Can The Students Be Silenced?


Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.


No these kids can't be silenced but they've got to do more than that. They have got to vote this coming November in the midterm election cycle. If you're 18 years old and not registered, register to vote now! If you're going to be 18 soon, register to vote as soon as you are. If you have friends that are 18 make sure they register and they VOTE. If you're away at college plan ahead to receive a mail-in ballot from your home state.

Someone who doesn't vote or votes for any Republican is voting for more sympathies and prayer vigils. Even though the Florida state legislature did a gun restriction on age, and as soon as you forget about it, and are not looking they'll go right back to the old gun regulations by lowering the age limit. Republicans have done this before. Do not be fooled by this.

The NRA is the Republican parties campaign cash cow and they are going to protect that cow no matter what.

The gun rights organization spent a stupendous $54.4 million in the 2016 election cycle, almost all of it in "independent expenditures," meaning spending for or against a candidate but not a direct contribution to a campaign. The money went almost entirely to Republicans to a degree that almost looks like a misprint (but isn't): Of independent expenditures totaling $52.6 million, Democrats received $265. Yes, that's 265 dollars.If you're looking for a reason that politicians are quick to declare that their "thoughts and prayers" are with the victims of the horrific slaughters that have become virtually routine in American life, but do nothing further to stop them, look no further.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns


If you want common sense gun control in this country, you'll have to vote for Democrats this coming November in the 2018 mid term election cycle.

If common sense had anything to do with democrats gun control policies, they would be able to persuade people with out using the fear and grief of people who should be mourning. Democrat policies are purely emotion based. If reason was involved they wouldn’t be pushing policies that actually did something to stop mass shootings rather than ones that wouldn’t have changed anything.

Common sense gun control is placing the gun in your own hands so you can use it to protect yourself rather than remain unarmed targets for evil men. Common sense is using the tools you have to stop evil rather than making it illegal to have those tools.

Republicans have owned the house since 2010. The Aurora theater shooting happened, they did nothing. Virginia Tech happened, they did nothing, Sandy Hook happened, they did nothing, San Bernardino, California happened they did nothing, Orlando, Florida happened they did nothing, Las Vegas, Nevada happened, they did nothing, Sutherland Springs, Texas happened they did nothing, and Parkland, Florida happened and they won't do nothing. A total of 9 mass shootings since Republicans have held the house and they have refused to do anything. They haven't even talked about bump stocks being sold across this country.

Anything the NRA wants, the Republican party makes certain it happens.

What they did do is eliminate mental health background checks Obama initiated after Sandy Hook, as soon as Trump walked through the oval office door.
Trump repeals an Obama regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions

Obama asked Republicans to put people who were on no fly lists and terrorist watch lists on NO gun lists, and Republicans said NO.
Obama: It's 'insane' that people on the 'no-fly' list can buy guns - CNNPolitics

Then Orlando, Florida happened where a terrorist was on an FBI watch list walked into a gun store was able to load up and he killed 49 innocent people, and Republicans still did NOTHING. They didn't even think maybe Obama was right, these people should be on no gun lists.
Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance - CNN


Florida just passed a law that requires a 21 age limit on all gun purchases and the NRA has already launched a law suit.

The National Rifle Association on Friday sued Florida over new gun restrictions that were signed into law in response to the Parkland school shooting that killed 17 people. The NRA filed the lawsuit just hours after Gov. Rick Scott signed the legislation, which, in addition to funding for school safety programs, raises the age limit for buying rifles from 18 to 21 and extends a three-day waiting period for handgun purchases to include long guns. It also establishes a program to arm trained teachers and campus employees.The NRA, however, is asking a federal judge to stop the new age requirement, arguing it violates the Constitution.
The NRA Is Suing Florida Over New Gun Control Laws Put In Place After The Parkland Shooting

Who is going to side with the NRA on this law suit against Florida?---REPUBLICANS are.


'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns

If you want common sense gun controls in this country, you'll have to VOTE for Democrats this coming November in the midterm election cycle. If you don't vote or vote for Republicans, you're just casting a vote for more sympathies and prayer vigils.
Last edited:



Dumb shit......Can you explain which Australian gun laws stopped these shooters from shooting 4 or more people in a public space?

La Trobe university shooting....1 killed ,one wounded
Cabramatta wedding shooting....7 people shot, none died
Monash University shooting,....2 killed, 5 injured....

Notice...2 school shootings that happened after they banned and confiscated guns, the only reason they are not mass public shootings?......the shooters didn't kill more people with the gun they had in a public space...dumb luck, not Australian gun laws...

Melbourne CBD shooting...1 killed 2 wounded.

Hectorville siege....3 dead, one wounded....technically a family killing but he could have gone to a church, a mall, a theater, or a school....

Gold Coast, Bikie Mall a mall, with a gun, shooting at rivals....Australian gun control did not stop him from shooting 4 or more strangers in the mall....he just wanted to murder rival gang members...

Hectorville Mall Siege....

Do you see the point, dumb ass.....these aren't even all the shootings in public spaces by individuals with illegal guns......

No, dumb ass, Australian gun control laws did not stop their mass shootings...dumb luck has kept them safe....

More, with some repeats.....

  • 9 September 2014 – Lockhart massacre – Geoff Hunt shot and killed his wife, Kim, his 10-year-old son Fletcher, and his daughters Mia, eight and Phoebe, six before killing himself on a farm in Lockhart in the Riverina district near Wagga Wagga New South Wales. The body of Geoff Hunt and a firearm are later found in a dam on the farm by police divers and a suicide note written by Geoff Hunt is also found inside the house on the farm.[citation needed]
  • 7 November 2014 – Jordy Brook carjacked a Channel 7 news cameraman at gun point during a crime spree on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. He was later captured and arrested by police after luring police on a high speed chase and crashing the car.[citation needed
  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
  • 27 June 2015 – Hermidale triple murder – the bodies of three people, two men and a woman are found shot dead on a property in a rural farming community in the town of Hermidale west of Nyngan, the bodies of 28-year-old Jacob Cumberland his father 59-year-old Stephen Cumberland and a 36-year-old woman were found with gun shot wounds, the body of Jacob Cumberland was found on the drive way of the property, the body of the 36-year-old woman was found in the backyard of the property and the body of Stephen Cumberland was found in a burnt out caravan on the property. 61-year-old Allan O'Connor is later arrested and charged with the murders.
  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.

