Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

Gays have regularly been beaten, fired from jobs, and even murdered because of who they are.

The drinking fountain thing is amusing but not really part of the discussion. The Civil Rights act was not about water fountains.
Gays have regularly been beaten, fired from jobs, and even murdered because of who they are.

The drinking fountain thing is amusing but not really part of the discussion. The Civil Rights act was not about water fountains.

Bodecea's here... :rofl:


Or maybe even better than that, when they were denied the Vote?...

How about someone telling me when Gays were Slaves in this Country and were regularly Whipped by their Owners?...

I'll be here waiting, because I am certain all of the people who continue to Dishonestly compare the "struggle" of Gays making their Homosexuality as public as possible Analagous to what Blacks have Suffered in this Country for hundreds of years can explain to me how they are even remotely comparible...

Honest people KNOW they are not. :thup:



True enough...however they are required to use different entry points for gratification.
Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...
First you need to ask why you and others on the right are so ignorant and hateful.

If you weren’t so ignorant and hateful you’d not ask such stupid questions.

Discrimination manifests in different ways and in different venues, but however it manifests, it is all equally heinous and equally offensive to the Constitution:

In the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn, a popular gay bar in the Greenwich Village section of New York City. Such raids were not unusual in the late 1960s, an era when homosexual sex was illegal in every state but Illinois. That night, however, the street erupted into violent protests and demonstrations that lasted for the next six days. The Stonewall riots, as they came to be known, marked a major turning point in the modern gay civil rights movement in the United States and around the world.

In the late 1960s, the American Psychiatric Association still classified homosexuality as a mental disorder, and gay men and lesbian women received almost universal moral condemnation from mainstream religions. The act of homosexual sex, even in private homes, was punishable by a light fine, 20 years in prison, or even a life sentence.

Introduction . Stonewall Uprising . American Experience . WGBH | PBS

It’s likely you and others on the right approve of the criminal discrimination noted in the above quoted, and would like to reinstate such un-Constitutional punitive measures, which would come as no surprise given the contempt most on the right have for the Constitution and its case law.


^That also happened in 1969... Was Morrison Gay?... No.

Here's a little History for you about the Stonewall Queers and Drag Queens... During that time, the Gay Community Marched with Pedophiles and Actively sought the end of Age of Consent Laws... So much so they put it in their Charter.

It wasn't until 1994 when the ILGA was busted as being Allied with NAMBLA and finally the Gay Community was Exposed on a National level about their Alliance with Pedophiles that they began to Distance themselves.

The Sympathies are still there... Bet. But the Agenda will not go FOWARD with them in the March.

The Stonewall Perverts were being Treated the same way Jim Morrison was.

Cry me a Fucking River...

Morrison wasn't being Treated like a 1950's Black nor was his Cause Comparible to Slavery.

Homosexuals have never been Denied the Right to Vote, Forced to Drink from different Fountains or Suffered Slavery.

They don't walk into an Interview and not get a Job for being Gay unless they are in Character... And yes, it's a Character.

The Faggoty Act is an Act... It's not normal for anyone.

Blacks can't not be Black for an Interview you Dishonest *****.

And Employers should have the Right to not Employ someone who is going to make their Sexuality the Focus... Gay or Straight.

When this Left the Bedroom and became something that Society not only had to Tolerate, but Embrace, that's when the Problem started.

I am Anti-Sodomy Laws and Pro-Civil Unions but Queers and the Liberal Societal Anarchists who are Pushing the Agenda need to stop Comparing themselves to Blacks.

It's Disgustingly Dishonest. :thup:


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Or maybe even better than that, when they were denied the Vote?...

How about someone telling me when Gays were Slaves in this Country and were regularly Whipped by their Owners?...

I'll be here waiting, because I am certain all of the people who continue to Dishonestly compare the "struggle" of Gays making their Homosexuality as public as possible Analagous to what Blacks have Suffered in this Country for hundreds of years can explain to me how they are even remotely comparible...

Honest people KNOW they are not. :thup:



It IS/WAS a different struggle and a different set of indignities for sure.

So what?

Both are a kind of civil rights struggle.
Or maybe even better than that, when they were denied the Vote?...

How about someone telling me when Gays were Slaves in this Country and were regularly Whipped by their Owners?...

I'll be here waiting, because I am certain all of the people who continue to Dishonestly compare the "struggle" of Gays making their Homosexuality as public as possible Analagous to what Blacks have Suffered in this Country for hundreds of years can explain to me how they are even remotely comparible...

Honest people KNOW they are not. :thup:



It IS/WAS a different struggle and a different set of indignities for sure.

So what?

Both are a kind of civil rights struggle.

They are not Comparible... End of Fucking List.

Sodomy Laws were Wrong and are now gone...

Larry Flint is Comparible to Slaves using this Twisted Fucked up Dishonest Analogy.

Race is NOT Analogous to Sexual Choices.


I agree they are not a perfect fit, Mal.

They are still both civil rights issues.
I agree they are not a perfect fit, Mal.

They are still both civil rights issues.

They are simply not Analogous and it's Insulting to those who Honestly Struggled, who were Denied Entry into Public Schools, who were Lyched as a matter of the Law who were Denied the Right to Vote...

Stop Comparing yourselves to Blacks.

Sexual Choices are not the same as Race.

Because the Cause is Invalid... Because Homosexuality is Invalid, it Depends on Honest Civil Rights Movements to make itself appear Valid.

There is nothig Comparible to what Blacks Suffered and what Gays have had to deal with.

Blacks can't leave their Skin Color in the Bedroom and Gays have never even tasted a pindrop in a haystack of what Black's have Suffered for 400 years.


