Can we be honest here?

Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
Not a CHANCE, rw, not a chance. President Trump WILL steamroll over the Dem that wins the Democratic primary. THAT Dem will be lucky to win 12-15 states.

I agree. I'm not worried at all. Voters will remember how things were before this Covid crap. Of course the left, which screamed like stuck pigs when Trump tried to stop flights into the Country from china, will still try to blame the whole Covid thing on Trump. What a pack of imbeciles.
Selective amnesia

Nope. That's what you had during the Obama years. Your selective memory forgot all about the many times extended UE benefits. You also forgot all about no jobs anywhere and loads of people on food stamps.

Selective memory?? You've got it in spades.
My view of the race six months ago was much, much worse For Democrats than today.

There was a time when it looked like Biden was collapsing and Bernie Sanders would get the nomination. I did not think Bernie could beat Trump. Commie, Commie, Commie

Even with Biden, I saw Biden taking Pennsylvania and Michigan with Trump holding Wisconsin for the narrow win.

But all that depended on Trump riding a strong economy to victory. Trumps performance against COVID has been horrible and it has tipped the race to the Democrats at all levels of government.

I now see Biden taking Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin for the win. In addition, I see Biden taking Florida, Arizona and North Carolina for a big victory.

If Trump continues to slide, I can see Texas, Georgia, Iowa and Ohio going to Biden

Still too much time till the election. Voters are anything but predictable.
Very true

Four months can be a lifetime. But if things don’t change for Trump.......he could be headed for disaster

Trump thought his great economy would carry him. He thought COVID would be over by summer and his economy would save him. It is not happening
/—/ Ahhh, the libtards’ never ending wet dream. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
What do you think of the vaunted Trump economy today?

Vote for me .....We have 15 percent unemployment
/—-/ If Trump shut down the economy you’d have a valid point. It was the state Governors that have the only say, and you damn well know it, so stop playing stupid. It’s tiresome.
It is TRUMPS economy good or bad.

Whining....It is not my fault doesn’t help anyone
/——-/ Rightwinger sobs in his oatmeal over this good news: Private payrolls up 2.37 million in June; May loss revised up to 3.065 million from 2.76 million, ADP says
My view of the race six months ago was much, much worse For Democrats than today.

There was a time when it looked like Biden was collapsing and Bernie Sanders would get the nomination. I did not think Bernie could beat Trump. Commie, Commie, Commie

Even with Biden, I saw Biden taking Pennsylvania and Michigan with Trump holding Wisconsin for the narrow win.

But all that depended on Trump riding a strong economy to victory. Trumps performance against COVID has been horrible and it has tipped the race to the Democrats at all levels of government.

I now see Biden taking Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin for the win. In addition, I see Biden taking Florida, Arizona and North Carolina for a big victory.

If Trump continues to slide, I can see Texas, Georgia, Iowa and Ohio going to Biden

Still too much time till the election. Voters are anything but predictable.
Very true

Four months can be a lifetime. But if things don’t change for Trump.......he could be headed for disaster

Trump thought his great economy would carry him. He thought COVID would be over by summer and his economy would save him. It is not happening
/—/ Ahhh, the libtards’ never ending wet dream. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
What do you think of the vaunted Trump economy today?

Vote for me .....We have 15 percent unemployment
/—-/ If Trump shut down the economy you’d have a valid point. It was the state Governors that have the only say, and you damn well know it, so stop playing stupid. It’s tiresome.
It is TRUMPS economy good or bad.

Whining....It is not my fault doesn’t help anyone
/——-/ Rightwinger sobs in his oatmeal over this good news: Private payrolls up 2.37 million in June; May loss revised up to 3.065 million from 2.76 million, ADP says
A loss of 3 million is good news?

Better news....New unemployment numbers will be out Friday and the second quarter GDP numbers will be out soon

Wont be pretty
My view of the race six months ago was much, much worse For Democrats than today.

There was a time when it looked like Biden was collapsing and Bernie Sanders would get the nomination. I did not think Bernie could beat Trump. Commie, Commie, Commie

Even with Biden, I saw Biden taking Pennsylvania and Michigan with Trump holding Wisconsin for the narrow win.

But all that depended on Trump riding a strong economy to victory. Trumps performance against COVID has been horrible and it has tipped the race to the Democrats at all levels of government.

