CDZ Can the GOP Nominate Someone With Fewer Delegates In His Favor Thank There Are Lined Up Against Him?

I guess that is yet to be determined.

by establishment, I assume you mean the majority of the party..... given that it is a minority of the party that supports trump.

not that your assessment might not be correct....
I do.
yea, but even less support cruz; even less support Rubio; even less support Kasich.
I dont understand that mentality..

the problem has always been that there were too many people running. a smaller field would have allowed the candidates to gather individual support.

fox never should have used national polls to determine who the "frontrunner" was. national polls were irrelevant at that point and only served to reward the name recognition that trump had and the free media he got for saying outrageous things. any other GOP candidate would have been finished when they said that McCain isn't a war hero. That didn't touch Trump because he had a pre-existing "relationship" with these people because of his TV show and name on everything. Some people seem to think that makes him presidential material.... or they just hate their party so much that they don't care.
I think its the last part more than anything.
Honestly, I don't know many people that actually like Trump. They like the "idea". They just hate the corportism, non-representation and lack of accountability. Some, like me, don't think his lunacy will be any worse than obamas, bushs etc.
The Dems will be next.. They seem to "tow the line" a little more..

there's an inherent difference. the part of the GOP that's pro trump hates the federal government. they hate having to follow the rulings of the court, they hate that what is really a small percentage of the country can't force the rest of the country to do what it wants.... hence the states' rights mantra.

democrats, not so much. we don't hate the federal government. we might disagree with things, but you don't see demo
lol ok

that the best you can respond with, TN?

feel free to point out where democrats question the legitimacy of the federal government.

republicans did it when the court ordered marriage equality

republicans thought it was ok to raise arms against federal offices (I believe you still see every day posts about how the federal government should "give back" the land to "the people"

and how many times have you seen extremists on the board talk about posse comitatus?

so you can lol all you want, but you still haven't responded to the fact that there is a significant minority of GOP voters who hate the federal government... which is where trump derives much of his energy.
I tend to think they wont do shit. Just more doom and gloom from the rubes and establishment.

by establishment, I assume you mean the majority of the party..... given that it is a minority of the party that supports trump.

not that your assessment might not be correct....
I do.
yea, but even less support cruz; even less support Rubio; even less support Kasich.
I dont understand that mentality..

the problem has always been that there were too many people running. a smaller field would have allowed the candidates to gather individual support.

fox never should have used national polls to determine who the "frontrunner" was. national polls were irrelevant at that point and only served to reward the name recognition that trump had and the free media he got for saying outrageous things. any other GOP candidate would have been finished when they said that McCain isn't a war hero. That didn't touch Trump because he had a pre-existing "relationship" with these people because of his TV show and name on everything. Some people seem to think that makes him presidential material.... or they just hate their party so much that they don't care.
I think its the last part more than anything.
Honestly, I don't know many people that actually like Trump. They like the "idea". They just hate the corportism, non-representation and lack of accountability. Some, like me, don't think his lunacy will be any worse than obamas, bushs etc.
The Dems will be next.. They seem to "tow the line" a little more..

there's an inherent difference. the part of the GOP that's pro trump hates the federal government. they hate having to follow the rulings of the court, they hate that what is really a small percentage of the country can't force the rest of the country to do what it wants.... hence the states' rights mantra.

democrats, not so much. we don't hate the federal government. we might disagree with things, but you don't see democrats refusing to follow the lawful orders of the court. can you imagine how the GOP would have acted if a democratic court handed the election to a democrat? the dems never questioned the legitimacy of the government. certain parts of the GOP (mostly the trump parts) do it all the time.

Most of the force nowadays comes from progressives not the other way around. Progressives like the federal government, and the courts especially because they are isolated from the people. Thus Progressives don't have to deal with the Proles, they can just sue their way to making people live, act and think JUST LIKE THEY DO!!! For your view to be valid, it would have to be like People in Alabama voting to force people in NY to not allow Gay Marriage, but that's not the case. its the people in NY that are saying "you are going to do it, you are going to like it, and if you don't, here's the handcuffs. "

My sig covers my view on this quite nicely.
I tend to think they wont do shit. Just more doom and gloom from the rubes and establishment.

by establishment, I assume you mean the majority of the party..... given that it is a minority of the party that supports trump.

not that your assessment might not be correct....

