Can Obama save the Democrats?

When Trump won in 2016, I expressed concern that the blowback from the hardcore Left would be so strong that the Democratic Party would be taken over by the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, leaving us with a truly fucked up choice in 2020.
But you weren't concerned Trump's election marked a GOP takeover by the illiberal, authoritarian, bigoted, regressive Right?
Of course I was. I voted against him. That's the point: That leaves us with a lousy choice next year.
So, just to be clear here. Trump is an authoritarian, and extremely bigoted?

That is your belief.

And you are against the blowback that you say you hate? See most of us that vote for Trump understand that the bumper sticker accusations from the left are just that.

Trump, in the public for 40+ years was never accused of racism and then he rode the escalator down in 2015 and he is worse than hitler.

I could swear you are agreeing with the the left that accuse him of that. Do you? Do you agree is the biggest racist bigot since hitler?

We are all confused by you.
I don't think everyone is confused.

No, I don't think Trump is the biggest racist bigot since Hitler.

Trump, in the public for 40+ years was never accused of racism and then he rode the escalator down in 2015 and he is worse than hitler.

Um, yeah, he was accused of racism a lot of times before 2015.

He was accused of it - rightly- when he spread racist stories about Obama being born in Kenya.

He was accused of it when he took out full page ads calling for the execution of the Central Park 5 who later turned out to be innocent.

He was accused of racism when his corporation was sued by Nixon's HUD for racial discrimination.

Seriously, how fucking racist do you need to be to get Tricky Dick to tell you to tone it down a bit.

Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019
No not a racist, you're just an anti-semitic fascist.

Again, the Zionists gave up any whining about Anti-Semitism when they started applying Fascist tactics to the Palestinians, who are also Semites...

Silly me, I don't think America has any business in a fight between two groups of Semites over who an Imaginary Sky Pixie promised a strip of desert to.

Wow, you went full Godwin... never go full Godwin...

You would think I was a dirty Jew.

Is that what you think?
No not a racist, you're just an anti-semitic fascist.

Again, the Zionists gave up any whining about Anti-Semitism when they started applying Fascist tactics to the Palestinians, who are also Semites...

Silly me, I don't think America has any business in a fight between two groups of Semites over who an Imaginary Sky Pixie promised a strip of desert to.

Wow, you went full Godwin... never go full Godwin...

LOL, how ironic coming from someone that regularly performs a supremely convincing Reinhard Heydrich impression. :rolleyes:
When Trump won in 2016, I expressed concern that the blowback from the hardcore Left would be so strong that the Democratic Party would be taken over by the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, leaving us with a truly fucked up choice in 2020.

So, bang, here we are. Obama sees it, too: Obama looms over divided Democratic primary

So, can Obama save the party?

His latest remarks came last week as Obama met with party donors in California, where he urged Democrats to “chill out” about the primary contest and prepare to rally behind the eventual nominee. But he also appeared to warn against calling for too drastic of change.

“When you listen to the average voter — even ones who aren’t stalwart Democrats, but who are more independent or are low-information voters — they don’t feel that things are working well, but they’re also nervous about changes that might take away what little they have,” Obama said.

For some Democrats, Obama’s remarks reinforced their concerns that the primary field has lurched too far to the left and that the party may be barreling toward a loss in 2020 unless it can unite behind a moderate nominee capable of appealing to a broader swath of voters in the general election.

“I think that to some extent Obama is the canary in the coal mine,” said Dick Harpootlian, a former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party who is supporting former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential bid. “He’s warning Democrats that if you buy an agenda that is not relevant or salable in November, you’re guaranteeing Donald Trump a second term.”


Obama is largely responsible for putting the stupid assholes in the hole they're in now.
When Trump won in 2016, I expressed concern that the blowback from the hardcore Left would be so strong that the Democratic Party would be taken over by the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, leaving us with a truly fucked up choice in 2020.
But you weren't concerned Trump's election marked a GOP takeover by the illiberal, authoritarian, bigoted, regressive Right?
Of course I was. I voted against him. That's the point: That leaves us with a lousy choice next year.
So, just to be clear here. Trump is an authoritarian, and extremely bigoted?

That is your belief.

And you are against the blowback that you say you hate? See most of us that vote for Trump understand that the bumper sticker accusations from the left are just that.

Trump, in the public for 40+ years was never accused of racism and then he rode the escalator down in 2015 and he is worse than hitler.

I could swear you are agreeing with the the left that accuse him of that. Do you? Do you agree is the biggest racist bigot since hitler?

We are all confused by you.
I don't think everyone is confused.

No, I don't think Trump is the biggest racist bigot since Hitler.

