Can republicans at least admit Obama was a man of class and dignity regardless of his policies?

Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
So let's hear a lie from Obama that was not a prediction that was blocked.... Silly dupe. Pure brainwashed right-wing idiocy....
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I have plenty more, but you asked for "a lie".

Try these on for size:
Obama’s biggest whoppers

^^^^^still only a partial list^^^^^
That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the greedy idiot GOP Rich pay too much in taxes and are your benefactors.

That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said

That was a promise......he lied.
He also promised $2500 annual savings......another lie.
I know in the silly world of politics, anything a politician promises or predicts which does not happen makes him a liar. However, in the real world a lie is defined as knowing speaking falsely. We don't call the weatherman a liar because he predicted a sunny day and he got it wrong, or your spouse because he said he would take out the garbage and he forgot, or the mom who promised her son she would bake him cake but she had to work late. Yet in politics anything a politician promises that does not materialize for whatever reason will brand him liar. And we wonder why the best people stay out of politics.

That's not why the best people stay out of politics.

Here is why good people stay out of politics:

Mitt Romney was heavily criticized because in high school, he tackled a kid and gave him a hair cut. He went on vacation and tied his dog carrier to the top of his SUV as if it was torturing the animal. The media lied about his involvement with a worker at a company he helped recover claiming that his wife died because Romney cut their insurance plan. He has a car elevator in his home as if that was some sort of crime.

During the Trump presidential run, they exposed a stupid comment he made over ten years earlier about grabbing women when he had no idea he was being recorded. They accused him of hiring prostitutes to urinate on Obama's hotel bed. They lied about a discrimination lawsuit that he fought until the very end. They accused him of entering a female dressing room to get a peek at Miss America contestants.

During the Bush run, the MSM accused Bush of deserting his military service with no proof whatsoever. They accused him of using cocaine with no evidence whatsoever. They made movies against him, wrote books against him, and even had a video game created where the object was to kill President Bush. They even went 20 years before his run to point out he had a DUI which he paid the fine for and was released.

This is why good people stay out of politics. And as long as we pay attention to garbage like this, it will be the reason good people in the future don't run.
First off, those people did not stay out of politics and second, they certainly are not good by any stretch of the imagination.
Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
So let's hear a lie from Obama that was not a prediction that was blocked.... Silly dupe. Pure brainwashed right-wing idiocy....
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I have plenty more, but you asked for "a lie".

Try these on for size:
Obama’s biggest whoppers

^^^^^still only a partial list^^^^^
That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the greedy idiot GOP Rich pay too much in taxes and are your benefactors.

That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said

That was a promise......he lied.
He also promised $2500 annual savings......another lie.
I know in the silly world of politics, anything a politician promises or predicts which does not happen makes him a liar. However, in the real world a lie is defined as knowing speaking falsely. We don't call the weatherman a liar because he predicted a sunny day and he got it wrong, or your spouse because he said he would take out the garbage and he forgot, or the mom who promised her son she would bake him cake but she had to work late. Yet in politics anything a politician promises that does not materialize for whatever reason will brand him liar. And we wonder why the best people stay out of politics.
Forgetting to do something is not the same as lying about your intention to do it.

Getting the weather forecast wrong is a failed prediction of something over which nobody has control whereas lying about ObamaCare is a misrepresentation of a bill crafted by the liar.

The mother's having to work late was unknown to her when she made the promise to her son. She did not lie to him. She was victim of something that was outside of her was the weather to the forecaster.

An analogy is a comparison between two objects, or systems of objects, that highlights respects in which they are thought to be similar.

Your attempted analogies are invalid because there is no reasonable similarity between describing what you have written into a proposed bill and happenings over which you have no control.
If Trump says, "I will build a wall" and congress doesn't provide funds or Obama says "you can keep your doctor", and the resulting law forces people to change doctors, neither man lied unless he knew when he made the promise that he could not deliver. If we all applied the same rules we use for judging politicians to our own lies, most of us would be judged liars a dozen times a day.
Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
So let's hear a lie from Obama that was not a prediction that was blocked.... Silly dupe. Pure brainwashed right-wing idiocy....
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I have plenty more, but you asked for "a lie".

Try these on for size:
Obama’s biggest whoppers

^^^^^still only a partial list^^^^^
That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the greedy idiot GOP Rich pay too much in taxes and are your benefactors.