Trump does best in open primaries, he is feeding on the groundswell of angst in middle america. Most of the upcoming primaries are closed ones, lets see how he does in those before the concept of "majorities of Republicans" supporting him is discussed with any certainty.

that "groundswell" isn't even a majority of republican voters.... I think that's the point of the question I asked in the o/p.

how does the GOP handle it's nominee when that nominee is rejected by the majority of its primary voters - who aren't even a majority of the GOP....and who are generally the most dogmatic --of their own party.
by establishment, I assume you mean the majority of the party..... given that it is a minority of the party that supports trump.

not that your assessment might not be correct....
I do.
yea, but even less support cruz; even less support Rubio; even less support Kasich.
I dont understand that mentality..

the problem has always been that there were too many people running. a smaller field would have allowed the candidates to gather individual support.

fox never should have used national polls to determine who the "frontrunner" was. national polls were irrelevant at that point and only served to reward the name recognition that trump had and the free media he got for saying outrageous things. any other GOP candidate would have been finished when they said that McCain isn't a war hero. That didn't touch Trump because he had a pre-existing "relationship" with these people because of his TV show and name on everything. Some people seem to think that makes him presidential material.... or they just hate their party so much that they don't care.
I think its the last part more than anything.
Honestly, I don't know many people that actually like Trump. They like the "idea". They just hate the corportism, non-representation and lack of accountability. Some, like me, don't think his lunacy will be any worse than obamas, bushs etc.
The Dems will be next.. They seem to "tow the line" a little more..

there's an inherent difference. the part of the GOP that's pro trump hates the federal government. they hate having to follow the rulings of the court, they hate that what is really a small percentage of the country can't force the rest of the country to do what it wants.... hence the states' rights mantra.

democrats, not so much. we don't hate the federal government. we might disagree with things, but you don't see democrats refusing to follow the lawful orders of the court. can you imagine how the GOP would have acted if a democratic court handed the election to a democrat? the dems never questioned the legitimacy of the government. certain parts of the GOP (mostly the trump parts) do it all the time.

Most of the force nowadays comes from progressives not the other way around. Progressives like the federal government, and the courts especially because they are isolated from the people. Thus Progressives don't have to deal with the Proles, they can just sue their way to making people live, act and think JUST LIKE THEY DO!!! For your view to be valid, it would have to be like People in Alabama voting to force people in NY to not allow Gay Marriage, but that's not the case. its the people in NY that are saying "you are going to do it, you are going to like it, and if you don't, here's the handcuffs. "

My sig covers my view on this quite nicely.

For your view to be valid, our form of government would not be valid. If you don't like our constitution, you are free to take your traitorous rear. somewhere else.
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that the best you can respond with, TN?

feel free to point out where democrats question the legitimacy of the federal government.

republicans did it when the court ordered marriage equality

republicans thought it was ok to raise arms against federal offices (I believe you still see every day posts about how the federal government should "give back" the land to "the people"

and how many times have you seen extremists on the board talk about posse comitatus?

so you can lol all you want, but you still haven't responded to the fact that there is a significant minority of GOP voters who hate the federal government... which is where trump derives much of his energy.

There is a fundamental difference between right and left.

The right views the United States Constitution as the immutable law of the land.

You of the left view the SCOTUS as the law of the land.

The right holds that courts must apply law to cases.

You of the left hold that the courts are the law.

The right holds that the Constitution may be changed through the Amendment process.

