Can the United States Earn Back Respect?

Yeah new trade treaties and peace breaking out in ME put the lie to this thread.
Trump got nothing countries who had no intention of attacking Israel to sign peace treaties for weapons. Total meaningless smokescreen.
Trump hasn't done anything that hasn't happened before him...JFK, Nixon, Clinton, Obama, etc, etc...been plenty of White House "scandals", and there's been no lasting effects.

As far as our global standing, and positioning in the world...if you cared about that, then you shouldn't have voted for Beijing Biden!

Because Xiden will continue to sell our country out to the CCP, and the corporate globalists faster than Trump ever would have.

Also we supply billions of aid annually to nearly every country that I think our relationship with our allies, and others is fine. They need us far more than we need them.

Lastly, Commie Joe Potato supposedly "won" the election.. probably time to get that nasty case of TDS you got cleared up. Seek a psychological professional they may be able to help.
Deft statesmanship and diplomatic finesses are not necessarily the tools that an egomaniacal, failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer brings to the international stage.
The global consensus that Trump reeks leaves a stench upon America.

America’s image has tumbled during Trump’s presidency.
Can Biden turn it around?
The Gallup organization conducts annual surveys assessing how others assess U.S. leadership. In 20 of 29 countries where Gallup has completed these surveys, approval ratings “are at new lows or they tie the previous low,” according to the report released last week. Among the countries where approval hit new lows are two of the nation’s staunchest allies, Germany and Britain.
Four years ago, before Trump became president, 43 percent of Germans had a positive impression of the United States as a leader in the world. Today just 6 percent approve. In the United Kingdom, 15 percent say they approve. More Russians — 18 percent — approve of American leadership internationally than Brits or Germans.

Gallup’s findings square with a Pew Research Center report of a few months ago. Pew’s regular survey asks whether people elsewhere have a favorable or unfavorable view of the United States. Among the nations where favorable impressions hit record lows or roughly tied them this year were a who’s who of traditional friends: the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Canada and Australia.
[President Biden,] the former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has promised to reengage constructively with other nations, as has his designee for secretary of state, Antony Blinken. That will begin with allies in Europe, who have been treated badly by the current president.
“When he thinks foreign policy, he thinks allies, and when he thinks allies, he thinks Europe,” said Ivo Daalder, former ambassador to NATO ...
Trump has spurned or hectored allies in Europe and questioned the value of transatlantic alliances. Biden will embrace them all.
Showing up and saying the right words will be helpful in changing perceptions of the United States, but that might be only a first step in what could be a more challenging mission.
Biden will look to European allies for help in dealing with some of the most important foreign policy issues that await him, from U.S. posture toward Russia to Biden’s desire to change relations with Iran after Trump pulled out of the joint nuclear agreement.
The Great Flatulence should cling to power!
Alienating the global community while....
dividing America is a boffo idea!".....

I think so. The key is that we realized our mistake and voted him out, resoundingly. It would have been significantly different if we had voted him back in the same way. We are not the "ugly Americans" that many were afraid we might be becoming.

Anecdotally, overseas friends and family of mine essentially just breathed a sigh of relief and look at it as a one-off.
not with your Commies in charge

by the end of Joe Biden's short half served term, and at the beginning of Kami Harris' term, America will be 5th at best.

do you feel like a cocksucking idiot yet?
But I can't wait to go commie, bro!

Commie Commie Commie!

It'll be a CommieFest™! A veritable CommiePalooza™!

You'll love it! I promise bro!
you finally admit it



You at least admit that Kommie-la Harris goose steps everywhere she goes, right?
Deft statesmanship and diplomatic finesses are not necessarily the tools that an egomaniacal, failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer brings to the international stage.
The global consensus that Trump reeks leaves a stench upon America.

America’s image has tumbled during Trump’s presidency.
Can Biden turn it around?
The Gallup organization conducts annual surveys assessing how others assess U.S. leadership. In 20 of 29 countries where Gallup has completed these surveys, approval ratings “are at new lows or they tie the previous low,” according to the report released last week. Among the countries where approval hit new lows are two of the nation’s staunchest allies, Germany and Britain.
Four years ago, before Trump became president, 43 percent of Germans had a positive impression of the United States as a leader in the world. Today just 6 percent approve. In the United Kingdom, 15 percent say they approve. More Russians — 18 percent — approve of American leadership internationally than Brits or Germans.

