Can Obama Stop The Next School Shooting?


how'd I know you post that?!
Can Obama Stop The Next School Shooting?
Or any other shooting as well? Will his administration stop all the threats within U.S. borders from ISIS? Are we safe with Obama?
The next mass shooting can be blamed on Obama. He fixed it with his illegal Executive Orders.
yeah, if he goes out there and plays superman. but he won't because he doesn't care. if he did he wouldn't support abortion
It would be nice if new checks would keep the next crazy from getting high power guns. But, it's not perfect, I'm sure. But if it doesn't work, let's just open up gun sales to everyone everywhere, eh?

You do realize that your average deer rifle fires a significantly more powerful round father and more accurately than pretty much any "assault weapon" does, right? If we're worried about "high power guns" shouldn't we be going after Fudd guns first?
hunting rifles are slow to reload and have a slow rate of fire and take some skill to use with accuracy
on the other hand assault weapons have none of those flaws almost any one can you one.

It's no easier to aim an AR than a deer rifle.
The only difference is you don't have to cycle the bolt manually.
yes captain rationalization .....

There's no shame in admitting you're wrong....
It would be nice if new checks would keep the next crazy from getting high power guns. But, it's not perfect, I'm sure. But if it doesn't work, let's just open up gun sales to everyone everywhere, eh?

You do realize that your average deer rifle fires a significantly more powerful round father and more accurately than pretty much any "assault weapon" does, right? If we're worried about "high power guns" shouldn't we be going after Fudd guns first?
hunting rifles are slow to reload and have a slow rate of fire and take some skill to use with accuracy
on the other hand assault weapons have none of those flaws almost any one can you one.

It's no easier to aim an AR than a deer rifle.
The only difference is you don't have to cycle the bolt manually.
yes captain rationalization .....

There's no shame in admitting you're wrong....
If I were, I would .
Unlike yourself and many many other on this board.
You do realize that your average deer rifle fires a significantly more powerful round father and more accurately than pretty much any "assault weapon" does, right? If we're worried about "high power guns" shouldn't we be going after Fudd guns first?
hunting rifles are slow to reload and have a slow rate of fire and take some skill to use with accuracy
on the other hand assault weapons have none of those flaws almost any one can you one.

It's no easier to aim an AR than a deer rifle.
The only difference is you don't have to cycle the bolt manually.
yes captain rationalization .....

There's no shame in admitting you're wrong....
If I were, I would .
Unlike yourself and many many other on this board.

You dont know shit about firearms.
All you gun hating liberals need to do a little research before you speak, or is this just like every other liberal talking point where you just keep "changing the narrative of the argument" just like abortion is "women's health". At some point your bull shit reaches a tipping point. My father had a 30-06 semi automatic hunting rifle that was American made and more accurate than a bargain AR15 and it was made in the early 70's. A over action 30-30 can be fired almost as fast as an AR, been around since the late 1800's. Ever seen a John Wayne movie dumb asses. I heard that nit wit Mika Brzezinski on Morning Joe saying AR-15's had explosive rounds. Do any of you liberals know the AR round was designed to wound not kill because a wounded solider takes anther 2 men to care for him eliminating 3 men? It is a small high velocity round that makes a small hole straight through, unlike a large hand gun round that at lower velocity rips and tears large chunks of flesh. But you liberals are just clinging to the scary military rifle, as said here a Ruger mini 14 fires the same round holds the same number of rounds and [emoji33] costs less has a wood stock and looks like what it is a ranch rifle for shooting coyotes. I don't know why I waste my time you won't listen or learn, just "change the naritave" and keep the lefty faith

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Do you know what it does to liberal Obama ass-kissers when you can quote Dear Leader's hypocrisy? Nothing. They don't give a shit. That's why we rightfully look down our noses at them and dismiss their condemnation of us. They have no moral standing over us.
That would require them to have a moral and mental capacity to understand what they do.

But they will still be held responsible.
All you gun hating liberals need to do a little research before you speak, or is this just like every other liberal talking point where you just keep "changing the narrative of the argument" just like abortion is "women's health". At some point your bull shit reaches a tipping point. My father had a 30-06 semi automatic hunting rifle that was American made and more accurate than a bargain AR15 and it was made in the early 70's. A over action 30-30 can be fired almost as fast as an AR, been around since the late 1800's. Ever seen a John Wayne movie dumb asses. I heard that nit wit Mika Brzezinski on Morning Joe saying AR-15's had explosive rounds. Do any of you liberals know the AR round was designed to wound not kill because a wounded solider takes anther 2 men to care for him eliminating 3 men? It is a small high velocity round that makes a small hole straight through, unlike a large hand gun round that at lower velocity rips and tears large chunks of flesh. But you liberals are just clinging to the scary military rifle, as said here a Ruger mini 14 fires the same round holds the same number of rounds and [emoji33] costs less has a wood stock and looks like what it is a ranch rifle for shooting coyotes. I don't know why I waste my time you won't listen or learn, just "change the naritave" and keep the lefty faith

The lurkers are the only real reason to discuss this stuff here. The libtards are irreparable.
hunting rifles are slow to reload and have a slow rate of fire and take some skill to use with accuracy
on the other hand assault weapons have none of those flaws almost any one can you one.

It's no easier to aim an AR than a deer rifle.
The only difference is you don't have to cycle the bolt manually.
yes captain rationalization .....

There's no shame in admitting you're wrong....
If I were, I would .
Unlike yourself and many many other on this board.

You dont know shit about firearms.
go ahead and believe that if makes you feel any better, false as your assumption is,
Do you know what it does to liberal Obama ass-kissers when you can quote Dear Leader's hypocrisy? Nothing. They don't give a shit. That's why we rightfully look down our noses at them and dismiss their condemnation of us. They have no moral standing over us.
spoken like a true jingoist.
of course "we" have moral standing over you , you have none every thing you post just screams a lack of any real morality .
Do you know what it does to liberal Obama ass-kissers when you can quote Dear Leader's hypocrisy? Nothing. They don't give a shit. That's why we rightfully look down our noses at them and dismiss their condemnation of us. They have no moral standing over us.

Moral turpitude comes to mind.....
Crimes involving moral turpitude Crimes not involving moral turpitude
Crimes Against Property
  • Making false representation
  • Knowledge of such false representation by the perpetrator
  • Reliance on the false representation by the person defrauded
  • An intent to defraud
  • The actual act of committing fraud
Evil intent:

the above is an average work day for Donald trump
It's no easier to aim an AR than a deer rifle.
The only difference is you don't have to cycle the bolt manually.
yes captain rationalization .....

There's no shame in admitting you're wrong....
If I were, I would .
Unlike yourself and many many other on this board.

You dont know shit about firearms.
go ahead and believe that if makes you feel any better, false as your assumption is,

You dont know shit about firearms and everyone here knows it,and your assertion that a deer rifle is somehow harder to shoot than an AR proves it.
Do you know what it does to liberal Obama ass-kissers when you can quote Dear Leader's hypocrisy? Nothing. They don't give a shit. That's why we rightfully look down our noses at them and dismiss their condemnation of us. They have no moral standing over us.

Moral turpitude comes to mind.....
Crimes involving moral turpitude Crimes not involving moral turpitude
Crimes Against Property
  • Making false representation
  • Knowledge of such false representation by the perpetrator
  • Reliance on the false representation by the person defrauded
  • An intent to defraud
  • The actual act of committing fraud
Evil intent:

the above is an average work day for Donald trump

Get ready to call him Mr. President....

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