You of the left hold that the Constitution is mailable and fluid, changing when an Elana Kagan takes a role on the court. No need for amendments, since the Constitution has no meaning, and only the utterance of unelected justices determine how the nation is governed,
by establishment, I assume you mean the majority of the party..... given that it is a minority of the party that supports trump.

not that your assessment might not be correct....
I do.
yea, but even less support cruz; even less support Rubio; even less support Kasich.
I dont understand that mentality..

the problem has always been that there were too many people running. a smaller field would have allowed the candidates to gather individual support.

fox never should have used national polls to determine who the "frontrunner" was. national polls were irrelevant at that point and only served to reward the name recognition that trump had and the free media he got for saying outrageous things. any other GOP candidate would have been finished when they said that McCain isn't a war hero. That didn't touch Trump because he had a pre-existing "relationship" with these people because of his TV show and name on everything. Some people seem to think that makes him presidential material.... or they just hate their party so much that they don't care.
I think its the last part more than anything.
Honestly, I don't know many people that actually like Trump. They like the "idea". They just hate the corportism, non-representation and lack of accountability. Some, like me, don't think his lunacy will be any worse than obamas, bushs etc.
The Dems will be next.. They seem to "tow the line" a little more..

there's an inherent difference. the part of the GOP that's pro trump hates the federal government. they hate having to follow the rulings of the court, they hate that what is really a small percentage of the country can't force the rest of the country to do what it wants.... hence the states' rights mantra.

democrats, not so much. we don't hate the federal government. we might disagree with things, but you don't see democrats refusing to follow the lawful orders of the court. can you imagine how the GOP would have acted if a democratic court handed the election to a democrat? the dems never questioned the legitimacy of the government. certain parts of the GOP (mostly the trump parts) do it all the time.

Most of the force nowadays comes from progressives not the other way around. Progressives like the federal government, and the courts especially because they are isolated from the people. Thus Progressives don't have to deal with the Proles, they can just sue their way to making people live, act and think JUST LIKE THEY DO!!! For your view to be valid, it would have to be like People in Alabama voting to force people in NY to not allow Gay Marriage, but that's not the case. its the people in NY that are saying "you are going to do it, you are going to like it, and if you don't, here's the handcuffs. "

My sig covers my view on this quite nicely.

you seem to forget that we have a form of government that requires all states to extend the minimal rights granted by our constitution and federal laws. it has always been that way. that's the point of the court... to keep the torch and pitchfork crowd from taking away rights from unpopular people or things.

there would never be any reason for the court to have to protect the popular.

you can't simply say you don't like our form of government.

well, you can, but it's kind of pointless
I do.
yea, but even less support cruz; even less support Rubio; even less support Kasich.
I dont understand that mentality..

the problem has always been that there were too many people running. a smaller field would have allowed the candidates to gather individual support.

fox never should have used national polls to determine who the "frontrunner" was. national polls were irrelevant at that point and only served to reward the name recognition that trump had and the free media he got for saying outrageous things. any other GOP candidate would have been finished when they said that McCain isn't a war hero. That didn't touch Trump because he had a pre-existing "relationship" with these people because of his TV show and name on everything. Some people seem to think that makes him presidential material.... or they just hate their party so much that they don't care.
I think its the last part more than anything.
Honestly, I don't know many people that actually like Trump. They like the "idea". They just hate the corportism, non-representation and lack of accountability. Some, like me, don't think his lunacy will be any worse than obamas, bushs etc.
The Dems will be next.. They seem to "tow the line" a little more..

there's an inherent difference. the part of the GOP that's pro trump hates the federal government. they hate having to follow the rulings of the court, they hate that what is really a small percentage of the country can't force the rest of the country to do what it wants.... hence the states' rights mantra.

democrats, not so much. we don't hate the federal government. we might disagree with things, but you don't see democrats refusing to follow the lawful orders of the court. can you imagine how the GOP would have acted if a democratic court handed the election to a democrat? the dems never questioned the legitimacy of the government. certain parts of the GOP (mostly the trump parts) do it all the time.

