Can states remove Trump from their election tickets if he is convicted

Fortunately, we can still vote to prevent fascism from growing in this country … by stopping “Big Liars” like Trump and his cultists from getting into the White House once again.

Once these types get their foot in the door, they will try to stay there, and they are willing to “terminate” the rule of law and our Constitution to do so.

I wish there was a big middle finger icon

Born in Kenya Barack, Biden and the democrat Party weaponized the government against Republicans -- and you call us Fascists
I hate how so many people here still claim only their group are “Real Americans.” Trumpsters and dingbat Liberals, capitalists and workers, rich, poor, black, white, rural, urban, well and poorly educated — all are Americans.

Do you believe in Jesus Christ? You’re an American. You don’t? Still an American! You think Trump was sent to us by Jesus Christ himself? You think he is a lying piece of shit — It doesn’t change your citizenship one bit. You’re an American.

It’s just that there are plenty of sick and deluded Americans — and tens of millions of them still support Donald Trump!
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Meanwhile back in reality Trump is going to get nailed for obstruction, among other things. At first I didnt think he was going to see a jail cell. But now I think there is a greater than 50% chance he does, unless he pleads guilty. Which none of us see happening.
"Obstruction" vs "the most corrupt politician in US history who takes bribes from our enemies".
Poor lefties. Even if you rig his jury and throw him in prison, you know Biden still won’t be able to win an honest election.

Maybe Biden can start WW3 with Russia just before the election, declare an emergency, and call the election off. An election during wartime could be considered a “threat to democracy” I’m sure.
And then start going from door to door rounding up Trumptard MAGAts and moving them to ghettos.
And then....well......
It’s just that there are plenty of sick and deluded Americans
Yes we know. They are the ones that support BLM, defund the police, transgenderism for children, open borders with human trafficking, free drugs for drug addicts, abortion-on-demand, climate hoax agenda, and war with Russia.
My grandparents and their eight young children fled Czarist tyranny and chaos in Russia.

My father fought Fascists and Japanese imperialists in WWII.

Old I may be. But I recognize what you are. Me, my family and all sane Americans will fight your Trumpster lunacy right here in the USA — this rich, powerful and still freedom loving country.

The aim in conflict is not to die for one's cause, but to make the other side die for theirs.
Fight away.
We will prevail

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