That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said

That was a promise......he lied.
He also promised $2500 annual savings......another lie.
I know in the silly world of politics, anything a politician promises or predicts which does not happen makes him a liar. However, in the real world a lie is defined as knowing speaking falsely. We don't call the weatherman a liar because he predicted a sunny day and he got it wrong, or your spouse because he said he would take out the garbage and he forgot, or the mom who promised her son she would bake him cake but she had to work late. Yet in politics anything a politician promises that does not materialize for whatever reason will brand him liar. And we wonder why the best people stay out of politics.
Forgetting to do something is not the same as lying about your intention to do it.

Getting the weather forecast wrong is a failed prediction of something over which nobody has control whereas lying about ObamaCare is a deliberate misrepresentation of a bill crafted by the liar.

The mother's having to work late was unknown to her when she made the promise to her son. She did not lie to him. She was victim of something that was outside of her was the weather to the forecaster.

An analogy is a comparison between two objects, or systems of objects, that highlights respects in which they are thought to be similar.

Your attempted analogies are invalid because there is no reasonable similarity between describing what you have written into a proposed bill and happenings over which you have no control.

The President doesn't "write" bills.

This is basic civics.
Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I have plenty more, but you asked for "a lie".

Try these on for size:
Obama’s biggest whoppers

^^^^^still only a partial list^^^^^
That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the greedy idiot GOP Rich pay too much in taxes and are your benefactors.

That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said

That was a promise......he lied.
He also promised $2500 annual savings......another lie.
I know in the silly world of politics, anything a politician promises or predicts which does not happen makes him a liar. However, in the real world a lie is defined as knowing speaking falsely. We don't call the weatherman a liar because he predicted a sunny day and he got it wrong, or your spouse because he said he would take out the garbage and he forgot, or the mom who promised her son she would bake him cake but she had to work late. Yet in politics anything a politician promises that does not materialize for whatever reason will brand him liar. And we wonder why the best people stay out of politics.
Forgetting to do something is not the same as lying about your intention to do it.

Getting the weather forecast wrong is a failed prediction of something over which nobody has control whereas lying about ObamaCare is a misrepresentation of a bill crafted by the liar.

The mother's having to work late was unknown to her when she made the promise to her son. She did not lie to him. She was victim of something that was outside of her was the weather to the forecaster.

An analogy is a comparison between two objects, or systems of objects, that highlights respects in which they are thought to be similar.

Your attempted analogies are invalid because there is no reasonable similarity between describing what you have written into a proposed bill and happenings over which you have no control.
If Trump says, "I will build a wall" and congress doesn't provide funds or Obama says "you can keep your doctor", and the resulting law forces people to change doctors, neither man lied unless he knew when he made the promise that he could not deliver. If we all applied the same rules we use for judging politicians to our own lies, most of us would be judged liars a dozen times a day.

You are trying to compare apples and oranges...

Obama / Gruber care was sold to the American public on pure deceit.

Julian Assange ⌛️ on Twitter
Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I have plenty more, but you asked for "a lie".

Try these on for size:
Obama’s biggest whoppers

^^^^^still only a partial list^^^^^
That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the greedy idiot GOP Rich pay too much in taxes and are your benefactors.

That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said

That was a promise......he lied.
He also promised $2500 annual savings......another lie.
I know in the silly world of politics, anything a politician promises or predicts which does not happen makes him a liar. However, in the real world a lie is defined as knowing speaking falsely. We don't call the weatherman a liar because he predicted a sunny day and he got it wrong, or your spouse because he said he would take out the garbage and he forgot, or the mom who promised her son she would bake him cake but she had to work late. Yet in politics anything a politician promises that does not materialize for whatever reason will brand him liar. And we wonder why the best people stay out of politics.
Forgetting to do something is not the same as lying about your intention to do it.

Getting the weather forecast wrong is a failed prediction of something over which nobody has control whereas lying about ObamaCare is a misrepresentation of a bill crafted by the liar.

The mother's having to work late was unknown to her when she made the promise to her son. She did not lie to him. She was victim of something that was outside of her was the weather to the forecaster.

An analogy is a comparison between two objects, or systems of objects, that highlights respects in which they are thought to be similar.

