can trump still win ?

If a young man or woman can't look to the whitehouse as a place where the most stable, powerful, patriot in the world lives, then we are screwed. In fact we have been screwed for quite sometime now, because corruption crosses all boundaries these days. What a shame it all is, but when weighing the nations greatness in the balance, I would pick Trump over the Clinton's any day.. So the man loves women, at least he isn't trying to become one.
A man that loves women does not say and do the kind of things that Trump does.
. What kind of women are you referring to ????? There are many different characters found in human beings, and some love to be shown various forms of attention, and some are more reserved about who they allow to challenge their sexual appetites in many different ways, and who they won't allow to challenge their sexual appetites in many different ways.

On the one hand if the guy isn't so handsome to the female, then the female will put up a defence in order to keep a person from being foward with her, but if the guy appeals to the girl in every way, then you will be surprised as to how a woman will talk and act in order to get the guy to be foward with her.

Once the chemistry is joined together, it begins to smoke, but if there is a one-sided affair going on (where one takes a liken to the other, but not vice-versa), then feelings will be hurt, lives changed, and idiots will be outed on one side or the other.. Trump being a Billionaire, could mean easily within my estimation that he probably has been around some wild women, and he has probably around been around the not so wild women.

Ever heard of a woman scorned ?? There are plenty of women that if you do anything wrong (tell her you can't make any commitments), then she might decide to get back at you or ruin you if she gets any chance to do so. Done seen it, but thankfully I haven't experienced it myself.
Well, I guess I'm referring to family, friends, and employees. I don't think I have ever known a woman who considers being called a pig, groped by a stranger, called fat, or molested, the acts of a man who loves women. Lightly these acts are of a man who feels inferior around women who elevates himself by degrading others.
If a young man or woman can't look to the whitehouse as a place where the most stable, powerful, patriot in the world lives, then we are screwed. In fact we have been screwed for quite sometime now, because corruption crosses all boundaries these days. What a shame it all is, but when weighing the nations greatness in the balance, I would pick Trump over the Clinton's any day.. So the man loves women, at least he isn't trying to become one.
A man that loves women does not say and do the kind of things that Trump does.
. What kind of women are you referring to ????? There are many different characters found in human beings, and some love to be shown various forms of attention, and some are more reserved about who they allow to challenge their sexual appetites in many different ways, and who they won't allow to challenge their sexual appetites in many different ways.

On the one hand if the guy isn't so handsome to the female, then the female will put up a defence in order to keep a person from being foward with her, but if the guy appeals to the girl in every way, then you will be surprised as to how a woman will talk and act in order to get the guy to be foward with her.

Once the chemistry is joined together, it begins to smoke, but if there is a one-sided affair going on (where one takes a liken to the other, but not vice-versa), then feelings will be hurt, lives changed, and idiots will be outed on one side or the other.. Trump being a Billionaire, could mean easily within my estimation that he probably has been around some wild women, and he has probably around been around the not so wild women.

Ever heard of a woman scorned ?? There are plenty of women that if you do anything wrong (tell her you can't make any commitments), then she might decide to get back at you or ruin you if she gets any chance to do so. Done seen it, but thankfully I haven't experienced it myself.
So you chose to blame the victim and question their motives and integrity, while defending the obese , arrogant orange ogre. I get it. Tells me all that I need to know about you.
If a young man or woman can't look to the whitehouse as a place where the most stable, powerful, patriot in the world lives, then we are screwed. In fact we have been screwed for quite sometime now, because corruption crosses all boundaries these days. What a shame it all is, but when weighing the nations greatness in the balance, I would pick Trump over the Clinton's any day.. So the man loves women, at least he isn't trying to become one.
A man that loves women does not say and do the kind of things that Trump does.
. What kind of women are you referring to ????? There are many different characters found in human beings, and some love to be shown various forms of attention, and some are more reserved about who they allow to challenge their sexual appetites in many different ways, and who they won't allow to challenge their sexual appetites in many different ways.

