Can Obama save the Democrats?

If you do not believe Trump is the chosen one, messiah and God then you are the enemy.

Fuck it!

Obama can not save the Democratic Party because like the Trumpsters it is lost and can not be saved.

Democrats like Cortez are the waive of the future and the left want this.

America is to the point you are thy enemy if you disagree with me and gone are the days when getting 51% of what you want is a win...

Scorch Earth Politics is the rage...
That's the binary situation we find ourselves in. And those of us whose thought processes don't work that way are being drowned out, even though there's more of us than there is of them.

The majority is like the kids in a cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food fight. We're wondering how much cleanup will be needed once the adults take control again.
And here he goes again.............the only adult in the room.

Another legend in his own mind.....The more temperate and measured iron fist.

We are all legends in our own minds...

Many of us believe our penis is larger than others and that is why so many act like big dicks while the actual size is smaller in reality.

Fact is Mac question is honest and no Obama can not save the Democrats from political suicide but will his ego allow him sit and let them kill the political party?
That's a pretty freaking interesting question.

I wonder if he's worried the party has moved so fast that he no longer has the ability to stop it.

Dontcha think?

Personally he can not stop the idiot train and turn it around.

Radicals have spoken and now they consider Obama conservative and Trump wise and savior of our Republic...
Really, Joey? Still going with the "can't trust Trump with the nukes cause he's CRAZY!" narrative?

Wall Street is "afraid" of Liz Warren because her economic policies will put us into a major recession and she really won't care!

Funny, you guys said the same thing about Obama, and funny thing... he got us out of the Bush Great Recession... but you were too busy being racist to notice...


Well who created this monster? It seems to me that Mr. Partisan shill who shoved a massive health care policy devoid of any Republican participation, Mr. RESIST at any cost has created the beast we have now. Oh, and I might add that this same democratic party is demanding to replace the health care system they all shoved down our collective throats and the ink is not even dry on the legislation. We tried to warn all of you ignorant fools.

You left out the part where the system that he supported was one Republicans advocated for years, until the Black Guy did it. Democrats always wanted Single Payer.... ACA was a compromise with the GOP and their masters in the Insurance industry... But it's like that movie where you make a shady deal with the bad guy and he screws you...

Every post you make references racism. What is your problem other than being dumber than a box of rocks?
His support of Oboingo means -in his mind- that he isn't racist....Classic tokenism.....And because he has the token, all who don't are racists by definition.
Michael Smerconish had a guess on discussing Obama remarks and it made me realize how far left Democrats have gone...

Obama is correct the Democrats ( especially Socialist Democrats ) need to chill but can Obama save them or have they lunged to the left that it is now Cortez and Sanders type Democrats and no longer Bill Clinton or even Joe Biden Democrats?

I say the party is lost...

Under normal circumstance, I might agree. But here's the thing, even in "good" economic times, Capitalism is such a shit sandwich for most people that Socialism of Bernie might look appealing. There's a reason why he polls better against Trump than Biden or Warren or Buttplug.

Wages are up across the board under Trump. They have risen by a higher percentage among lower wage earners. Of course, you have to actually be trying to work to reap these benefits. The reason Bernie and the other wackadoo Socialists lool appealing is because of a lazy, entitlement and envious sentitment among many liberals, especially young(and naive) ones. You have no excuse to be so naive and ignorant.

Not really true.
Wages have not kept up with inflation.
In particular, few Americans can afford to own their own home any more.
And the low wage earners are the getting hurt the most.
Jobs are disappearing and going to China still.
One of the main reasons this is happening is that Trump has not fixed health care any more than Obama did.
Manufacturers are still saddled with the high inflated cost of health care, so can't compete globally.
We need to stop giving tax exemptions for employer benefits, and get employers out of our health care entirely.
Every post you make references racism. What is your problem other than being dumber than a box of rocks?

Because, honestly, it's the only thing animating the corpse of the Republican Party.

All your economic ideas suck and you know it... but you keep the dumb -ass white trash in Jesusland upset the Darkies might take their jobs or date their daughters.... and you can get his dumb white trash ass to vote for anything.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.
That's the binary situation we find ourselves in. And those of us whose thought processes don't work that way are being drowned out, even though there's more of us than there is of them.

The majority is like the kids in a cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food fight. We're wondering how much cleanup will be needed once the adults take control again.
And here he goes again.............the only adult in the room.

Another legend in his own mind.....The more temperate and measured iron fist.

We are all legends in our own minds...

Many of us believe our penis is larger than others and that is why so many act like big dicks while the actual size is smaller in reality.

