Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

Your point?

Where has a single Trump economic policy reduced our national debt? Republicans whined like little bitches about the debt, yet have no plans to reduce it

Proves your claim incorrect.

Trump hasn't been President. Obama has and the debt has almost doubled.
Obama is not running, Trump is

If Republicans are as upset about debt as they claim ...why do none of their plans reduce it?

Hillary is running on Obama's record, douche bag. Quit pretending he had nothing to do with the debt.
You keep ducking

Republicans were obsessed with the national debt the whole Obama presidency. They have controlled Congress for two years and Trump does nothing to reduce debt.....only slash taxes on the rich

How does that alter the fact the Obama has racked up $9 trillion in new debt?
It alters the fact because it s blatantly obvious that Republicans will do nothing to change it
Your point?

Where has a single Trump economic policy reduced our national debt? Republicans whined like little bitches about the debt, yet have no plans to reduce it

Proves your claim incorrect.

Trump hasn't been President. Obama has and the debt has almost doubled.
Obama is not running, Trump is

If Republicans are as upset about debt as they claim ...why do none of their plans reduce it?

Hillary is running on Obama's record, douche bag. Quit pretending he had nothing to do with the debt.
You keep ducking

Republicans were obsessed with the national debt the whole Obama presidency. They have controlled Congress for two years and Trump does nothing to reduce debt.....only slash taxes on the rich

How does that alter the fact the Obama has racked up $9 trillion in new debt?

It was Bush or Calvin Coolidge or something, who knows, but it was the Republicans. Probably the rich and corporations did it
Proves your claim incorrect.

Trump hasn't been President. Obama has and the debt has almost doubled.
Obama is not running, Trump is

If Republicans are as upset about debt as they claim ...why do none of their plans reduce it?

Hillary is running on Obama's record, douche bag. Quit pretending he had nothing to do with the debt.
You keep ducking

Republicans were obsessed with the national debt the whole Obama presidency. They have controlled Congress for two years and Trump does nothing to reduce debt.....only slash taxes on the rich

How does that alter the fact the Obama has racked up $9 trillion in new debt?
It alters the fact because it s blatantly obvious that Republicans will do nothing to change it

How can Republicans change what Obama has already done?
Obama is not running, Trump is

If Republicans are as upset about debt as they claim ...why do none of their plans reduce it?

Hillary is running on Obama's record, douche bag. Quit pretending he had nothing to do with the debt.
You keep ducking

Republicans were obsessed with the national debt the whole Obama presidency. They have controlled Congress for two years and Trump does nothing to reduce debt.....only slash taxes on the rich

How does that alter the fact the Obama has racked up $9 trillion in new debt?
It alters the fact because it s blatantly obvious that Republicans will do nothing to change it

How can Republicans change what Obama has already done?
Obama has no control over the budget. That is Congresses responsibility. The do nothing Republucan congress has done nothing to submit a balanced budget
Hillary is running on Obama's record, douche bag. Quit pretending he had nothing to do with the debt.
You keep ducking

Republicans were obsessed with the national debt the whole Obama presidency. They have controlled Congress for two years and Trump does nothing to reduce debt.....only slash taxes on the rich

How does that alter the fact the Obama has racked up $9 trillion in new debt?
It alters the fact because it s blatantly obvious that Republicans will do nothing to change it

How can Republicans change what Obama has already done?
Obama has no control over the budget. That is Congresses responsibility. The do nothing Republucan congress has done nothing to submit a balanced budget

ROFL! Who do you think you're fooling? Obama threw a royal tantrum if Republicans even hinted at cutting spending.
You keep ducking

Republicans were obsessed with the national debt the whole Obama presidency. They have controlled Congress for two years and Trump does nothing to reduce debt.....only slash taxes on the rich

How does that alter the fact the Obama has racked up $9 trillion in new debt?
It alters the fact because it s blatantly obvious that Republicans will do nothing to change it

How can Republicans change what Obama has already done?
Obama has no control over the budget. That is Congresses responsibility. The do nothing Republucan congress has done nothing to submit a balanced budget

ROFL! Who do you think you're fooling? Obama threw a royal tantrum if Republicans even hinted at cutting spending.

