Can republicans at least admit Obama was a man of class and dignity regardless of his policies?

Obama wasn't nor will her ever be a classless slug who calls anyone who does not agree with his derogatory names and doubles down on lie, even when video and audio prove that he lied. Then his drooling supporters....say..."Yes, Dear Leader....whatever you say Dear Leader...."

Wrong! Obama was (at best) always a classless thug who delighted in appointing other classless thugs to the Nation's highest offices and lied to the public constantly. But what else would anyone expect from and admitted drug user and "community organizer".

Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
Someone who lies every other sentence, tramples our rights, steals from the American people, and helps our enemies, has neither class nor dignity.
So let's hear a lie from Obama that was not a prediction that was blocked.... Silly dupe. Pure brainwashed right-wing idiocy....
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I have plenty more, but you asked for "a lie".

Try these on for size:
Obama’s biggest whoppers

^^^^^still only a partial list^^^^^
That is not a lie stupid that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the Rich pay too much in taxes and our your benefactors.
Obama's promise that we could keep our health care plans and doctors was not a prediction. It was a sales pitch to Goober Gruber's "stupid American voters" to get them on board with liking his plan. So was the lie that rates would go down. Obubba and Goober Gruber both knew that existing plans would be cancelled and that rates would go up. There was no "blocking" involved. ObamaCare was and remains to be a catastrophe.

Obama flat out LIED!
Obama did not pass that bill it was the Democrats in Congress two or three years later. The prices didn't go up any faster after Obamacare and the cost rise curve has gone down. There are some GOP lies you believe Dupe. And it would do a lot better without GOP sabotage.
Actually he was stating a fact in the most polite way, brainwashed functional moron.

Obama wasn't nor will her ever be a classless slug who calls anyone who does not agree with his derogatory names and doubles down on lie, even when video and audio prove that he lied. Then his drooling supporters....say..."Yes, Dear Leader....whatever you say Dear Leader...."

Wrong! Obama was (at best) always a classless thug who delighted in appointing other classless thugs to the Nation's highest offices and lied to the public constantly. But what else would anyone expect from and admitted drug user and "community organizer".

Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
Someone who lies every other sentence, tramples our rights, steals from the American people, and helps our enemies, has neither class nor dignity.
So let's hear a lie from Obama that was not a prediction that was blocked.... Silly dupe. Pure brainwashed right-wing idiocy....
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I have plenty more, but you asked for "a lie".

Try these on for size:
Obama’s biggest whoppers

^^^^^still only a partial list^^^^^
That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the greedy idiot GOP Rich pay too much in taxes and are your benefactors.

That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said

That was a promise......he lied.
He also promised $2500 annual savings......another lie.
Actually he was stating a fact in the most polite way, brainwashed functional moron.

Obama wasn't nor will her ever be a classless slug who calls anyone who does not agree with his derogatory names and doubles down on lie, even when video and audio prove that he lied. Then his drooling supporters....say..."Yes, Dear Leader....whatever you say Dear Leader...."

Wrong! Obama was (at best) always a classless thug who delighted in appointing other classless thugs to the Nation's highest offices and lied to the public constantly. But what else would anyone expect from and admitted drug user and "community organizer".

Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
Are you suggesting that anyone who experiments with drugs is a bad person?

No, what I'm suggesting is that HE DID use the hard stuff by his own admission, and that's just what he admitted to.
Obama wasn't nor will her ever be a classless slug who calls anyone who does not agree with his derogatory names and doubles down on lie, even when video and audio prove that he lied. Then his drooling supporters....say..."Yes, Dear Leader....whatever you say Dear Leader...."

Wrong! Obama was (at best) always a classless thug who delighted in appointing other classless thugs to the Nation's highest offices and lied to the public constantly. But what else would anyone expect from and admitted drug user and "community organizer".

Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
Are you suggesting that anyone who experiments with drugs is a bad person?

No, what I'm suggesting is that HE DID use the hard stuff by his own admission, and that's just what he admitted to.
Yes, god, he is such a terrible person!
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
Someone who lies every other sentence, tramples our rights, steals from the American people, and helps our enemies, has neither class nor dignity.
So let's hear a lie from Obama that was not a prediction that was blocked.... Silly dupe. Pure brainwashed right-wing idiocy....

