can trump still win ?

who will win tonights debate ? could trump still win ? thanks

Win what? The debate or the election?

I don't really care whether Trump "wins" tonight's debate. In The 2012 Campaign and the Timeline of Presidential Elections, Erickson and Wlezien show that debates have in recent years done little to sway voters' actions.

Democratic presidential candidate’s percent of two-party vote share one week before the first debate compared to one week after the final debate.​


More important, frankly, than which candidate is seen as "winning" a debate is whether the candidate answers the questions one has. In answering those questions, the candidate neither wins nor loses, but rather s/he provides information that one feels one needs in order to make a voting decision. Accordingly, though folks will attest to whom they thought won the debate, the fact of the matter is that a debate "win" does not an electoral college win make.
I think he can win yes! :thup:

That is if the Clinton Mafia doesn't steal the election, like they stole it from Bernie Sanders.
How was the nomination stole from Bernie? Did the voters not choose who they wanted to support, so how could anything have been stolen
The first debate gave Romney a 4 point bounce and Clinton about the same..The second and third debates of 2012 helped Obama get back into the led...So debates are important.

Just not important enough to wipe out a 7-9 point lead. And Trumps weakness with the undecideds and moderates is the fact that he is seen as a asshole. Coming off mean tonight would strengthen that belief.
who will win tonights debate ? could trump still win ? thanks

Absolutely he can still win.

There is a massive amount of undecided voters out there and folks are still digesting the corruption found in the wiki leak and recently divulged FBI documents.
What corruption, and there sure isn't a "massive" amount of undecided voters

Live in your own delusions. The rest of us prefer reality.
Can Trump still win?


He lost his edge months ago.

These recent (and potentially valid) allegations of sexual assault and child-rape just erased any remaining hope he might once have clung to.

As a political metaphor regarding prospects, etc...

"Dead Man Walking!!!"

He's a goner... he just doesn't realize it yet.

Or maybe he does... which is why he's now squealing like a stuck pig, about voter fraud, long before November 8.

Stick a fork in Attila the Hun...

He's done.
Yes he can still win. If he can refrain from speaking his mind and looking like a bombastic freak and yes he has a chance. Remain calm and collected. Do not take the bait.
Can Trump still win?


He lost his edge months ago.

These recent (and potentially valid) allegations of sexual assault and child-rape just erased any remaining hope he might once have clung to.

As a political metaphor regarding prospects, etc...

"Dead Man Walking!!!"

He's a goner... he just doesn't realize it yet.

Or maybe he does... which is why he's now squealing like a stuck pig, about voter fraud, long before November 8.

Stick a fork in Attila the Hun...

He's done.
. So your satisfied that he might be done at the hands of the corrupt Clintons?????? No the American people are done.
If a young man or woman can't look to the whitehouse as a place where the most stable, powerful, patriot in the world lives, then we are screwed. In fact we have been screwed for quite sometime now, because corruption crosses all boundaries these days. What a shame it all is, but when weighing the nations greatness in the balance, I would pick Trump over the Clinton's any day.. So the man loves women, at least he isn't trying to become one.
who will win tonights debate ? could trump still win ? thanks
Not now after the debate.

She closed the deal.

That allows victories for McMullin in Idaho and Utah, with Trump a distant third.
When Trump refused to to say that he would accept the results of the election, it sealed his fate. It's just the latest thing he has done that confirms he doesn't have the experience and knowledge to be president. What Trump nor his supporters realize is that the presidency is the highest political office in the land and it requires real political knowledge and experience which Hillary has and Trump doesn't. He has demonstrated this time after time in his campaign.
If a young man or woman can't look to the whitehouse as a place where the most stable, powerful, patriot in the world lives, then we are screwed. In fact we have been screwed for quite sometime now, because corruption crosses all boundaries these days. What a shame it all is, but when weighing the nations greatness in the balance, I would pick Trump over the Clinton's any day.. So the man loves women, at least he isn't trying to become one.
A man that loves women does not say and do the kind of things that Trump does.

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