can trump still win ?

Hillary has the clear advantage for Nov 8th. If Trump can stay on point for the remainder he might have a chance. Trump's only other hope is the polls aren't accurate or he loses the popular vote but wins enough of the swing states. In any event, I think Hillary or Trump will do a better job than Obama. Obama was clueless and it showed. At least both Trump and Hillary know what they are getting into.
I don't think Trump has any idea how to run the government. Trump has run a private business that he owns for over 40 years. He has had total control and his management style has been dictatorial. He has never had to rely on his political guile to accomplish his goals. By contrast the president operates in a public environment and shares responsibility with the congress and the judiciary. What a president accomplishes is dependent on his political knowledge and skills. Trump has demonstrated throughout his campaign that he possesses neither. How can anyone believe that putting someone so politically inept in the presidency is the right decision?
. I rather take my chances with politically inept, than to take a chance on pure evil entrenched corruption... The people need to get serious on truly wanting to change the status quoe, and to begin to believe in their country again or let it all go to hell after seeing what the demons are fully capable of now. What's it gonna be America ????
The problem with your logic is that the ineptness of Trump is documented in all he says and does. The corruption of Clinton is all unproven accusations by her enemies. The country has survived her years as Secretary of State, US Senator, and her years as First Lady and will certain survive her years as president. The question of whether the nation would survive a President Trump is a real gamble, one that most voters including myself are not willing to take.
A man that loves women does not say and do the kind of things that Trump does.
. What kind of women are you referring to ????? There are many different characters found in human beings, and some love to be shown various forms of attention, and some are more reserved about who they allow to challenge their sexual appetites in many different ways, and who they won't allow to challenge their sexual appetites in many different ways.

On the one hand if the guy isn't so handsome to the female, then the female will put up a defence in order to keep a person from being foward with her, but if the guy appeals to the girl in every way, then you will be surprised as to how a woman will talk and act in order to get the guy to be foward with her.

Once the chemistry is joined together, it begins to smoke, but if there is a one-sided affair going on (where one takes a liken to the other, but not vice-versa), then feelings will be hurt, lives changed, and idiots will be outed on one side or the other.. Trump being a Billionaire, could mean easily within my estimation that he probably has been around some wild women, and he has probably around been around the not so wild women.

Ever heard of a woman scorned ?? There are plenty of women that if you do anything wrong (tell her you can't make any commitments), then she might decide to get back at you or ruin you if she gets any chance to do so. Done seen it, but thankfully I haven't experienced it myself.
So you chose to blame the victim and question their motives and integrity, while defending the obese , arrogant orange ogre. I get it. Tells me all that I need to know about you.
And you....

What about me? Can you compose an actual sentence?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry.....the big words I used were obviously well above your public education....
Breaking News: Trumps Only Hope!!

Rick Wiles: I’m Praying For God To Bring Hillary Clinton Down And Confuse Her Mind | Right Wing Watch
Yesterday on “Trunews,” Rick Wiles said that he has been praying for Donald Trump before each debate to ask God to protect him and guard him against demonic attacks from witches.

Before the third debate, Wiles decided that he will also be “praying that confusion would cloud Hillary Clinton’s mind and that fear would come upon her.”

Oppps...Too late

katsung, both sides are opfor experienced and qualified.

If we are talking about an insider advantage, it is HRC's not Trump's.

927. A thief crying "Stop thief"(10/25/2016)

Donald Trump said the election is rigged. He knew it because he is a member of that rigging group. Yes, the US is a corrupt country. The election is not out of voters' selection. It depends on who counts the ballot.
The tactic the rigger used in US is to divide the voting area into two colors - red and blue. They say most states are deep blue or deep red, the voting result are used to remain unchangable. So the election depends just on several swing states. In another word, it gives convenience to the riggers. Who controls several vote counting offices can control the result of election. Of course, include the control of high ranking officials of the state who can decide on re-counting.

Who has the ability to control those government offices and politicians? The FBI.

The Election Has Already Been Decided


People get very emotional about major elections, particularly when it comes to how elections impact their money. Yet the scary reality of our modern political system is, your vote doesn’t matter when it comes to who’s really in power. While there are many systemic problems in banking, taxation, trade and monetary policy, none of these systemic problems changes in any meaningfully way by who controls the House, Senate or Presidency.

Regardless of changes in party power, politicians don’t hold the REAL power in Washington. No, the sad fact is, the election has already been decided. And the winner is the banking industry, at the command of the Fed. The Republicans & Democrats have done nothing in a generation to stop the Fed & banking industry from launching us off the fiscal cliff. And neither will Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

The Election Has Already Been Decided

The winner of this rigged election will be Donald Trump. I predict. Even new ABC News/Washington Post poll shows Clinton with a 12-point lead over Trump among likely-voters. According to the most recent CNN Poll of Polls, which averages the results from the four most recent publicly released national polls, Clinton leads Trump by 8-points among likely voters.(Yahoo news)
Trump would rig an election if it could be rigged.

I think Clinton actually won. but the result was rigged by the FBI. This is a covert totalitarian. The election doesn't depend on votes but depend on people who counter the ballots.
Hillary has the clear advantage for Nov 8th. If Trump can stay on point for the remainder he might have a chance. Trump's only other hope is the polls aren't accurate or he loses the popular vote but wins enough of the swing states. In any event, I think Hillary or Trump will do a better job than Obama. Obama was clueless and it showed. At least both Trump and Hillary know what they are getting into.
I don't think Trump has any idea how to run the government. Trump has run a private business that he owns for over 40 years. He has had total control and his management style has been dictatorial. He has never had to rely on his political guile to accomplish his goals. By contrast the president operates in a public environment and shares responsibility with the congress and the judiciary. What a president accomplishes is dependent on his political knowledge and skills. Trump has demonstrated throughout his campaign that he possesses neither. How can anyone believe that putting someone so politically inept in the presidency is the right decision?
. I rather take my chances with politically inept, than to take a chance on pure evil entrenched corruption...

'Pure evil'? See, this is why you guys are losing. You can't make a rational argument as to why Trump should win, so you make a hopelessly emotional one. One that only appeals to people who already think like you do.

The people need to get serious on truly wanting to change the status quoe, and to begin to believe in their country again or let it all go to hell after seeing what the demons are fully capable of now. What's it gonna be America ????

Not Trump.
. Not wicked Hillary.

Check the polls. Hilary's got this. No matter what emotional arguments you want to make.

I don't think Trump has any idea how to run the government. Trump has run a private business that he owns for over 40 years. He has had total control and his management style has been dictatorial. He has never had to rely on his political guile to accomplish his goals. By contrast the president operates in a public environment and shares responsibility with the congress and the judiciary. What a president accomplishes is dependent on his political knowledge and skills. Trump has demonstrated throughout his campaign that he possesses neither. How can anyone believe that putting someone so politically inept in the presidency is the right decision?
. I rather take my chances with politically inept, than to take a chance on pure evil entrenched corruption...

'Pure evil'? See, this is why you guys are losing. You can't make a rational argument as to why Trump should win, so you make a hopelessly emotional one. One that only appeals to people who already think like you do.

The people need to get serious on truly wanting to change the status quoe, and to begin to believe in their country again or let it all go to hell after seeing what the demons are fully capable of now. What's it gonna be America ????

Not Trump.
. Not wicked Hillary.

Check the polls. Hilary's got this. No matter what emotional arguments you want to make.

Trump rigged the election.

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