Your attempted analogies are invalid because there is no reasonable similarity between describing what you have written into a proposed bill and happenings over which you have no control.
If Trump says, "I will build a wall" and congress doesn't provide funds or Obama says "you can keep your doctor", and the resulting law forces people to change doctors, neither man lied unless he knew when he made the promise that he could not deliver. If we all applied the same rules we use for judging politicians to our own lies, most of us would be judged liars a dozen times a day.
Trump does not control what the House chooses to fund or not fund. Obama and his minions controlled exactly what went into the Obama-doesn't-Care bill and crammed it down everyone's throats (except of course, all of Congress and their staff). Obama lied about what was in his bill. Trump did not.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
Someone who lies every other sentence, tramples our rights, steals from the American people, and helps our enemies, has neither class nor dignity.

And yet, there he is in the White House.

Go figure.
You mean WAS in the Whitehouse. Obama is no longer in the Whitehouse, and your confusion of past and present tense doesn't change my point.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
Someone who lies every other sentence, tramples our rights, steals from the American people, and helps our enemies, has neither class nor dignity.

And yet, there he is in the White House.

Go figure.
You mean WAS in the Whitehouse. Obama is no longer in the Whitehouse, and your confusion of past and present tense doesn't change my point.

Oh no, I meant Rump. You described him perfectly.

Well maybe not perfectly; you didn't really go into the eggshell-thin adolescent ego whiny-thingy or all the divisive trolling BS, but you covered it pretty well.
Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I have plenty more, but you asked for "a lie".

Try these on for size:
Obama’s biggest whoppers

^^^^^still only a partial list^^^^^
That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the greedy idiot GOP Rich pay too much in taxes and are your benefactors.

That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said

That was a promise......he lied.
He also promised $2500 annual savings......another lie.
I know in the silly world of politics, anything a politician promises or predicts which does not happen makes him a liar. However, in the real world a lie is defined as knowing speaking falsely. We don't call the weatherman a liar because he predicted a sunny day and he got it wrong, or your spouse because he said he would take out the garbage and he forgot, or the mom who promised her son she would bake him cake but she had to work late. Yet in politics anything a politician promises that does not materialize for whatever reason will brand him liar. And we wonder why the best people stay out of politics.
Forgetting to do something is not the same as lying about your intention to do it.

Getting the weather forecast wrong is a failed prediction of something over which nobody has control whereas lying about ObamaCare is a deliberate misrepresentation of a bill crafted by the liar.

The mother's having to work late was unknown to her when she made the promise to her son. She did not lie to him. She was victim of something that was outside of her was the weather to the forecaster.

An analogy is a comparison between two objects, or systems of objects, that highlights respects in which they are thought to be similar.

Your attempted analogies are invalid because there is no reasonable similarity between describing what you have written into a proposed bill and happenings over which you have no control.

The President doesn't "write" bills.

This is basic civics.
Correct, the President doesn't actually write any bills. His policy tells congress what he wants in legislation. After passage, he can either veto the bill, sign the bill into law or not sign the bill and let it become law without his signature.

You are naive to think that I meant to say that either of these Presidents literally wrote the bills. We still call the results of Obama's bill OBAMACARE...and we'll likely call the results of Trump's bill the TRUMPWALL.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
Someone who lies every other sentence, tramples our rights, steals from the American people, and helps our enemies, has neither class nor dignity.

And yet, there he is in the White House.

Go figure.
You mean WAS in the Whitehouse. Obama is no longer in the Whitehouse, and your confusion of past and present tense doesn't change my point.

Oh no, I meant Rump. You described him perfectly.

Well maybe not perfectly; you didn't really go into the eggshell-thin adolescent ego whiny-thingy or all the divisive trolling BS, but you covered it pretty well.
Only if you closely follow CNN, in which case your beliefs and reality are totally different from each other.

It's funny that you're accusing him of everything Obama was guilty of. Race relations got drastically worse during Obama's presidency, yet you accuse Trump of being the divisive one.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
Someone who lies every other sentence, tramples our rights, steals from the American people, and helps our enemies, has neither class nor dignity.

And yet, there he is in the White House.

Go figure.
You mean WAS in the Whitehouse. Obama is no longer in the Whitehouse, and your confusion of past and present tense doesn't change my point.

Oh no, I meant Rump. You described him perfectly.

Well maybe not perfectly; you didn't really go into the eggshell-thin adolescent ego whiny-thingy or all the divisive trolling BS, but you covered it pretty well.
Only if you closely follow CNN, in which case your beliefs and reality are totally different from each other.

It's funny that you're accusing him of everything Obama was guilty of. Race relations got drastically worse during Obama's presidency, yet you accuse Trump of being the divisive one.
Wait hold on. Do you think race relations did not worsen under Trump?
Someone who lies every other sentence, tramples our rights, steals from the American people, and helps our enemies, has neither class nor dignity.