Show where Republicans offered a balanced budget and Obama rejected it

Hard to balance a budget without addressing taxes AND spending
Yep, that's socialism and the greed of socialists like Mertex.
STILL 3-4Ironic she says the rich always want more, isn't it?

That's the way they are trained.

Anybody that looks like they have more are targets. They don't look into what people are actually paying. When you bring up statistics and facts, that's when they back down because most of them really never knew.

I'm so glad I'm not one of those people who swell at the neck because of what somebody else has. I don't care what anybody has, I worry about what I have. If anything, I admire people that have accomplished things I never have or could.

I can't imagine going through life with that kind of anger.
Unlike you, I care about what others have

I look at the American worker and ask....why don't they have what they used to have? They are as productive as ever and we have the strongest economy on earth. We have added $50 trillion to our nations wealth in the last eight years, but very little made its way to the American worker

To me, it shows something is fundamentally wrong with our economic system. The rich have a hammerlock on where wealth is deposited and our government is unwilling to do anything about it
The bought off GOP obstructionists and the dupes are unwilling to do anything about it...I know, a tax cut for the rich...
What amazes me is the hypocrisy of the right. After eight years of complaining about the ever growing national debt, every Republican candidate immidiately calls for budgets that slash taxes on the wealthy to record low levels. Every Republican plan added at least 10 trillion to our debt
Not a single Republican plan would cut our debt

Last time I looked, almost $10 trillion of that debt was added during Obama's 8 years.
STILL 3-400 BILLION for assistance for victims of most recent GOP corrupt depression, 7-8 TRILLION in all...Great job!
Congress should do its job, stop kicking the can down the road, and pass a serious budget rather than flirt with another shutdown. A serious budget is one that keeps America strong through our military, our law enforcement; that keeps America generous through caring for our veterans and our seniors; that keeps America competitive by educating our kids and our workers.

That’s what I want to work with serious people in both parties to achieve. Because that’s how we’ll build on the progress of 13 million new jobs, and help the middle class get ahead.

The above is from your link. Omg that a president, any president, would expect the congress to prepare a serious budget. That's awful I tell you. Awful.
Proves your claim incorrect.

Trump hasn't been President. Obama has and the debt has almost doubled.
Obama is not running, Trump is

If Republicans are as upset about debt as they claim ...why do none of their plans reduce it?

Hillary is running on Obama's record, douche bag. Quit pretending he had nothing to do with the debt.
You keep ducking

Republicans were obsessed with the national debt the whole Obama presidency. They have controlled Congress for two years and Trump does nothing to reduce debt.....only slash taxes on the rich

How does that alter the fact the Obama has racked up $9 trillion in new debt?
It alters the fact because it s blatantly obvious that Republicans will do nothing to change it

Republicans in 1995 proposed the balanced budget amendment which would have made it so congress didn't get paid, if the Federal budget was in deficit. Let's review a little history, shall we?

Although the balanced budget amendment had not been a major issue nationally for several years, it provided a striking contrast between Daschle’s first campaign in 1978 and his early career in Congress, when he consistently promoted the amendment, and his later years in the Senate. During his last competitive Senate bid in 1986, Daschle ran a television ad saying that “in 1979, Tom Daschle saw the damage these deficits could do to our country. His first official act was to sponsor a Constitutional amendment to balance the budget.” In 1992, Daschle’s campaign literature touted the “Daschle Plan,” which included the balanced budget amendment: “In 1979, before it became popular, I was pushing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. It was my first official action, and I’ve authored or coauthored one every year.” In 1995, the amendment had the support of sixty-six of the sixty-seven senators needed for passage, but Daschle voted against it because of opposition from the Clinton administration…. When pressed on the amendment in the last [2004] television debate, Daschle said that he had opposed the bill in the 1990s because there were no provisions in the amendment allowing for emergencies such as war. But the record showed that there was an emergency clause
So Bill Clinton, your hero and rapist, pressed Tom Daschle and other democraps, to oppose the balanced budget amendment that was proposed by REPUBLICANS. Not democraps.

This after Daschle ran on a political platform of opposing deficits, and promoting exactly that type of amendment.

Daschle then boldly lied that the amendment didn't have any clause for emergencies or war, when the congressional record clearly proved he lied..... which isn't surprising given he is of the party of liars, like Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and now you. You are a liar.