"Anybody making less than 250K a year will not see a tax increase of any kind."

So what was one of the first things he did? He instituted a huge tax on tobacco products; typically used by lower and middle-income people.
Wrong! Obama was (at best) always a classless thug who delighted in appointing other classless thugs to the Nation's highest offices and lied to the public constantly. But what else would anyone expect from and admitted drug user and "community organizer".

Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
Are you suggesting that anyone who experiments with drugs is a bad person?

No, what I'm suggesting is that HE DID use the hard stuff by his own admission, and that's just what he admitted to.
Yes, god, he is such a terrible person!

Did I say that? Perhaps you should follow the conversation to see what I was replying to. That might help you better understand my comment.
Obama wasn't nor will her ever be a classless slug who calls anyone who does not agree with his derogatory names and doubles down on lie, even when video and audio prove that he lied. Then his drooling supporters....say..."Yes, Dear Leader....whatever you say Dear Leader...."

Wrong! Obama was (at best) always a classless thug who delighted in appointing other classless thugs to the Nation's highest offices and lied to the public constantly. But what else would anyone expect from and admitted drug user and "community organizer".

Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
Someone who lies every other sentence, tramples our rights, steals from the American people, and helps our enemies, has neither class nor dignity.
So let's hear a lie from Obama that was not a prediction that was blocked.... Silly dupe. Pure brainwashed right-wing idiocy....
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I have plenty more, but you asked for "a lie".

Try these on for size:
Obama’s biggest whoppers

^^^^^still only a partial list^^^^^
That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the greedy idiot GOP Rich pay too much in taxes and are your benefactors.

That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said

That was a promise......he lied.
He also promised $2500 annual savings......another lie.
I know in the silly world of politics, anything a politician promises or predicts which does not happen makes him a liar. However, in the real world a lie is defined as knowingly speaking falsely. We don't call the weatherman a liar because he predicted a sunny day and he got it wrong, or your spouse because he said he would take out the garbage and he forgot, or the mom who promised her son she would bake him cake but she had to work late. Yet in politics anything a politician promises that does not materialize for whatever reason will brand him a liar. And we wonder why the best people stay out of politics.
Last edited:
Obama wasn't nor will her ever be a classless slug who calls anyone who does not agree with his derogatory names and doubles down on lie, even when video and audio prove that he lied. Then his drooling supporters....say..."Yes, Dear Leader....whatever you say Dear Leader...."

Wrong! Obama was (at best) always a classless thug who delighted in appointing other classless thugs to the Nation's highest offices and lied to the public constantly. But what else would anyone expect from and admitted drug user and "community organizer".

Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
Someone who lies every other sentence, tramples our rights, steals from the American people, and helps our enemies, has neither class nor dignity.
So let's hear a lie from Obama that was not a prediction that was blocked.... Silly dupe. Pure brainwashed right-wing idiocy....
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I have plenty more, but you asked for "a lie".

Try these on for size:
Obama’s biggest whoppers

^^^^^still only a partial list^^^^^
That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the greedy idiot GOP Rich pay too much in taxes and are your benefactors.

That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said

That was a promise......he lied.
He also promised $2500 annual savings......another lie.
Only you silly dupes believe he promised the $2,500 savings immediately. Consider that he promised guaranteed health insurance and a lowered cost curve considering what you get, IE not a GOP scam for a change and a solution for our health care mess. A promise that others break is not a lie, super dupe.
Wrong! Obama was (at best) always a classless thug who delighted in appointing other classless thugs to the Nation's highest offices and lied to the public constantly. But what else would anyone expect from and admitted drug user and "community organizer".

Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
Are you suggesting that anyone who experiments with drugs is a bad person?

Are you suggesting that junkies make good presidents?
No, because it’s pretty fucking obvious he isn’t a junkie.

No? Then he freely admitted criminal behavior. Are you suggesting self-confessed criminals make good presidents? That sort of thing seems to lead to appointing convicted felons and disbarred lawyers to public office doesn't it?
Last edited:
Hussaine has no class. Hussaine is basically an African scam artist who, were it not for the CIA or whoever recruited him, would be emailing you from Africa that if you send him $5,000 he will send you a million once he gets his money out of the bank account that is illegally holding it. :p
Hussaine has no class. He is basically a Kenyan crook who would be emailing you from Africa that if you send him $5,000 he will send you a million once he gets his money out of the bank account that is illegally holding it. :p
Always good to get the racist dupe Outlook...
Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
Are you suggesting that anyone who experiments with drugs is a bad person?

