Can republicans at least admit Obama was a man of class and dignity regardless of his policies?

It’s very ironic to me you call yourself a “radical libertarian”, but you’re bigoted towards gay people. Are you in the 8th grade or what?

Recognizing fact is not "bigoted"

I could care less what Obammy does in the bath houses. I DO oppose his Stalinist policies that made queers "more equal" than the rest of America.
How is giving them the same rights more equal?

How is "bake the cake peasant" the same rights, Comrade?

Don't answer, nothing from you will ever approach rational and we all know it.
You don't understand the concept of equal do you?

I understand preferential.

You Communists are fighting a vicious war to end the United States Constitution, aiming at the 1st Amendment as the first pitched battle.

In California, one can't even send a little girl to a public restroom since by law men and women share them. You Communists "care" about women so much that they can't even use a toilet in private...

Why does the C grabber cult seem so preoccupied with strange sex?
My cal daughters never have experienced a problem.
They have stalls you know.
Who cares who is in the next one?
Maybe the C grabber cult?
The Great Obama was respected around the world

Fat Donnie is openly mocked

Lol Putin bitch slapped Obama every chance he got, China island built...obama was a clown

And where is he and where are you genius?
Reduced to posting racial pics?

I am not having gay romps with Richard Branson that would by your messiah

And what racial pictures you don't like the little rascals ?

download (1).jpeg
It’s very ironic to me you call yourself a “radical libertarian”, but you’re bigoted towards gay people. Are you in the 8th grade or what?

Recognizing fact is not "bigoted"

I could care less what Obammy does in the bath houses. I DO oppose his Stalinist policies that made queers "more equal" than the rest of America.
How is giving them the same rights more equal?

How is "bake the cake peasant" the same rights, Comrade?

Don't answer, nothing from you will ever approach rational and we all know it.
You don't understand the concept of equal do you?

I understand preferential.

You Communists are fighting a vicious war to end the United States Constitution, aiming at the 1st Amendment as the first pitched battle.

In California, one can't even send a little girl to a public restroom since by law men and women share them. You Communists "care" about women so much that they can't even use a toilet in private...

You sound to be an old white fart who isn't getting enough
Sucking off your commie VA SS Medicare benefits?
Or did you give them back?
The Great Obama was respected around the world

Fat Donnie is openly mocked

Lol Putin bitch slapped Obama every chance he got, China island built...obama was a clown

And where is he and where are you genius?
Reduced to posting racial pics?

I am not having gay romps with Richard Branson that would by your messiah

And what racial pictures you don't like the little rascals ?

View attachment 172791
You could have picked a white one
Richard Branson?
Where did you drag him up from.?
As I said C grabber cult always seems to be fascinated by strange sex.
Wonder why?
The Great Obama was respected around the world

Fat Donnie is openly mocked

Lol Putin bitch slapped Obama every chance he got, China island built...obama was a clown

And where is he and where are you genius?
Reduced to posting racial pics?

I am not having gay romps with Richard Branson that would by your messiah

And what racial pictures you don't like the little rascals ?

View attachment 172791
You could have picked a white one
Richard Branson?
Where did you drag him up from.?
As I said C grabber cult always seems to be fascinated by strange sex.
Wonder why?

Richard Branson is not white? How can I not be fascinated by strange sex the left MSM posts it all the time, you guys are weird..

The Great Obama was respected around the world

Fat Donnie is openly mocked

Lol Putin bitch slapped Obama every chance he got, China island built...obama was a clown

And where is he and where are you genius?
Reduced to posting racial pics?

I am not having gay romps with Richard Branson that would by your messiah

And what racial pictures you don't like the little rascals ?

View attachment 172791
You could have picked a white one
Richard Branson?
Where did you drag him up from.?
As I said C grabber cult always seems to be fascinated by strange sex.
Wonder why?

I guess for the same reason Cradle-to-Gravers are so fascinated with guys wearing dresses.
The Great Obama was respected around the world

Fat Donnie is openly mocked

Lol Putin bitch slapped Obama every chance he got, China island built...obama was a clown

And where is he and where are you genius?
Reduced to posting racial pics?

I am not having gay romps with Richard Branson that would by your messiah

And what racial pictures you don't like the little rascals ?

View attachment 172791
You could have picked a white one
Richard Branson?
Where did you drag him up from.?
As I said C grabber cult always seems to be fascinated by strange sex.
Wonder why?