Republicans have consistently been trying to do something about budget deficits, and you are a liar.
Congress should do its job, stop kicking the can down the road, and pass a serious budget rather than flirt with another shutdown. A serious budget is one that keeps America strong through our military, our law enforcement; that keeps America generous through caring for our veterans and our seniors; that keeps America competitive by educating our kids and our workers.

That’s what I want to work with serious people in both parties to achieve. Because that’s how we’ll build on the progress of 13 million new jobs, and help the middle class get ahead.

The above is from your link. Omg that a president, any president, would expect the congress to prepare a serious budget. That's awful I tell you. Awful.

yeah, and Obama created the can that needed to be kicked, to begin with.

Remember, Obama had 2 full years, where Congress could have created a balanced budget. They had 100% control over the executive, and legislative branches of government. They could have passed anything at all that they wanted.

There should never have been a can for congress to kick around, if they had cleaned up their mess before the voters rejected the democraps, and voted in Republicans.
yeah, and Obama created the can that needed to be kicked, to begin with.

Remember, Obama had 2 full years, where Congress could have created a balanced budget. They had 100% control over the executive, and legislative branches of government. They could have passed anything at all that they wanted.

There should never have been a can for congress to kick around, if they had cleaned up their mess before the voters rejected the democraps, and voted in Republicans.

Republicans can't work magic overnight, especially with a guy like this in office.

Step 1 Reduce spending.
Step 2 Get a balanced budget.
Step 3 Work on repaying the debt.

Republicans have been (and still are) working on spending reductions trying to get away with whatever they can. We can't get to step 3 until we are at least successful with step 1.

Show where Republicans offered a balanced budget and Obama rejected it

Hard to balance a budget without addressing taxes AND spending

They couldn't get near a balanced budget. DumBama wanted to shutdown the government before we even came close:

Obama: There Will Be a Government ‘Shutdown Threat Two Weeks Before Christmas’

You don't need to shut down government to pass a budget. Hasn't been needed for over 200 years
Obama is not running, Trump is

If Republicans are as upset about debt as they claim ...why do none of their plans reduce it?

Hillary is running on Obama's record, douche bag. Quit pretending he had nothing to do with the debt.
You keep ducking

Republicans were obsessed with the national debt the whole Obama presidency. They have controlled Congress for two years and Trump does nothing to reduce debt.....only slash taxes on the rich

How does that alter the fact the Obama has racked up $9 trillion in new debt?
It alters the fact because it s blatantly obvious that Republicans will do nothing to change it

Republicans in 1995 proposed the balanced budget amendment which would have made it so congress didn't get paid, if the Federal budget was in deficit. Let's review a little history, shall we?

Although the balanced budget amendment had not been a major issue nationally for several years, it provided a striking contrast between Daschle’s first campaign in 1978 and his early career in Congress, when he consistently promoted the amendment, and his later years in the Senate. During his last competitive Senate bid in 1986, Daschle ran a television ad saying that “in 1979, Tom Daschle saw the damage these deficits could do to our country. His first official act was to sponsor a Constitutional amendment to balance the budget.” In 1992, Daschle’s campaign literature touted the “Daschle Plan,” which included the balanced budget amendment: “In 1979, before it became popular, I was pushing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. It was my first official action, and I’ve authored or coauthored one every year.” In 1995, the amendment had the support of sixty-six of the sixty-seven senators needed for passage, but Daschle voted against it because of opposition from the Clinton administration…. When pressed on the amendment in the last [2004] television debate, Daschle said that he had opposed the bill in the 1990s because there were no provisions in the amendment allowing for emergencies such as war. But the record showed that there was an emergency clause
So Bill Clinton, your hero and rapist, pressed Tom Daschle and other democraps, to oppose the balanced budget amendment that was proposed by REPUBLICANS. Not democraps.

This after Daschle ran on a political platform of opposing deficits, and promoting exactly that type of amendment.

Daschle then boldly lied that the amendment didn't have any clause for emergencies or war, when the congressional record clearly proved he lied..... which isn't surprising given he is of the party of liars, like Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and now you. You are a liar.

Republicans have consistently been trying to do something about budget deficits, and you are a liar.
Why do you need an amendment to balance the budget?

