can trump still win ?

Trump can do well tonight. All Clinton has to do is play defense and let him rage. If Trump handles his temper, he can be formidable.

Trump is renown for his calm deliberate demeanor and levelheadedness. He may win bigly.
LOL He is known for his erratic stream-of-consciousness way of speaking and quick temper when criticized. Who are you talking about?

Nobody except commies are offended by his "way of speaking" though it is telling that you object to his "way of speaking" and his ability to defend himself lol.

Yep. You're still nuts.
...So your satisfied that he might be done at the hands of the corrupt Clintons?????? No the American people are done.


The HildaBeast is merely the lesser of two VERY great evils.

Better the schmuck channeling the ghost of Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall, than the schmuck channeling the ghost of Attila the Hun (or Benito Mussolini).

Your boy is an empty suit, and a demagogue... at the very best (and only in-part)... Right Message, Wrong Messenger.
who will win tonights debate ? could trump still win ? thanks

There isn't a chance in hell he could still win.
The debate? Sure he could, but he will have to rein in his terrible temper.
No way, if his comments this week are any indication Trump is going to show his ass tonight playing the poor innocent victim of rigged elections and media conspiracies.
And he did!! Read all about it!!
Democrats have a good chance of also winning back the House, Senate and a whole lot of state races
If a young man or woman can't look to the whitehouse as a place where the most stable, powerful, patriot in the world lives, then we are screwed. In fact we have been screwed for quite sometime now, because corruption crosses all boundaries these days. What a shame it all is, but when weighing the nations greatness in the balance, I would pick Trump over the Clinton's any day.. So the man loves women, at least he isn't trying to become one.
Stable?? Trump?? Are you out of your fucking mind??!! Why is it that dozens of national security experts are terrified of the prospect of him becoming commander in chief. ???
Hillary has the clear advantage for Nov 8th. If Trump can stay on point for the remainder he might have a chance. Trump's only other hope is the polls aren't accurate or he loses the popular vote but wins enough of the swing states. In any event, I think Hillary or Trump will do a better job than Obama. Obama was clueless and it showed. At least both Trump and Hillary know what they are getting into.
Dems won't win the House, with a majority lock of 224 seats and 21 seats left in toss up.

If MO, NV, and PA go blue for senate, the Dems will have 51 votes, the Senate will suspend cloture, and we will see if the fabled Clinton Curse falls upon SCOTUS.
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Hillary has the clear advantage for Nov 8th. If Trump can stay on point for the remainder he might have a chance. Trump's only other hope is the polls aren't accurate or he loses the popular vote but wins enough of the swing states. In any event, I think Hillary or Trump will do a better job than Obama. Obama was clueless and it showed. At least both Trump and Hillary know what they are getting into.
Plus they are both white, Christians and born in the USA
Hillary has the clear advantage for Nov 8th. If Trump can stay on point for the remainder he might have a chance. Trump's only other hope is the polls aren't accurate or he loses the popular vote but wins enough of the swing states. In any event, I think Hillary or Trump will do a better job than Obama. Obama was clueless and it showed. At least both Trump and Hillary know what they are getting into.
I don't think Trump has any idea how to run the government. Trump has run a private business that he owns for over 40 years. He has had total control and his management style has been dictatorial. He has never had to rely on his political guile to accomplish his goals. By contrast the president operates in a public environment and shares responsibility with the congress and the judiciary. What a president accomplishes is dependent on his political knowledge and skills. Trump has demonstrated throughout his campaign that he possesses neither. How can anyone believe that putting someone so politically inept in the presidency is the right decision?
I think he can win yes! :thup:

That is if the Clinton Mafia doesn't steal the election, like they stole it from Bernie Sanders.
. When Hillary was defending her lies on Benghazi, and when she said " who cares if it was over a video or some guys out for a stroll one night, AT THIS POINT what difference does it make ??? She felt at this point that they had her cold busted on the lies they told about the attack being about a video. She was horrified that she was on the hot seat, and was about to have her feathers stripped. That is why she gave such a angered answer that made no sense, because she figured if she could shout them down, then it would go away somehow. It did for that moment, and so it worked for that moment, but it also showed a guilty Hillary on the defence trying to cover up a tragic event by lies, dam lies, and more lies.

