Can Trump And Democrats In Congress Work Together For The Country?

For me, i'd like to see Trump scale back our military presence in the Middle East and Afghanistan. I think he could get some cooperation from Democrats on that.
Congress didn’t declare war…thanks for agreeing with me.
I know so Obama illegally sent troops over seas in combat rolls. Thanks for playing.

Wow…so did every other President then. Refresh our memory…Regan got 300 marines killed in Beirut. Was he a criminal since Congress didn’t put them there?

In 10 days, Trump will have troops in Iraq…is he a criminal for not bringing them home at once?
I don't remember Trump mentioning it.

nice dodge…wearing your ballet shoes a little tight this morning are you?

In 10 days, Trump will have troops in Iraq
Your question junior is this: Given what you just said about Obama illegally having troops in combat rolls (roles is the proper spelling), will you regard Donald Trump of taking part in this illegal activity as well?
Wow way to spin it. I'm sure Trump will take it on while he erases Obama's failed legacy. You should take notes maybe next time you can nominate a winner.
Let's try not to go negative folks. I know it's easy slip into, but let's try to stay positive on this one.

No offense and I see what you are doing, but where was this question of yours when The Democrats told Conservatives to STFU and sit down, and crammed Obamacare down everyone's throats in partisan fashion?

I think we should not cooperate with anything they want, unless what they want is to Expand and Strengthen Individual Liberties, and Shrink The Power, Expense, and Size of The Federal Government.

Anything contrary to that, and they should be fought tooth an nail to the death.

I hear ya, you're angry. I've been there. But all this crazy hate stuff's gotta end. I think Trump should reach out. I think there's some good Democrats in Congress who'll work with him. He should start with things that have mostly agreement on currently. Get those done, and show that he is willing to negotiate and compromise.
and what do you think those are? can you give any examples? or are we supposed to do that for you?
For me, i'd like to see Trump scale back our military presence in the Middle East and Afghanistan. I think he could get some cooperation from Democrats on that.

Not sure where you’re from; Congress didn’t put them there so congressional input is not needed for him to add or subtract troops from the Middle East. Cooperation isn’t the right word; he would likely get some applause from the Democrats.

But what happened to this????

Did the last 12 months even happen?
Let's try not to go negative folks. I know it's easy slip into, but let's try to stay positive on this one.

No offense and I see what you are doing, but where was this question of yours when The Democrats told Conservatives to STFU and sit down, and crammed Obamacare down everyone's throats in partisan fashion?

I think we should not cooperate with anything they want, unless what they want is to Expand and Strengthen Individual Liberties, and Shrink The Power, Expense, and Size of The Federal Government.

Anything contrary to that, and they should be fought tooth an nail to the death.

I hear ya, you're angry. I've been there. But all this crazy hate stuff's gotta end. I think Trump should reach out. I think there's some good Democrats in Congress who'll work with him. He should start with things that have mostly agreement on currently. Get those done, and show that he is willing to negotiate and compromise.
and what do you think those are? can you give any examples? or are we supposed to do that for you?

I'll get back to you. But there's always a few things Democrats and Republicans can generally agree on. Start with those, and go from there.
I'd like to see the Republicans STOP trying to defund Planned Parenthood. (80% of its patients receive birth control services. That PREVENTS abortion, right?)
It is not even right to defund them for performing a legal procedure, particularly because women pay for that procedure, cash on the barrel head, and it ain't cheap, so it's not being "subsidized" through the backdoor. Not a leg to stand on, in reality. I don't know a single woman who supports defunding Planned Parenthood. It would be in the Repub's best interests to agree to this one. Just check with their base.
For me, i'd like to see Trump scale back our military presence in the Middle East and Afghanistan. I think he could get some cooperation from Democrats on that.
considering he just nominated a war criminal for secretary of defense i dont thinks thats likely

Well, as you mentioned, James Mattis got the nickname "Mad Dog" for his command responsibility as a general during the April 2004 siege of Fallujah. This was a battle that I covered as an unembedded journalist, where the US Marine Corps killed so many people, so many civilians, that the municipal soccer stadium of that city had to be turned into a graveyard. US Marines there shot at ambulances. They shot at aid workers. They cordoned off the city and prevented civilians from fleeing. Some marines posed for trophy photos with the people that they killed.

And what we say in the story is that all of these events that occurred in Fallujah when James Mattis was the commanding general are the same sort of events that other commanders in other countries have been convicted of war crimes for, including General Yamashita, who was a general in World War II for the Japanese, who was tried and executed by a US military tribunal, and his execution was upheld by the US Supreme Court. We found that James Mattis likely committed similar war crimes.