Show you can actually do it for 5-10 years and then consider an amendment
Hillary is running on Obama's record, douche bag. Quit pretending he had nothing to do with the debt.
You keep ducking

Republicans were obsessed with the national debt the whole Obama presidency. They have controlled Congress for two years and Trump does nothing to reduce debt.....only slash taxes on the rich

How does that alter the fact the Obama has racked up $9 trillion in new debt?
It alters the fact because it s blatantly obvious that Republicans will do nothing to change it

Republicans in 1995 proposed the balanced budget amendment which would have made it so congress didn't get paid, if the Federal budget was in deficit. Let's review a little history, shall we?

Although the balanced budget amendment had not been a major issue nationally for several years, it provided a striking contrast between Daschle’s first campaign in 1978 and his early career in Congress, when he consistently promoted the amendment, and his later years in the Senate. During his last competitive Senate bid in 1986, Daschle ran a television ad saying that “in 1979, Tom Daschle saw the damage these deficits could do to our country. His first official act was to sponsor a Constitutional amendment to balance the budget.” In 1992, Daschle’s campaign literature touted the “Daschle Plan,” which included the balanced budget amendment: “In 1979, before it became popular, I was pushing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. It was my first official action, and I’ve authored or coauthored one every year.” In 1995, the amendment had the support of sixty-six of the sixty-seven senators needed for passage, but Daschle voted against it because of opposition from the Clinton administration…. When pressed on the amendment in the last [2004] television debate, Daschle said that he had opposed the bill in the 1990s because there were no provisions in the amendment allowing for emergencies such as war. But the record showed that there was an emergency clause
So Bill Clinton, your hero and rapist, pressed Tom Daschle and other democraps, to oppose the balanced budget amendment that was proposed by REPUBLICANS. Not democraps.

This after Daschle ran on a political platform of opposing deficits, and promoting exactly that type of amendment.

Daschle then boldly lied that the amendment didn't have any clause for emergencies or war, when the congressional record clearly proved he lied..... which isn't surprising given he is of the party of liars, like Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and now you. You are a liar.

Republicans have consistently been trying to do something about budget deficits, and you are a liar.
Why do you need an amendment to balance the budget?

Show you can actually do it for 5-10 years and then consider an amendment

Yeah, and Obama had deficits over a trillion dollars a year, for 3 or 4 years, and you want "others" to "show you can actually do it".

Practice what you preach, hypocrite.
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.
Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

I can't believe that this is beyond your comprehension. The $17 trillion national debt has been run up by corporate businesses that own ALL ALL ALL the lobbyists. Big oil, big pharma, and especially the military contractors. They are the ones that have the money, not the American people. It the debt is going to be paid, corporate business is the ONLY way.

Yet how are you going to make them pay? And during Obama's was the hedgfund managers that made out like bandits, the feds fronted them so much money they couldn't lose.
You keep ducking

Republicans were obsessed with the national debt the whole Obama presidency. They have controlled Congress for two years and Trump does nothing to reduce debt.....only slash taxes on the rich

How does that alter the fact the Obama has racked up $9 trillion in new debt?
It alters the fact because it s blatantly obvious that Republicans will do nothing to change it

Republicans in 1995 proposed the balanced budget amendment which would have made it so congress didn't get paid, if the Federal budget was in deficit. Let's review a little history, shall we?

Although the balanced budget amendment had not been a major issue nationally for several years, it provided a striking contrast between Daschle’s first campaign in 1978 and his early career in Congress, when he consistently promoted the amendment, and his later years in the Senate. During his last competitive Senate bid in 1986, Daschle ran a television ad saying that “in 1979, Tom Daschle saw the damage these deficits could do to our country. His first official act was to sponsor a Constitutional amendment to balance the budget.” In 1992, Daschle’s campaign literature touted the “Daschle Plan,” which included the balanced budget amendment: “In 1979, before it became popular, I was pushing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. It was my first official action, and I’ve authored or coauthored one every year.” In 1995, the amendment had the support of sixty-six of the sixty-seven senators needed for passage, but Daschle voted against it because of opposition from the Clinton administration…. When pressed on the amendment in the last [2004] television debate, Daschle said that he had opposed the bill in the 1990s because there were no provisions in the amendment allowing for emergencies such as war. But the record showed that there was an emergency clause
So Bill Clinton, your hero and rapist, pressed Tom Daschle and other democraps, to oppose the balanced budget amendment that was proposed by REPUBLICANS. Not democraps.