Richard Branson is not white? How can I not be fascinated by strange sex the left MSM posts it all the time, you guys are weird..

View attachment 172793
So are you sucking of your socialist benefits?
Lol Putin bitch slapped Obama every chance he got, China island built...obama was a clown

And where is he and where are you genius?
Reduced to posting racial pics?

I am not having gay romps with Richard Branson that would by your messiah

And what racial pictures you don't like the little rascals ?

View attachment 172791
You could have picked a white one
Richard Branson?
Where did you drag him up from.?
As I said C grabber cult always seems to be fascinated by strange sex.
Wonder why?

Richard Branson is not white? How can I not be fascinated by strange sex the left MSM posts it all the time, you guys are weird..

View attachment 172793
So are you sucking of your socialist benefits?

What benefits?
"No, no. I have been practicing...I bowled a 129. It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something." -- Barack Obama

"I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions." -- Barack Obama

"The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person..." -- Barack Obama

"That's just how white folks will do you. It wasn't merely the cruelty involved; I was learning that black people could be mean and then some. It was a particular brand of arrogance, an obtuseness in otherwise sane people that brought forth our bitter laughter. It was as if whites didn't know that they were being cruel in the first place. Or at least thought you deserving of their scorn." -- Barack Obama

"It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Port-au-Prince see in a year, where white folks' greed runs a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere...That's the world! On which hope sits!" -- Barack Obama quotes Rev. Wright

"If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen." --Barack Obama

"...I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby." -- Barack Obama

"You got into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." -- Barack Obama
Recognizing fact is not "bigoted"

I could care less what Obammy does in the bath houses. I DO oppose his Stalinist policies that made queers "more equal" than the rest of America.
How is giving them the same rights more equal?

How is "bake the cake peasant" the same rights, Comrade?

Don't answer, nothing from you will ever approach rational and we all know it.
You don't understand the concept of equal do you?

I understand preferential.

You Communists are fighting a vicious war to end the United States Constitution, aiming at the 1st Amendment as the first pitched battle.

In California, one can't even send a little girl to a public restroom since by law men and women share them. You Communists "care" about women so much that they can't even use a toilet in private...

Why does the C grabber cult seem so preoccupied with strange sex?
My cal daughters never have experienced a problem.
They have stalls you know.
Who cares who is in the next one?
Maybe the C grabber cult?

Why do you Maoists want strange men in restrooms with little girls?

Actually I know, you seek the complete destruction of civil society and American culture.

You are engaged in civil war against us.
Recognizing fact is not "bigoted"

I could care less what Obammy does in the bath houses. I DO oppose his Stalinist policies that made queers "more equal" than the rest of America.
How is giving them the same rights more equal?

How is "bake the cake peasant" the same rights, Comrade?

Don't answer, nothing from you will ever approach rational and we all know it.
You don't understand the concept of equal do you?

I understand preferential.

You Communists are fighting a vicious war to end the United States Constitution, aiming at the 1st Amendment as the first pitched battle.

In California, one can't even send a little girl to a public restroom since by law men and women share them. You Communists "care" about women so much that they can't even use a toilet in private...

You sound to be an old white fart who isn't getting enough
Sucking off your commie VA SS Medicare benefits?
Or did you give them back?

You sound like a little queer bitch. But that has nothing to do with the subject. Obama is a scumbag who waged war on American culture to promote his homosexual agenda.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
They need a constant foil. Their politics depends on division, fear, suspicion and scapegoating. Unable to recognize their own glaring faults and their reliance on a hero, no matter how flawed, Conservatives will never see the nobility in their opposition. They operate in a constant state of warfare, not inspired leadership.
"Can republicans at least admit Obama was a man of class and dignity regardless of his policies?"

Of course not.

That would require republicans to be honest.

They're incapable of honesty — just like trump.

And you are incapable of useful thought.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.

Obama is a flaming queer who is left of Stalin and Mao. He ran a criminal administration and shit all over the Constitution.

Worst President in history by a HUGE margin.
It’s very ironic to me you call yourself a “radical libertarian”, but you’re bigoted towards gay people. Are you in the 8th grade or what?

Recognizing fact is not "bigoted"

I could care less what Obammy does in the bath houses. I DO oppose his Stalinist policies that made queers "more equal" than the rest of America.
How is giving them the same rights more equal?

They have the same rights.

What you want to give them don't qualify as rights....moron.

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