Can the Democratic Party Govern America?

Yes...paying your fair share

You gotta go where the money is
Overwhelmingly, the money in our society resides in a few wealthy rather than the masses of people

You completely ignore egregious spending and spending cuts. Name a thriving economy where the money resides with the masses? Hell, name any economy where the money resides with the masses?
It’s not a case of taking away that money from the super wealthy

It is a case of expecting them to support the society from which they benefit so greatly

If you are going to tax, you gotta go where the money is

OK. There in lies the true argument and the differences. There is no consensus for “supporting the society” and what that means.
Sure there is a consensus
Right now, it is at $4 trillion dollars

The wealthy should bear the brunt of it

Why when most of it was spent on assholes like you or assholes that you support? It's mostly other peoples money that you shitforbrains spent.
Actually, most is spent on assholes like the one percent
It’s not a case of taking away that money from the super wealthy

It is a case of expecting them to support the society from which they benefit so greatly

If you are going to tax, you gotta go where the money is

OK. There in lies the true argument and the differences. There is no consensus for “supporting the society” and what that means.
Sure there is a consensus
Right now, it is at $4 trillion dollars

The wealthy should bear the brunt of it

Again, no talk of cutting. You are SIMPLY asking the people who already pay most of it to pay more. Further, you are assuming that all $4T is equally essential.

I am asking them to contribute to our society at rates they used to pay

Supply Side/ Trickle Down does not work

You are asking people to pay at rates they used to pay even though they are paying more now and for a higher tab with no spending limits in sight.
They are paying historically low rates
What were the rest of the taxes in our nation back then. Local wage taxes. State wage taxes. Property taxes. Local sales taxes. State sales taxes. Gasoline taxes. Fuel taxes. Insurance rates for auto. Insurance rates for health. What were the interstate taxes? Add the social security tax. There are thousands of hidden taxes today that did not exist then. These affect the peasant more I agree. But you do nothing for the peasant. Just talk and yell....the rich...the rich!
If Elizabeth Warren becomes president and the Democrats win the senate and keep the house, God help us all.
What were the rest of the taxes in our nation back then. Local wage taxes. State wage taxes. Property taxes. Local sales taxes. State sales taxes. Gasoline taxes. Fuel taxes. Insurance rates for auto. Insurance rates for health. What were the interstate taxes? Add the social security tax. There are thousands of hidden taxes today that did not exist then. These affect the peasant more I agree. But you do nothing for the peasant. Just talk and yell....the rich...the rich!

Doesn’t matter

Those local taxes pay for different things than federal tax
The point is, Federal tax has dropped significantly for the wealthy
If Elizabeth Warren becomes president and the Democrats win the senate and keep the house, God help us all.
Liz Warren will go after corporate and high wealth loopholes, she will improve access to healthcare and education
If Elizabeth Warren becomes president and the Democrats win the senate and keep the house, God help us all.
Liz Warren will go after corporate and high wealth loopholes, she will improve access to healthcare and education

She’ll bankrupt the country and turn America into a socialist hell hole
Meanwhile, Trump is running a trillion dollar deficit and turning this country into a White Nationalist slaughterhouse.
If Elizabeth Warren becomes president and the Democrats win the senate and keep the house, God help us all.
Liz Warren will go after corporate and high wealth loopholes, she will improve access to healthcare and education

RW, she's also spoken to getting the influence of the NRA out of Congress (which I have no problem with), but what about all the other corporate backed lobbyists?
The democrat party has no interest in governing America. Their persistent goal has been to tear down America and put something else in its place, regardless of name. Ever since we slapped them down and told them they could not keep slavery they have been bent on undermining the Union that they could never defeat.
The democrat party has no interest in governing America. Their persistent goal has been to tear down America and put something else in its place, regardless of name. Ever since we slapped them down and told them they could not keep slavery they have been bent on undermining the Union that they could never defeat.
Our country does not have a Democrat party
If Elizabeth Warren becomes president and the Democrats win the senate and keep the house, God help us all.
Liz Warren will go after corporate and high wealth loopholes, she will improve access to healthcare and education

She’ll bankrupt the country and turn America into a socialist hell hole
She will make America Great Again

If she she’s president and the dems win the senate and keep the house, then you’ll see what socialism is really like.
If Elizabeth Warren becomes president and the Democrats win the senate and keep the house, God help us all.
Liz Warren will go after corporate and high wealth loopholes, she will improve access to healthcare and education

She’ll bankrupt the country and turn America into a socialist hell hole
She will make America Great Again

If she she’s president and the dems win the senate and keep the house, then you’ll see what socialism is really like.
No you won’t

Socialism means the Government controls the means of production, sets prices, controls who works where

The Government doing things to help We the People is not Socialism
I think it would help America, if most read the Declaration of Indpendence again, and try to understand what kind of nation the founders were trying to establish. The importance of that document establishes the kind of nation the
Founders were trying to create. The Declartion is about the new pending government and its people. Even the plan for government, begins with "We the people,"

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