Can Trump And Democrats In Congress Work Together For The Country?

I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.
as far as i know his plan is to abolish healthcare, outlaw immigration, cut taxes for the rich to zero, and start atleast 3 new wars. I dont know what democrats would "work with him on". Maybe start only 2 new wars instead of 3?
You do know that Obama is the only president that has been at war everyday of his presidency? He even campaigned on ending the wars. So when get get some credibility come back and we can talk.

Congress declared war?
No actually Obama bypassed Congress and sent troops over seas. So are you happy your messiah is a warmonger?
I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.

One of the things a President can do is something another party would support, but could not do politically.

Richard Nixon opened up China- something that a Democratic President probably could not have gotten away with because that was an anathema to the Republican establishment.

Trump suggested something the other day that I would support- using the authority of the United States to negotiate lower drug prices- something establishment Republicans have fought tooth and nail.

Trump on drug prices: Pharma companies are ‘getting away with murder’
Federal law forbids the government from negotiating with drug companies to bring down the price of drugs for seniors using Medicare. While Trump did not announce a specific plan to address the issue, he has in the past called for ending the policy -- a proposal that Democratic lawmakers have repeatedly put forward
I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.
as far as i know his plan is to abolish healthcare, outlaw immigration, cut taxes for the rich to zero, and start atleast 3 new wars. I dont know what democrats would "work with him on". Maybe start only 2 new wars instead of 3?
It appears you don't know anything at all.
Yeah, i'm kinda looking for some positive stuff. I think they can work together and make some good deals for the country. Trump's all about making deals. I'm actually optimistic.

I'm optimistic Trump will force democrooks to go along with his agenda through the loud speaker of his office. Democrook political whores like their "jobs". They'll want to stay in office. The DNC has 25 seats up for grabs, the GOP needs 8 of them to render them utterly irrelevant.

It's not going to be pretty. Things will get done, but the kicking and screaming of the democrooks and the media will be unreal.

I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.

One of the things a President can do is something another party would support, but could not do politically.

Richard Nixon opened up China- something that a Democratic President probably could not have gotten away with because that was an anathema to the Republican establishment.

Trump suggested something the other day that I would support- using the authority of the United States to negotiate lower drug prices- something establishment Republicans have fought tooth and nail.

Trump on drug prices: Pharma companies are ‘getting away with murder’
Federal law forbids the government from negotiating with drug companies to bring down the price of drugs for seniors using Medicare. While Trump did not announce a specific plan to address the issue, he has in the past called for ending the policy -- a proposal that Democratic lawmakers have repeatedly put forward
This is why it is impossible to work with progressives. Republicans would NOT have fought tooth and nail to negotiate lower drug prices. They would have fought tooth and nail to have the federal government FORCE drug companies to sell drugs at a loss.
Hope not.

dimocrap scum got nothing to say that I want to here.

Crush them. Grind them to dust. Obliterate them.

Destroy them -- Permanently
^ there you go Dschrute3

Yeah, i'm kinda looking for some positive stuff. I think they can work together and make some good deals for the country. Trump's all about making deals. I'm actually optimistic.

I’ll engage. I know I’ll get the arrows but here it goes…

If I’m the Democrats, I can’t think of a reason to trust anything he says. So if he comes at me with a deal, he had better have some sweetness.
I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.
as far as i know his plan is to abolish healthcare, outlaw immigration, cut taxes for the rich to zero, and start atleast 3 new wars. I dont know what democrats would "work with him on". Maybe start only 2 new wars instead of 3?
You do know that Obama is the only president that has been at war everyday of his presidency? He even campaigned on ending the wars. So when get get some credibility come back and we can talk.

Congress declared war?
No actually Obama bypassed Congress and sent troops over seas. So are you happy your messiah is a warmonger?

If so, every president in our lifetimes have been warmongers too…

So your definition is either wrong or the product of a very infantile mind.
I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.
Let me ask you something. The left plays identity politics, which means they pit one group of people against another. They intentionally divide this country with rhetoric that makes one side seem to be lucifer himself and when they govern, they ensure that they close out the opposition party completely.