I now see Biden taking Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin for the win. In addition, I see Biden taking Florida, Arizona and North Carolina for a big victory.

If Trump continues to slide, I can see Texas, Georgia, Iowa and Ohio going to Biden

Still too much time till the election. Voters are anything but predictable.
Very true

Four months can be a lifetime. But if things don’t change for Trump.......he could be headed for disaster

Trump thought his great economy would carry him. He thought COVID would be over by summer and his economy would save him. It is not happening
/—/ Ahhh, the libtards’ never ending wet dream. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
What do you think of the vaunted Trump economy today?

Vote for me .....We have 15 percent unemployment
/—-/ If Trump shut down the economy you’d have a valid point. It was the state Governors that have the only say, and you damn well know it, so stop playing stupid. It’s tiresome.
It is TRUMPS economy good or bad.

Whining....It is not my fault doesn’t help anyone
/——-/ Rightwinger sobs in his oatmeal over this good news: Private payrolls up 2.37 million in June; May loss revised up to 3.065 million from 2.76 million, ADP says
A loss of 3 million is good news?

Better news....New unemployment numbers will be out Friday and the second quarter GDP numbers will be out soon

Wont be pretty

Yes, we know you on the left are hoping the country is destroyed so you can get your handicapped candidate in the White House. You people only care about politics--not the country.
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
Not a CHANCE, rw, not a chance. President Trump WILL steamroll over the Dem that wins the Democratic primary. THAT Dem will be lucky to win 12-15 states.

I agree. I'm not worried at all. Voters will remember how things were before this Covid crap. Of course the left, which screamed like stuck pigs when Trump tried to stop flights into the Country from china, will still try to blame the whole Covid thing on Trump. What a pack of imbeciles.

Not to worry. If they have the guts to throw Creepy Joe on stage with the President, he will be reminding people of the opinion Democrats had of the virus and his attempts to protect this country.
Not really I know so many on both sides love to cite polls when it shows them what they like I have learned over the years not take polls as seriously as some do. Trump is still running against the same Joe Biden today as he was six months ago who was and remains the best of a weak field. It’s possible Biden could pull off the upset in November but I haven’t seen anything yet to make me think it’s going to happen we will find out in a few months.

After the Chinese Flu, the democrat party riots targeting Black communities, the destruction of the U.S. economy by the anti-Trumpers at the CDC and the NIH, and the democrat governors....95% of the democrat press against him and giving him 95% negative coverage....the fake impeachment and 100% positive coverage of biden.....

....Trump is only one point behind where obama was at this point in his re-election bid........

That is truly amazing.......and once the actual campaign starts....and people pay attention, we will hopefully see a whole new game....
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
Trumps not a Conservative, but seeing as the only other choice is Biden .... lets just say I would rather set my ass on fire than vote for Joe.

Yes.....there are things about Trump I don't like....but he truly is our only hope....
My view of the race six months ago was much, much worse For Democrats than today.

There was a time when it looked like Biden was collapsing and Bernie Sanders would get the nomination. I did not think Bernie could beat Trump. Commie, Commie, Commie

Even with Biden, I saw Biden taking Pennsylvania and Michigan with Trump holding Wisconsin for the narrow win.

But all that depended on Trump riding a strong economy to victory. Trumps performance against COVID has been horrible and it has tipped the race to the Democrats at all levels of government.

I now see Biden taking Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin for the win. In addition, I see Biden taking Florida, Arizona and North Carolina for a big victory.

If Trump continues to slide, I can see Texas, Georgia, Iowa and Ohio going to Biden

Still too much time till the election. Voters are anything but predictable.
Very true

Four months can be a lifetime. But if things don’t change for Trump.......he could be headed for disaster

Trump thought his great economy would carry him. He thought COVID would be over by summer and his economy would save him. It is not happening
/—/ Ahhh, the libtards’ never ending wet dream. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
What do you think of the vaunted Trump economy today?

Vote for me .....We have 15 percent unemployment
/—-/ If Trump shut down the economy you’d have a valid point. It was the state Governors that have the only say, and you damn well know it, so stop playing stupid. It’s tiresome.
It is TRUMPS economy good or bad.

Whining....It is not my fault doesn’t help anyone
/——-/ Rightwinger sobs in his oatmeal over this good news: Private payrolls up 2.37 million in June; May loss revised up to 3.065 million from 2.76 million, ADP says
A loss of 3 million is good news?