Are you suggesting that junkies make good presidents?
No, because it’s pretty fucking obvious he isn’t a junkie.

No? Then he freely admitted criminal behavior. Are you suggesting self-confessed criminals make good presidents? That sort of thing seems to lead to appointing convicted felons and disbarred lawyers to public office doesn't it?
It’s completely stupid to equate experimenting with Cocaine once with the equivalent of being a junkie. Even if you haven’t done it, I’m willing to bet you have a friend who has. Is he/she a human disgrace?
Wrong! Obama was (at best) always a classless thug who delighted in appointing other classless thugs to the Nation's highest offices and lied to the public constantly. But what else would anyone expect from and admitted drug user and "community organizer".

Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
Someone who lies every other sentence, tramples our rights, steals from the American people, and helps our enemies, has neither class nor dignity.
So let's hear a lie from Obama that was not a prediction that was blocked.... Silly dupe. Pure brainwashed right-wing idiocy....
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I have plenty more, but you asked for "a lie".

Try these on for size:
Obama’s biggest whoppers

^^^^^still only a partial list^^^^^
That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the greedy idiot GOP Rich pay too much in taxes and are your benefactors.

That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said

That was a promise......he lied.
He also promised $2500 annual savings......another lie.
I know in the silly world of politics, anything a politician promises or predicts which does not happen makes him a liar. However, in the real world a lie is defined as knowing speaking falsely. We don't call the weatherman a liar because he predicted a sunny day and he got it wrong, or your spouse because he said he would take out the garbage and he forgot, or the mom who promised her son she would bake him cake but she had to work late. Yet in politics anything a politician promises that does not materialize for whatever reason will brand him liar. And we wonder why the best people stay out of politics.

That's not why the best people stay out of politics.

Here is why good people stay out of politics:

Mitt Romney was heavily criticized because in high school, he tackled a kid and gave him a hair cut. He went on vacation and tied his dog carrier to the top of his SUV as if it was torturing the animal. The media lied about his involvement with a worker at a company he helped recover claiming that his wife died because Romney cut their insurance plan. He has a car elevator in his home as if that was some sort of crime.

During the Trump presidential run, they exposed a stupid comment he made over ten years earlier about grabbing women when he had no idea he was being recorded. They accused him of hiring prostitutes to urinate on Obama's hotel bed. They lied about a discrimination lawsuit that he fought until the very end. They accused him of entering a female dressing room to get a peek at Miss America contestants.

During the Bush run, the MSM accused Bush of deserting his military service with no proof whatsoever. They accused him of using cocaine with no evidence whatsoever. They made movies against him, wrote books against him, and even had a video game created where the object was to kill President Bush. They even went 20 years before his run to point out he had a DUI which he paid the fine for and was released.

This is why good people stay out of politics. And as long as we pay attention to garbage like this, it will be the reason good people in the future don't run.
Wrong! Obama was (at best) always a classless thug who delighted in appointing other classless thugs to the Nation's highest offices and lied to the public constantly. But what else would anyone expect from and admitted drug user and "community organizer".

Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
Someone who lies every other sentence, tramples our rights, steals from the American people, and helps our enemies, has neither class nor dignity.
So let's hear a lie from Obama that was not a prediction that was blocked.... Silly dupe. Pure brainwashed right-wing idiocy....
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I have plenty more, but you asked for "a lie".

Try these on for size:
Obama’s biggest whoppers

^^^^^still only a partial list^^^^^
That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the greedy idiot GOP Rich pay too much in taxes and are your benefactors.

That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said

That was a promise......he lied.
He also promised $2500 annual savings......another lie.
Only you silly dupes believe he promised the $2,500 savings immediately. Consider that he promised guaranteed health insurance and a lowered cost curve considering what you get, IE not a GOP scam for a change and a solution for our health care mess. A promise that others break is not a lie, super dupe.

Only you silly dupes believe he promised the $2,500 savings immediately.

What was his time frame? Link?

Consider that he promised guaranteed health insurance and a lowered cost curve considering what you get,

Charging people more for options they didn't want isn't lower cost.

a solution for our health care mess.