No, not clear. Not at all.
When Trump won in 2016, I expressed concern that the blowback from the hardcore Left would be so strong that the Democratic Party would be taken over by the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, leaving us with a truly fucked up choice in 2020.
But you weren't concerned Trump's election marked a GOP takeover by the illiberal, authoritarian, bigoted, regressive Right?
Of course I was. I voted against him. That's the point: That leaves us with a lousy choice next year.
So, just to be clear here. Trump is an authoritarian, and extremely bigoted?

That is your belief.

And you are against the blowback that you say you hate? See most of us that vote for Trump understand that the bumper sticker accusations from the left are just that.

Trump, in the public for 40+ years was never accused of racism and then he rode the escalator down in 2015 and he is worse than hitler.

I could swear you are agreeing with the the left that accuse him of that. Do you? Do you agree is the biggest racist bigot since hitler?

We are all confused by you.
I don't think everyone is confused.

No, I don't think Trump is the biggest racist bigot since Hitler.

No, not clear. Not at all.
Holy crap.

So "no" isn't clear enough.

I don't think that's my fault.
When Trump won in 2016, I expressed concern that the blowback from the hardcore Left would be so strong that the Democratic Party would be taken over by the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, leaving us with a truly fucked up choice in 2020.

So, bang, here we are. Obama sees it, too: Obama looms over divided Democratic primary

So, can Obama save the party?

His latest remarks came last week as Obama met with party donors in California, where he urged Democrats to “chill out” about the primary contest and prepare to rally behind the eventual nominee. But he also appeared to warn against calling for too drastic of change.

“When you listen to the average voter — even ones who aren’t stalwart Democrats, but who are more independent or are low-information voters — they don’t feel that things are working well, but they’re also nervous about changes that might take away what little they have,” Obama said.

For some Democrats, Obama’s remarks reinforced their concerns that the primary field has lurched too far to the left and that the party may be barreling toward a loss in 2020 unless it can unite behind a moderate nominee capable of appealing to a broader swath of voters in the general election.

“I think that to some extent Obama is the canary in the coal mine,” said Dick Harpootlian, a former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party who is supporting former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential bid. “He’s warning Democrats that if you buy an agenda that is not relevant or salable in November, you’re guaranteeing Donald Trump a second term.”

Obama did not give a shit about anybody other than those who supported him... He’s a racist control freak… Who happens to be half black
When Trump won in 2016, I expressed concern that the blowback from the hardcore Left would be so strong that the Democratic Party would be taken over by the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, leaving us with one truly fucked up choice in 2020.

If the Democrats had played it safe in 2008, Obama never would have gotten the nomination.

Playing it safe is a sure way to lose.

There is no one the Democrats could nominate that would be worse than a continuation of the daily horror show that is Trump. That you Vichy Liberals on Wall Street are more afraid of Liz Warren making you share than what the crazy man might do with those nukes.... that's on you.
You mean Pocahontas
I think that's largely true.

My theory on this is that, when Obama won, the hardcore Lefties figured the battle was over -- that demographics would take over and the "change" they wanted to see was inevitable and imminent. Trump's win was so shocking to them that, well, they pretty much lost their shit. So it's that energy that has turned the party into whatever the hell it is today. So yeah, his wins may be playing a role in this.

yes, I don't know why liberals would be upset that a misogynistic, racist facsist crazy person is in charge. That's a total overreaction.

Okay, one more time. Hillary didn't lose because a bunch of the same old, stupid, white racist fuckers voted for Trump. These same old racist fucks voted for Romney right after they got over the fact he was a Mormon. They voted for McCain despite Bush crashing the economy. They voted for Bush even though he outright lied us into a war. You can't fix stupid.

What Did Mrs. Clinton in were all the self-righteous assholes who pissed away their votes on third parties.... because the media told them Hillary had this in the bag and they could afford to be self-righteous.
Bedwet much... lol
Michael Smerconish had a guess on discussing Obama remarks and it made me realize how far left Democrats have gone...

Obama is correct the Democrats ( especially Socialist Democrats ) need to chill but can Obama save them or have they lunged to the left that it is now Cortez and Sanders type Democrats and no longer Bill Clinton or even Joe Biden Democrats?

I say the party is lost...

Under normal circumstance, I might agree. But here's the thing, even in "good" economic times, Capitalism is such a shit sandwich for most people that Socialism of Bernie might look appealing. There's a reason why he polls better against Trump than Biden or Warren or Buttplug.
Socialists are worthless human beings…
Really, Joey? Still going with the "can't trust Trump with the nukes cause he's CRAZY!" narrative?

Wall Street is "afraid" of Liz Warren because her economic policies will put us into a major recession and she really won't care!

Funny, you guys said the same thing about Obama, and funny thing... he got us out of the Bush Great Recession... but you were too busy being racist to notice...