And what difference did it make, exactly?
If he goes on the attack tonight and acts like a jerk. Well, I'll say nearly impossible...If he surprises us and acts presidential...Well, maybe a slight chance.
. Acts presidential concerning Hillary Clinton ??? Your kidding me right ????? This woman invented lies and corruption, but you think that she is more presidential than Trump can be ???? You must have fallen and bumped your head. If I was Trump I would show just how unpresidential this woman is, and I wouldn't care how dam mad she got (the more mad the better), because she can't stand to be outed like that by anyone. It's time to put this thing into perspective, where people put this country first, and these critters back to where they belong (in the swamp).

Where's the fire?
If a young man or woman can't look to the whitehouse as a place where the most stable, powerful, patriot in the world lives, then we are screwed. In fact we have been screwed for quite sometime now, because corruption crosses all boundaries these days. What a shame it all is, but when weighing the nations greatness in the balance, I would pick Trump over the Clinton's any day.. So the man loves women, at least he isn't trying to become one.
A man that loves women does not say and do the kind of things that Trump does.
. What kind of women are you referring to ????? There are many different characters found in human beings, and some love to be shown various forms of attention, and some are more reserved about who they allow to challenge their sexual appetites in many different ways, and who they won't allow to challenge their sexual appetites in many different ways.

On the one hand if the guy isn't so handsome to the female, then the female will put up a defence in order to keep a person from being foward with her, but if the guy appeals to the girl in every way, then you will be surprised as to how a woman will talk and act in order to get the guy to be foward with her.

Once the chemistry is joined together, it begins to smoke, but if there is a one-sided affair going on (where one takes a liken to the other, but not vice-versa), then feelings will be hurt, lives changed, and idiots will be outed on one side or the other.. Trump being a Billionaire, could mean easily within my estimation that he probably has been around some wild women, and he has probably around been around the not so wild women.

Ever heard of a woman scorned ?? There are plenty of women that if you do anything wrong (tell her you can't make any commitments), then she might decide to get back at you or ruin you if she gets any chance to do so. Done seen it, but thankfully I haven't experienced it myself.
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I think he can win yes! :thup:

That is if the Clinton Mafia doesn't steal the election, like they stole it from Bernie Sanders.
. When Hillary was defending her lies on Benghazi, and when she said " who cares if it was over a video or some guys out for a stroll one night, AT THIS POINT what difference does it make ??? She felt at this point that they had her cold busted on the lies they told about the attack being about a video. She was horrified that she was on the hot seat, and was about to have her feathers stripped. That is why she gave such a angered answer that made no sense, because she figured if she could shout them down, then it would go away somehow. It did for that moment, and so it worked for that moment, but it also showed a guilty Hillary on the defence trying to cover up a tragic event by lies, dam lies, and more lies.

And what difference did it make, exactly?
. I don't know, why don't you go and ask the victims families what the hell difference does it make ?
If a young man or woman can't look to the whitehouse as a place where the most stable, powerful, patriot in the world lives, then we are screwed. In fact we have been screwed for quite sometime now, because corruption crosses all boundaries these days. What a shame it all is, but when weighing the nations greatness in the balance, I would pick Trump over the Clinton's any day.. So the man loves women, at least he isn't trying to become one.
Stable?? Trump?? Are you out of your fucking mind??!! Why is it that dozens of national security experts are terrified of the prospect of him becoming commander in chief. ???
. Spin..
I think he can win yes! :thup:

That is if the Clinton Mafia doesn't steal the election, like they stole it from Bernie Sanders.
. When Hillary was defending her lies on Benghazi, and when she said " who cares if it was over a video or some guys out for a stroll one night, AT THIS POINT what difference does it make ??? She felt at this point that they had her cold busted on the lies they told about the attack being about a video. She was horrified that she was on the hot seat, and was about to have her feathers stripped. That is why she gave such a angered answer that made no sense, because she figured if she could shout them down, then it would go away somehow. It did for that moment, and so it worked for that moment, but it also showed a guilty Hillary on the defence trying to cover up a tragic event by lies, dam lies, and more lies.

And what difference did it make, exactly?
. I don't know, why don't you go and ask the victims families what the hell difference does it make ?

Yes, you don't know. Nobody does, apparently...yet somehow it matters.

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