Most of the force nowadays comes from progressives not the other way around. Progressives like the federal government, and the courts especially because they are isolated from the people. Thus Progressives don't have to deal with the Proles, they can just sue their way to making people live, act and think JUST LIKE THEY DO!!! For your view to be valid, it would have to be like People in Alabama voting to force people in NY to not allow Gay Marriage, but that's not the case. its the people in NY that are saying "you are going to do it, you are going to like it, and if you don't, here's the handcuffs. "

My sig covers my view on this quite nicely.

you seem to forget that we have a form of government that requires all states to extend the minimal rights granted by our constitution and federal laws. it has always been that way. that's the point of the court... to keep the torch and pitchfork crowd from taking away rights from unpopular people or things.

there would never be any reason for the court to have to protect the popular.

you can't simply say you don't like our form of government.

well, you can, but it's kind of pointless

If Donald Trump get's the nomination, then he's popular. What 'unpopular things' are you referring to that he advocates? Please be specific.
that the best you can respond with, TN?

feel free to point out where democrats question the legitimacy of the federal government.

republicans did it when the court ordered marriage equality

republicans thought it was ok to raise arms against federal offices (I believe you still see every day posts about how the federal government should "give back" the land to "the people"

and how many times have you seen extremists on the board talk about posse comitatus?

so you can lol all you want, but you still haven't responded to the fact that there is a significant minority of GOP voters who hate the federal government... which is where trump derives much of his energy.

There is a fundamental difference between right and left.

The right views the United States Constitution as the immutable law of the land.

You of the left view the SCOTUS as the law of the land.

The right holds that courts must apply law to cases.

You of the left hold that the courts are the law.

The right holds that the Constitution may be changed through the Amendment process.

You of the left hold that the Constitution is mailable and fluid, changing when an Elana Kagan takes a role on the court. No need for amendments, since the Constitution has no meaning, and only the utterance of unelected justices determine how the nation is governed,

You have such odd beliefs about liberals. Did rush tell you all of that?
I do.
yea, but even less support cruz; even less support Rubio; even less support Kasich.
I dont understand that mentality..

the problem has always been that there were too many people running. a smaller field would have allowed the candidates to gather individual support.

fox never should have used national polls to determine who the "frontrunner" was. national polls were irrelevant at that point and only served to reward the name recognition that trump had and the free media he got for saying outrageous things. any other GOP candidate would have been finished when they said that McCain isn't a war hero. That didn't touch Trump because he had a pre-existing "relationship" with these people because of his TV show and name on everything. Some people seem to think that makes him presidential material.... or they just hate their party so much that they don't care.
I think its the last part more than anything.
Honestly, I don't know many people that actually like Trump. They like the "idea". They just hate the corportism, non-representation and lack of accountability. Some, like me, don't think his lunacy will be any worse than obamas, bushs etc.
The Dems will be next.. They seem to "tow the line" a little more..

there's an inherent difference. the part of the GOP that's pro trump hates the federal government. they hate having to follow the rulings of the court, they hate that what is really a small percentage of the country can't force the rest of the country to do what it wants.... hence the states' rights mantra.

democrats, not so much. we don't hate the federal government. we might disagree with things, but you don't see demo
lol ok

that the best you can respond with, TN?

feel free to point out where democrats question the legitimacy of the federal government.

republicans did it when the court ordered marriage equality

republicans thought it was ok to raise arms against federal offices (I believe you still see every day posts about how the federal government should "give back" the land to "the people"

and how many times have you seen extremists on the board talk about posse comitatus?

so you can lol all you want, but you still haven't responded to the fact that there is a significant minority of GOP voters who hate the federal government... which is where trump derives much of his energy.
Goddamnit Jillian. Have you ever heard of Bernie Sanders?
Why should I waste time typing OBVIOUS things when a hack wont open its eyes and mind long enough to even consider it?
I don't understand how someone CANT hate the way things are. It cant be ANY MORE OBVIOUS they are corrupt, put special and foreign interest above ours and stick to failure. OVER and OVER and OVER
Like I said, fuckin OBVIOUS
the problem has always been that there were too many people running. a smaller field would have allowed the candidates to gather individual support.

fox never should have used national polls to determine who the "frontrunner" was. national polls were irrelevant at that point and only served to reward the name recognition that trump had and the free media he got for saying outrageous things. any other GOP candidate would have been finished when they said that McCain isn't a war hero. That didn't touch Trump because he had a pre-existing "relationship" with these people because of his TV show and name on everything. Some people seem to think that makes him presidential material.... or they just hate their party so much that they don't care.
I think its the last part more than anything.
Honestly, I don't know many people that actually like Trump. They like the "idea". They just hate the corportism, non-representation and lack of accountability. Some, like me, don't think his lunacy will be any worse than obamas, bushs etc.
The Dems will be next.. They seem to "tow the line" a little more..