What in all of that is conducive to getting the republicans to work with the democrats?
I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.
as far as i know his plan is to abolish healthcare, outlaw immigration, cut taxes for the rich to zero, and start atleast 3 new wars. I dont know what democrats would "work with him on". Maybe start only 2 new wars instead of 3?
It appears you don't know anything at all.

Libturds can't "know" anything.

You can't "know" Santa has a toy factory in the NP.

You can't "know" man made CO2 is creating hurricanes, droughts and blizzards.

You can't "know" the moonbat messiah was a competent chief executive.

In order to "know" something, it has to be a legitimate fact. Libturds just believe in bullshit.

I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.
as far as i know his plan is to abolish healthcare, outlaw immigration, cut taxes for the rich to zero, and start atleast 3 new wars. I dont know what democrats would "work with him on". Maybe start only 2 new wars instead of 3?

What kinds of deals would you like to see made on those issues? Because Trump is all about making deals.
I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.

One of the things a President can do is something another party would support, but could not do politically.

Richard Nixon opened up China- something that a Democratic President probably could not have gotten away with because that was an anathema to the Republican establishment.

Trump suggested something the other day that I would support- using the authority of the United States to negotiate lower drug prices- something establishment Republicans have fought tooth and nail.

Trump on drug prices: Pharma companies are ‘getting away with murder’
Federal law forbids the government from negotiating with drug companies to bring down the price of drugs for seniors using Medicare. While Trump did not announce a specific plan to address the issue, he has in the past called for ending the policy -- a proposal that Democratic lawmakers have repeatedly put forward
This is why it is impossible to work with progressives. Republicans would NOT have fought tooth and nail to negotiate lower drug prices. They would have fought tooth and nail to have the federal government FORCE drug companies to sell drugs at a loss.
thats the stupidest fucking thing ive ever heard in my entire life what the fuck do you mean "negotiate lower prices" what are you insane?
I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.
as far as i know his plan is to abolish healthcare, outlaw immigration, cut taxes for the rich to zero, and start atleast 3 new wars. I dont know what democrats would "work with him on". Maybe start only 2 new wars instead of 3?
You do know that Obama is the only president that has been at war everyday of his presidency? He even campaigned on ending the wars. So when get get some credibility come back and we can talk.

Congress declared war?
No actually Obama bypassed Congress and sent troops over seas. So are you happy your messiah is a warmonger?

If so, every president in our lifetimes have been warmongers too…

So your definition is either wrong or the product of a very infantile mind.
Obama is the only president to be at war everyday of his presidency. Which proved liberals really don't care about wars. Unless a republican is president. Obama Even campaigned on ended them. Talk about Trump lying.
as far as i know his plan is to abolish healthcare, outlaw immigration, cut taxes for the rich to zero, and start atleast 3 new wars. I dont know what democrats would "work with him on". Maybe start only 2 new wars instead of 3?
You do know that Obama is the only president that has been at war everyday of his presidency? He even campaigned on ending the wars. So when get get some credibility come back and we can talk.

Congress declared war?
No actually Obama bypassed Congress and sent troops over seas. So are you happy your messiah is a warmonger?

If so, every president in our lifetimes have been warmongers too…

So your definition is either wrong or the product of a very infantile mind.
Obama is the only president to be at war everyday of his presidency. Which proved liberals really don't care about wars. Unless a republican is president. Obama Even campaigned on ended them. Talk about Trump lying.

Congress declared war?
Hope not.

dimocrap scum got nothing to say that I want to here.

Crush them. Grind them to dust. Obliterate them.

Destroy them -- Permanently
Your miserable, pathetic little bootlicking life is going to change for the worse with your orange messiah in office. You are just too fucking stupid to realize it.
I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.

One of the things a President can do is something another party would support, but could not do politically.

Richard Nixon opened up China- something that a Democratic President probably could not have gotten away with because that was an anathema to the Republican establishment.

Trump suggested something the other day that I would support- using the authority of the United States to negotiate lower drug prices- something establishment Republicans have fought tooth and nail.