  • 2 October 2015 - 2015 Parramatta shooting On 2 October 2015, Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar, a 15-year-old boy, shot and killed Curtis Cheng, an unarmed police civilian finance worker, outside the New South Wales Police Force headquarters in Parramatta, Australia. Jabar was subsequently shot and killed by special constables who were protecting the police station.
Here is a neater list.....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia
  • 16 January 1998 to 15 June 2009 – Melbourne gangland killings – A series of 35 murders of crime figures and their associates that began with the slaying of Alphonse Gangitano in his home, most likely by Jason Moran, the latest victim being Des Moran who was murdered in Ascot Vale on 15 June 2009.

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria at La Trobe university in Melbourne, Victoria, armed with a 38-calibre revolver handgun and opened fire, killing cafeteria manager Leon Capraro and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
21st century[edit]

  • 13 March 2000 – Millewa State Forest Murders – Barbara and Stephen Brooks and Stacie Willoughby were found dead, all three having been shot execution style and left in the forest.[62][63]

  • 16 July 2001 – Peter James Knight, an anti-abortion activist, walked into an abortion clinic in East Melbourne armed with a rifle. Knight shot dead security guard Stephen Gordon Rogers and was later overpowered by staff in the abortion clinic. After his arrest, Knight was charged and convicted of murder. He was sentenced to life in prison.
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
  • 14 October 2002 – Dr. Margret Tobin, the South Australian head of Mental Health Services, was shot dead by Jean Eric Gassy as she walked out of a lift in her office building.
  • 21 October 2002 – Monash University shootingHuan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five.
  • 25 October 2003 – Greenacre double murder – A man and a woman are shot dead in a house in the suburb of Greenacre, Sydney which was the result of a feud between two Middle Eastern crime families. Twenty-four-year-old Ziad Abdulrazak was shot 10 times in the chest and head and 22-year-old Mervat Hamka was shot twice in the neck while she slept in her bedroom. Up to 100 shots were fired into the house by four men who were later arrested and convicted of the murders.

  • 18 February 2006 – Cardross Hit and Run – Thomas Graham Towle crashed his car at high speed into a group of 13 teenagers, killing six and injuring seven near the town ofCardross, Victoria.[73]
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[75]

An expidited list.....

Here is a list of shootings in Australia...notice, they are all after they banned and confiscated guns...tell did Australian gun laws stop these from becoming mass shootings?

I will quote a the rest....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
If he had decided to keep shooting...would Australian gun laws have kept this from being a mass shooting?
Tell me...this doesn't count as a mass shooting...only because more of the victims didn't die...7 people shot......did Australian gun laws stop it from being a mass shooting?
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
Another one.....this shooter couldn't clear his he only killed 2...the new standard for a mass shooting incident is 3 dead how did Australian gun laws keep this from being a mass shooting...rather than just dumb luck....?
And had this guy decided to keep shooting.....would Australian gun laws have stopped him? And kept this from being a mass shooting?

  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]
Can you see that CNN's article is just wrong....that it implies that Australian gun control has ended their mass shootings...and that that is a lie?

And more....

  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
this guy actually went into a mall......with a gun......after they banned and confiscated tell me how this doesn't show that the CNN article is a lie....
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
How did Australian gun control laws keep this shooting from being a muslim terrorist mass shooting? An immigrant to Australia got a gun in a country where they banned and confiscated them and now claim their gun control laws have stopped mass shootings...

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
And how did Australian gun control keep this shooting from being a mass shooting?

  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
And had this kid walked into his a muslim immigrant and simply shot 3 would have been an act of muslim terrorism and a mass shooting ....again, luck saved Australia, not their gun control laws...
  • And how did Australian gun laws keep these muslim teenager from going to a school with this gun and shooting a bunch of students?

    Sydney police HQ shooting linked to terrorism: police commissioner

    The actions of the 15-year-old gunman who shot dead a New South Wales police civilian employee were an act of terrorism, police say.

    The radicalised youth of Middle Eastern background has been named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

    He killed the police employee, Curtis Cheng, as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney's west around 4:30pm yesterday.

    The offender then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.
What a stupid post. Looking for an excuse to sit on your fat ass while more children die because some kid had access to an assault type rifle.

A Vote Republican is a vote for more children blood in schools,. less education, polluted air & water & a more difficult future for everyone.

Any Vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment, and leave you defenseless....
I am just shocked you even have a gun after Obama took all of them.

You don't give a shit that the air will be dirtier, the water more polluted, workplaces more dangerous, your children's future in danger from MMGW,.
All you give a shit about is your precious gun.

Only fucking retards believe gun free zones are effective at keeping crazy people out

Only fools and liars argue that gun free zones are intended to keep guns out. They are intended to add an enhancement on top of any crime committed while in possession of agun in a gun free zone.

Possession of drugs, entering a school w/o permission (trespassing) or any low grade misdemeanor will add one year to the maximum six months in county jail; and one year to a serious Misdemeanor = two years county jail. Also, the offender will most likely be placed on three years probation, one condition and term of probation would be not to possess or have in his custody or control a firearm.

For a felony, the enhancement can add more time to a prison sentence, which could be aggravated by a gun possession and might add two or three more years to the base term.

Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.