there's an inherent difference. the part of the GOP that's pro trump hates the federal government. they hate having to follow the rulings of the court, they hate that what is really a small percentage of the country can't force the rest of the country to do what it wants.... hence the states' rights mantra.

democrats, not so much. we don't hate the federal government. we might disagree with things, but you don't see demo
lol ok

that the best you can respond with, TN?

feel free to point out where democrats question the legitimacy of the federal government.

republicans did it when the court ordered marriage equality

republicans thought it was ok to raise arms against federal offices (I believe you still see every day posts about how the federal government should "give back" the land to "the people"

and how many times have you seen extremists on the board talk about posse comitatus?

so you can lol all you want, but you still haven't responded to the fact that there is a significant minority of GOP voters who hate the federal government... which is where trump derives much of his energy.
Goddamnit Jillian. Have you ever heard of Bernie Sanders?
Why should I waste time typing OBVIOUS things when a hack wont open its eyes and mind long enough to even consider it?
I don't understand how someone CANT hate the way things are. It cant be ANY MORE OBVIOUS they are corrupt, put special and foreign interest above ours and stick to failure. OVER and OVER and OVER
Like I said, fuckin OBVIOUS

Of course you are full of hate. The GOP has been pumping you full of it for years.
that the best you can respond with, TN?

feel free to point out where democrats question the legitimacy of the federal government.

republicans did it when the court ordered marriage equality

republicans thought it was ok to raise arms against federal offices (I believe you still see every day posts about how the federal government should "give back" the land to "the people"

and how many times have you seen extremists on the board talk about posse comitatus?

so you can lol all you want, but you still haven't responded to the fact that there is a significant minority of GOP voters who hate the federal government... which is where trump derives much of his energy.

There is a fundamental difference between right and left.

The right views the United States Constitution as the immutable law of the land.

You of the left view the SCOTUS as the law of the land.

The right holds that courts must apply law to cases.

You of the left hold that the courts are the law.

The right holds that the Constitution may be changed through the Amendment process.

You of the left hold that the Constitution is mailable and fluid, changing when an Elana Kagan takes a role on the court. No need for amendments, since the Constitution has no meaning, and only the utterance of unelected justices determine how the nation is governed,

You have such odd beliefs about liberals. Did rush tell you all of that?
What do you know about liberals?
that the best you can respond with, TN?

feel free to point out where democrats question the legitimacy of the federal government.

republicans did it when the court ordered marriage equality

republicans thought it was ok to raise arms against federal offices (I believe you still see every day posts about how the federal government should "give back" the land to "the people"

and how many times have you seen extremists on the board talk about posse comitatus?

so you can lol all you want, but you still haven't responded to the fact that there is a significant minority of GOP voters who hate the federal government... which is where trump derives much of his energy.

There is a fundamental difference between right and left.

The right views the United States Constitution as the immutable law of the land.

You of the left view the SCOTUS as the law of the land.

The right holds that courts must apply law to cases.

You of the left hold that the courts are the law.

The right holds that the Constitution may be changed through the Amendment process.

You of the left hold that the Constitution is mailable and fluid, changing when an Elana Kagan takes a role on the court. No need for amendments, since the Constitution has no meaning, and only the utterance of unelected justices determine how the nation is governed,

You have such odd beliefs about liberals. Did rush tell you all of that?
What do you know about liberals?

That's a pretty broad question.
I feel that the people would riot at this point if they past up the person whom they obviously wanted in... We are to our breaking point with the government bullshit.

why would they "riot" if Trump does not hold a majority of available delegates even though he has more than the other candidates? should the majority of the party be unrepresented?

No, that comment was about something I saw on the news the other day...Saying that even if he gets all of the delegates he needs the GOP can still take it away from him..

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