Well who created this monster? It seems to me that Mr. Partisan shill who shoved a massive health care policy devoid of any Republican participation, Mr. RESIST at any cost has created the beast we have now. Oh, and I might add that this same democratic party is demanding to replace the health care system they all shoved down our collective throats and the ink is not even dry on the legislation. We tried to warn all of you ignorant fools.

You left out the part where the system that he supported was one Republicans advocated for years, until the Black Guy did it. Democrats always wanted Single Payer.... ACA was a compromise with the GOP and their masters in the Insurance industry... But it's like that movie where you make a shady deal with the bad guy and he screws you...
Apparently you don’t know the meaning of racist… Been cooped up too long in your mothers basement?
But you weren't concerned Trump's election marked a GOP takeover by the illiberal, authoritarian, bigoted, regressive Right?
Of course I was. I voted against him. That's the point: That leaves us with a lousy choice next year.
So, just to be clear here. Trump is an authoritarian, and extremely bigoted?

That is your belief.

And you are against the blowback that you say you hate? See most of us that vote for Trump understand that the bumper sticker accusations from the left are just that.

Trump, in the public for 40+ years was never accused of racism and then he rode the escalator down in 2015 and he is worse than hitler.

I could swear you are agreeing with the the left that accuse him of that. Do you? Do you agree is the biggest racist bigot since hitler?

We are all confused by you.
I don't think everyone is confused.

No, I don't think Trump is the biggest racist bigot since Hitler.

No, not clear. Not at all.
Holy crap.

So "no" isn't clear enough.

I don't think that's my fault.
No, not at all
When Trump won in 2016, I expressed concern that the blowback from the hardcore Left would be so strong that the Democratic Party would be taken over by the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, leaving us with a truly fucked up choice in 2020.

So, bang, here we are. Obama sees it, too: Obama looms over divided Democratic primary

So, can Obama save the party?

His latest remarks came last week as Obama met with party donors in California, where he urged Democrats to “chill out” about the primary contest and prepare to rally behind the eventual nominee. But he also appeared to warn against calling for too drastic of change.

“When you listen to the average voter — even ones who aren’t stalwart Democrats, but who are more independent or are low-information voters — they don’t feel that things are working well, but they’re also nervous about changes that might take away what little they have,” Obama said.

For some Democrats, Obama’s remarks reinforced their concerns that the primary field has lurched too far to the left and that the party may be barreling toward a loss in 2020 unless it can unite behind a moderate nominee capable of appealing to a broader swath of voters in the general election.

“I think that to some extent Obama is the canary in the coal mine,” said Dick Harpootlian, a former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party who is supporting former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential bid. “He’s warning Democrats that if you buy an agenda that is not relevant or salable in November, you’re guaranteeing Donald Trump a second term.”

Obama may be evil but he’s not stupid

So warning the dems not to go full leftwing crazy is good advice
When Trump won in 2016, I expressed concern that the blowback from the hardcore Left would be so strong that the Democratic Party would be taken over by the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, leaving us with a truly fucked up choice in 2020.

So, bang, here we are. Obama sees it, too: Obama looms over divided Democratic primary

So, can Obama save the party?

His latest remarks came last week as Obama met with party donors in California, where he urged Democrats to “chill out” about the primary contest and prepare to rally behind the eventual nominee. But he also appeared to warn against calling for too drastic of change.

“When you listen to the average voter — even ones who aren’t stalwart Democrats, but who are more independent or are low-information voters — they don’t feel that things are working well, but they’re also nervous about changes that might take away what little they have,” Obama said.

For some Democrats, Obama’s remarks reinforced their concerns that the primary field has lurched too far to the left and that the party may be barreling toward a loss in 2020 unless it can unite behind a moderate nominee capable of appealing to a broader swath of voters in the general election.

“I think that to some extent Obama is the canary in the coal mine,” said Dick Harpootlian, a former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party who is supporting former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential bid. “He’s warning Democrats that if you buy an agenda that is not relevant or salable in November, you’re guaranteeing Donald Trump a second term.”


This is the party the Kenyan wanted. Its just revealing itself a little too early.
The Republican created Romneycare was used in Massachusetts and there are similarities to that and Obamacare. But I bet you did not know that the people of Massachusetts tried to stop Obamacare. Senator Kennedy was diagnosed with brain cancer, but they knew that they needed his vote to pass the legislation in the Senate. So do you know what they did, they tried to get the laws changed so that someone could fill in who was appointed who would vote for Obamacare like he wanted. Problem is, that attempt failed as Scott Brown, the first Republican to be elected to the Senate in the liberal state in decades who ran on stopping Obamacare, was elected. So there he was poised to stop the legislation in the Senate but the democrats used Reconciliation to bypass him. Of course, the only way they could get their own members to vote for the bill was to bribe them like they did the Cornhusker kickback, etc. That is when you heard Pelosi in the House famously say, "We need to first pass the legislation so we can read it and know what is in it."

