Can Trump And Democrats In Congress Work Together For The Country?

If so, every president in our lifetimes have been warmongers too…

So your definition is either wrong or the product of a very infantile mind.
Obama is the only president to be at war everyday of his presidency. Which proved liberals really don't care about wars. Unless a republican is president. Obama Even campaigned on ended them. Talk about Trump lying.

Congress declared war?
Already been here with you. Keep proving yourself a hypocrite.
You do know that Obama is the only president that has been at war everyday of his presidency? He even campaigned on ending the wars. So when get get some credibility come back and we can talk.

Congress declared war?
No actually Obama bypassed Congress and sent troops over seas. So are you happy your messiah is a warmonger?

So, the answer is no? Who knew. Oh yeah…I did.

Thanks for Playing.

We are back in Iraq without congresses approval. Checkmate. Now go along and play with the children.

Congress didn’t declare war…thanks for agreeing with me.
Only if The Democrat Party gives up Their Jihad against Individual Liberties, and denounces their Agenda to Fundamentally Transform America in to a Shit Hole Like Cuba.
Let's try not to go negative folks. I know it's easy slip into, but let's try to stay positive on this one.
Obama is the only president to be at war everyday of his presidency. Which proved liberals really don't care about wars. Unless a republican is president. Obama Even campaigned on ended them. Talk about Trump lying.

Congress declared war?
Already been here with you. Keep proving yourself a hypocrite.
Congress declared war?
No actually Obama bypassed Congress and sent troops over seas. So are you happy your messiah is a warmonger?

So, the answer is no? Who knew. Oh yeah…I did.

Thanks for Playing.

We are back in Iraq without congresses approval. Checkmate. Now go along and play with the children.

Congress didn’t declare war…thanks for agreeing with me.
I know so Obama illegally sent troops over seas in combat rolls. Thanks for playing.
Congress declared war?
Already been here with you. Keep proving yourself a hypocrite.
No actually Obama bypassed Congress and sent troops over seas. So are you happy your messiah is a warmonger?

So, the answer is no? Who knew. Oh yeah…I did.

Thanks for Playing.

We are back in Iraq without congresses approval. Checkmate. Now go along and play with the children.

Congress didn’t declare war…thanks for agreeing with me.
I know so Obama illegally sent troops over seas in combat rolls. Thanks for playing.

Wow…so did every other President then. Refresh our memory…Regan got 300 marines killed in Beirut. Was he a criminal since Congress didn’t put them there?
Already been here with you. Keep proving yourself a hypocrite.

So, the answer is no? Who knew. Oh yeah…I did.

Thanks for Playing.

We are back in Iraq without congresses approval. Checkmate. Now go along and play with the children.

Congress didn’t declare war…thanks for agreeing with me.
I know so Obama illegally sent troops over seas in combat rolls. Thanks for playing.

Wow…so did every other President then. Refresh our memory…Regan got 300 marines killed in Beirut. Was he a criminal since Congress didn’t put them there?

In 10 days, Trump will have troops in Iraq…is he a criminal for not bringing them home at once?
Let's try not to go negative folks. I know it's easy slip into, but let's try to stay positive on this one.

No offense and I see what you are doing, but where was this question of yours when The Democrats told Conservatives to STFU and sit down, and crammed Obamacare down everyone's throats in partisan fashion?

I think we should not cooperate with anything they want, unless what they want is to Expand and Strengthen Individual Liberties, and Shrink The Power, Expense, and Size of The Federal Government.

Anything contrary to that, and they should be fought tooth an nail to the death.
Let's try not to go negative folks. I know it's easy slip into, but let's try to stay positive on this one.

No offense and I see what you are doing, but where was this question of yours when The Democrats told Conservatives to STFU and sit down, and crammed Obamacare down everyone's throats in partisan fashion?

I think we should not cooperate with anything they want, unless what they want is to Expand and Strengthen Individual Liberties, and Shrink The Power, Expense, and Size of The Federal Government.

Anything contrary to that, and they should be fought tooth an nail to the death.

And the last GOP president to “shrink the power, expense, and size of the federal government” was……………who?
Only if The Democrat Party gives up Their Jihad against Individual Liberties, and denounces their Agenda to Fundamentally Transform America in to a Shit Hole Like Cuba.

Its funny how the red states are the ones that look more like Cuba than CA, MA, or NY
Not all of them, South Carolina is beautiful.
Hope springs eternal, but I doubt that the dems will want to work with Trump.

They know, and some have already stated, that if Trump succeeds in helping the working class and increasing prosperity, that they have a 'political problem'

Therefore, I have no doubt whatsoever that they will do whatever the hell they can to obstruct whatever they can to claw their way back into power.