You folks would not know real discrimination if you saw it.
I grew up in the deep south in the late 50s and early 60s, played on the 1st integrated football team at my high school and after that entered stadiums in the deep south where the fans poured hot coffee on the black players. "I am going to get you ******" was heard more than "Go" whatever team we were playing.
You wannahbe milk weak sissy morons took up gays as your new new group to pick on because blacks kicked your asses in high school and had their way with you.
Queerness can be hidden away in the closet, skin color cannot, therefore queers have no legitimate beef with respect to their civil liberties.

Is that about it mal? :dunno:
Queerness can be hidden away in the closet, skin color cannot, therefore queers have no legitimate beef with respect to their civil liberties.

Is that about it mal? :dunno:

How is it you know so much about "queerness"?
Queerness can be hidden away in the closet, skin color cannot, therefore queers have no legitimate beef with respect to their civil liberties.

Is that about it mal? :dunno:

How is it you know so much about "queerness"?

It's really not that much actually, but from the vantage point of abject ignorance I can see how it might seem that way.
Or maybe even better than that, when they were denied the Vote?...

How about someone telling me when Gays were Slaves in this Country and were regularly Whipped by their Owners?...

I'll be here waiting, because I am certain all of the people who continue to Dishonestly compare the "struggle" of Gays making their Homosexuality as public as possible Analagous to what Blacks have Suffered in this Country for hundreds of years can explain to me how they are even remotely comparible...

Honest people KNOW they are not. :thup:



Ah, one size fits all. If you were denied equality in the same way as another group, then you're clearly not being denied equality, even if you are.

Don't get your logic.
Queerness can be hidden away in the closet, skin color cannot, therefore queers have no legitimate beef with respect to their civil liberties.

Is that about it mal? :dunno:

How is it you know so much about "queerness"?

It's really not that much actually, but from the vantage point of abject ignorance I can see how it might seem that way.

You dodge a simple question better than Clinton or Obama could ever do.
So an ignorant person is asking you a simple question:
How is it you know so much about "queerness"?
Queerness can be hidden away in the closet, skin color cannot, therefore queers have no legitimate beef with respect to their civil liberties.

Is that about it mal? :dunno:

How do you walk down the street holding hands with the person you love, and hide the fact they're of the same sex?
How is it you know so much about "queerness"?

It's really not that much actually, but from the vantage point of abject ignorance I can see how it might seem that way.

You dodge a simple question better than Clinton or Obama could ever do.
So an ignorant person is asking you a simple question:
How is it you know so much about "queerness"?

I don't agree that awareness of the fact that many gays have kept their sexual orientation a secret to avoid persecution constitutes "knowing so much". I thought it was pretty much common knowledge to tell you the truth. In fact, you're the first person I've ever encountered that didn't know that. But now you do, so, you're welcome. :thup:
Queerness can be hidden away in the closet, skin color cannot, therefore queers have no legitimate beef with respect to their civil liberties.

Is that about it mal? :dunno:

In regard to this thread and the OP?.. No, there's way more.

But yes, Faggotiness is an Act. You don't have to be Liberace Queer to be Gay.

That Act is what causes people to Recoil and Employers to reconsider.

It's not Natural for ANYONE to Act that way anymore than it is for Blacks to Act like Tupac did after he Started Hiding that he was Gay and Acted a Gansta ****** to make Millions.

Yes, Tupac was a Queen.

The point of this Thread is that Gays in America haven't Suffered ANYTHING like what Blacks have and still do.

20 years... 50 years... 100 years from now, Blacks will still have their Black Skin and there will always be people who Ignorantly Judge them on it.

The same can't be said for one Guy walking down the street regardless of Color if they are Gay... Unless they are Parading it so that everyone has to Know they Fuck Men in the Bedroom, Bathhouse or Public Toilet... Yeah, with all his Money and no Prejudice Against him and no reason to "hide", George Michael still does the Gay Stereotypical thing and gets Sex in the Park Toilet. :thup:

I have plenty of Gay Friends that you would not know where Gay at all.

I have a couple of Gay Relatives, one of whom was a the most Thuggish Gangbanger you've ever seen, deep voice and intimidating...

Last time I saw him his look was pushing Drag Queen and as Femme as could be.

It's a Fucking Act... It's Annoying... And I will always call it that because that's what it is.

I don't care for Brokers who put on Leathers and ride Harley's on the Weekend and act like they are Badasses Biker Gang Members either.

Adults in Costume have always Annoyed me... Fags or not. :thup:

People who Insist on making everything they do and everything they are about their Sexuality should be Discriminated Against in my Opinion.

Gay, Straight or whatever.


Queerness can be hidden away in the closet, skin color cannot, therefore queers have no legitimate beef with respect to their civil liberties.

Is that about it mal? :dunno:

How do you walk down the street holding hands with the person you love, and hide the fact they're of the same sex?

If it was only that... Problem is that half the time I have been in a Chick-fil-a since the Controversy, some young Dyke Couple is there shoving tongue down throat in such a Deliberate manner that they should be asked to leave regardless of Sexual Choice.

I am considering documenting it on film and getting others around the country to do the same becaue I know there is an underground movement to Harrrass that company for what it's Owner said.

It's this kind of annoying, in your face shit that is repelling people from EVERYTHING Gay.

Holding hands?... Please. Try being downtown with Children during a Gay Pride Parade.

Men is Assless Chaps all over each other is so Appropriate for the Public Streets in Denver, San Fran, New York, Miami etc...

And save the "Mardi Gras" shit... It's been Dealt with. :thup:



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