Fact is Mac question is honest and no Obama can not save the Democrats from political suicide but will his ego allow him sit and let them kill the political party?
Why should it be saved...........LOL

Burn it to the ground........we don't want the Far Left idiocy in this country.

We are a Republic and if the State of California want it who am I to say no?

If the State of Oklahoma says no who am I to say no?

As a Republic we are built by Fifty States that are govern by Fifty Different ways at times, which is what make us different.

I see no reason to destroy another political party completely unless you are one of those that believe in a one political party rule, are you?

If you are why are you so afraid of the opposition opinion and can you see you have more in common with the likes of Cortez and Talib with narrow minded views and less with our founding fathers?
Then HONOR the Constitution with the Enumerated Powers and RESTORE all the other powers to the state as it was intended.

We gave gov't too much power........and now it's a monster...........

The left doesn't want to stop with just Cali.............they want their views nationwide.....

So..............I will attack that agenda..........

The Far Left is the Dems problem with it...........right now they are destroying the Dem party........

Frankenstein's monster of the left.
Personally he can not stop the idiot train and turn it around.

Radicals have spoken and now they consider Obama conservative and Trump wise and savior of our Republic...
I saw interviews of people in Minneapolis who won't support Amy Klobuchar, because (they said) that she's basically a republican.
The Republican created Romneycare was used in Massachusetts and there are similarities to that and Obamacare. But I bet you did not know that the people of Massachusetts tried to stop Obamacare. Senator Kennedy was diagnosed with brain cancer, but they knew that they needed his vote to pass the legislation in the Senate. So do you know what they did, they tried to get the laws changed so that someone could fill in who was appointed who would vote for Obamacare like he wanted. Problem is, that attempt failed as Scott Brown, the first Republican to be elected to the Senate in the liberal state in decades who ran on stopping Obamacare, was elected. So there he was poised to stop the legislation in the Senate but the democrats used Reconciliation to bypass him. Of course, the only way they could get their own members to vote for the bill was to bribe them like they did the Cornhusker kickback, etc. That is when you heard Pelosi in the House famously say, "We need to first pass the legislation so we can read it and know what is in it."

Blah, blah, blah... yes, we get the disgraceful manuevers that stuck us with the ACA. What they SHOULD have done was deployed the nuclear option, put in the Public Option and Medicare Buy In, and been done with it instead of going Republican Lite to appease Joe Lieberjew (D-Israel).

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Silly Americans, only my Zionist Masters get universal Healthcare that you pay for!.

In short, I am in favor of states creating their own health care system like they did in MA. I may not agree with it, but a liberal state should be able to pass liberal policies. Likewise, a conservative state should be able to pass conservative polices. This is how Federalism is designed to work. That way you have a myriad of various health care policies out there and then we can see what actually works better verses forcing a divided nation to put all it's eggs in one basket win, lose, or draw. Instead, Progressives have created a top heavy government where the President now lives our lives for us. He tells us what doctors we should have, what health treatments we can obtain, what teacher educates our children and with what curriculum, and even what pots we are able to piss in.

Progressives have destroyed Federalism.

No. What we need is single payer with health coverage as a right. It's not like this is new territory EVERY OTHER INDUSTRIALIZED NATION HAS UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE.

That big Pharma, Big Insurance and Big Medical block any reform because they can't make as much money off human suffering is the problem.

That is right my friend, Lieberman, who is a dirty Jew, helped them forgo the single payer.

How anti-Semitic of you, but then, democrats are allowed to be so. Right?
And here he goes again.............the only adult in the room.

Another legend in his own mind.....The more temperate and measured iron fist.

We are all legends in our own minds...

Many of us believe our penis is larger than others and that is why so many act like big dicks while the actual size is smaller in reality.

Fact is Mac question is honest and no Obama can not save the Democrats from political suicide but will his ego allow him sit and let them kill the political party?
Why should it be saved...........LOL

Burn it to the ground........we don't want the Far Left idiocy in this country.

We are a Republic and if the State of California want it who am I to say no?

If the State of Oklahoma says no who am I to say no?

As a Republic we are built by Fifty States that are govern by Fifty Different ways at times, which is what make us different.

I see no reason to destroy another political party completely unless you are one of those that believe in a one political party rule, are you?

If you are why are you so afraid of the opposition opinion and can you see you have more in common with the likes of Cortez and Talib with narrow minded views and less with our founding fathers?
Then HONOR the Constitution with the Enumerated Powers and RESTORE all the other powers to the state as it was intended.

We gave gov't too much power........and now it's a monster...........

The left doesn't want to stop with just Cali.............they want their views nationwide.....

So..............I will attack that agenda..........