Better news....New unemployment numbers will be out Friday and the second quarter GDP numbers will be out soon

Wont be pretty

Yes, we know you on the left are hoping the country is destroyed so you can get your handicapped candidate in the White House. You people only care about politics--not the country.
It is what it is

Trump will have to run on it
Not really I know so many on both sides love to cite polls when it shows them what they like I have learned over the years not take polls as seriously as some do. Trump is still running against the same Joe Biden today as he was six months ago who was and remains the best of a weak field. It’s possible Biden could pull off the upset in November but I haven’t seen anything yet to make me think it’s going to happen we will find out in a few months.

After the Chinese Flu, the democrat party riots targeting Black communities, the destruction of the U.S. economy by the anti-Trumpers at the CDC and the NIH, and the democrat governors....95% of the democrat press against him and giving him 95% negative coverage....the fake impeachment and 100% positive coverage of biden.....

....Trump is only one point behind where obama was at this point in his re-election bid........

That is truly amazing.......and once the actual campaign starts....and people pay attention, we will hopefully see a whole new game....
TRUMPvirus will be Trumps legacy
My view of the race six months ago was much, much worse For Democrats than today.

There was a time when it looked like Biden was collapsing and Bernie Sanders would get the nomination. I did not think Bernie could beat Trump. Commie, Commie, Commie

Even with Biden, I saw Biden taking Pennsylvania and Michigan with Trump holding Wisconsin for the narrow win.

But all that depended on Trump riding a strong economy to victory. Trumps performance against COVID has been horrible and it has tipped the race to the Democrats at all levels of government.

I now see Biden taking Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin for the win. In addition, I see Biden taking Florida, Arizona and North Carolina for a big victory.

If Trump continues to slide, I can see Texas, Georgia, Iowa and Ohio going to Biden

Still too much time till the election. Voters are anything but predictable.
Very true

Four months can be a lifetime. But if things don’t change for Trump.......he could be headed for disaster

Trump thought his great economy would carry him. He thought COVID would be over by summer and his economy would save him. It is not happening
/—/ Ahhh, the libtards’ never ending wet dream. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
What do you think of the vaunted Trump economy today?

Vote for me .....We have 15 percent unemployment
/—-/ If Trump shut down the economy you’d have a valid point. It was the state Governors that have the only say, and you damn well know it, so stop playing stupid. It’s tiresome.
It is TRUMPS economy good or bad.

Whining....It is not my fault doesn’t help anyone
/——-/ Rightwinger sobs in his oatmeal over this good news: Private payrolls up 2.37 million in June; May loss revised up to 3.065 million from 2.76 million, ADP says
A loss of 3 million is good news?

Better news....New unemployment numbers will be out Friday and the second quarter GDP numbers will be out soon

Wont be pretty

Yes, we know you on the left are hoping the country is destroyed so you can get your handicapped candidate in the White House. You people only care about politics--not the country.
It is what it is

Trump will have to run on it

Run on what, that he didn't go into a phone booth, change into his superhero costume, and stop a worldwide virus? Or he didn't fly to Democrat cities, to stop other Democrats from rioting and destroying their own cities?
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?

Yeah, I'm more concerned. Although frankly I was more worried about Bernie than Biden. If Trump was a TV show, people would be changing the channel or turning off the TV, but when you're alternative is Biden and the Democrats then the choice is clear. At this point, I think Trump is not doing so well, but that can change for the better over the last 4 months before election day. OTOH, things could change for the worse too for him.

I have to say this, Biden is an absolute catastrophe for the Dems, mentally he's already checked out. This man is just not able to do what might be the most demanding job in the world. It does help to have the MSM solidly behind you though. So - 4 more years of Trump or 4 years of Biden, should he live that long which I wonder, what a choice.
Biden is a safe and secure pick after four years of Trump drama and temper tantrums.

As opposed to Hillary, there is not a strong......I hate Biden vote.

Biden has a long history of bipartisanship and a moderate voting record. People will settle for Biden.
The fake news media were the cause of all the drama and Temper tantrums.
My view of the race six months ago was much, much worse For Democrats than today.