Did Trump's Defense Secretary Nominee James Mattis Commit War Crimes in Iraq?
Let's try not to go negative folks. I know it's easy slip into, but let's try to stay positive on this one.

No offense and I see what you are doing, but where was this question of yours when The Democrats told Conservatives to STFU and sit down, and crammed Obamacare down everyone's throats in partisan fashion?

I think we should not cooperate with anything they want, unless what they want is to Expand and Strengthen Individual Liberties, and Shrink The Power, Expense, and Size of The Federal Government.

Anything contrary to that, and they should be fought tooth an nail to the death.

I hear ya, you're angry. I've been there. But all this crazy hate stuff's gotta end. I think Trump should reach out. I think there's some good Democrats in Congress who'll work with him. He should start with things that have mostly agreement on currently. Get those done, and show that he is willing to negotiate and compromise.

There is no anger. Just a conviction to principles and what needs done to preserve this country's freedoms.
I'd like to see the Republicans STOP trying to defund Planned Parenthood. (80% of its patients receive birth control services. That PREVENTS abortion, right?)
It is not even right to defund them for performing a legal procedure, particularly because women pay for that procedure, cash on the barrel head, and it ain't cheap, so it's not being "subsidized" through the backdoor. Not a leg to stand on, in reality. I don't know a single woman who supports defunding Planned Parenthood. It would be in the Repub's best interests to agree to this one. Just check with their base.

Well, there's a suggestion. Thank you.
Let's try not to go negative folks. I know it's easy slip into, but let's try to stay positive on this one.

No offense and I see what you are doing, but where was this question of yours when The Democrats told Conservatives to STFU and sit down, and crammed Obamacare down everyone's throats in partisan fashion?

I think we should not cooperate with anything they want, unless what they want is to Expand and Strengthen Individual Liberties, and Shrink The Power, Expense, and Size of The Federal Government.

Anything contrary to that, and they should be fought tooth an nail to the death.

I hear ya, you're angry. I've been there. But all this crazy hate stuff's gotta end. I think Trump should reach out. I think there's some good Democrats in Congress who'll work with him. He should start with things that have mostly agreement on currently. Get those done, and show that he is willing to negotiate and compromise.
and what do you think those are? can you give any examples? or are we supposed to do that for you?

I'll get back to you. But there's always a few things Democrats and Republicans can generally agree on. Start with those, and go from there.
great! i love your optimism lets start by listing what those things might be and go from there
I know so Obama illegally sent troops over seas in combat rolls. Thanks for playing.

Wow…so did every other President then. Refresh our memory…Regan got 300 marines killed in Beirut. Was he a criminal since Congress didn’t put them there?

In 10 days, Trump will have troops in Iraq…is he a criminal for not bringing them home at once?
I don't remember Trump mentioning it.

nice dodge…wearing your ballet shoes a little tight this morning are you?

In 10 days, Trump will have troops in Iraq
Your question junior is this: Given what you just said about Obama illegally having troops in combat rolls (roles is the proper spelling), will you regard Donald Trump of taking part in this illegal activity as well?
Wow way to spin it. I'm sure Trump will take it on while he erases Obama's failed legacy. You should take notes maybe next time you can nominate a winner.

Keep on dancing.

This is why you guys get called racists.

The policy is this. WE have troops in Iraq. Congress didn’t declare war. Obama moved them there himself…So You say he did it illegally.

In 10 days, President Trump will have troops in Iraq. Congress will still have not declared war. They will be there on orders from the President.

I ask you if you’re willing to say that Trump has them there illegally.

And you won’t answer.

It’s not the policies, the decisions, or anything else with you guys; it’s personal. And I don’t seem to recall a big hue and cry from the right when Bush put them there to start with….

So Bush did it far beyond the 2003 authorization and well after Sadamm was captured. No comment.
Obama did it…you dub it “illegal”
Trump will be in charge of it….no comment.

What is the difference in the 3?
Wow…so did every other President then. Refresh our memory…Regan got 300 marines killed in Beirut. Was he a criminal since Congress didn’t put them there?

In 10 days, Trump will have troops in Iraq…is he a criminal for not bringing them home at once?
I don't remember Trump mentioning it.

nice dodge…wearing your ballet shoes a little tight this morning are you?

In 10 days, Trump will have troops in Iraq
Your question junior is this: Given what you just said about Obama illegally having troops in combat rolls (roles is the proper spelling), will you regard Donald Trump of taking part in this illegal activity as well?
Wow way to spin it. I'm sure Trump will take it on while he erases Obama's failed legacy. You should take notes maybe next time you can nominate a winner.