Right now the pubs have the votes. I'll expect a flurry of activity over the next year before the runup to the mid-terms and we'll see how all of that changes during that campaign. If the pubs keep both houses it's katy bar the door for the dems. the dems are fucked. and if Trump succeeds they're really fucked, and they know it.

Do I think any large measure of legislation is going to come via bipartisan cooperation? Absolutely not.
So, the answer is no? Who knew. Oh yeah…I did.

Thanks for Playing.

We are back in Iraq without congresses approval. Checkmate. Now go along and play with the children.

Congress didn’t declare war…thanks for agreeing with me.
I know so Obama illegally sent troops over seas in combat rolls. Thanks for playing.

Wow…so did every other President then. Refresh our memory…Regan got 300 marines killed in Beirut. Was he a criminal since Congress didn’t put them there?

In 10 days, Trump will have troops in Iraq…is he a criminal for not bringing them home at once?
I don't remember Trump mentioning it.
A better way to put it is "will the democrat minority stop being obstructionist and work with the Trump administration for the good of the Country"? If they don't it really doesn't matter that much, republicans will just work around them.
That is a little hard to quantify. Some have slowed the growth of government if you wanted to argue it that way.
And Trump's promise to pass a rule that says we will get rid of two old regulations for every new one we will pass is a good start.

Here is some nice comments about the over regulation of We The People, that will help some to put this issue in context.

Kenneth Cochran, Software developer, staunch advocate of the right to arm bears.
Written 14 Apr 2015

There are lots of ways to measure government's size but the one that matters most is not the amount of money it spends or the size of it's bureaucracy. These measures highlight the cost of government but it is the scope of it's laws that show the true size of a government. This is very difficult to quantify.

Both the Department of Justice and the American Bar Association have attempted to count only the number of criminal laws in the U.S.C., that is the laws actually passed by congress that have a criminal penalty (in other words incarceration). The DOJ gave up after their count exceeded 3000. The ABA never published their count but concluded the number of laws for which there is a criminal penalty far exceeds the 3000 laws the DOJ identified. Note that this did not include the Code of Federal Regulations, which are regulations imposed by agencies of the executive branch that carry the same force of law. For every law in the U.S.C. there are ten or more regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations.

It's not just the number of laws but the number of people affected by a law, the burden of following the law and the consequences of violating it.

The bottom line is whatever claims have been made to the contrary, no major political party has ever shown any interest in decreasing the reach of government once they are in control. The few laws congress repeals each year are dwarfed by the number added. If you aren't deeply troubled by this you should be. Our entire legal system is built on the legal principle, Ignorantia juris non excusat, that is, "ignorance of the law is not an excuse". If the government had the resources and the political will to strictly enforce all of these laws there is not a single person over the age of 18 that would not be either in prison or destitute from imposed fines.

Whereas it appeareth that however certain forms of government are better calculated than others to protect individuals in the free exercise of their natural rights, and are at the same time themselves better guarded against degeneracy, yet experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny - Thomas Jefferson
We are back in Iraq without congresses approval. Checkmate. Now go along and play with the children.

Congress didn’t declare war…thanks for agreeing with me.
I know so Obama illegally sent troops over seas in combat rolls. Thanks for playing.

Wow…so did every other President then. Refresh our memory…Regan got 300 marines killed in Beirut. Was he a criminal since Congress didn’t put them there?

In 10 days, Trump will have troops in Iraq…is he a criminal for not bringing them home at once?
I don't remember Trump mentioning it.

nice dodge…wearing your ballet shoes a little tight this morning are you?

In 10 days, Trump will have troops in Iraq
Your question junior is this: Given what you just said about Obama illegally having troops in combat rolls (roles is the proper spelling), will you regard Donald Trump of taking part in this illegal activity as well?
Let's try not to go negative folks. I know it's easy slip into, but let's try to stay positive on this one.

No offense and I see what you are doing, but where was this question of yours when The Democrats told Conservatives to STFU and sit down, and crammed Obamacare down everyone's throats in partisan fashion?

I think we should not cooperate with anything they want, unless what they want is to Expand and Strengthen Individual Liberties, and Shrink The Power, Expense, and Size of The Federal Government.

Anything contrary to that, and they should be fought tooth an nail to the death.

I hear ya, you're angry. I've been there. But all this crazy hate stuff's gotta end. I think Trump should reach out. I think there's some good Democrats in Congress who'll work with him. He should start with things that have mostly agreement on currently. Get those done, and show that he is willing to negotiate and compromise.

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