Can the Left have decent discussions with the Right?

This video presents an example where the answer is YES. It can be done. It might be hard for most, but some actually get the job done. This is what it takes in my opinion to correct the course of America. America is in drastic need of a course correction. When people ignore the blatant corruption of either alleged about Trump or alleged to be about Biden, they lose contact with reality. What about it? Do you think they can do it?

I feel those who do not communicate or willing to compromise are the MAGA Republicans.
They do not work well with other Republicans or Democrats.
The Republicans and Democrats can come together in the Senate.
This video presents an example where the answer is YES. It can be done. It might be hard for most, but some actually get the job done. This is what it takes in my opinion to correct the course of America. America is in drastic need of a course correction. When people ignore the blatant corruption of either alleged about Trump or alleged to be about Biden, they lose contact with reality. What about it? Do you think they can do it?

Yes. They're all shills for technocrats who love monopolies and hate 'populism'; they've been working together on getting rid of 'populists' since the 1940's. Big IS Better, and you uppity proles don't know your places.
And yet if you ask a left winger, he will brag how great it was during the era of Franklin Roosevelt. They simply put his past on ignore normally.

lol you're just another Party shill, bashing past pols in the hopes the shit splatters on the modern Democrats, never mind they aren't the same Party that rescued the country from Republicans' disasters for 40 years, from 1932 to 1976, when the DNC joined hands with the RNC and have been blowing each other ever since.
This video presents an example where the answer is YES. It can be done. It might be hard for most, but some actually get the job done. This is what it takes in my opinion to correct the course of America. America is in drastic need of a course correction. When people ignore the blatant corruption of either alleged about Trump or alleged to be about Biden, they lose contact with reality. What about it? Do you think they can do it?

It's difficult for sane people (left) to have decent discussions with insane people (right).
The left can have decent conversations with anyone; you're talking about liberals and conservatives here.

And both - but particularly conservatives right now - are on delusional benders.

It's a complete shit show.
As if you ever have anything better to offer

Particularly your delusion that there is any real difference between liberals and leftists
Yes. They're all shills for technocrats who love monopolies and hate 'populism'; they've been working together on getting rid of 'populists' since the 1940's. Big IS Better, and you uppity proles don't know your places.
Populist leaders throughout the world. Trump, Dud and the cult are a danger like previous Populist leaders.
Populists seem to use exactly the same strategy to mobilize masses: fear and chaos.
populists seem to use exactly the same strategy to mobilize masses: fear and chaos
I think that the problem isn't "the left" considering those on the right side of the aisle can't even seem to have a civil discussion amongst themselves.
Send white Prog children living in nice areas going to public schools to inner city African American area public schools.
I’ve observed many a Democrat introduce themselves to the USMB and be perfectly normal, understanding and capable of reasonable conversations but it takes less than 3 months and they’re real close to full time raving lunatics. It generally only gets worse from there.
Although.. I ‘d say about 20% of Old Time actual liberals still retain their sense of humor, excellent smart-assery skills and they’re fun to be around.
I feel those who do not communicate or willing to compromise are the MAGA Republicans.
They do not work well with other Republicans or Democrats.
The Republicans and Democrats can come together in the Senate.
Let's try this from a different angle since you said compromise.

If one compromised with Hitler, what would that look like?
This video presents an example where the answer is YES. It can be done. It might be hard for most, but some actually get the job done. This is what it takes in my opinion to correct the course of America. America is in drastic need of a course correction. When people ignore the blatant corruption of either alleged about Trump or alleged to be about Biden, they lose contact with reality. What about it? Do you think they can do it?

Definitely. There are plenty of good, honest, patriotic people across the spectrum. Unfortunately, their voices are being drowned out right now.

I don't know what turns this around, but one guess may be that higher-profile Americans lead the way, set the example.

Those who say there is no chance to find common ground, those who equate communication with capitulation, probably won't be a part of the fix. They just need to be marginalized from the effort.
It's difficult for sane people (left) to have decent discussions with insane people (right).
I have a simple test for you. See how reasonable or sane you really are.

FDR, Roosevelt iow, stationed our heavy fleet at Pearl Harbor to A: start war with Japan B: Defeat Japan C: Hope Japan was nice and never would sink our fleet?

Actually it was A. By putting the fleet into a small boxed in harbor, making it a serious target, and causing our fleet to be sunk or super damaged, he got his war started.
Waiting for your reply.
This video presents an example where the answer is YES. It can be done. It might be hard for most, but some actually get the job done. This is what it takes in my opinion to correct the course of America. America is in drastic need of a course correction. When people ignore the blatant corruption of either alleged about Trump or alleged to be about Biden, they lose contact with reality. What about it? Do you think they can do it?

You believe the 2020 election was stolen.

So you're disqualified from having any intelligent discussion on a political topic since you believe in things that did not happen.
You believe the 2020 election was stolen.

So you're disqualified from having any intelligent discussion on a political topic since you believe in things that did not happen.
Sure, 20 million Democrats suddenly got up at 10 past 2 AM in the morning and rushed their ballots to the post office to vote. And you believe that.
Sure, 20 million Democrats suddenly got up at 10 past 2 AM in the morning and rushed their ballots to the post office to vote. And you believe that.
And that you believe that happened strengthens my case that you've self-disqualified from any learned debate on politics.
This video presents an example where the answer is YES. It can be done. It might be hard for most, but some actually get the job done. This is what it takes in my opinion to correct the course of America. America is in drastic need of a course correction. When people ignore the blatant corruption of either alleged about Trump or alleged to be about Biden, they lose contact with reality. What about it? Do you think they can do it?

Depends who it is.

Not with the likes of Synthaholic or IM2 or Slade3200 or Superbadbrutha

No Chance

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