Keep on dancing.

This is why you guys get called racists.

The policy is this. WE have troops in Iraq. Congress didn’t declare war. Obama moved them there himself…So You say he did it illegally.

In 10 days, President Trump will have troops in Iraq. Congress will still have not declared war. They will be there on orders from the President.

I ask you if you’re willing to say that Trump has them there illegally.

And you won’t answer.

It’s not the policies, the decisions, or anything else with you guys; it’s personal. And I don’t seem to recall a big hue and cry from the right when Bush put them there to start with….

So Bush did it far beyond the 2003 authorization and well after Sadamm was captured. No comment.
Obama did it…you dub it “illegal”
Trump will be in charge of it….no comment.

What is the difference in the 3?

Careful falling into that negativity hole. What would you like to see Trump and Congress do on Iraq?
I'd like to see the Republicans STOP trying to defund Planned Parenthood. (80% of its patients receive birth control services. That PREVENTS abortion, right?)
It is not even right to defund them for performing a legal procedure, particularly because women pay for that procedure, cash on the barrel head, and it ain't cheap, so it's not being "subsidized" through the backdoor. Not a leg to stand on, in reality. I don't know a single woman who supports defunding Planned Parenthood. It would be in the Repub's best interests to agree to this one. Just check with their base.

Well, there's a suggestion. Thank you.
Trump said he would outlaw abortion completely and punish women with jailtime if they got one. Mike Pence has worked for years to abolish abortion, he's even tried numerous times to shutdown planned parenthood specifically

As governor of Indiana, Pence signed the most abortion-restrictive regulations in the nation, banning abortion even in cases where the fetus has a “genetic abnormality” such as Down syndrome and holding doctors legally liable if they had knowingly performed such procedures. The law also required that aborted fetal tissue be buried or cremated. Following the Supreme Court’s decision in a landmark abortion case in June, a federal judge blocked the law from going into effect.

He led the national fight to defund Planned Parenthood and forced so many of its clinics to close in Indiana that he triggered an H.I.V. epidemic in one county.
Think Trump Is Scary? Check Out Mike Pence On The Issues. | The Huffington Post
Let's try not to go negative folks. I know it's easy slip into, but let's try to stay positive on this one.

No offense and I see what you are doing, but where was this question of yours when The Democrats told Conservatives to STFU and sit down, and crammed Obamacare down everyone's throats in partisan fashion?

I think we should not cooperate with anything they want, unless what they want is to Expand and Strengthen Individual Liberties, and Shrink The Power, Expense, and Size of The Federal Government.

Anything contrary to that, and they should be fought tooth an nail to the death.

I hear ya, you're angry. I've been there. But all this crazy hate stuff's gotta end. I think Trump should reach out. I think there's some good Democrats in Congress who'll work with him. He should start with things that have mostly agreement on currently. Get those done, and show that he is willing to negotiate and compromise.
and what do you think those are? can you give any examples? or are we supposed to do that for you?

I'll get back to you. But there's always a few things Democrats and Republicans can generally agree on. Start with those, and go from there.
great! i love your optimism lets start by listing what those things might be and go from there

I know what Dems and Republicans can agree on. Let me start.

How about lowering that consensual age for sex? No...that won't do either. The Dems have too many groups and lobbyists promoting that.
How about giving The Unborn some rights, any rights at all? Nope Dems will burn down entire towns to fight that.
How about decriminalizing prostitution for minors in California? No...I don't think Conservatives will agree to that either.
How about stopping the flow of Heroin coming across the Southern Border. Opioid Addiction now kills more people than car accidents and gun deaths.
No, the Dems won't go for that either.
How about enforcing the Law with regards to Sanctuary Cities? No, Dems won't go along with that.
Oh, how about making our Nation safer by restricting immigration from Terrorist States, and vetting so called refugees more stringently? No, the Dems won't like that either.
Oh, I know, how about giving local communities more control over Education? No, the Dems won't do that either.
How about reducing our regulatory overhead, and restrictions on businesses and individuals so they can be relieved of costly over regulation and thrive again? No Dems won't go for that because they believe in the fairy tale of global warming.
How about promoting FAIR TRADE? Nope, Not Gonna Do It!
How about making Health Care Competitive and Affordable? Nope Dems won't go for that.

Anyways there is my list of just a few things we can work together with The Dem Party.
It's a good start, don't you think?
I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.

Probably not. Republicans will use the Democrats to stop Republican policies that the Republicans know are idiotic. Then they'll go to their brainless constituency and blame the Democrats for not having implemented those policies.