Is that why providers were fleeing the exchanges?

A promise that others break is not a lie,

Oh, so Obama promised $2500 annual savings, but others are to blame when prices rose instead? LOL!
Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
Are you suggesting that anyone who experiments with drugs is a bad person?

Are you suggesting that junkies make good presidents?
No, because it’s pretty fucking obvious he isn’t a junkie.

No? Then he freely admitted criminal behavior. Are you suggesting self-confessed criminals make good presidents? That sort of thing seems to lead to appointing convicted felons and disbarred lawyers to public office doesn't it?
It’s completely stupid to equate experimenting with Cocaine once with the equivalent of being a junkie. Even if you haven’t done it, I’m willing to bet you have a friend who has. Is he/she a human disgrace?

No Obama was a disgrace anyway.
Wrong! Obama was (at best) always a classless thug who delighted in appointing other classless thugs to the Nation's highest offices and lied to the public constantly. But what else would anyone expect from and admitted drug user and "community organizer".

Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
Someone who lies every other sentence, tramples our rights, steals from the American people, and helps our enemies, has neither class nor dignity.
So let's hear a lie from Obama that was not a prediction that was blocked.... Silly dupe. Pure brainwashed right-wing idiocy....
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I have plenty more, but you asked for "a lie".

Try these on for size:
Obama’s biggest whoppers

^^^^^still only a partial list^^^^^
That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the greedy idiot GOP Rich pay too much in taxes and are your benefactors.

That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said

That was a promise......he lied.
He also promised $2500 annual savings......another lie.
I know in the silly world of politics, anything a politician promises or predicts which does not happen makes him a liar. However, in the real world a lie is defined as knowing speaking falsely. We don't call the weatherman a liar because he predicted a sunny day and he got it wrong, or your spouse because he said he would take out the garbage and he forgot, or the mom who promised her son she would bake him cake but she had to work late. Yet in politics anything a politician promises that does not materialize for whatever reason will brand him liar. And we wonder why the best people stay out of politics.

However, in the real world a lie is defined as knowing speaking falsely.

So when he said he found out about Hillary's home server the same time we did, you agree he lied?
Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
So let's hear a lie from Obama that was not a prediction that was blocked.... Silly dupe. Pure brainwashed right-wing idiocy....
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I have plenty more, but you asked for "a lie".

Try these on for size:
Obama’s biggest whoppers

^^^^^still only a partial list^^^^^
That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the greedy idiot GOP Rich pay too much in taxes and are your benefactors.

That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said

That was a promise......he lied.
He also promised $2500 annual savings......another lie.
I know in the silly world of politics, anything a politician promises or predicts which does not happen makes him a liar. However, in the real world a lie is defined as knowing speaking falsely. We don't call the weatherman a liar because he predicted a sunny day and he got it wrong, or your spouse because he said he would take out the garbage and he forgot, or the mom who promised her son she would bake him cake but she had to work late. Yet in politics anything a politician promises that does not materialize for whatever reason will brand him liar. And we wonder why the best people stay out of politics.

That's not why the best people stay out of politics.

Here is why good people stay out of politics:

Mitt Romney was heavily criticized because in high school, he tackled a kid and gave him a hair cut. He went on vacation and tied his dog carrier to the top of his SUV as if it was torturing the animal. The media lied about his involvement with a worker at a company he helped recover claiming that his wife died because Romney cut their insurance plan. He has a car elevator in his home as if that was some sort of crime.

During the Trump presidential run, they exposed a stupid comment he made over ten years earlier about grabbing women when he had no idea he was being recorded. They accused him of hiring prostitutes to urinate on Obama's hotel bed. They lied about a discrimination lawsuit that he fought until the very end. They accused him of entering a female dressing room to get a peek at Miss America contestants.

During the Bush run, the MSM accused Bush of deserting his military service with no proof whatsoever. They accused him of using cocaine with no evidence whatsoever. They made movies against him, wrote books against him, and even had a video game created where the object was to kill President Bush. They even went 20 years before his run to point out he had a DUI which he paid the fine for and was released.

