Can states remove Trump from their election tickets if he is convicted

Proof that is usable in a court of law.
The vast majority of financial convictions are based on bank records. Hunter is straight up fucked if his dad doesnt win reelection. I think Joe's money will be found soon as well. If you listen to the right Congressmen enough, youll find that they drop hints of whats coming.

Every "hint" so far has panned out too. They are being very careful not to oversell anything, which i appreciate. I would instantly lose interest in all of this if they were overselling it. I only want facts.
Who knows the state laws on who gets on a ballot?

Can states remove Trump from their election tickets if he is convicted?
And which states do you think that would be? Trump is kicking ass in every single state. Let California and New York take him off the ballot if they want. It would be a clear political move.
Poor lefties. Even if you rig his jury and throw him in prison, you know Biden still won’t be able to win an honest election.

Maybe Biden can start WW3 with Russia just before the election, declare an emergency, and call the election off. An election during wartime could be considered a “threat to democracy” I’m sure.
They never could accept their stinging loss to Hillary in 2016. Imagine if they lost in 2024 to a guy who was convicted with their kangaroo justice system and in jail. That would be the biggest humiliation in the history of the planet.
The vast majority of financial convictions are based on bank records. Hunter is straight up fucked if his dad doesnt win reelection. I think Joe's money will be found soon as well. If you listen to the right Congressmen enough, youll find that they drop hints of whats coming.

Every "hint" so far has panned out too. They are being very careful not to oversell anything, which i appreciate. I would instantly lose interest in all of this if they were overselling it. I only want facts.
What exactly has "panned out". They had some witness that couldnt be found then it turns out he's some criminal and failing to register as a Chinese Agent and making false statements. He's now on the run from the law.

Take todays headline on Fox

Pro-Biden PAC disbursed thousands to family friend who discussed business opportunities with Hunter​

So? Nothing illegal there. Even the article itself never mentions anything was illegal. What is the point in all of this? Per usual, Fox News and republicans are trying to keep this in the news up until the election. Because they have nothing else. They certainly can't run on the issues, with most Americans wanting abortions available past 6 weeks and most Americans wanting stricter gun control.

Hey if Biden has done something illegal I'll be the first person to say go after him. But this reeks of another Benghazi type deal where it will be committee after committee of "investigations" that go nowhere and nothing ever brought before a court of law nor will Biden ever be impeached.

You seem like probably the most reasonable person from the right (an assumption on my part) that I've spoken to on here. But you are living in a fantasy world if you think any of this will amount to anything.
Yeah, the 2020 election results say otherwise.

And we're not the one's calling for the constitution to be terminated and our candidate to be declared the winner.

That would be Trump.
You sure as hell are, scumbag. You want the corrupt DOJ to decide who the next president is, not the voters.
What exactly has "panned out". They had some witness that couldnt be found then it turns out he's some criminal and failing to register as a Chinese Agent and making false statements. He's now on the run from the law.
Bogus DOJ charges

Take todays headline on Fox

Pro-Biden PAC disbursed thousands to family friend who discussed business opportunities with Hunter​

So? Nothing illegal there. Even the article itself never mentions anything was illegal. What is the point in all of this? Per usual, Fox News and republicans are trying to keep this in the news up until the election. Because they have nothing else. They certainly can't run on the issues, with most Americans wanting abortions available past 6 weeks and most Americans wanting stricter gun control.
You believe Biden can run on the issues?

Man, are you ever delusional.

Hey if Biden has done something illegal I'll be the first person to say go after him. But this reeks of another Benghazi type deal where it will be committee after committee of "investigations" that go nowhere and nothing ever brought before a court of law nor will Biden ever be impeached.
That may be true. Republicans are known from snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. But it Trump gets elected, then Biden will be going to prison.

You seem like probably the most reasonable person from the right (an assumption on my part) that I've spoken to on here. But you are living in a fantasy world if you think any of this will amount to anything.
The walls are closing in, scumbag.
This whole thread (and the title) is an admission the left is scared to death of Trump and is USING the law to stop him from running.
Exactly. They don't think they can beat Trump at the ballot box, so they're looking for some other way.
Exactly. They don't think they can beat Trump at the ballot box, so they're looking for some other way.
Wrong. It's just sane people don't want criminals (especially what Trump did) being able to run for office. It seems with your kind, the worse the character of the person, the more you like them. Why is that?

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