Blah, blah, blah... yes, we get the disgraceful manuevers that stuck us with the ACA. What they SHOULD have done was deployed the nuclear option, put in the Public Option and Medicare Buy In, and been done with it instead of going Republican Lite to appease Joe Lieberjew (D-Israel).

View attachment 292249
Silly Americans, only my Zionist Masters get universal Healthcare that you pay for!.

In short, I am in favor of states creating their own health care system like they did in MA. I may not agree with it, but a liberal state should be able to pass liberal policies. Likewise, a conservative state should be able to pass conservative polices. This is how Federalism is designed to work. That way you have a myriad of various health care policies out there and then we can see what actually works better verses forcing a divided nation to put all it's eggs in one basket win, lose, or draw. Instead, Progressives have created a top heavy government where the President now lives our lives for us. He tells us what doctors we should have, what health treatments we can obtain, what teacher educates our children and with what curriculum, and even what pots we are able to piss in.

Progressives have destroyed Federalism.

No. What we need is single payer with health coverage as a right. It's not like this is new territory EVERY OTHER INDUSTRIALIZED NATION HAS UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE.

That big Pharma, Big Insurance and Big Medical block any reform because they can't make as much money off human suffering is the problem.
Of course you like single payer, it fucks over every conservative in this country....
Really, Joey? Still going with the "can't trust Trump with the nukes cause he's CRAZY!" narrative?

Wall Street is "afraid" of Liz Warren because her economic policies will put us into a major recession and she really won't care!

Funny, you guys said the same thing about Obama, and funny thing... he got us out of the Bush Great Recession... but you were too busy being racist to notice...


Well who created this monster? It seems to me that Mr. Partisan shill who shoved a massive health care policy devoid of any Republican participation, Mr. RESIST at any cost has created the beast we have now. Oh, and I might add that this same democratic party is demanding to replace the health care system they all shoved down our collective throats and the ink is not even dry on the legislation. We tried to warn all of you ignorant fools.

You left out the part where the system that he supported was one Republicans advocated for years, until the Black Guy did it. Democrats always wanted Single Payer.... ACA was a compromise with the GOP and their masters in the Insurance industry... But it's like that movie where you make a shady deal with the bad guy and he screws you...

The Republican created Romneycare was used in Massachusetts and there are similarities to that and Obamacare. But I bet you did not know that the people of Massachusetts tried to stop Obamacare. Senator Kennedy was diagnosed with brain cancer, but they knew that they needed his vote to pass the legislation in the Senate. So do you know what they did, they tried to get the laws changed so that someone could fill in who was appointed who would vote for Obamacare like he wanted. Problem is, that attempt failed as Scott Brown, the first Republican to be elected to the Senate in the liberal state in decades who ran on stopping Obamacare, was elected. So there he was poised to stop the legislation in the Senate but the democrats used Reconciliation to bypass him. Of course, the only way they could get their own members to vote for the bill was to bribe them like they did the Cornhusker kickback, etc. That is when you heard Pelosi in the House famously say, "We need to first pass the legislation so we can read it and know what is in it."

In short, I am in favor of states creating their own health care system like they did in MA. I may not agree with it, but a liberal state should be able to pass liberal policies. Likewise, a conservative state should be able to pass conservative polices. This is how Federalism is designed to work. That way you have a myriad of various health care policies out there and then we can see what actually works better verses forcing a divided nation to put all it's eggs in one basket win, lose, or draw. Instead, Progressives have created a top heavy government where the President now lives our lives for us. He tells us what doctors we should have, what health treatments we can obtain, what teacher educates our children and with what curriculum, and even what pots we are able to piss in.

Progressives have destroyed Federalism.
Romney is a Republican just like Mike Doomsberg is a Republican....ROTFLMFAO!!!...Pander to whatever is the FLAVOR OF THE DAY....EVEN DERANGED LEFTIST LIKE THE YOUNG TURKS KNOWS IT

Soulless mittens, A total failure in private life and in public life… Sounds like a professor
Socialists are worthless human beings…

First of all, they're soulless drones, hairless primates at best, not human beings.

They're far beyond "worthless". They're a malignancy. The reduce the value of the people and things around them. They're a cancer in the gene pool, and the only way a bed wetter "contributes" anything to the planet, society or humanity is when they have an abortion.

LOL............who da hell would Hillary have put in.........
I like this version MUCH BETTER.

Oh I agree......
But.....I still say he's a NY Democrat by life history and only recently "converted" to being Republican.
So "better" may still be a far cry from what the nation really needs.

Just pay attention and remove the loyalty blinders.
Look at facts. I like much of what he has done, but I still think the Establishment has too much control over even D.J.Trump.

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