The Far Left is the Dems problem with it...........right now they are destroying the Dem party........

Frankenstein's monster of the left.

I agree the Federal Government is a monster but has been since Lincoln day, so can not stop that any longer.

Fact is Democrats, Republicand and Even Green love big brother, so unless you go Libertarian you are stuck with this monster.

So if you burn down left party the right party should also see the same ending, well that is my opinion.

Fact is George W. Bush war on Terror is what we suffer from today and the growth of big brother...

So how do you prevent another Republican doing it again?
When Trump won in 2016, I expressed concern that the blowback from the hardcore Left would be so strong that the Democratic Party would be taken over by the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, leaving us with a truly fucked up choice in 2020.

So, bang, here we are. Obama sees it, too: Obama looms over divided Democratic primary

So, can Obama save the party?

His latest remarks came last week as Obama met with party donors in California, where he urged Democrats to “chill out” about the primary contest and prepare to rally behind the eventual nominee. But he also appeared to warn against calling for too drastic of change.

“When you listen to the average voter — even ones who aren’t stalwart Democrats, but who are more independent or are low-information voters — they don’t feel that things are working well, but they’re also nervous about changes that might take away what little they have,” Obama said.

For some Democrats, Obama’s remarks reinforced their concerns that the primary field has lurched too far to the left and that the party may be barreling toward a loss in 2020 unless it can unite behind a moderate nominee capable of appealing to a broader swath of voters in the general election.

“I think that to some extent Obama is the canary in the coal mine,” said Dick Harpootlian, a former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party who is supporting former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential bid. “He’s warning Democrats that if you buy an agenda that is not relevant or salable in November, you’re guaranteeing Donald Trump a second term.”

People are unsure what the democrat Party stands for. They need to rebrand as Socialist/Communist
When Trump won in 2016, I expressed concern that the blowback from the hardcore Left would be so strong that the Democratic Party would be taken over by the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, leaving us with a truly fucked up choice in 2020.

So, bang, here we are. Obama sees it, too: Obama looms over divided Democratic primary

So, can Obama save the party?

His latest remarks came last week as Obama met with party donors in California, where he urged Democrats to “chill out” about the primary contest and prepare to rally behind the eventual nominee. But he also appeared to warn against calling for too drastic of change.

“When you listen to the average voter — even ones who aren’t stalwart Democrats, but who are more independent or are low-information voters — they don’t feel that things are working well, but they’re also nervous about changes that might take away what little they have,” Obama said.

For some Democrats, Obama’s remarks reinforced their concerns that the primary field has lurched too far to the left and that the party may be barreling toward a loss in 2020 unless it can unite behind a moderate nominee capable of appealing to a broader swath of voters in the general election.

“I think that to some extent Obama is the canary in the coal mine,” said Dick Harpootlian, a former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party who is supporting former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential bid. “He’s warning Democrats that if you buy an agenda that is not relevant or salable in November, you’re guaranteeing Donald Trump a second term.”

Is Mac suggesting he will be voting for the extreme left anyway?

Mac is so confusing. He claims he is against Trump's spending. Yet, he votes for democrats and will vote for any democrat. Even the ones proposing a $93 trillion dollar new green deal AND Medicare for all. Get that? Against Trump spending and votes for democrats.

He claims he hates identity politics and votes for democrats. Now, he is seemingly suggesting that obama was not an extreme leftist? That he did not engage in identity politics. That is the only thing the democrats have used for 50 years. They have been socialists since Woodrow Wilson.

Is there a bigger example of what a deranged hypocritical extreme leftist than Mac. Is it the lies that he tells us or the ones he tells himself that creeps you out more about Mac?
I know my politics confuse you. They're not terribly complicated, but they flummox you terribly.

I don't how to fix that. Plus, I know you're going to fabricate my positions anyway, so I don't know what to tell you.

Can't help you. Sorry.
What exactly am I getting wrong? Be specific.

Watch now folks as Mac obfuscates and then accuses me of obfuscating. You know, as he obfuscates.

He still thinks someone like me who proclaims I am a disgraceful sinner is being a hypocrite when I proclaim that I am disgraceful sinner.

Do you think Mac needs help? I will admit I need it. No doubt.

Is Mac certifiable though? He is weird.
Yes, I know you think I'm "weird".

I have no need to obfuscate, I just know that trying to communicate with nutters is pointless.

Here. Absolutely, 100% full disclosure, no obfuscation. This is the second line of my sig, linked to a thread in which I disembowel a Regressive Lefty. My positions on the issues are made quite clear: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.

Do you have the balls to read it? If you do, you'll know your "extreme leftist" silliness is just more nutter dishonesty.