No these kids can't be silenced but they've got to do more than that. They have got to vote this coming November in the midterm election cycle. If you're 18 years old and not registered, register to vote now! If you're going to be 18 soon, register to vote as soon as you are. If you have friends that are 18 make sure they register and they VOTE. If you're away at college plan ahead to receive a mail-in ballot from your home state.

Someone who doesn't vote or votes for any Republican is voting for more sympathies and prayer vigils. Even though the Florida state legislature did a gun restriction on age, and as soon as you forget about it, and are not looking they'll go right back to the old gun regulations by lowering the age limit. Republicans have done this before. Do not be fooled by this.

The NRA is the Republican parties campaign cash cow and they are going to protect that cow no matter what.

The gun rights organization spent a stupendous $54.4 million in the 2016 election cycle, almost all of it in "independent expenditures," meaning spending for or against a candidate but not a direct contribution to a campaign. The money went almost entirely to Republicans to a degree that almost looks like a misprint (but isn't): Of independent expenditures totaling $52.6 million, Democrats received $265. Yes, that's 265 dollars.If you're looking for a reason that politicians are quick to declare that their "thoughts and prayers" are with the victims of the horrific slaughters that have become virtually routine in American life, but do nothing further to stop them, look no further.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns


If you want common sense gun control in this country, you'll have to vote for Democrats this coming November in the 2018 mid term election cycle.

If common sense had anything to do with democrats gun control policies, they would be able to persuade people with out using the fear and grief of people who should be mourning. Democrat policies are purely emotion based. If reason was involved they wouldn’t be pushing policies that actually did something to stop mass shootings rather than ones that wouldn’t have changed anything.

Common sense gun control is placing the gun in your own hands so you can use it to protect yourself rather than remain unarmed targets for evil men. Common sense is using the tools you have to stop evil rather than making it illegal to have those tools.

Republicans have owned the house since 2010. The Aurora theater shooting happened, they did nothing. Virginia Tech happened, they did nothing, Sandy Hook happened, they did nothing, San Bernardino, California happened they did nothing, Orlando, Florida happened they did nothing, Las Vegas, Nevada happened, they did nothing, Sutherland Springs, Texas happened they did nothing, and Parkland, Florida happened and they won't do nothing. A total of 9 mass shootings since Republicans have held the house and they have refused to do anything. They haven't even talked about bump stocks being sold across this country.

Anything the NRA wants, the Republican party makes certain it happens.

What they did do is eliminate mental health background checks Obama initiated after Sandy Hook, as soon as Trump walked through the oval office door.
Trump repeals an Obama regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions

Obama asked Republicans to put people who were on no fly lists and terrorist watch lists on NO gun lists, and they said NO.
Obama: It's 'insane' that people on the 'no-fly' list can buy guns - CNNPolitics

Then Orlando, Florida happened where a terrorist was on an FBI watch list walked into a gun store was able to load up and he killed 49 innocent people, and Republicans still did NOTHING. They didn't even think maybe Obama was right, these people should be on no gun lists.
Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance - CNN


Florida just passed a law that requires a 21 age limit on all gun purchases and the NRA has already launched a law suit.

The National Rifle Association on Friday sued Florida over new gun restrictions that were signed into law in response to the Parkland school shooting that killed 17 people. The NRA filed the lawsuit just hours after Gov. Rick Scott signed the legislation, which, in addition to funding for school safety programs, raises the age limit for buying rifles from 18 to 21 and extends a three-day waiting period for handgun purchases to include long guns. It also establishes a program to arm trained teachers and campus employees.The NRA, however, is asking a federal judge to stop the new age requirement, arguing it violates the Constitution.
The NRA Is Suing Florida Over New Gun Control Laws Put In Place After The Parkland Shooting

Who is going to side with the NRA on this law suit against Florida?---REPUBLICANS are.


'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns

If you want common sense gun controls in this country, you'll have to VOTE for Democrats this coming November in the midterm election cycle.

Informative and thank you!
But it will eliminate Mass Shootings...So your point Was??????? won' hasn't stopped mass shootings in Australia or Britain...they keep getting by on dumb luck...but their criminals and others get guns, and only pure, dumb luck has saved them...



Dumb shit......Can you explain which Australian gun laws stopped these shooters from shooting 4 or more people in a public space?

La Trobe university shooting....1 killed ,one wounded
Cabramatta wedding shooting....7 people shot, none died
Monash University shooting,....2 killed, 5 injured....

Notice...2 school shootings that happened after they banned and confiscated guns, the only reason they are not mass public shootings?......the shooters didn't kill more people with the gun they had in a public space...dumb luck, not Australian gun laws...

Melbourne CBD shooting...1 killed 2 wounded.

Hectorville siege....3 dead, one wounded....technically a family killing but he could have gone to a church, a mall, a theater, or a school....

Gold Coast, Bikie Mall a mall, with a gun, shooting at rivals....Australian gun control did not stop him from shooting 4 or more strangers in the mall....he just wanted to murder rival gang members...

Hectorville Mall Siege....

Do you see the point, dumb ass.....these aren't even all the shootings in public spaces by individuals with illegal guns......

No, dumb ass, Australian gun control laws did not stop their mass shootings...dumb luck has kept them safe....

More, with some repeats.....

  • 9 September 2014 – Lockhart massacre – Geoff Hunt shot and killed his wife, Kim, his 10-year-old son Fletcher, and his daughters Mia, eight and Phoebe, six before killing himself on a farm in Lockhart in the Riverina district near Wagga Wagga New South Wales. The body of Geoff Hunt and a firearm are later found in a dam on the farm by police divers and a suicide note written by Geoff Hunt is also found inside the house on the farm.[citation needed]
  • 7 November 2014 – Jordy Brook carjacked a Channel 7 news cameraman at gun point during a crime spree on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. He was later captured and arrested by police after luring police on a high speed chase and crashing the car.[citation needed
  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
  • 27 June 2015 – Hermidale triple murder – the bodies of three people, two men and a woman are found shot dead on a property in a rural farming community in the town of Hermidale west of Nyngan, the bodies of 28-year-old Jacob Cumberland his father 59-year-old Stephen Cumberland and a 36-year-old woman were found with gun shot wounds, the body of Jacob Cumberland was found on the drive way of the property, the body of the 36-year-old woman was found in the backyard of the property and the body of Stephen Cumberland was found in a burnt out caravan on the property. 61-year-old Allan O'Connor is later arrested and charged with the murders.
  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.

