Can the democrats bargain the wall for their new Healthcare Plan?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
No. Because they don't have a new healthcare plan!
Do Democrats Have A Health Care Plan?
"So let’s start with the 28 million Americans who have no insurance at all. What does the site promise to do about that? Nothing. Nothing? There’s not a word on the subject.
What about Obamacare premiums that are two to three times what they used to be? Not a word about that either.
What about sky-high deductibles that are causing people to skimp on needed care? Zero.
What about narrow networks that exclude the best doctors and the best hospitals? Zilch.
What about half the counties in the country having only one monopoly insurer and no competition? Nada."
Practically every Democratic campaign TV ad in the last election that mentioned health care focused on “pre-existing conditions.” Surely, I thought, Democrats will promise to do something about that. But, no. Not a word.

Can the democrats bargain to give the DACA kids permanent status? Sure

Can the democrats bargain for higher taxes on the top rate to reduce the deficit? Yes

Can the democrats bargain for infrastructure spending? Yes

Can the democrats bargain for acceptable climate change regulations? Yes

There are tons of bargaining chips that the democrats can use to get some of what they want, if they come to the table in good faith. I find it typical that the dems run on fixing healthcare and after being elected have nothing new to offer the voters. We'll see who has the best case to offer voters in 2020
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How can you say the democrooks have no plan?

Sure they do, we've seen it applied in other countries already.

Aktion T4

The healthcare plan the Democrats have in mind is free healthcare for all, but then rationed so the elderly will get nothing and illegal aliens will get everything they want.
Dem's don't need a new healthcare plan, they have Obamacare remember it was a big f'ing deal.
The healthcare plan the Democrats have in mind is free healthcare for all, but then rationed so the elderly will get nothing and illegal aliens will get everything they want.

Dem's will use free healthcare to purchase votes, just like all the other free crap they promise.

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