Gallup’s findings square with a Pew Research Center report of a few months ago. Pew’s regular survey asks whether people elsewhere have a favorable or unfavorable view of the United States. Among the nations where favorable impressions hit record lows or roughly tied them this year were a who’s who of traditional friends: the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Canada and Australia.
[President Biden,] the former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has promised to reengage constructively with other nations, as has his designee for secretary of state, Antony Blinken. That will begin with allies in Europe, who have been treated badly by the current president.
“When he thinks foreign policy, he thinks allies, and when he thinks allies, he thinks Europe,” said Ivo Daalder, former ambassador to NATO ...
Trump has spurned or hectored allies in Europe and questioned the value of transatlantic alliances. Biden will embrace them all.
Showing up and saying the right words will be helpful in changing perceptions of the United States, but that might be only a first step in what could be a more challenging mission.
Biden will look to European allies for help in dealing with some of the most important foreign policy issues that await him, from U.S. posture toward Russia to Biden’s desire to change relations with Iran after Trump pulled out of the joint nuclear agreement.
The Great Flatulence should cling to power!
Alienating the global community while....
dividing America is a boffo idea!".....

Until the United States gets out of the business of being the world police and getting involved in conflicts that have nothing to do with us, people will hate us.

Our world image is terrible and it didn’t start with Trump, it started right after WWII.
Deft statesmanship and diplomatic finesses are not necessarily the tools that an egomaniacal, failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer brings to the international stage.
The global consensus that Trump reeks leaves a stench upon America.

America’s image has tumbled during Trump’s presidency.
Can Biden turn it around?
The Gallup organization conducts annual surveys assessing how others assess U.S. leadership. In 20 of 29 countries where Gallup has completed these surveys, approval ratings “are at new lows or they tie the previous low,” according to the report released last week. Among the countries where approval hit new lows are two of the nation’s staunchest allies, Germany and Britain.
Four years ago, before Trump became president, 43 percent of Germans had a positive impression of the United States as a leader in the world. Today just 6 percent approve. In the United Kingdom, 15 percent say they approve. More Russians — 18 percent — approve of American leadership internationally than Brits or Germans.

Gallup’s findings square with a Pew Research Center report of a few months ago. Pew’s regular survey asks whether people elsewhere have a favorable or unfavorable view of the United States. Among the nations where favorable impressions hit record lows or roughly tied them this year were a who’s who of traditional friends: the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Canada and Australia.
[President Biden,] the former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has promised to reengage constructively with other nations, as has his designee for secretary of state, Antony Blinken. That will begin with allies in Europe, who have been treated badly by the current president.
“When he thinks foreign policy, he thinks allies, and when he thinks allies, he thinks Europe,” said Ivo Daalder, former ambassador to NATO ...
Trump has spurned or hectored allies in Europe and questioned the value of transatlantic alliances. Biden will embrace them all.
Showing up and saying the right words will be helpful in changing perceptions of the United States, but that might be only a first step in what could be a more challenging mission.
Biden will look to European allies for help in dealing with some of the most important foreign policy issues that await him, from U.S. posture toward Russia to Biden’s desire to change relations with Iran after Trump pulled out of the joint nuclear agreement.
The Great Flatulence should cling to power!
Alienating the global community while....
dividing America is a boffo idea!".....

He is leaving in a month, yet you continue to obsess over him and his successful foreign Policy, where N. Korea greatly slowed down their bomb making stupidity, where many Arab nations are formalizing good elations with Israel, and cornering Iran as the despicable nation they are. Where he has improved relations with Mexico, and so on.

Here is your head:

I don’t want respect from foreigners and foreign governments... I want them to FEAR the United States. I want them to dislike Americans. I want them to avoid everything even vaguely related to this country and our citizens.
Yeah new trade treaties and peace breaking out in ME put the lie to this thread.
Trump got nothing countries who had no intention of attacking Israel to sign peace treaties for weapons. Total meaningless smokescreen.

“normalized relations”—which the accord establishes— marks a huge step forward: the creation of embassies, commercial air routes, tourism, security and intelligence ties, and access to Israel’s high-technology products and marketplace.

Bahrain and the UAE, tiny but oil-rich monarchies, bring to four the number of Arab states that have formal ties with Israel. (The others are Egypt and Jordan, since 1979 and 1994, respectively.) But the accord also holds the promise of more to come, especially since Bahrain would not have signed the deal without the explicit consent of the Saudi royal family.