  • 2 October 2015 - 2015 Parramatta shooting On 2 October 2015, Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar, a 15-year-old boy, shot and killed Curtis Cheng, an unarmed police civilian finance worker, outside the New South Wales Police Force headquarters in Parramatta, Australia. Jabar was subsequently shot and killed by special constables who were protecting the police station.
Here is a neater list.....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia
  • 16 January 1998 to 15 June 2009 – Melbourne gangland killings – A series of 35 murders of crime figures and their associates that began with the slaying of Alphonse Gangitano in his home, most likely by Jason Moran, the latest victim being Des Moran who was murdered in Ascot Vale on 15 June 2009.

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria at La Trobe university in Melbourne, Victoria, armed with a 38-calibre revolver handgun and opened fire, killing cafeteria manager Leon Capraro and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
21st century[edit]

  • 13 March 2000 – Millewa State Forest Murders – Barbara and Stephen Brooks and Stacie Willoughby were found dead, all three having been shot execution style and left in the forest.[62][63]

  • 16 July 2001 – Peter James Knight, an anti-abortion activist, walked into an abortion clinic in East Melbourne armed with a rifle. Knight shot dead security guard Stephen Gordon Rogers and was later overpowered by staff in the abortion clinic. After his arrest, Knight was charged and convicted of murder. He was sentenced to life in prison.
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
  • 14 October 2002 – Dr. Margret Tobin, the South Australian head of Mental Health Services, was shot dead by Jean Eric Gassy as she walked out of a lift in her office building.
  • 21 October 2002 – Monash University shootingHuan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five.
  • 25 October 2003 – Greenacre double murder – A man and a woman are shot dead in a house in the suburb of Greenacre, Sydney which was the result of a feud between two Middle Eastern crime families. Twenty-four-year-old Ziad Abdulrazak was shot 10 times in the chest and head and 22-year-old Mervat Hamka was shot twice in the neck while she slept in her bedroom. Up to 100 shots were fired into the house by four men who were later arrested and convicted of the murders.

  • 18 February 2006 – Cardross Hit and Run – Thomas Graham Towle crashed his car at high speed into a group of 13 teenagers, killing six and injuring seven near the town ofCardross, Victoria.[73]
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[75]

An expidited list.....

Here is a list of shootings in Australia...notice, they are all after they banned and confiscated guns...tell did Australian gun laws stop these from becoming mass shootings?

I will quote a the rest....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
If he had decided to keep shooting...would Australian gun laws have kept this from being a mass shooting?
Tell me...this doesn't count as a mass shooting...only because more of the victims didn't die...7 people shot......did Australian gun laws stop it from being a mass shooting?
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
Another one.....this shooter couldn't clear his he only killed 2...the new standard for a mass shooting incident is 3 dead how did Australian gun laws keep this from being a mass shooting...rather than just dumb luck....?
And had this guy decided to keep shooting.....would Australian gun laws have stopped him? And kept this from being a mass shooting?

  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]
Can you see that CNN's article is just wrong....that it implies that Australian gun control has ended their mass shootings...and that that is a lie?

And more....

  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
this guy actually went into a mall......with a gun......after they banned and confiscated tell me how this doesn't show that the CNN article is a lie....
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
How did Australian gun control laws keep this shooting from being a muslim terrorist mass shooting? An immigrant to Australia got a gun in a country where they banned and confiscated them and now claim their gun control laws have stopped mass shootings...

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
And how did Australian gun control keep this shooting from being a mass shooting?

  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
And had this kid walked into his a muslim immigrant and simply shot 3 would have been an act of muslim terrorism and a mass shooting ....again, luck saved Australia, not their gun control laws...
  • And how did Australian gun laws keep these muslim teenager from going to a school with this gun and shooting a bunch of students?

    Sydney police HQ shooting linked to terrorism: police commissioner

    The actions of the 15-year-old gunman who shot dead a New South Wales police civilian employee were an act of terrorism, police say.

    The radicalised youth of Middle Eastern background has been named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

    He killed the police employee, Curtis Cheng, as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney's west around 4:30pm yesterday.

    The offender then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.
I never said we did not have Gun murders but I am glad for your exposae 2aGuy......But our rate of Gun Deaths is the Lowest in the Western World..........

And that has nothing to do with your gun control laws....your criminals have guns, they just don't commit murder with them as often or as easily as our criminals in democrat cities do.....they have guns, and they use them.....your gun control laws aren't stopping them...
No Ones Laws would but they would be about .000000000000000000001 of the population....Stop these ridiculous NIT-PICKS steve

psw why don't you do your exposae on America for the past 5 will take you a while and 50 REAMS OF PAPER
Wrong....Just BAN GUNS and revoke the 2nd,educate the morons...THAT's 3 STRIKES,YOUR OUT
Neither banning guns nor revoking the 2nd Amendment will take guns from criminals or from the government.
But it will eliminate Mass Shootings...So your point Was???????
Mass shooters are criminals, dumbass!
What 1600 plus since Sandy Hook!!!! you need a lobotomy pal
Mind your own business, firearm violence is one of the least of our worries
GOTCHA.....YOU DON'T GIVE A FCUK ON MASS MURDER.....NO MORE COMMENT FROM YOU THANKS>>>>>>>YOU ARE THE "A" TYPICAL AMERICAN MORON>>>>GET THAT LOBOTOMY NOW...please don't bother to reply with your GARBAGE...Suffer little Children that come unto YOU....BEAST
Australia does not have the Second Amendment, you people have no right to firearms
Maybe we were smarter....but WE ARE DISCUSSING YOU AND THE FAILURE YOU LIVE AND SPAWN IN<IN RELATION TO MASS MURDER WITH WEAPONS...keep to the programme or go sleep it off....steve
Things are just fine in rural America when it comes to violent crime, because there is really none.
Most All of the violent crime in America is in urban progressive controlled areas.
Gun free zones attract killers
Cruz did not go into that school because it was a gun free zone. He knew there was an armed officer.