This is why good people stay out of politics. And as long as we pay attention to garbage like this, it will be the reason good people in the future don't run.
It says all those charges or whatever you want to call them are true. You are duped as always. The Romney ones I don't know about. And I don't care about any of them. It's Republican policy that is crap and a disgrace.
Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
So let's hear a lie from Obama that was not a prediction that was blocked.... Silly dupe. Pure brainwashed right-wing idiocy....
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I have plenty more, but you asked for "a lie".

Try these on for size:
Obama’s biggest whoppers

^^^^^still only a partial list^^^^^
That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the greedy idiot GOP Rich pay too much in taxes and are your benefactors.

That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said

That was a promise......he lied.
He also promised $2500 annual savings......another lie.
I know in the silly world of politics, anything a politician promises or predicts which does not happen makes him a liar. However, in the real world a lie is defined as knowing speaking falsely. We don't call the weatherman a liar because he predicted a sunny day and he got it wrong, or your spouse because he said he would take out the garbage and he forgot, or the mom who promised her son she would bake him cake but she had to work late. Yet in politics anything a politician promises that does not materialize for whatever reason will brand him liar. And we wonder why the best people stay out of politics.

However, in the real world a lie is defined as knowing speaking falsely.

So when he said he found out about Hillary's home server the same time we did, you agree he lied?
Not at all, dupe. You brainwashed functional morons seem to think Obama and Hillary are email engineers. LOL! I guess you don't mind the GOP deleting millions of emails under W bush...
Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I have plenty more, but you asked for "a lie".

Try these on for size:
Obama’s biggest whoppers

^^^^^still only a partial list^^^^^
That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the greedy idiot GOP Rich pay too much in taxes and are your benefactors.

That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said

That was a promise......he lied.
He also promised $2500 annual savings......another lie.
I know in the silly world of politics, anything a politician promises or predicts which does not happen makes him a liar. However, in the real world a lie is defined as knowing speaking falsely. We don't call the weatherman a liar because he predicted a sunny day and he got it wrong, or your spouse because he said he would take out the garbage and he forgot, or the mom who promised her son she would bake him cake but she had to work late. Yet in politics anything a politician promises that does not materialize for whatever reason will brand him liar. And we wonder why the best people stay out of politics.

However, in the real world a lie is defined as knowing speaking falsely.

So when he said he found out about Hillary's home server the same time we did, you agree he lied?
Not at all, dupe. You brainwashed functional morons seem to think Obama and Hillary are email engineers. LOL! I guess you don't mind the GOP deleting millions of emails under W bush...

Yeah, you have to be an email engineer to notice the .gov is missing.

Wrong! Obama was (at best) always a classless thug who delighted in appointing other classless thugs to the Nation's highest offices and lied to the public constantly. But what else would anyone expect from and admitted drug user and "community organizer".

Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
Someone who lies every other sentence, tramples our rights, steals from the American people, and helps our enemies, has neither class nor dignity.
So let's hear a lie from Obama that was not a prediction that was blocked.... Silly dupe. Pure brainwashed right-wing idiocy....
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I have plenty more, but you asked for "a lie".

Try these on for size:
Obama’s biggest whoppers

^^^^^still only a partial list^^^^^
That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the greedy idiot GOP Rich pay too much in taxes and are your benefactors.

That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said

That was a promise......he lied.
He also promised $2500 annual savings......another lie.
I know in the silly world of politics, anything a politician promises or predicts which does not happen makes him a liar. However, in the real world a lie is defined as knowing speaking falsely. We don't call the weatherman a liar because he predicted a sunny day and he got it wrong, or your spouse because he said he would take out the garbage and he forgot, or the mom who promised her son she would bake him cake but she had to work late. Yet in politics anything a politician promises that does not materialize for whatever reason will brand him liar. And we wonder why the best people stay out of politics.
Forgetting to do something is not the same as lying about your intention to do it.

Getting the weather forecast wrong is a failed prediction of something over which nobody has control whereas lying about ObamaCare is a deliberate misrepresentation of a bill crafted by the liar.

The mother's having to work late was unknown to her when she made the promise to her son. She did not lie to him. She was victim of something that was outside of her was the weather to the forecaster.

An analogy is a comparison between two objects, or systems of objects, that highlights respects in which they are thought to be similar.

Your attempted analogies are invalid because there is no reasonable similarity between describing what you have written into a proposed bill and happenings over which you have no control.
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