in. And those of us whose thought processes don't work that way are being drowned out, even though there's more of us than there is of them.

The majority is like the kids in a cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food fight. We're wondering how much cleanup will be needed once the adults take control again.
And here he goes again.............the only adult in the room.

Another legend in his own mind.....The more temperate and measured iron fist.

We are all legends in our own minds...

Many of us believe our penis is larger than others and that is why so many act like big dicks while the actual size is smaller in reality.

Fact is Mac question is honest and no Obama can not save the Democrats from political suicide but will his ego allow him sit and let them kill the political party?
Why should it be saved...........LOL

Burn it to the ground........we don't want the Far Left idiocy in this country.
It seems strange that Democrats would look to the worst President ever for advice. I'm happy that race baiters and hustlers aren't in charge of this country any more.
The DEMS have a problem in my view. Well, 2 problems. Republicans are able to view an election as a strategic undertaking and will vote for anyone who wins their nomination. Trump is not a conservative; not a family values supporter, generally a scumbag who worships one thing; the blob he sees in the mirror.

From 8 years ago, this is a massive change in Republican demographics. Their voters have zero principles and are just dumb enough to believe what they are told.

The DEMS on the other hand, look at elections as if you get some sort of medal for not getting your party’s nomination that matters. Bernier supporters in particular.

The other problem is this…

I often listen to podcasts. One is “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me” which is a comedic quiz show on NPR. During one of the set-ups to their bluff the listener segment, the host stated something to the effect that you can’t go on a good vacation for $5,000.00. I looked at the radio in my car with my mouth open really astounded that they actually said that. I know it’s a comedy show but the set-up isn’t meant to be a punch line. Also, one time the hosts of another show were talking about their reactions to Notre Dame burning down. All of them had visited the cathedral “numerous times”. While it’s no big deal, it seems to me that this is a symptom of elitist positioning. The broadcast was’t meant to be political but it is a symptom of what is; the dreaded “out of touch” label.

Actually Dems have 3 problems. No candidates, no platform and no clue.

Yours is a silly and not surprisingly stupid assessment. They will have nominee, they have a platform, and cluelessness is relative.

The only question that matters is if they can get the vote out in WI, MI, PA.
Lol, anifta is saying send the Jews to the ovens. They do represent your party well.

When did they say this? Are you listening to Fox News again?
There is a forum on here about it. Like I said they represent your party very well.
View attachment 292235

Republicans now:

View attachment 292241 View attachment 292242 View attachment 292243

Yeah that surely represents the majority of Republicans whose Demographic is largely those making more than 150k/yr. Funny, I drive through high-end Republican neighborhoods in my area and no such stuff going on. I would say you should drive through some high-end Democratic neighborhoods but they are hard to find outside of urban areas and Hollywoood.

Thanks for the chuckle...
Yes, I know you think I'm "weird".

I have no need to obfuscate, I just know that trying to communicate with nutters is pointless.

Here. Absolutely, 100% full disclosure, no obfuscation. This is the second line of my sig, linked to a thread in which I disembowel a Regressive Lefty. My positions on the issues are made quite clear: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.

Do you have the balls to read it? If you do, you'll know your "extreme leftist" silliness is just more nutter dishonesty.

Or will you obfuscate?

If you do not believe Trump is the chosen one, messiah and God then you are the enemy.

Fuck it!

Obama can not save the Democratic Party because like the Trumpsters it is lost and can not be saved.

Democrats like Cortez are the waive of the future and the left want this.

America is to the point you are thy enemy if you disagree with me and gone are the days when getting 51% of what you want is a win...

Scorch Earth Politics is the rage...
That's the binary situation we find ourselves in. And those of us whose thought processes don't work that way are being drowned out, even though there's more of us than there is of them.

The majority is like the kids in a cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food fight. We're wondering how much cleanup will be needed once the adults take control again.
And here he goes again.............the only adult in the room.

Another legend in his own mind.....The more temperate and measured iron fist.

We are all legends in our own minds...

Many of us believe our penis is larger than others and that is why so many act like big dicks while the actual size is smaller in reality.

Fact is Mac question is honest and no Obama can not save the Democrats from political suicide but will his ego allow him sit and let them kill the political party?
That's a pretty freaking interesting question.

I wonder if he's worried the party has moved so fast that he no longer has the ability to stop it.

Dontcha think?
Yes, I know you think I'm "weird".

I have no need to obfuscate, I just know that trying to communicate with nutters is pointless.

Here. Absolutely, 100% full disclosure, no obfuscation. This is the second line of my sig, linked to a thread in which I disembowel a Regressive Lefty. My positions on the issues are made quite clear: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.

Do you have the balls to read it? If you do, you'll know your "extreme leftist" silliness is just more nutter dishonesty.

Or will you obfuscate?

If you do not believe Trump is the chosen one, messiah and God then you are the enemy.

Fuck it!

Obama can not save the Democratic Party because like the Trumpsters it is lost and can not be saved.

Democrats like Cortez are the waive of the future and the left want this.

America is to the point you are thy enemy if you disagree with me and gone are the days when getting 51% of what you want is a win...