We went there because he went to school there.,

You people are dumber than shit.

Yes, and it's certainly IMPOSSIBLE that he waited until that officer was on another part of the grounds.

And the "shocking" notion that he went somewhere he knew OBVIOUSLY makes it impossible that he'd have gone somewhere ELSE he knew if the school hadn't been "gun-free". was mentioned that the shooter was in the Freshman Building......I would like to know if there are buildings for each grade level on that campus.....because those older teens who are spouting off.....would not have been in the same building as the shooter...

I believe I heard one of the students who was in the building talking about how one of the more popular acti-victims was not, in fact, even in that building. I won't swear to it, but I seem to remember it.
Neither banning guns nor revoking the 2nd Amendment will take guns from criminals or from the government.
But it will eliminate Mass Shootings...So your point Was???????

No, it won't. Amazingly enough, mass shootings only require a tool capable of shooting, and an evil/crazy person willing to fire. (Of the two, the second one is really more important. You're a leftist, so I figured you wouldn't get that on your own.) Mass shootings can be and have been accomplished with guns other than the AR15.

And before you leap to, "Well, then, just ban all guns!" let me point out that MY goal - and it ought to be yours - is to prevent mass KILLINGS; it is not to merely change the method of them.

So, what solution do you have? People control? If so, how do you decide who should and who should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun?

There is no singular solution to our national disgrace. It requires men and women of good will to proffer ideas and evaluate their merit. Something unheard of on this thread, and on every thread related to gun violence.

1) Put people in jail who've had their right to buy a gun revoked with due process of law

2) We already have training and background checks for people with CC permits

What more than that is required?

The question is, what more is necessary. And I've argued licensing and registration.

And then when we ban CC permit holders from CCs shooters like Florida will be stopped and shooters won't be able to buy illegal guns either? Licensing and registration will make our kids safe? How would that have solved the Florida shooting since he shouldn't have had the right to buy a gun because he was a known psycho making threats and the government you love fucked up over and over and over?

Have you run all this by your drug dealer? Your theory that if you make things illegal then people can't get them? What did your drug dealer say about that?
View attachment 181670

One of the many students who are adamantly refusing to be silent.

Another leftist student manipulated by their leftist parents into believing they are safer relying on government to protect them when government failed in this case over and over and over and they were safer because government disarmed their teachers and administrators with CC permits.

This is just a fear post of the left. Rely on government, wait to die, do nothing for yourself
View attachment 181670

One of the many students who are adamantly refusing to be silent.

Another leftist student manipulated by their leftist parents into believing they are safer relying on government to protect them when government failed in this case over and over and over and they were safer because government disarmed their teachers and administrators with CC permits.

This is just a fear post of the left. Rely on government, wait to die, do nothing for yourself

Oh, he’s doing plenty for himself. Y’all managed to wake a sleeping giant.
Dumb shit......Can you explain which Australian gun laws stopped these shooters from shooting 4 or more people in a public space?

La Trobe university shooting....1 killed ,one wounded
Cabramatta wedding shooting....7 people shot, none died
Monash University shooting,....2 killed, 5 injured....

Notice...2 school shootings that happened after they banned and confiscated guns, the only reason they are not mass public shootings?......the shooters didn't kill more people with the gun they had in a public space...dumb luck, not Australian gun laws...

Melbourne CBD shooting...1 killed 2 wounded.

Hectorville siege....3 dead, one wounded....technically a family killing but he could have gone to a church, a mall, a theater, or a school....

Gold Coast, Bikie Mall a mall, with a gun, shooting at rivals....Australian gun control did not stop him from shooting 4 or more strangers in the mall....he just wanted to murder rival gang members...

Hectorville Mall Siege....

Do you see the point, dumb ass.....these aren't even all the shootings in public spaces by individuals with illegal guns......

No, dumb ass, Australian gun control laws did not stop their mass shootings...dumb luck has kept them safe....

More, with some repeats.....

  • 9 September 2014 – Lockhart massacre – Geoff Hunt shot and killed his wife, Kim, his 10-year-old son Fletcher, and his daughters Mia, eight and Phoebe, six before killing himself on a farm in Lockhart in the Riverina district near Wagga Wagga New South Wales. The body of Geoff Hunt and a firearm are later found in a dam on the farm by police divers and a suicide note written by Geoff Hunt is also found inside the house on the farm.[citation needed]
  • 7 November 2014 – Jordy Brook carjacked a Channel 7 news cameraman at gun point during a crime spree on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. He was later captured and arrested by police after luring police on a high speed chase and crashing the car.[citation needed
  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
  • 27 June 2015 – Hermidale triple murder – the bodies of three people, two men and a woman are found shot dead on a property in a rural farming community in the town of Hermidale west of Nyngan, the bodies of 28-year-old Jacob Cumberland his father 59-year-old Stephen Cumberland and a 36-year-old woman were found with gun shot wounds, the body of Jacob Cumberland was found on the drive way of the property, the body of the 36-year-old woman was found in the backyard of the property and the body of Stephen Cumberland was found in a burnt out caravan on the property. 61-year-old Allan O'Connor is later arrested and charged with the murders.
  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.