The Republicans, along with Trump, will institute a large number of IDIOTIC policies which they do not believe to be idiotic. When these policies are a gross failure they will still blame liberals for the failure - they'll never admit that their policies are a failure. They'll make up all sorts of paranoid delusions about who is responsible for their failures.

Right now it's obvious the wingnuts in this country are already delusional and have been for some time.

This will all follow a typical pattern of dictators and tyrants. Rather than admitting that their policies are a gross failure they accuse innocent people of undermining those policies.

The Democrats will serve as the Republicans scapegoats.
I'd like to see the Republicans STOP trying to defund Planned Parenthood. (80% of its patients receive birth control services. That PREVENTS abortion, right?)
It is not even right to defund them for performing a legal procedure, particularly because women pay for that procedure, cash on the barrel head, and it ain't cheap, so it's not being "subsidized" through the backdoor. Not a leg to stand on, in reality. I don't know a single woman who supports defunding Planned Parenthood. It would be in the Repub's best interests to agree to this one. Just check with their base.

Well, there's a suggestion. Thank you.
You're welcome.
Go whole hog on The Wall and border security in exchange for PROSECUTING employers who hire illegal aliens. Put the owners in prison, instead of the people breaking their backs for 12-14 hours a day who are just trying to put their next meal on the table. Right now, they get a wrist slap, a fine they can well afford, and they continue on as usual.
I'd like to see the Republicans STOP trying to defund Planned Parenthood. (80% of its patients receive birth control services. That PREVENTS abortion, right?)
It is not even right to defund them for performing a legal procedure, particularly because women pay for that procedure, cash on the barrel head, and it ain't cheap, so it's not being "subsidized" through the backdoor. Not a leg to stand on, in reality. I don't know a single woman who supports defunding Planned Parenthood. It would be in the Repub's best interests to agree to this one. Just check with their base.

Well, lets be clear about a few things.

First of all, there is no bill that funds planned parenthood.

Screen Shot 2017-01-13 at 11.17.14 AM.png

The patient may also go to a public health clinic, a participating physician, etc.. PPH is just another vendor in the healthcare chain.

So when you’re taking about funding or not funding, what is really at stake is Title X and Medicare. Will the GOP increase funding for these programs that are primarily used by the poor? I am doubtful. But hey…lets see what happens.
No offense and I see what you are doing, but where was this question of yours when The Democrats told Conservatives to STFU and sit down, and crammed Obamacare down everyone's throats in partisan fashion?

I think we should not cooperate with anything they want, unless what they want is to Expand and Strengthen Individual Liberties, and Shrink The Power, Expense, and Size of The Federal Government.

Anything contrary to that, and they should be fought tooth an nail to the death.

I hear ya, you're angry. I've been there. But all this crazy hate stuff's gotta end. I think Trump should reach out. I think there's some good Democrats in Congress who'll work with him. He should start with things that have mostly agreement on currently. Get those done, and show that he is willing to negotiate and compromise.
and what do you think those are? can you give any examples? or are we supposed to do that for you?

I'll get back to you. But there's always a few things Democrats and Republicans can generally agree on. Start with those, and go from there.
great! i love your optimism lets start by listing what those things might be and go from there

I know what Dems and Republicans can agree on. Let me start.

How about lowering that consensual age for sex? No...that won't do either. The Dems have too many groups and lobbyists promoting that.
How about giving The Unborn some rights, any rights at all? Nope Dems will burn down entire towns to fight that.
How about decriminalizing prostitution for minors in California? No...I don't think Conservatives will agree to that either.
How about stopping the flow of Heroin coming across the Southern Border. Opioid Addiction now kills more people than car accidents and gun deaths.
No, the Dems won't go for that either.
How about enforcing the Law with regards to Sanctuary Cities? No, Dems won't go along with that.
Oh, how about making our Nation safer by restricting immigration from Terrorist States, and vetting so called refugees more stringently? No, the Dems won't like that either.
Oh, I know, how about giving local communities more control over Education? No, the Dems won't do that either.
How about reducing our regulatory overhead, and restrictions on businesses and individuals so they can be relieved of costly over regulation and thrive again? No Dems won't go for that because they believe in the fairy tale of global warming.
How about promoting FAIR TRADE? Nope, Not Gonna Do It!
How about making Health Care Competitive and Affordable? Nope Dems won't go for that.

Anyways there is my list of just a few things we can work together with The Dem Party.
It's a good start, don't you think?
How about stopping the flow of Heroin coming across the Southern Border. Opioid Addiction now kills more people than car accidents and gun deaths.
No, the Dems won't go for that either.

Oh, but they would. But don't focus just on the mules carrying it across.

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