And yet, there he is in the White House.

Go figure.
You mean WAS in the Whitehouse. Obama is no longer in the Whitehouse, and your confusion of past and present tense doesn't change my point.

Oh no, I meant Rump. You described him perfectly.

Well maybe not perfectly; you didn't really go into the eggshell-thin adolescent ego whiny-thingy or all the divisive trolling BS, but you covered it pretty well.
Only if you closely follow CNN, in which case your beliefs and reality are totally different from each other.

It's funny that you're accusing him of everything Obama was guilty of. Race relations got drastically worse during Obama's presidency, yet you accuse Trump of being the divisive one.
Wait hold on. Do you think race relations did not worsen under Trump?
Not under any goading by Trump as they did under Obama. Trump has the respect of many sane black leaders, including MLK's niece, Alveda King. Obama enabled racial strife and hatred of police. Trump discourages both.
And yet, there he is in the White House.

Go figure.
You mean WAS in the Whitehouse. Obama is no longer in the Whitehouse, and your confusion of past and present tense doesn't change my point.

Oh no, I meant Rump. You described him perfectly.

Well maybe not perfectly; you didn't really go into the eggshell-thin adolescent ego whiny-thingy or all the divisive trolling BS, but you covered it pretty well.
Only if you closely follow CNN, in which case your beliefs and reality are totally different from each other.

It's funny that you're accusing him of everything Obama was guilty of. Race relations got drastically worse during Obama's presidency, yet you accuse Trump of being the divisive one.
Wait hold on. Do you think race relations did not worsen under Trump?
Not under any goading by Trump as they did under Obama. Trump has the respect of many sane black leaders, including MLK's niece, Alveda King. Obama enabled racial strife and hatred of police. Trump discourages both.
It is the long standing group of black race-baiters that continue to drive wedges between whites and blacks, blacks and police, blacks and blacks.

All of the known race-baiters hate Trump. Most of them are Democrats.

There are many blacks that support Trump and his policies...because they are good for all Americans, whether Negroid, Caucasian, and Mongoloid....i,e., all races.

Obama is racist. Trump is not.
Last edited:
And yet, there he is in the White House.

Go figure.
You mean WAS in the Whitehouse. Obama is no longer in the Whitehouse, and your confusion of past and present tense doesn't change my point.

Oh no, I meant Rump. You described him perfectly.

Well maybe not perfectly; you didn't really go into the eggshell-thin adolescent ego whiny-thingy or all the divisive trolling BS, but you covered it pretty well.
Only if you closely follow CNN, in which case your beliefs and reality are totally different from each other.

It's funny that you're accusing him of everything Obama was guilty of. Race relations got drastically worse during Obama's presidency, yet you accuse Trump of being the divisive one.
Wait hold on. Do you think race relations did not worsen under Trump?
Not under any goading by Trump as they did under Obama. Trump has the respect of many sane black leaders, including MLK's niece, Alveda King. Obama enabled racial strife and hatred of police. Trump discourages both.
Do you have statistics to back this up? How exactly is Obama connected to the formation of BLM?

Hate crimes went up 20% in 2017. Hate crimes by white supremacists doubled in 2017.

Do you have any damning statistics about Obama?
Someone who lies every other sentence, tramples our rights, steals from the American people, and helps our enemies, has neither class nor dignity.

And yet, there he is in the White House.

Go figure.
You mean WAS in the Whitehouse. Obama is no longer in the Whitehouse, and your confusion of past and present tense doesn't change my point.

Oh no, I meant Rump. You described him perfectly.

Well maybe not perfectly; you didn't really go into the eggshell-thin adolescent ego whiny-thingy or all the divisive trolling BS, but you covered it pretty well.
Only if you closely follow CNN, in which case your beliefs and reality are totally different from each other.

It's funny that you're accusing him of everything Obama was guilty of. Race relations got drastically worse during Obama's presidency, yet you accuse Trump of being the divisive one.
Wait hold on. Do you think race relations did not worsen under Trump?
They haven't, Obama and the leftist establishment had black people parading the streets, demanding dead cops, and were rejecting white people entirely. The result of that is the all of, I don't know, 1000(?) white supremacists getting significantly louder as they defect from the left.
You mean WAS in the Whitehouse. Obama is no longer in the Whitehouse, and your confusion of past and present tense doesn't change my point.

Oh no, I meant Rump. You described him perfectly.