  • 2 October 2015 - 2015 Parramatta shooting On 2 October 2015, Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar, a 15-year-old boy, shot and killed Curtis Cheng, an unarmed police civilian finance worker, outside the New South Wales Police Force headquarters in Parramatta, Australia. Jabar was subsequently shot and killed by special constables who were protecting the police station.
Here is a neater list.....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia
  • 16 January 1998 to 15 June 2009 – Melbourne gangland killings – A series of 35 murders of crime figures and their associates that began with the slaying of Alphonse Gangitano in his home, most likely by Jason Moran, the latest victim being Des Moran who was murdered in Ascot Vale on 15 June 2009.

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria at La Trobe university in Melbourne, Victoria, armed with a 38-calibre revolver handgun and opened fire, killing cafeteria manager Leon Capraro and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
21st century[edit]

  • 13 March 2000 – Millewa State Forest Murders – Barbara and Stephen Brooks and Stacie Willoughby were found dead, all three having been shot execution style and left in the forest.[62][63]

  • 16 July 2001 – Peter James Knight, an anti-abortion activist, walked into an abortion clinic in East Melbourne armed with a rifle. Knight shot dead security guard Stephen Gordon Rogers and was later overpowered by staff in the abortion clinic. After his arrest, Knight was charged and convicted of murder. He was sentenced to life in prison.
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
  • 14 October 2002 – Dr. Margret Tobin, the South Australian head of Mental Health Services, was shot dead by Jean Eric Gassy as she walked out of a lift in her office building.
  • 21 October 2002 – Monash University shootingHuan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five.
  • 25 October 2003 – Greenacre double murder – A man and a woman are shot dead in a house in the suburb of Greenacre, Sydney which was the result of a feud between two Middle Eastern crime families. Twenty-four-year-old Ziad Abdulrazak was shot 10 times in the chest and head and 22-year-old Mervat Hamka was shot twice in the neck while she slept in her bedroom. Up to 100 shots were fired into the house by four men who were later arrested and convicted of the murders.

  • 18 February 2006 – Cardross Hit and Run – Thomas Graham Towle crashed his car at high speed into a group of 13 teenagers, killing six and injuring seven near the town ofCardross, Victoria.[73]
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[75]

An expidited list.....

Here is a list of shootings in Australia...notice, they are all after they banned and confiscated guns...tell did Australian gun laws stop these from becoming mass shootings?

I will quote a the rest....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
If he had decided to keep shooting...would Australian gun laws have kept this from being a mass shooting?
Tell me...this doesn't count as a mass shooting...only because more of the victims didn't die...7 people shot......did Australian gun laws stop it from being a mass shooting?
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
Another one.....this shooter couldn't clear his he only killed 2...the new standard for a mass shooting incident is 3 dead how did Australian gun laws keep this from being a mass shooting...rather than just dumb luck....?
And had this guy decided to keep shooting.....would Australian gun laws have stopped him? And kept this from being a mass shooting?

  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]
Can you see that CNN's article is just wrong....that it implies that Australian gun control has ended their mass shootings...and that that is a lie?

And more....

  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
this guy actually went into a mall......with a gun......after they banned and confiscated tell me how this doesn't show that the CNN article is a lie....
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
How did Australian gun control laws keep this shooting from being a muslim terrorist mass shooting? An immigrant to Australia got a gun in a country where they banned and confiscated them and now claim their gun control laws have stopped mass shootings...

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
And how did Australian gun control keep this shooting from being a mass shooting?

  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
And had this kid walked into his a muslim immigrant and simply shot 3 would have been an act of muslim terrorism and a mass shooting ....again, luck saved Australia, not their gun control laws...
  • And how did Australian gun laws keep these muslim teenager from going to a school with this gun and shooting a bunch of students?

    Sydney police HQ shooting linked to terrorism: police commissioner

    The actions of the 15-year-old gunman who shot dead a New South Wales police civilian employee were an act of terrorism, police say.

    The radicalised youth of Middle Eastern background has been named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

    He killed the police employee, Curtis Cheng, as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney's west around 4:30pm yesterday.

    The offender then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.
What a stupid post. Looking for an excuse to sit on your fat ass while more children die because some kid had access to an assault type rifle.

A Vote Republican is a vote for more children blood in schools,. less education, polluted air & water & a more difficult future for everyone.

Any Vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment, and leave you defenseless....
I am just shocked you even have a gun after Obama took all of them.

You don't give a shit that the air will be dirtier, the water more polluted, workplaces more dangerous, your children's future in danger from MMGW,.
All you give a shit about is your precious gun.

Only fucking retards believe gun free zones are effective at keeping crazy people out

Only fools and liars argue that gun free zones are intended to keep guns out. They are intended to add an enhancement on top of any crime committed while in possession of agun in a gun free zone.

Possession of drugs, entering a school w/o permission (trespassing) or any low grade misdemeanor will add one year to the maximum six months in county jail; and one year to a serious Misdemeanor = two years county jail. Also, the offender will most likely be placed on three years probation, one condition and term of probation would be not to possess or have in his custody or control a firearm.

For a felony, the enhancement can add more time to a prison sentence, which could be aggravated by a gun possession and might add two or three more years to the base term.
Progressives are nut jobs
Neither banning guns nor revoking the 2nd Amendment will take guns from criminals or from the government.
But it will eliminate Mass Shootings...So your point Was???????
Mass shooters are criminals, dumbass!
What 1600 plus since Sandy Hook!!!! you need a lobotomy pal
Mind your own business, firearm violence is one of the least of our worries
GOTCHA.....YOU DON'T GIVE A FCUK ON MASS MURDER.....NO MORE COMMENT FROM YOU THANKS>>>>>>>YOU ARE THE "A" TYPICAL AMERICAN MORON>>>>GET THAT LOBOTOMY NOW...please don't bother to reply with your GARBAGE...Suffer little Children that come unto YOU....BEAST

Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.