Trump’s New Middle East Accord Is a Big Deal. It Is Not a Peace Deal. (
Nothing earns "respect" like influence peddling.

By the time Biden is done, he will be the most respected president ever, and wealthy beyond his wildest dreams, to boot.
Deft statesmanship and diplomatic finesses are not necessarily the tools that an egomaniacal, failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer brings to the international stage.
The global consensus that Trump reeks leaves a stench upon America.

America’s image has tumbled during Trump’s presidency.
Can Biden turn it around?
The Gallup organization conducts annual surveys assessing how others assess U.S. leadership. In 20 of 29 countries where Gallup has completed these surveys, approval ratings “are at new lows or they tie the previous low,” according to the report released last week. Among the countries where approval hit new lows are two of the nation’s staunchest allies, Germany and Britain.
Four years ago, before Trump became president, 43 percent of Germans had a positive impression of the United States as a leader in the world. Today just 6 percent approve. In the United Kingdom, 15 percent say they approve. More Russians — 18 percent — approve of American leadership internationally than Brits or Germans.

Gallup’s findings square with a Pew Research Center report of a few months ago. Pew’s regular survey asks whether people elsewhere have a favorable or unfavorable view of the United States. Among the nations where favorable impressions hit record lows or roughly tied them this year were a who’s who of traditional friends: the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Canada and Australia.
[President Biden,] the former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has promised to reengage constructively with other nations, as has his designee for secretary of state, Antony Blinken. That will begin with allies in Europe, who have been treated badly by the current president.
“When he thinks foreign policy, he thinks allies, and when he thinks allies, he thinks Europe,” said Ivo Daalder, former ambassador to NATO ...
Trump has spurned or hectored allies in Europe and questioned the value of transatlantic alliances. Biden will embrace them all.
Showing up and saying the right words will be helpful in changing perceptions of the United States, but that might be only a first step in what could be a more challenging mission.
Biden will look to European allies for help in dealing with some of the most important foreign policy issues that await him, from U.S. posture toward Russia to Biden’s desire to change relations with Iran after Trump pulled out of the joint nuclear agreement.
The Great Flatulence should cling to power!
Alienating the global community while....
dividing America is a boffo idea!".....

I think so. The key is that we realized our mistake and voted him out, resoundingly. It would have been significantly different if we had voted him back in the same way. We are not the "ugly Americans" that many were afraid we might be becoming.

Anecdotally, overseas friends and family of mine essentially just breathed a sigh of relief and look at it as a one-off.
not with your Commies in charge

by the end of Joe Biden's short half served term, and at the beginning of Kami Harris' term, America will be 5th at best.

do you feel like a cocksucking idiot yet?
But I can't wait to go commie, bro!

Commie Commie Commie!

It'll be a CommieFest™! A veritable CommiePalooza™!

You'll love it! I promise bro!
you finally admit it



You at least admit that Kommie-la Harris goose steps everywhere she goes, right?
He is leaving in a month, yet you continue to obsess over him and his successful foreign Policy, where N. Korea greatly slowed down their bomb making stupidity, where many Arab nations are formalizing good elations with Israel, and cornering Iran as the despicable nation they are. Where he has improved relations with Mexico, and so on.
You are free to delight in his making Mexico pay for his big, beautiful wall, his falling in love with Kim Jung Un, his sabotaging the multinational agreement with Iran that has licensed it to resume its nefarious activities, his surrendering international leadership to China in the global effort to redress the ravages of anthropogenic climate change, and, surely, his assurances that he had the pandemic "under control", that there were "very few" people with it, and that they were "all getting better!" is a comfort to the families and friends of the 318,499 Americans who have since died, and the 17,718,745 who have been infected.

You can even boast of his bloating the national debt by $7 trillion after having promised to reduce it, or brag about his "something terrific!" healthcare that covers "everybody!" at "less cost!" after "immediately" repeaing 'ObamaCare'.

Your lavish encomiums notwithstanding, this thread concerns the international loss of respect for America that his regime has provoked.