Well maybe not perfectly; you didn't really go into the eggshell-thin adolescent ego whiny-thingy or all the divisive trolling BS, but you covered it pretty well.
Only if you closely follow CNN, in which case your beliefs and reality are totally different from each other.

It's funny that you're accusing him of everything Obama was guilty of. Race relations got drastically worse during Obama's presidency, yet you accuse Trump of being the divisive one.
Wait hold on. Do you think race relations did not worsen under Trump?
Not under any goading by Trump as they did under Obama. Trump has the respect of many sane black leaders, including MLK's niece, Alveda King. Obama enabled racial strife and hatred of police. Trump discourages both.
Do you have statistics to back this up? How exactly is Obama connected to the formation of BLM?

Hate crimes went up 20% in 2017. Hate crimes by white supremacists doubled in 2017.

Do you have any damning statistics about Obama?
You mean WAS in the Whitehouse. Obama is no longer in the Whitehouse, and your confusion of past and present tense doesn't change my point.

Oh no, I meant Rump. You described him perfectly.

Well maybe not perfectly; you didn't really go into the eggshell-thin adolescent ego whiny-thingy or all the divisive trolling BS, but you covered it pretty well.
Only if you closely follow CNN, in which case your beliefs and reality are totally different from each other.

It's funny that you're accusing him of everything Obama was guilty of. Race relations got drastically worse during Obama's presidency, yet you accuse Trump of being the divisive one.
Wait hold on. Do you think race relations did not worsen under Trump?
Not under any goading by Trump as they did under Obama. Trump has the respect of many sane black leaders, including MLK's niece, Alveda King. Obama enabled racial strife and hatred of police. Trump discourages both.
Do you have statistics to back this up? How exactly is Obama connected to the formation of BLM?

Hate crimes went up 20% in 2017. Hate crimes by white supremacists doubled in 2017.

Do you have any damning statistics about Obama?
I didn't claim that Obama is directly connected to the formation of BLM. He IS connected to the increase in the hatred that blacks have for police. His blaming the Ferguson police fueled the fire generated by the "hands up, don't shoot" slogan that was initiated based on a lie about what happened when the raging bull was shot dead by a white policeman.

It is asinine to claim that Trump controls the hate crime rate. None of his policies promote hate crimes. When racial strife is deliberately enabled by any President, the tension goes up on both sides. Obama exacerbated black hatred of white people which drove white supremacists (another group of goons) to become even more vocal. It is no wonder that hate crimes have risen since Obama took sides. Both sides need admonishment. If Obama claims credit for the economic growth after he left office, he should also take blame for the hate crime growth as well. The rise started under his watch. It feeds on itself just like a malignant cancer.

If BLM cares so much for black lives, they should support the tarring and feathering of Rahm Emanuel, the black Mayor of Chicago that refuses to quell the black on black killings in that shithole city. If BLM cares so much for black lives, they should wholeheartedly support the police in their effort to enforce laws designed to protect ALL people.
Back off MF.....he never used the hard stuff which is more than can be said about the Dumbassed George W. Bush!!

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Barack Obama, asked about drug history, admits he inhaled - Americas - International Herald Tribune

Gee, just think if he ran into a pusher he liked.
So let's hear a lie from Obama that was not a prediction that was blocked.... Silly dupe. Pure brainwashed right-wing idiocy....
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I have plenty more, but you asked for "a lie".

Try these on for size:
Obama’s biggest whoppers

^^^^^still only a partial list^^^^^
That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the greedy idiot GOP Rich pay too much in taxes and are your benefactors.

That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said

That was a promise......he lied.
He also promised $2500 annual savings......another lie.
I know in the silly world of politics, anything a politician promises or predicts which does not happen makes him a liar. However, in the real world a lie is defined as knowing speaking falsely. We don't call the weatherman a liar because he predicted a sunny day and he got it wrong, or your spouse because he said he would take out the garbage and he forgot, or the mom who promised her son she would bake him cake but she had to work late. Yet in politics anything a politician promises that does not materialize for whatever reason will brand him liar. And we wonder why the best people stay out of politics.
Forgetting to do something is not the same as lying about your intention to do it.

Getting the weather forecast wrong is a failed prediction of something over which nobody has control whereas lying about ObamaCare is a deliberate misrepresentation of a bill crafted by the liar.

The mother's having to work late was unknown to her when she made the promise to her son. She did not lie to him. She was victim of something that was outside of her was the weather to the forecaster.