No these kids can't be silenced but they've got to do more than that. They have got to vote this coming November in the midterm election cycle. If you're 18 years old and not registered, register to vote now! If you're going to be 18 soon, register to vote as soon as you are. If you have friends that are 18 make sure they register and they VOTE. If you're away at college plan ahead to receive a mail-in ballot from your home state.

Someone who doesn't vote or votes for any Republican is voting for more sympathies and prayer vigils. Even though the Florida state legislature did a gun restriction on age, and as soon as you forget about it, and are not looking they'll go right back to the old gun regulations by lowering the age limit. Republicans have done this before. Do not be fooled by this.

The NRA is the Republican parties campaign cash cow and they are going to protect that cow no matter what.

The gun rights organization spent a stupendous $54.4 million in the 2016 election cycle, almost all of it in "independent expenditures," meaning spending for or against a candidate but not a direct contribution to a campaign. The money went almost entirely to Republicans to a degree that almost looks like a misprint (but isn't): Of independent expenditures totaling $52.6 million, Democrats received $265. Yes, that's 265 dollars.If you're looking for a reason that politicians are quick to declare that their "thoughts and prayers" are with the victims of the horrific slaughters that have become virtually routine in American life, but do nothing further to stop them, look no further.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns


If you want common sense gun control in this country, you'll have to vote for Democrats this coming November in the 2018 mid term election cycle.

If common sense had anything to do with democrats gun control policies, they would be able to persuade people with out using the fear and grief of people who should be mourning. Democrat policies are purely emotion based. If reason was involved they wouldn’t be pushing policies that actually did something to stop mass shootings rather than ones that wouldn’t have changed anything.

Common sense gun control is placing the gun in your own hands so you can use it to protect yourself rather than remain unarmed targets for evil men. Common sense is using the tools you have to stop evil rather than making it illegal to have those tools.

Republicans have owned the house since 2010. The Aurora theater shooting happened, they did nothing. Virginia Tech happened, they did nothing, Sandy Hook happened, they did nothing, San Bernardino, California happened they did nothing, Orlando, Florida happened they did nothing, Las Vegas, Nevada happened, they did nothing, Sutherland Springs, Texas happened they did nothing, and Parkland, Florida happened and they won't do nothing. A total of 9 mass shootings since Republicans have held the house and they have refused to do anything. They haven't even talked about bump stocks being sold across this country.

Anything the NRA wants, the Republican party makes certain it happens.

What they did do is eliminate mental health background checks Obama initiated after Sandy Hook, as soon as Trump walked through the oval office door.
Trump repeals an Obama regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions

Obama asked Republicans to put people who were on no fly lists and terrorist watch lists on NO gun lists, and Republicans said NO.
Obama: It's 'insane' that people on the 'no-fly' list can buy guns - CNNPolitics

Then Orlando, Florida happened where a terrorist was on an FBI watch list walked into a gun store was able to load up and he killed 49 innocent people, and Republicans still did NOTHING. They didn't even think maybe Obama was right, these people should be on no gun lists.
Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance - CNN


Florida just passed a law that requires a 21 age limit on all gun purchases and the NRA has already launched a law suit.

The National Rifle Association on Friday sued Florida over new gun restrictions that were signed into law in response to the Parkland school shooting that killed 17 people. The NRA filed the lawsuit just hours after Gov. Rick Scott signed the legislation, which, in addition to funding for school safety programs, raises the age limit for buying rifles from 18 to 21 and extends a three-day waiting period for handgun purchases to include long guns. It also establishes a program to arm trained teachers and campus employees.The NRA, however, is asking a federal judge to stop the new age requirement, arguing it violates the Constitution.
The NRA Is Suing Florida Over New Gun Control Laws Put In Place After The Parkland Shooting

Who is going to side with the NRA on this law suit against Florida?---REPUBLICANS are.


'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns

If you want common sense gun controls in this country, you'll have to VOTE for Democrats this coming November in the midterm election cycle. If you don't vote or vote for Republicans, you're just casting a vote for more sympathies and prayer vigils.
More frivolous gun laws will not save a single soul....
View attachment 181670

One of the many students who are adamantly refusing to be silent.

Another leftist student manipulated by their leftist parents into believing they are safer relying on government to protect them when government failed in this case over and over and over and they were safer because government disarmed their teachers and administrators with CC permits.

This is just a fear post of the left. Rely on government, wait to die, do nothing for yourself

Oh, he’s doing plenty for himself. Y’all managed to wake a sleeping giant.

No. The left managed to activate a gaggle of noisy Lilliputians.
View attachment 181670

One of the many students who are adamantly refusing to be silent.

Another leftist student manipulated by their leftist parents into believing they are safer relying on government to protect them when government failed in this case over and over and over and they were safer because government disarmed their teachers and administrators with CC permits.

This is just a fear post of the left. Rely on government, wait to die, do nothing for yourself

Oh, he’s doing plenty for himself. Y’all managed to wake a sleeping giant.

What does that mean? Leftists have been desperate to ensure only your beloved authoritarian leftist government is armed all along. What is this delusion in your mind that something changed?

How did relying on government to ensure their safety while government disarmed their teachers and administrators who had CC permits and training in gun safety work out for the 17 of them?
But it will eliminate Mass Shootings...So your point Was???????

No, it won't. Amazingly enough, mass shootings only require a tool capable of shooting, and an evil/crazy person willing to fire. (Of the two, the second one is really more important. You're a leftist, so I figured you wouldn't get that on your own.) Mass shootings can be and have been accomplished with guns other than the AR15.

And before you leap to, "Well, then, just ban all guns!" let me point out that MY goal - and it ought to be yours - is to prevent mass KILLINGS; it is not to merely change the method of them.