Or will you obfuscate?

Mac: Pro choice, open to ban on late term abortions
"Open" to ban on late term abortions? Good, good for you.

Boy, that is some assertiveness there.

Health Care
Mac: Expand the Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system to all
Expanding medicare? Supplement medicare advantage system to all?

You have any specifics there like cost and how much you are willing to expand?


Mac: Legalize 'em, put 'em at end of line for citizenship, seal the borders
The party you vote for is not for sealing anything. Put them in back of the line? Trump was trying to do that and aoc went down there and fake cried at an empty lot while lying that that they were drinking out of toilets.

Gay Marriage
Mac: Pro gay marriage



War/Foreign Policy
Mac: We are not the policeman of the world, get out of the Middle East now

So, you were on the side of Trump when he did that? Not sure you have any rudimentary understanding of logistical realities.

Personal Income Taxes
Mac: Add four new, higher tax margins up to 54.9%, install META (my term, Minimum Effective Tax Rate)

Do you think there will ever be something passed that the democrats will pass that will not have loopholes for themselves or individuals that donate big money to their party? When the rich INDIVIDUALS pull money out and hide overseas or under other tax shelters, what do you suppose then happens to the stock market?

Corporate Income Taxes

Mac: Decrease to 15% with a 5% META; two-year tax moratorium on repatriated money

Nobody in your party is running on that or wants that. Trump doea.

Political Correctness
Mac: Virulently anti-PC because it is destructive, cowardly, dishonest and divisive

Everything your party runs on is based on political correctness.

Identity Politics
Mac: Virulently against because it is destructive, cowardly, dishonest and divisive

Everything your party runs on is based on identity politics.

Mac: Need reform; maintain safety standards and current benefits, eliminate inefficient rules and after-work pensions

Unions started out with good intentions, but then of course big money, bribes and corruption is the only reality with most unions. It is the union HEADS that truly benefit from today's reality and the party you vote for will not be doing any reforms with unions.

Gun Control

Mac: Agree with mainstream Democrat approach of reasonable restrictions and expectations
Explain reasonable and provide some logistic realities. Your brethren wants all guns banned. So, what realistic plan do you have. There are some 300 million guns in circulation. Get them from just the white law abiding citizens with threats of prison time. Over 200 million legal gun owners. Those are the givens, now give me your solutions.
Michael Smerconish had a guess on discussing Obama remarks and it made me realize how far left Democrats have gone...

Obama is correct the Democrats ( especially Socialist Democrats ) need to chill but can Obama save them or have they lunged to the left that it is now Cortez and Sanders type Democrats and no longer Bill Clinton or even Joe Biden Democrats?

I say the party is lost...

Under normal circumstance, I might agree. But here's the thing, even in "good" economic times, Capitalism is such a shit sandwich for most people that Socialism of Bernie might look appealing. There's a reason why he polls better against Trump than Biden or Warren or Buttplug.

Wages are up across the board under Trump. They have risen by a higher percentage among lower wage earners. Of course, you have to actually be trying to work to reap these benefits. The reason Bernie and the other wackadoo Socialists lool appealing is because of a lazy, entitlement and envious sentitment among many liberals, especially young(and naive) ones. You have no excuse to be so naive and ignorant.

Not really true.
Wages have not kept up with inflation.
In particular, few Americans can afford to own their own home any more.
FYI: the home ownership rate in the U.S. is around 65% and climbing, which isn't what any reasonable person would define as "few".

The peak was in 2004 at just over 69% but as you might imagine that crashed during the recession of 2007-2009; however it recovered and has been climbing since 2016.

Jobs are disappearing and going to China still.
Hmmm... how do you explain that fact that we're currently at full employment ?
His support of Oboingo means -in his mind- that he isn't racist....Classic tokenism.....And because he has the token, all who don't are racists by definition.

Well, no, I know I am not racist (Despite being the product of a racist society/culture) because I stand for the right things and fairness.

That you guys use disparing terms for Obama like "Oboingo" and "the Nig" says a lot about your racism.

Incidentally, I didn't vote for Obama in 2008. I voted for McCain because he was more experienced. I did vote for him in 2012 because Romney represented everything wrong with the GOP. A slavish devotion to corporate greed coupled with religious crazy. (And they don't get any crazier than the Mormons.)
The DEMS have a problem in my view. Well, 2 problems. Republicans are able to view an election as a strategic undertaking and will vote for anyone who wins their nomination. Trump is not a conservative; not a family values supporter, generally a scumbag who worships one thing; the blob he sees in the mirror.

From 8 years ago, this is a massive change in Republican demographics. Their voters have zero principles and are just dumb enough to believe what they are told.