Trump on drug prices: Pharma companies are ‘getting away with murder’
Federal law forbids the government from negotiating with drug companies to bring down the price of drugs for seniors using Medicare. While Trump did not announce a specific plan to address the issue, he has in the past called for ending the policy -- a proposal that Democratic lawmakers have repeatedly put forward
This is why it is impossible to work with progressives. Republicans would NOT have fought tooth and nail to negotiate lower drug prices. They would have fought tooth and nail to have the federal government FORCE drug companies to sell drugs at a loss.
thats the stupidest fucking thing ive ever heard in my entire life what the fuck do you mean "negotiate lower prices" what are you insane?
I rest My case.
I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.
as far as i know his plan is to abolish healthcare, outlaw immigration, cut taxes for the rich to zero, and start atleast 3 new wars. I dont know what democrats would "work with him on". Maybe start only 2 new wars instead of 3?

What kinds of deals would you like to see made on those issues? Because Trump is all about making deals.
I would like for him not to do all those things
You do know that Obama is the only president that has been at war everyday of his presidency? He even campaigned on ending the wars. So when get get some credibility come back and we can talk.

Congress declared war?
No actually Obama bypassed Congress and sent troops over seas. So are you happy your messiah is a warmonger?

If so, every president in our lifetimes have been warmongers too…

So your definition is either wrong or the product of a very infantile mind.
Obama is the only president to be at war everyday of his presidency. Which proved liberals really don't care about wars. Unless a republican is president. Obama Even campaigned on ended them. Talk about Trump lying.

Congress declared war?
Already been here with you. Keep proving yourself a hypocrite.
I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.
as far as i know his plan is to abolish healthcare, outlaw immigration, cut taxes for the rich to zero, and start atleast 3 new wars. I dont know what democrats would "work with him on". Maybe start only 2 new wars instead of 3?
You do know that Obama is the only president that has been at war everyday of his presidency? He even campaigned on ending the wars. So when get get some credibility come back and we can talk.

Congress declared war?
No actually Obama bypassed Congress and sent troops over seas. So are you happy your messiah is a warmonger?
Congress declared war?
No actually Obama bypassed Congress and sent troops over seas. So are you happy your messiah is a warmonger?

If so, every president in our lifetimes have been warmongers too…

So your definition is either wrong or the product of a very infantile mind.
Obama is the only president to be at war everyday of his presidency. Which proved liberals really don't care about wars. Unless a republican is president. Obama Even campaigned on ended them. Talk about Trump lying.

Congress declared war?
Already been here with you. Keep proving yourself a hypocrite.
I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.
as far as i know his plan is to abolish healthcare, outlaw immigration, cut taxes for the rich to zero, and start atleast 3 new wars. I dont know what democrats would "work with him on". Maybe start only 2 new wars instead of 3?
You do know that Obama is the only president that has been at war everyday of his presidency? He even campaigned on ending the wars. So when get get some credibility come back and we can talk.

Congress declared war?
No actually Obama bypassed Congress and sent troops over seas. So are you happy your messiah is a warmonger?

So, the answer is no? Who knew. Oh yeah…I did.

Thanks for Playing.

No actually Obama bypassed Congress and sent troops over seas. So are you happy your messiah is a warmonger?

If so, every president in our lifetimes have been warmongers too…

So your definition is either wrong or the product of a very infantile mind.
Obama is the only president to be at war everyday of his presidency. Which proved liberals really don't care about wars. Unless a republican is president. Obama Even campaigned on ended them. Talk about Trump lying.

Congress declared war?
Already been here with you. Keep proving yourself a hypocrite.
as far as i know his plan is to abolish healthcare, outlaw immigration, cut taxes for the rich to zero, and start atleast 3 new wars. I dont know what democrats would "work with him on". Maybe start only 2 new wars instead of 3?
You do know that Obama is the only president that has been at war everyday of his presidency? He even campaigned on ending the wars. So when get get some credibility come back and we can talk.

Congress declared war?
No actually Obama bypassed Congress and sent troops over seas. So are you happy your messiah is a warmonger?

So, the answer is no? Who knew. Oh yeah…I did.

Thanks for Playing.

We are back in Iraq without congresses approval. Checkmate. Now go along and play with the children.
Finding out where the GOP stands would be a good start:

So where does the GOP stand on deporting illegal aliens—and the children of illegals?

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