An analogy is a comparison between two objects, or systems of objects, that highlights respects in which they are thought to be similar.

Your attempted analogies are invalid because there is no reasonable similarity between describing what you have written into a proposed bill and happenings over which you have no control.
Take a break... The Obamacare bill was the Senate bill what they wanted. Obama originally did not want a mandate etc etc and of course the GOP sabotaged it in many ways, never implemented fully.
Oh no, I meant Rump. You described him perfectly.

Well maybe not perfectly; you didn't really go into the eggshell-thin adolescent ego whiny-thingy or all the divisive trolling BS, but you covered it pretty well.
Only if you closely follow CNN, in which case your beliefs and reality are totally different from each other.

It's funny that you're accusing him of everything Obama was guilty of. Race relations got drastically worse during Obama's presidency, yet you accuse Trump of being the divisive one.
Wait hold on. Do you think race relations did not worsen under Trump?
Not under any goading by Trump as they did under Obama. Trump has the respect of many sane black leaders, including MLK's niece, Alveda King. Obama enabled racial strife and hatred of police. Trump discourages both.
Do you have statistics to back this up? How exactly is Obama connected to the formation of BLM?

Hate crimes went up 20% in 2017. Hate crimes by white supremacists doubled in 2017.

Do you have any damning statistics about Obama?
I didn't claim that Obama is directly connected to the formation of BLM. He IS connected to the increase in the hatred that blacks have for police. His blaming the Ferguson police fueled the fire generated by the "hands up, don't shoot" slogan that was initiated based on a lie about what happened when the raging bull was shot dead by a white policeman.

It is asinine to claim that Trump controls the hate crime rate. None of his policies promote hate crimes. When racial strife is deliberately enabled by any President, the tension goes up on both sides. Obama exacerbated black hatred of white people which drove white supremacists (another group of goons) to become even more vocal. It is no wonder that hate crimes have risen since Obama took sides. Both sides need admonishment. If Obama claims credit for the economic growth after he left office, he should also take blame for the hate crime growth as well. The rise started under his watch. It feeds on itself just like a malignant cancer.

If BLM cares so much for black lives, they should support the tarring and feathering of Rahm Emanuel, the black Mayor of Chicago that refuses to quell the black on black killings in that shithole city. If BLM cares so much for black lives, they should wholeheartedly support the police in their effort to enforce laws designed to protect ALL people.
This and the NFL thing is about police brutality toward blacks duh.
DoThat is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said. As opposed to your propaganda and president who lie about facts everyday, the reason you dupes believe Democrats are evil and the greedy idiot GOP Rich pay too much in taxes and are your benefactors.

That is not a lie, stupid, that is a prediction that that was blocked, as I said

That was a promise......he lied.
He also promised $2500 annual savings......another lie.
I know in the silly world of politics, anything a politician promises or predicts which does not happen makes him a liar. However, in the real world a lie is defined as knowing speaking falsely. We don't call the weatherman a liar because he predicted a sunny day and he got it wrong, or your spouse because he said he would take out the garbage and he forgot, or the mom who promised her son she would bake him cake but she had to work late. Yet in politics anything a politician promises that does not materialize for whatever reason will brand him liar. And we wonder why the best people stay out of politics.
Forgetting to do something is not the same as lying about your intention to do it.

Getting the weather forecast wrong is a failed prediction of something over which nobody has control whereas lying about ObamaCare is a misrepresentation of a bill crafted by the liar.

The mother's having to work late was unknown to her when she made the promise to her son. She did not lie to him. She was victim of something that was outside of her was the weather to the forecaster.

An analogy is a comparison between two objects, or systems of objects, that highlights respects in which they are thought to be similar.

Your attempted analogies are invalid because there is no reasonable similarity between describing what you have written into a proposed bill and happenings over which you have no control.
If Trump says, "I will build a wall" and congress doesn't provide funds or Obama says "you can keep your doctor", and the resulting law forces people to change doctors, neither man lied unless he knew when he made the promise that he could not deliver. If we all applied the same rules we use for judging politicians to our own lies, most of us would be judged liars a dozen times a day.
Trump does not control what the House chooses to fund or not fund. Obama and his minions controlled exactly what went into the Obama-doesn't-Care bill and crammed it down everyone's throats (except of course, all of Congress and their staff). Obama lied about what was in his bill. Trump did not.
So Obama lied 3 years earlier about his bill because he is a psychic.
Which Democrats in Congress wrote and the process was messed up by the GOP of course...

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