On the one hand if the guy isn't so handsome to the female, then the female will put up a defence in order to keep a person from being foward with her, but if the guy appeals to the girl in every way, then you will be surprised as to how a woman will talk and act in order to get the guy to be foward with her.

Once the chemistry is joined together, it begins to smoke, but if there is a one-sided affair going on (where one takes a liken to the other, but not vice-versa), then feelings will be hurt, lives changed, and idiots will be outed on one side or the other.. Trump being a Billionaire, could mean easily within my estimation that he probably has been around some wild women, and he has probably around been around the not so wild women.

Ever heard of a woman scorned ?? There are plenty of women that if you do anything wrong (tell her you can't make any commitments), then she might decide to get back at you or ruin you if she gets any chance to do so. Done seen it, but thankfully I haven't experienced it myself.
So you chose to blame the victim and question their motives and integrity, while defending the obese , arrogant orange ogre. I get it. Tells me all that I need to know about you.
And you....
If a young man or woman can't look to the whitehouse as a place where the most stable, powerful, patriot in the world lives, then we are screwed. In fact we have been screwed for quite sometime now, because corruption crosses all boundaries these days. What a shame it all is, but when weighing the nations greatness in the balance, I would pick Trump over the Clinton's any day.. So the man loves women, at least he isn't trying to become one.
A man that loves women does not say and do the kind of things that Trump does.
. What kind of women are you referring to ????? There are many different characters found in human beings, and some love to be shown various forms of attention, and some are more reserved about who they allow to challenge their sexual appetites in many different ways, and who they won't allow to challenge their sexual appetites in many different ways.

On the one hand if the guy isn't so handsome to the female, then the female will put up a defence in order to keep a person from being foward with her, but if the guy appeals to the girl in every way, then you will be surprised as to how a woman will talk and act in order to get the guy to be foward with her.

Once the chemistry is joined together, it begins to smoke, but if there is a one-sided affair going on (where one takes a liken to the other, but not vice-versa), then feelings will be hurt, lives changed, and idiots will be outed on one side or the other.. Trump being a Billionaire, could mean easily within my estimation that he probably has been around some wild women, and he has probably around been around the not so wild women.

Ever heard of a woman scorned ?? There are plenty of women that if you do anything wrong (tell her you can't make any commitments), then she might decide to get back at you or ruin you if she gets any chance to do so. Done seen it, but thankfully I haven't experienced it myself.
So you chose to blame the victim and question their motives and integrity, while defending the obese , arrogant orange ogre. I get it. Tells me all that I need to know about you.
And you....

What about me? Can you compose an actual sentence?

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who will win tonights debate ? could trump still win ? thanks

I think Newsmax's articles give you an excellent indication of which direction Donald's campaign has taken.

Why Donald Trump is unstoppable.

Why Donald Trump will win the election.

Why Donald Trump will still win the election.

How Donald Trump can still win the election.

Why Donald Trump isn't finished yet.
If a young man or woman can't look to the whitehouse as a place where the most stable, powerful, patriot in the world lives, then we are screwed. In fact we have been screwed for quite sometime now, because corruption crosses all boundaries these days. What a shame it all is, but when weighing the nations greatness in the balance, I would pick Trump over the Clinton's any day.. So the man loves women, at least he isn't trying to become one.
A man that loves women does not say and do the kind of things that Trump does.
. What kind of women are you referring to ????? There are many different characters found in human beings, and some love to be shown various forms of attention, and some are more reserved about who they allow to challenge their sexual appetites in many different ways, and who they won't allow to challenge their sexual appetites in many different ways.

On the one hand if the guy isn't so handsome to the female, then the female will put up a defence in order to keep a person from being foward with her, but if the guy appeals to the girl in every way, then you will be surprised as to how a woman will talk and act in order to get the guy to be foward with her.