This after Daschle ran on a political platform of opposing deficits, and promoting exactly that type of amendment.

Daschle then boldly lied that the amendment didn't have any clause for emergencies or war, when the congressional record clearly proved he lied..... which isn't surprising given he is of the party of liars, like Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and now you. You are a liar.

Republicans have consistently been trying to do something about budget deficits, and you are a liar.
Why do you need an amendment to balance the budget?

Show you can actually do it for 5-10 years and then consider an amendment

Yeah, and Obama had deficits over a trillion dollars a year, for 3 or 4 years, and you want "others" to "show you can actually do it".

Practice what you preach, hypocrite.

This nation has only added 17 amendments in the last 220 years. Amendments are rare and difficult to do

A balanced budget is a simple thing to do. Why is Congress wasting it's time on an amendment rather than just do its job?
How does that alter the fact the Obama has racked up $9 trillion in new debt?
It alters the fact because it s blatantly obvious that Republicans will do nothing to change it

Republicans in 1995 proposed the balanced budget amendment which would have made it so congress didn't get paid, if the Federal budget was in deficit. Let's review a little history, shall we?

Although the balanced budget amendment had not been a major issue nationally for several years, it provided a striking contrast between Daschle’s first campaign in 1978 and his early career in Congress, when he consistently promoted the amendment, and his later years in the Senate. During his last competitive Senate bid in 1986, Daschle ran a television ad saying that “in 1979, Tom Daschle saw the damage these deficits could do to our country. His first official act was to sponsor a Constitutional amendment to balance the budget.” In 1992, Daschle’s campaign literature touted the “Daschle Plan,” which included the balanced budget amendment: “In 1979, before it became popular, I was pushing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. It was my first official action, and I’ve authored or coauthored one every year.” In 1995, the amendment had the support of sixty-six of the sixty-seven senators needed for passage, but Daschle voted against it because of opposition from the Clinton administration…. When pressed on the amendment in the last [2004] television debate, Daschle said that he had opposed the bill in the 1990s because there were no provisions in the amendment allowing for emergencies such as war. But the record showed that there was an emergency clause
So Bill Clinton, your hero and rapist, pressed Tom Daschle and other democraps, to oppose the balanced budget amendment that was proposed by REPUBLICANS. Not democraps.

This after Daschle ran on a political platform of opposing deficits, and promoting exactly that type of amendment.

Daschle then boldly lied that the amendment didn't have any clause for emergencies or war, when the congressional record clearly proved he lied..... which isn't surprising given he is of the party of liars, like Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and now you. You are a liar.

Republicans have consistently been trying to do something about budget deficits, and you are a liar.
Why do you need an amendment to balance the budget?

Show you can actually do it for 5-10 years and then consider an amendment

Yeah, and Obama had deficits over a trillion dollars a year, for 3 or 4 years, and you want "others" to "show you can actually do it".

Practice what you preach, hypocrite.

This nation has only added 17 amendments in the last 220 years. Amendments are rare and difficult to do

A balanced budget is a simple thing to do. Why is Congress wasting it's time on an amendment rather than just do its job?

Because your "rather simple thing to do" your democrats didn't do. Again, you had years of complete control over government, to prove your "rather simple thing to do", and it didn't happen did it?

Oh and who was in charge of the Federal budget in the late 1990s? Republicans. We've had more experience getting that "simple thing to do" done, than you have.
How does that alter the fact the Obama has racked up $9 trillion in new debt?
It alters the fact because it s blatantly obvious that Republicans will do nothing to change it

How can Republicans change what Obama has already done?
Obama has no control over the budget. That is Congresses responsibility. The do nothing Republucan congress has done nothing to submit a balanced budget

ROFL! Who do you think you're fooling? Obama threw a royal tantrum if Republicans even hinted at cutting spending.

Show where Republicans offered a balanced budget and Obama rejected it

Hard to balance a budget without addressing taxes AND spending
Show,when Obama governed with a budget....ever......

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