The enmity of allies is difficult to spin as a plus for the Cry Baby Loser.
He is leaving in a month, yet you continue to obsess over him and his successful foreign Policy, where N. Korea greatly slowed down their bomb making stupidity, where many Arab nations are formalizing good elations with Israel, and cornering Iran as the despicable nation they are. Where he has improved relations with Mexico, and so on.
You are free to delight in his making Mexico pay for his big, beautiful wall, his falling in love with Kim Jung Un, his sabotaging the multinational agreement with Iran that has licensed it to resume its nefarious activities, his surrendering international leadership to China in the global effort to redress the ravages of anthropogenic climate change, and, surely, his assurances that he had the pandemic "under control", that there were "very few" people with it, and that they were "all getting better!" is a comfort to the families and friends of the 318,499 Americans who have since died, and the 17,718,745 who have been infected.

You can even boast of his bloating the national debt by $7 trillion after having promised to reduce it, or brag about his "something terrific!" healthcare that covers "everybody!" at "less cost!" after "immediately" repeaing 'ObamaCare'.

Your lavish encomiums notwithstanding, this thread concerns the international loss of respect for America that his regime has evoked.

The enmity of allies is difficult to spin as a plus for the Cry Baby Loser.

You are afflicted with a body full of TDS virus.

Your anger and hate is obvious, you have been trained well by the ideologists, who are trying to create a compliant herd, they are proud of you!

The cure is to become an ideology free human being with freethinking individualist lifestyle.
And what is the up side of disenfranchising 73 plus millions of American citizens by stealing the
Every single presidential election I can remember has a fair selection of Allies love (insert democrat nominee)
and Allies hate (insert republican nominee) Op-Eds as a disingenuous sub text to the election.

The fact is Pierre, Klaus and Hiroshi are not electing our president. We are! And they will adjust to whomever
we select. How will our allies react to a buffoon who steals the presidency and kisses Chinese asses?

Hopefully we will never need to find out.
Deft statesmanship and diplomatic finesses are not necessarily the tools that an egomaniacal, failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer brings to the international stage.
The global consensus that Trump reeks leaves a stench upon America.

America’s image has tumbled during Trump’s presidency.
Can Biden turn it around?
The Gallup organization conducts annual surveys assessing how others assess U.S. leadership. In 20 of 29 countries where Gallup has completed these surveys, approval ratings “are at new lows or they tie the previous low,” according to the report released last week. Among the countries where approval hit new lows are two of the nation’s staunchest allies, Germany and Britain.
Four years ago, before Trump became president, 43 percent of Germans had a positive impression of the United States as a leader in the world. Today just 6 percent approve. In the United Kingdom, 15 percent say they approve. More Russians — 18 percent — approve of American leadership internationally than Brits or Germans.

Gallup’s findings square with a Pew Research Center report of a few months ago. Pew’s regular survey asks whether people elsewhere have a favorable or unfavorable view of the United States. Among the nations where favorable impressions hit record lows or roughly tied them this year were a who’s who of traditional friends: the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Canada and Australia.
[President Biden,] the former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has promised to reengage constructively with other nations, as has his designee for secretary of state, Antony Blinken. That will begin with allies in Europe, who have been treated badly by the current president.
“When he thinks foreign policy, he thinks allies, and when he thinks allies, he thinks Europe,” said Ivo Daalder, former ambassador to NATO ...
Trump has spurned or hectored allies in Europe and questioned the value of transatlantic alliances. Biden will embrace them all.
Showing up and saying the right words will be helpful in changing perceptions of the United States, but that might be only a first step in what could be a more challenging mission.
Biden will look to European allies for help in dealing with some of the most important foreign policy issues that await him, from U.S. posture toward Russia to Biden’s desire to change relations with Iran after Trump pulled out of the joint nuclear agreement.
The Great Flatulence should cling to power!
Alienating the global community while....
dividing America is a boffo idea!".....

It never had any in the first place. Bubba, W, and Ears made sure of that. Dumb Don merely carried on the tradition.
We care far too much what foreigners think of us.

What we need to start doing is what's best for the people of this country.
I think it's mostly shit for brains trolls who try to pretend Corrupt Joe Biden will make us all loved and
admired in the eyes of EU dunces.
If you listen to them Europe will never be happy until we are all living their over taxed EU approved life styles.

And that's likely true but why should we do all the wrong things to appease their stupidity?
If we listen to them we will be giving about sixty % of our earnings to the UN/EU/ Bejing cabal and
living on our hands and knees.

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