Once the chemistry is joined together, it begins to smoke, but if there is a one-sided affair going on (where one takes a liken to the other, but not vice-versa), then feelings will be hurt, lives changed, and idiots will be outed on one side or the other.. Trump being a Billionaire, could mean easily within my estimation that he probably has been around some wild women, and he has probably around been around the not so wild women.

Ever heard of a woman scorned ?? There are plenty of women that if you do anything wrong (tell her you can't make any commitments), then she might decide to get back at you or ruin you if she gets any chance to do so. Done seen it, but thankfully I haven't experienced it myself.
So you chose to blame the victim and question their motives and integrity, while defending the obese , arrogant orange ogre. I get it. Tells me all that I need to know about you.
And you....

What about me? Can you compose an actual sentence?

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Sorry.....the big words I used were obviously well above your public education....
:) Then as Will Mundy told the bartender, "You should have been armed if you are displaying my friend in the coffin outside," so Trump should have accepted that what he has done in life with women makes him accountable to the country when he wants to be president of the country.
Hillary has the clear advantage for Nov 8th. If Trump can stay on point for the remainder he might have a chance. Trump's only other hope is the polls aren't accurate or he loses the popular vote but wins enough of the swing states. In any event, I think Hillary or Trump will do a better job than Obama. Obama was clueless and it showed. At least both Trump and Hillary know what they are getting into.
I don't think Trump has any idea how to run the government. Trump has run a private business that he owns for over 40 years. He has had total control and his management style has been dictatorial. He has never had to rely on his political guile to accomplish his goals. By contrast the president operates in a public environment and shares responsibility with the congress and the judiciary. What a president accomplishes is dependent on his political knowledge and skills. Trump has demonstrated throughout his campaign that he possesses neither. How can anyone believe that putting someone so politically inept in the presidency is the right decision?
. I rather take my chances with politically inept, than to take a chance on pure evil entrenched corruption... The people need to get serious on truly wanting to change the status quoe, and to begin to believe in their country again or let it all go to hell after seeing what the demons are fully capable of now. What's it gonna be America ????
Hillary has the clear advantage for Nov 8th. If Trump can stay on point for the remainder he might have a chance. Trump's only other hope is the polls aren't accurate or he loses the popular vote but wins enough of the swing states. In any event, I think Hillary or Trump will do a better job than Obama. Obama was clueless and it showed. At least both Trump and Hillary know what they are getting into.
I don't think Trump has any idea how to run the government. Trump has run a private business that he owns for over 40 years. He has had total control and his management style has been dictatorial. He has never had to rely on his political guile to accomplish his goals. By contrast the president operates in a public environment and shares responsibility with the congress and the judiciary. What a president accomplishes is dependent on his political knowledge and skills. Trump has demonstrated throughout his campaign that he possesses neither. How can anyone believe that putting someone so politically inept in the presidency is the right decision?
. I rather take my chances with politically inept, than to take a chance on pure evil entrenched corruption...

'Pure evil'? See, this is why you guys are losing. You can't make a rational argument as to why Trump should win, so you make a hopelessly emotional one. One that only appeals to people who already think like you do.

The people need to get serious on truly wanting to change the status quoe, and to begin to believe in their country again or let it all go to hell after seeing what the demons are fully capable of now. What's it gonna be America ????

Not Trump.
A man that loves women does not say and do the kind of things that Trump does.
. What kind of women are you referring to ????? There are many different characters found in human beings, and some love to be shown various forms of attention, and some are more reserved about who they allow to challenge their sexual appetites in many different ways, and who they won't allow to challenge their sexual appetites in many different ways.

On the one hand if the guy isn't so handsome to the female, then the female will put up a defence in order to keep a person from being foward with her, but if the guy appeals to the girl in every way, then you will be surprised as to how a woman will talk and act in order to get the guy to be foward with her.

