Can states remove Trump from their election tickets if he is convicted

Yep. Rigged. Don't bother voting.
Besides, we all know the Democrats are more corrupt and sleezy than upstanding MAGA Republicans like Donald Trump, right? So what would prevent V.P. Harris from refusing to accept the Electoral slate of Republican states like Texas?
You think Biden ids going to get a record breaking turnout? I find that impossible to believe. He is corrupt, senile, a bold faced fucking liar, and his record on EVERYTHING is attrocious.

He is a Democrat
He starts out with 40% .
Party over country.
Besides, we all know the Democrats are more corrupt and sleezy than upstanding MAGA Republicans like Donald Trump, right? So what would prevent V.P. Harris from refusing to accept the Electoral slate of Republican states like Texas?

Some of the dumb ass shit you write -
Besides, we all know the Democrats are more corrupt and sleezy than upstanding MAGA Republicans like Donald Trump, right? So what would prevent V.P. Harris from refusing to accept the Electoral slate of Republican states like Texas?
Nothing if your Trump and John Eastman. That is why Trump humpers should not vote.

Answer me this question.

Why would Republicans vote for Republicans in an election they know to be rigged against Republicans?
Some of the dumb ass shit you write -
“Dumb ass” — Trump said a V.P. could do exactly that!

… even after all 50 states’ votes were validated and legitimate slates of electors sent in, courts rejected charges of fraud, etc. etc. etc. If it’s good enough for the fat cooked and crooked goose Trump, why shouldn’t it be good enough for Democrats?

Take a “gander” at where Trump’s lying, thieving attempts to divide our nation and overthrow the peaceful transition of presidential power would lead … if Democrats acted like Trump cultists!
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Leftards have become openly and brazenly evil.

This whole thread (and the title) is an admission the left is scared to death of Trump and is USING the law to stop him from running.

If there was ever something more un-American than what the left is doing right now, I haven't seen it in my lifetime.

Leftist ABUSE OF THE LAW is front and center on the American political agenda right now.

On the one side, we have a minor grifter, but on the other side we have one of the biggest collections of psychopaths the world has ever seen.

The leftards lie, they cheat, they steal, they PAY FOR TERRORIST RIOTS, and while all that is going on, and while they're busy bleating about the trannies and the orange man, the business of the nation is bring neglected and even deliberately destroyed.

The left destroys EVERYTHING it touches. Shall we start with a list of cities? There's about 90 of them. They used to be some of the most beautiful cities in the country. Seattle. Portland. San Francisco. Now look at them. Big gigantic dung heaps. Full of needle parks and homeless camps. Where shoplifting is legal and the cops don't come for anything south of violent murder.

Leftards are DANGEROUS, they're loud and incompetent and that's a bad combination.

Nobody ever voted their way out of Fascism
“Nobody ever voted their way out of Fascism.” —CrusaderFrank

Fortunately, we can still vote to prevent fascism from growing in this country … by stopping “Big Liars” like Trump and his cultists from getting into the White House once again.

Once these types get their foot in the door, they will try to stay there, and they are willing to “terminate” the rule of law and our Constitution to do so.
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The fascists are In power now
My grandparents and their eight young children fled Czarist tyranny and chaos in Russia.

My father fought Fascists and Japanese imperialists in WWII.

Old I may be. But I recognize what you are. Me, my family and all sane Americans will fight your Trumpster lunacy right here in the USA — this rich, powerful and still freedom loving country.

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