The DEMS on the other hand, look at elections as if you get some sort of medal for not getting your party’s nomination that matters. Bernier supporters in particular.

The other problem is this…

I often listen to podcasts. One is “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me” which is a comedic quiz show on NPR. During one of the set-ups to their bluff the listener segment, the host stated something to the effect that you can’t go on a good vacation for $5,000.00. I looked at the radio in my car with my mouth open really astounded that they actually said that. I know it’s a comedy show but the set-up isn’t meant to be a punch line. Also, one time the hosts of another show were talking about their reactions to Notre Dame burning down. All of them had visited the cathedral “numerous times”. While it’s no big deal, it seems to me that this is a symptom of elitist positioning. The broadcast was’t meant to be political but it is a symptom of what is; the dreaded “out of touch” label.

Actually Dems have 3 problems. No candidates, no platform and no clue.

Yours is a silly and not surprisingly stupid assessment. They will have nominee, they have a platform, and cluelessness is relative.

The only question that matters is if they can get the vote out in WI, MI, PA.

Yep, they will have a candidate, not a very good candidate, but they will have one. A platform? What is their shit for all platform or I hate Trump platform?

I hate Trump may be enough since he is so despised by all who haven’t drank the kool aid. LOL
It's very liberal of him to force people to purchase a product from corporations

Do you think Bernie would do that? One of the main disagreements between him and the Hildabeast was on Obamacare. He didn't like empowering the insurance cartels even more. He is very opposed to giant corporate power and the influence it has over politics. That seems like a pretty big difference from Obama and Hillary who are basically just corporate stooges.

People like to talk shit about Bernie being worth a few million dollars, but the man has been a senator for decades and had a very serious presidential run. He is one of the poorest people in D.C and he has been there for a very long time. He's one of the few people that right or wrong actually stays consistent. He is rivaled only by the likes of Ron Paul when it comes to consistency over the years.

I guess what I'm trying to say is love him or hate him Bernie is a true populist that actually believes the shit that comes out of his own mouth. Right or wrong he actually has heart, passion and a desire to do what he thinks is right. He's not some bought and paid for partisan stooge like Obama and Hillary. He's a different kind of beast and I think that matters. In my opinion even if you're right wing you should prefer a guy like Bernie over people like Hillary and Obama.
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His support of Oboingo means -in his mind- that he isn't racist....Classic tokenism.....And because he has the token, all who don't are racists by definition.

Well, no, I know I am not racist (Despite being the product of a racist society/culture) because I stand for the right things and fairness.
No not a racist, you're just an anti-semitic fascist.:cool:
Every post you make references racism. What is your problem other than being dumber than a box of rocks?

Because, honestly, it's the only thing animating the corpse of the Republican Party.

All your economic ideas suck and you know it... but you keep the dumb -ass white trash in Jesusland upset the Darkies might take their jobs or date their daughters.... and you can get his dumb white trash ass to vote for anything.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.

Think about this for a minute genius Have you ever heard of an independent that claims to be economically liberal and socially conservative? There are maybe 100 independents that would make that claim. The economic policies of today's liberals is akin to that of an 8th grader running for class president promising free pizza on Fridays. He doesn't care who pays for the pizza and the kids voting for him aren't mature enough to even know that is a concern. Democrats of today are either a) economically illiterate b) don't have any skin in the game and don't care if the standard of living drops for working people if it helps the non-working people or c) are in the elite class and hope to control poor serfs.
That is right my friend, Lieberman, who is a dirty Jew, helped them forgo the single payer.

How anti-Semitic of you, but then, democrats are allowed to be so. Right?

Leiberman put the interests of Israel over the interests of America - EVERY TIME.

He defines "Dual Loyalty"....
Fact is Mac question is honest and no Obama can not save the Democrats from political suicide but will his ego allow him sit and let them kill the political party?
Oboingo's ego is already shot to hell, by the mere fact that nearly all of his eight years has been pushed back by the stroke of a pen...Ruling by edict has its downshots.

As for him "saving" the party, he is the one who gave them the great big shove to the left...Meanwhile, everyone is sitting around gobsmacked as though they've never heard of this thing called "inertia"....Far too many people sitting around and clucking their tongues about the divisiveness and tribalasm of today had absolutely no problem with them while their boi was cranking those things up to 11 during his regime.
No not a racist, you're just an anti-semitic fascist.

Again, the Zionists gave up any whining about Anti-Semitism when they started applying Fascist tactics to the Palestinians, who are also Semites...

Silly me, I don't think America has any business in a fight between two groups of Semites over who an Imaginary Sky Pixie promised a strip of desert to.

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