Once the chemistry is joined together, it begins to smoke, but if there is a one-sided affair going on (where one takes a liken to the other, but not vice-versa), then feelings will be hurt, lives changed, and idiots will be outed on one side or the other.. Trump being a Billionaire, could mean easily within my estimation that he probably has been around some wild women, and he has probably around been around the not so wild women.

Ever heard of a woman scorned ?? There are plenty of women that if you do anything wrong (tell her you can't make any commitments), then she might decide to get back at you or ruin you if she gets any chance to do so. Done seen it, but thankfully I haven't experienced it myself.
So you chose to blame the victim and question their motives and integrity, while defending the obese , arrogant orange ogre. I get it. Tells me all that I need to know about you.
And you....

What about me? Can you compose an actual sentence?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry.....the big words I used were obviously well above your public education....

I'm not getting into a dumbass pissing match with you. The topic is " can trump win" Can you deal with it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
:) Then as Will Mundy told the bartender, "You should have been armed if you are displaying my friend in the coffin outside," so Trump should have accepted that what he has done in life with women makes him accountable to the country when he wants to be president of the country.
. But ole Billy boy got a pass with you liberals... Why did Billy boy get a pass ??? It's because he was willing to sell out the office of the presidency in order to live his fantasy's through it, and so the people who gave him the pass were going to get favors in return for that pass you betcha. Hillary is getting the same pass as we speak, because the ones who support her no matter what, figure they will gain access and power through her Presidency.... Talk about scary.. wow. Anybody had enough of the bull crap already ???
Hillary has the clear advantage for Nov 8th. If Trump can stay on point for the remainder he might have a chance. Trump's only other hope is the polls aren't accurate or he loses the popular vote but wins enough of the swing states. In any event, I think Hillary or Trump will do a better job than Obama. Obama was clueless and it showed. At least both Trump and Hillary know what they are getting into.
I don't think Trump has any idea how to run the government. Trump has run a private business that he owns for over 40 years. He has had total control and his management style has been dictatorial. He has never had to rely on his political guile to accomplish his goals. By contrast the president operates in a public environment and shares responsibility with the congress and the judiciary. What a president accomplishes is dependent on his political knowledge and skills. Trump has demonstrated throughout his campaign that he possesses neither. How can anyone believe that putting someone so politically inept in the presidency is the right decision?
. I rather take my chances with politically inept, than to take a chance on pure evil entrenched corruption...

'Pure evil'? See, this is why you guys are losing. You can't make a rational argument as to why Trump should win, so you make a hopelessly emotional one. One that only appeals to people who already think like you do.

The people need to get serious on truly wanting to change the status quoe, and to begin to believe in their country again or let it all go to hell after seeing what the demons are fully capable of now. What's it gonna be America ????

Not Trump.
. Not wicked Hillary.
Hillary has the clear advantage for Nov 8th. If Trump can stay on point for the remainder he might have a chance. Trump's only other hope is the polls aren't accurate or he loses the popular vote but wins enough of the swing states. In any event, I think Hillary or Trump will do a better job than Obama. Obama was clueless and it showed. At least both Trump and Hillary know what they are getting into.
I don't think Trump has any idea how to run the government. Trump has run a private business that he owns for over 40 years. He has had total control and his management style has been dictatorial. He has never had to rely on his political guile to accomplish his goals. By contrast the president operates in a public environment and shares responsibility with the congress and the judiciary. What a president accomplishes is dependent on his political knowledge and skills. Trump has demonstrated throughout his campaign that he possesses neither. How can anyone believe that putting someone so politically inept in the presidency is the right decision?
. I rather take my chances with politically inept, than to take a chance on pure evil entrenched corruption...

'Pure evil'? See, this is why you guys are losing. You can't make a rational argument as to why Trump should win, so you make a hopelessly emotional one. One that only appeals to people who already think like you do.

The people need to get serious on truly wanting to change the status quoe, and to begin to believe in their country again or let it all go to hell after seeing what the demons are fully capable of now. What's it gonna be America ????