So, what solution do you have? People control? If so, how do you decide who should and who should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun?

There is no singular solution to our national disgrace. It requires men and women of good will to proffer ideas and evaluate their merit. Something unheard of on this thread, and on every thread related to gun violence.

1) Put people in jail who've had their right to buy a gun revoked with due process of law

2) We already have training and background checks for people with CC permits

What more than that is required?

The question is, what more is necessary. And I've argued licensing and registration.

And then when we ban CC permit holders from CCs shooters like Florida will be stopped and shooters won't be able to buy illegal guns either? Licensing and registration will make our kids safe? How would that have solved the Florida shooting since he shouldn't have had the right to buy a gun because he was a known psycho making threats and the government you love fucked up over and over and over?

Have you run all this by your drug dealer? Your theory that if you make things illegal then people can't get them? What did your drug dealer say about that?

Doing the same thing with the same results over and over is insane - which would disallow you to ever be licensed to own or possess a gun.

That's why you and other so obsessed with their guns hide behind the 2nd A., those of us not fearful of what a background check will reveal do not object to this common sense approach at people control.,
No, it won't. Amazingly enough, mass shootings only require a tool capable of shooting, and an evil/crazy person willing to fire. (Of the two, the second one is really more important. You're a leftist, so I figured you wouldn't get that on your own.) Mass shootings can be and have been accomplished with guns other than the AR15.

And before you leap to, "Well, then, just ban all guns!" let me point out that MY goal - and it ought to be yours - is to prevent mass KILLINGS; it is not to merely change the method of them.

So, what solution do you have? People control? If so, how do you decide who should and who should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun?

There is no singular solution to our national disgrace. It requires men and women of good will to proffer ideas and evaluate their merit. Something unheard of on this thread, and on every thread related to gun violence.

1) Put people in jail who've had their right to buy a gun revoked with due process of law

2) We already have training and background checks for people with CC permits

What more than that is required?

The question is, what more is necessary. And I've argued licensing and registration.

And then when we ban CC permit holders from CCs shooters like Florida will be stopped and shooters won't be able to buy illegal guns either? Licensing and registration will make our kids safe? How would that have solved the Florida shooting since he shouldn't have had the right to buy a gun because he was a known psycho making threats and the government you love fucked up over and over and over?

Have you run all this by your drug dealer? Your theory that if you make things illegal then people can't get them? What did your drug dealer say about that?

Doing the same thing with the same results over and over is insane - which would disallow you to ever be licensed to own or possess a gun.

That's why you and other so obsessed with their guns hide behind the 2nd A., those of us not fearful of what a background check will reveal do not object to this common sense approach at people control.,
There is most likely well over 400 million firearms in the country legally, what percentage of those are used in violent crime? A fraction of a fraction of a fraction tops?
No, it won't. Amazingly enough, mass shootings only require a tool capable of shooting, and an evil/crazy person willing to fire. (Of the two, the second one is really more important. You're a leftist, so I figured you wouldn't get that on your own.) Mass shootings can be and have been accomplished with guns other than the AR15.

And before you leap to, "Well, then, just ban all guns!" let me point out that MY goal - and it ought to be yours - is to prevent mass KILLINGS; it is not to merely change the method of them.

So, what solution do you have? People control? If so, how do you decide who should and who should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun?

There is no singular solution to our national disgrace. It requires men and women of good will to proffer ideas and evaluate their merit. Something unheard of on this thread, and on every thread related to gun violence.

1) Put people in jail who've had their right to buy a gun revoked with due process of law

2) We already have training and background checks for people with CC permits

What more than that is required?

The question is, what more is necessary. And I've argued licensing and registration.

And then when we ban CC permit holders from CCs shooters like Florida will be stopped and shooters won't be able to buy illegal guns either? Licensing and registration will make our kids safe? How would that have solved the Florida shooting since he shouldn't have had the right to buy a gun because he was a known psycho making threats and the government you love fucked up over and over and over?

Have you run all this by your drug dealer? Your theory that if you make things illegal then people can't get them? What did your drug dealer say about that?

Doing the same thing with the same results over and over is insane - which would disallow you to ever be licensed to own or possess a gun.

That's why you and other so obsessed with their guns hide behind the 2nd A., those of us not fearful of what a background check will reveal do not object to this common sense approach at people control.,

What are you talking about? It just sounds like you're a bitter little man. What did some chick with an attitude beat you up? What happened to your balls that you can't defend yourself and you want government to do it for you?

How'd that work out for the 17 people who were murdered while your precious government waited outside?
So, what solution do you have? People control? If so, how do you decide who should and who should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun?

There is no singular solution to our national disgrace. It requires men and women of good will to proffer ideas and evaluate their merit. Something unheard of on this thread, and on every thread related to gun violence.

1) Put people in jail who've had their right to buy a gun revoked with due process of law

2) We already have training and background checks for people with CC permits

What more than that is required?

The question is, what more is necessary. And I've argued licensing and registration.

And then when we ban CC permit holders from CCs shooters like Florida will be stopped and shooters won't be able to buy illegal guns either? Licensing and registration will make our kids safe? How would that have solved the Florida shooting since he shouldn't have had the right to buy a gun because he was a known psycho making threats and the government you love fucked up over and over and over?

Have you run all this by your drug dealer? Your theory that if you make things illegal then people can't get them? What did your drug dealer say about that?

Doing the same thing with the same results over and over is insane - which would disallow you to ever be licensed to own or possess a gun.

That's why you and other so obsessed with their guns hide behind the 2nd A., those of us not fearful of what a background check will reveal do not object to this common sense approach at people control.,
There is most likely well over 400 million firearms in the country legally, what percentage of those are used in violent crime? A fraction of a fraction of a fraction tops?

Roughly 3% of crimes are committed with guns that were purchased legally

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