Scorch Earth Politics is the rage...
That's the binary situation we find ourselves in. And those of us whose thought processes don't work that way are being drowned out, even though there's more of us than there is of them.

The majority is like the kids in a cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food fight. We're wondering how much cleanup will be needed once the adults take control again.
And here he goes again.............the only adult in the room.

Clearly my metaphor was a bit too complicated for you.

Maybe you should read it again. Although, admittedly, that probably won't help.

There is nothing I can do about that.
You Pretend to be a Moderate.............but you belong with the Far left.......LOL

He pretends to be all reasoned and above the fray...But his core philosophy hinges on The State > the individual...In the end, he rejects reason in favor of brute force.
However, I do think his intentions to save this country from socialists (globalists) is pure.

I don't think he has all of these hidden agendas. I believe no person would expose themselves or their families to such ridicule if it was not for the reasons I mentioned.

Remember, the left hate this country. They want to do away with all of our holidays (like Thanksgiving.) They burn and consider the American flag a symbol of hatred and RACISM. They want to do away with every memorial dedicated to the founding fathers and when they get their chance they will tear it all down.

The only real reason they would despise Trump is because he is trying to save the country from them.

That's a fact.

I'm curious... who wants to do away with Thanksgiving?
If you do not believe Trump is the chosen one, messiah and God then you are the enemy.

Fuck it!

Obama can not save the Democratic Party because like the Trumpsters it is lost and can not be saved.

Democrats like Cortez are the waive of the future and the left want this.

America is to the point you are thy enemy if you disagree with me and gone are the days when getting 51% of what you want is a win...

Scorch Earth Politics is the rage...
That's the binary situation we find ourselves in. And those of us whose thought processes don't work that way are being drowned out, even though there's more of us than there is of them.

The majority is like the kids in a cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food fight. We're wondering how much cleanup will be needed once the adults take control again.
And here he goes again.............the only adult in the room.

Another legend in his own mind.....The more temperate and measured iron fist.

We are all legends in our own minds...

Many of us believe our penis is larger than others and that is why so many act like big dicks while the actual size is smaller in reality.

Fact is Mac question is honest and no Obama can not save the Democrats from political suicide but will his ego allow him sit and let them kill the political party?
Why should it be saved...........LOL

Burn it to the ground........we don't want the Far Left idiocy in this country.

We are a Republic and if the State of California want it who am I to say no?

If the State of Oklahoma says no who am I to say no?

As a Republic we are built by Fifty States that are govern by Fifty Different ways at times, which is what make us different.

I see no reason to destroy another political party completely unless you are one of those that believe in a one political party rule, are you?

If you are why are you so afraid of the opposition opinion and can you see you have more in common with the likes of Cortez and Talib with narrow minded views and less with our founding fathers?
You Pretend to be a Moderate.............but you belong with the Far left.......LOL
And for the thousandth time, the second line of my sig, to illustrate your dishonesty:

2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
And for the thousandth are full of it............

Obama is cashing in now..........for his service to the establishment..............

The Far Left nutbags have taken the Dem Party.............and the moderates are RUNNING FOR COVER.......

Trump has played you dumb asses like a fiddle..........through Trolling their sorry butts and the corrupt media.........and now the Dems are imploding.....

Just wondering if you've noticed how far to the right the GOP (now POT) has moved in the last 25 years?
The DEMS have a problem in my view. Well, 2 problems. Republicans are able to view an election as a strategic undertaking and will vote for anyone who wins their nomination. Trump is not a conservative; not a family values supporter, generally a scumbag who worships one thing; the blob he sees in the mirror.

From 8 years ago, this is a massive change in Republican demographics. Their voters have zero principles and are just dumb enough to believe what they are told.

The DEMS on the other hand, look at elections as if you get some sort of medal for not getting your party’s nomination that matters. Bernier supporters in particular.

The other problem is this…

I often listen to podcasts. One is “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me” which is a comedic quiz show on NPR. During one of the set-ups to their bluff the listener segment, the host stated something to the effect that you can’t go on a good vacation for $5,000.00. I looked at the radio in my car with my mouth open really astounded that they actually said that. I know it’s a comedy show but the set-up isn’t meant to be a punch line. Also, one time the hosts of another show were talking about their reactions to Notre Dame burning down. All of them had visited the cathedral “numerous times”. While it’s no big deal, it seems to me that this is a symptom of elitist positioning. The broadcast was’t meant to be political but it is a symptom of what is; the dreaded “out of touch” label.

Actually Dems have 3 problems. No candidates, no platform and no clue.

Yours is a silly and not surprisingly stupid assessment. They will have nominee, they have a platform, and cluelessness is relative.

The only question that matters is if they can get the vote out in WI, MI, PA.

Yep, they will have a candidate, not a very good candidate, but they will have one. A platform? What is their shit for all platform or I hate Trump platform?
How many legislative seats and governorships did the Super Nig lose during his eight year reign of terror?
The Mexicrat Party is only relevant today thanks to Mexico planting their filthy, needy anchor babies in the laps of real Americans.

Okay, buddy, one more time, if you are a broke loser because some rich white guy would rather hire a Mexican than you... that's your own damned fault.

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