Not Trump.
. Not wicked Hillary.

Check the polls. Hilary's got this. No matter what emotional arguments you want to make.
Hillary has the clear advantage for Nov 8th. If Trump can stay on point for the remainder he might have a chance. Trump's only other hope is the polls aren't accurate or he loses the popular vote but wins enough of the swing states. In any event, I think Hillary or Trump will do a better job than Obama. Obama was clueless and it showed. At least both Trump and Hillary know what they are getting into.
I don't think Trump has any idea how to run the government. Trump has run a private business that he owns for over 40 years. He has had total control and his management style has been dictatorial. He has never had to rely on his political guile to accomplish his goals. By contrast the president operates in a public environment and shares responsibility with the congress and the judiciary. What a president accomplishes is dependent on his political knowledge and skills. Trump has demonstrated throughout his campaign that he possesses neither. How can anyone believe that putting someone so politically inept in the presidency is the right decision?
. I rather take my chances with politically inept, than to take a chance on pure evil entrenched corruption...

'Pure evil'? See, this is why you guys are losing. You can't make a rational argument as to why Trump should win, so you make a hopelessly emotional one. One that only appeals to people who already think like you do.

The people need to get serious on truly wanting to change the status quoe, and to begin to believe in their country again or let it all go to hell after seeing what the demons are fully capable of now. What's it gonna be America ????

Not Trump.
. Not wicked Hillary.

Check the polls. Hilary's got this. No matter what emotional arguments you want to make.
. It just shows how dam stupid and ignorant this nation has become.
:) Then as Will Mundy told the bartender, "You should have been armed if you are displaying my friend in the coffin outside," so Trump should have accepted that what he has done in life with women makes him accountable to the country when he wants to be president of the country.
. But ole Billy boy got a pass with you liberals... Why did Billy boy get a pass ??? It's because he was willing to sell out the office of the presidency in order to live his fantasy's through it, and so the people who gave him the pass were going to get favors in return for that pass you betcha. Hillary is getting the same pass as we speak, because the ones who support her no matter what, figure they will gain access and power through her Presidency.... Talk about scary.. wow. Anybody had enough of the bull crap already ???
No, you do not get to lie about history.

Bill Clinton was impeached, tried, and not convicted.

You are such a silly. You know the history, you still lie knowing we are going to catch you, then you cry.
I don't think Trump has any idea how to run the government. Trump has run a private business that he owns for over 40 years. He has had total control and his management style has been dictatorial. He has never had to rely on his political guile to accomplish his goals. By contrast the president operates in a public environment and shares responsibility with the congress and the judiciary. What a president accomplishes is dependent on his political knowledge and skills. Trump has demonstrated throughout his campaign that he possesses neither. How can anyone believe that putting someone so politically inept in the presidency is the right decision?
. I rather take my chances with politically inept, than to take a chance on pure evil entrenched corruption...

'Pure evil'? See, this is why you guys are losing. You can't make a rational argument as to why Trump should win, so you make a hopelessly emotional one. One that only appeals to people who already think like you do.

The people need to get serious on truly wanting to change the status quoe, and to begin to believe in their country again or let it all go to hell after seeing what the demons are fully capable of now. What's it gonna be America ????

Not Trump.
. Not wicked Hillary.

Check the polls. Hilary's got this. No matter what emotional arguments you want to make.
. It just shows how dam stupid and ignorant this nation has become.

Insult the electorate, shift the blame for Trump's disasterous campaign onto everyone but Donald Trump and the GOP.

I'm sure that will work!

Laughing....its the electoral equivalent of insisting that the woman at the bar who couldn't give you her telephone number must be a lesbian.