There was a time when it looked like Biden was collapsing and Bernie Sanders would get the nomination. I did not think Bernie could beat Trump. Commie, Commie, Commie

Even with Biden, I saw Biden taking Pennsylvania and Michigan with Trump holding Wisconsin for the narrow win.

But all that depended on Trump riding a strong economy to victory. Trumps performance against COVID has been horrible and it has tipped the race to the Democrats at all levels of government.

I now see Biden taking Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin for the win. In addition, I see Biden taking Florida, Arizona and North Carolina for a big victory.

If Trump continues to slide, I can see Texas, Georgia, Iowa and Ohio going to Biden

Still too much time till the election. Voters are anything but predictable.
Very true

Four months can be a lifetime. But if things don’t change for Trump.......he could be headed for disaster

Trump thought his great economy would carry him. He thought COVID would be over by summer and his economy would save him. It is not happening
/—/ Ahhh, the libtards’ never ending wet dream. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
What do you think of the vaunted Trump economy today?

Vote for me .....We have 15 percent unemployment
/—-/ If Trump shut down the economy you’d have a valid point. It was the state Governors that have the only say, and you damn well know it, so stop playing stupid. It’s tiresome.
It is TRUMPS economy good or bad.

Whining....It is not my fault doesn’t help anyone
/——-/ Rightwinger sobs in his oatmeal over this good news: Private payrolls up 2.37 million in June; May loss revised up to 3.065 million from 2.76 million, ADP says
A loss of 3 million is good news?

Better news....New unemployment numbers will be out Friday and the second quarter GDP numbers will be out soon

Wont be pretty

Yes, we know you on the left are hoping the country is destroyed so you can get your handicapped candidate in the White House. You people only care about politics--not the country.
It is what it is

Trump will have to run on it

Run on what, that he didn't go into a phone booth, change into his superhero costume, and stop a worldwide virus? Or he didn't fly to Democrat cities, to stop other Democrats from rioting and destroying their own cities?
Run on Trump totally botched his response to a historic crisis

He got it wrong. The virus did not just go away by itself. It was not over as soon as the Summer started, the economy did not recover like a rocket, his advice to ignore social distancing and turning the not wearing of masks into a political statement cost lives.

The voters see the impact the virus is having and the resurgence of the virus. Trump will bear the blame.
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?

Yeah, I'm more concerned. Although frankly I was more worried about Bernie than Biden. If Trump was a TV show, people would be changing the channel or turning off the TV, but when you're alternative is Biden and the Democrats then the choice is clear. At this point, I think Trump is not doing so well, but that can change for the better over the last 4 months before election day. OTOH, things could change for the worse too for him.

I have to say this, Biden is an absolute catastrophe for the Dems, mentally he's already checked out. This man is just not able to do what might be the most demanding job in the world. It does help to have the MSM solidly behind you though. So - 4 more years of Trump or 4 years of Biden, should he live that long which I wonder, what a choice.
Biden is a safe and secure pick after four years of Trump drama and temper tantrums.

As opposed to Hillary, there is not a strong......I hate Biden vote.

Biden has a long history of bipartisanship and a moderate voting record. People will settle for Biden.
The fake news media were the cause of all the drama and Temper tantrums.
No, actually Trump excelled at creating drama and false crisis without anyone’s help
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?

Yeah, I'm more concerned. Although frankly I was more worried about Bernie than Biden. If Trump was a TV show, people would be changing the channel or turning off the TV, but when you're alternative is Biden and the Democrats then the choice is clear. At this point, I think Trump is not doing so well, but that can change for the better over the last 4 months before election day. OTOH, things could change for the worse too for him.

I have to say this, Biden is an absolute catastrophe for the Dems, mentally he's already checked out. This man is just not able to do what might be the most demanding job in the world. It does help to have the MSM solidly behind you though. So - 4 more years of Trump or 4 years of Biden, should he live that long which I wonder, what a choice.
Biden is a safe and secure pick after four years of Trump drama and temper tantrums.

As opposed to Hillary, there is not a strong......I hate Biden vote.

Biden has a long history of bipartisanship and a moderate voting record. People will settle for Biden.
The fake news media were the cause of all the drama and Temper tantrums. Just consider the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" hoax. Everyday the media announced a new bombshell, and it was all totally bogus.
No, actually Trump excelled at creating drama and false crisis without anyone’s help
Hmmm, no, the fake media created all the drama and false crisis.
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
Well... they're BETTER... so... what's there to worry about?