Good luck with that.
:) Then as Will Mundy told the bartender, "You should have been armed if you are displaying my friend in the coffin outside," so Trump should have accepted that what he has done in life with women makes him accountable to the country when he wants to be president of the country.
. But ole Billy boy got a pass with you liberals... Why did Billy boy get a pass ??? It's because he was willing to sell out the office of the presidency in order to live his fantasy's through it, and so the people who gave him the pass were going to get favors in return for that pass you betcha. Hillary is getting the same pass as we speak, because the ones who support her no matter what, figure they will gain access and power through her Presidency.... Talk about scary.. wow. Anybody had enough of the bull crap already ???
No, you do not get to lie about history.

Bill Clinton was impeached, tried, and not convicted.

You are such a silly. You know the history, you still lie knowing we are going to catch you, then you cry.
. Before he got impeached you dummy... He was given a pass by his wife, and also you libs until it took millions to bring him to his knees about it all, and in front of you all.
:) Then as Will Mundy told the bartender, "You should have been armed if you are displaying my friend in the coffin outside," so Trump should have accepted that what he has done in life with women makes him accountable to the country when he wants to be president of the country.
. But ole Billy boy got a pass with you liberals... Why did Billy boy get a pass ??? It's because he was willing to sell out the office of the presidency in order to live his fantasy's through it, and so the people who gave him the pass were going to get favors in return for that pass you betcha. Hillary is getting the same pass as we speak, because the ones who support her no matter what, figure they will gain access and power through her Presidency.... Talk about scary.. wow. Anybody had enough of the bull crap already ???
No, you do not get to lie about history.

Bill Clinton was impeached, tried, and not convicted.

You are such a silly. You know the history, you still lie knowing we are going to catch you, then you cry.
. Before he got impeached you dummy... He was given a pass by his wife, and also you libs until it took millions to bring him to his knees about it all, and in front of you all.

The topic is Trump but obviously you Trump Cultists can deal with that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
:) Then as Will Mundy told the bartender, "You should have been armed if you are displaying my friend in the coffin outside," so Trump should have accepted that what he has done in life with women makes him accountable to the country when he wants to be president of the country.
. But ole Billy boy got a pass with you liberals... Why did Billy boy get a pass ??? It's because he was willing to sell out the office of the presidency in order to live his fantasy's through it, and so the people who gave him the pass were going to get favors in return for that pass you betcha. Hillary is getting the same pass as we speak, because the ones who support her no matter what, figure they will gain access and power through her Presidency.... Talk about scary.. wow. Anybody had enough of the bull crap already ???
No, you do not get to lie about history.

Bill Clinton was impeached, tried, and not convicted.

You are such a silly. You know the history, you still lie knowing we are going to catch you, then you cry.
. Before he got impeached you dummy... He was given a pass by his wife, and also you libs until it took millions to bring him to his knees about it all, and in front of you all.
Ah, beagle, you are now backing up. So he did not get a pass and got called out. Bill was called to account, as surely as will orange creepy.
:) Then as Will Mundy told the bartender, "You should have been armed if you are displaying my friend in the coffin outside," so Trump should have accepted that what he has done in life with women makes him accountable to the country when he wants to be president of the country.
. But ole Billy boy got a pass with you liberals... Why did Billy boy get a pass ??? It's because he was willing to sell out the office of the presidency in order to live his fantasy's through it, and so the people who gave him the pass were going to get favors in return for that pass you betcha. Hillary is getting the same pass as we speak, because the ones who support her no matter what, figure they will gain access and power through her Presidency.... Talk about scary.. wow. Anybody had enough of the bull crap already ???
No, you do not get to lie about history.

Bill Clinton was impeached, tried, and not convicted.

You are such a silly. You know the history, you still lie knowing we are going to catch you, then you cry.
. Before he got impeached you dummy... He was given a pass by his wife, and also you libs until it took millions to bring him to his knees about it all, and in front of you all.

The topic is Trump but obviously you Trump Cultists can deal with that.

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The trumpenhpucs can't defend orange creepy, so they attack everyone else. Yeah, that will get him the votes he needs.

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