Out of many thousands.

Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?

Yeah, I'm more concerned. Although frankly I was more worried about Bernie than Biden. If Trump was a TV show, people would be changing the channel or turning off the TV, but when you're alternative is Biden and the Democrats then the choice is clear. At this point, I think Trump is not doing so well, but that can change for the better over the last 4 months before election day. OTOH, things could change for the worse too for him.

I have to say this, Biden is an absolute catastrophe for the Dems, mentally he's already checked out. This man is just not able to do what might be the most demanding job in the world. It does help to have the MSM solidly behind you though. So - 4 more years of Trump or 4 years of Biden, should he live that long which I wonder, what a choice.
Biden is a safe and secure pick after four years of Trump drama and temper tantrums.

As opposed to Hillary, there is not a strong......I hate Biden vote.

Biden has a long history of bipartisanship and a moderate voting record. People will settle for Biden.
The fake news media were the cause of all the drama and Temper tantrums. Just consider the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" hoax. Everyday the media announced a new bombshell, and it was all totally bogus.
No, actually Trump excelled at creating drama and false crisis without anyone’s help
Hmmm, no, the fake media created all the drama and false crisis.
Reporting on a Trump tantrum did not create the tantrum
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?

Yeah, I'm more concerned. Although frankly I was more worried about Bernie than Biden. If Trump was a TV show, people would be changing the channel or turning off the TV, but when you're alternative is Biden and the Democrats then the choice is clear. At this point, I think Trump is not doing so well, but that can change for the better over the last 4 months before election day. OTOH, things could change for the worse too for him.

I have to say this, Biden is an absolute catastrophe for the Dems, mentally he's already checked out. This man is just not able to do what might be the most demanding job in the world. It does help to have the MSM solidly behind you though. So - 4 more years of Trump or 4 years of Biden, should he live that long which I wonder, what a choice.
Biden is a safe and secure pick after four years of Trump drama and temper tantrums.

As opposed to Hillary, there is not a strong......I hate Biden vote.

Biden has a long history of bipartisanship and a moderate voting record. People will settle for Biden.
The fake news media were the cause of all the drama and Temper tantrums. Just consider the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" hoax. Everyday the media announced a new bombshell, and it was all totally bogus.
No, actually Trump excelled at creating drama and false crisis without anyone’s help
Hmmm, no, the fake media created all the drama and false crisis.
Reporting on a Trump tantrum did not create the tantrum
The media and Dim morons like you are the ones having the tantrums. All Trump did is point out the stupidity and the lies.
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?

Yeah, I'm more concerned. Although frankly I was more worried about Bernie than Biden. If Trump was a TV show, people would be changing the channel or turning off the TV, but when you're alternative is Biden and the Democrats then the choice is clear. At this point, I think Trump is not doing so well, but that can change for the better over the last 4 months before election day. OTOH, things could change for the worse too for him.

I have to say this, Biden is an absolute catastrophe for the Dems, mentally he's already checked out. This man is just not able to do what might be the most demanding job in the world. It does help to have the MSM solidly behind you though. So - 4 more years of Trump or 4 years of Biden, should he live that long which I wonder, what a choice.
Biden is a safe and secure pick after four years of Trump drama and temper tantrums.

As opposed to Hillary, there is not a strong......I hate Biden vote.

Biden has a long history of bipartisanship and a moderate voting record. People will settle for Biden.
The fake news media were the cause of all the drama and Temper tantrums. Just consider the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" hoax. Everyday the media announced a new bombshell, and it was all totally bogus.
No, actually Trump excelled at creating drama and false crisis without anyone’s help
Hmmm, no, the fake media created all the drama and false crisis.
Reporting on a Trump tantrum did not create the tantrum
The media and Dim morons like you are the ones having the tantrums. All Trump did is point out the stupidity and the lies.

Doesnt take a moron to just let Trump bury himself.

Is fun to watch though
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?

Yeah, I'm more concerned. Although frankly I was more worried about Bernie than Biden. If Trump was a TV show, people would be changing the channel or turning off the TV, but when you're alternative is Biden and the Democrats then the choice is clear. At this point, I think Trump is not doing so well, but that can change for the better over the last 4 months before election day. OTOH, things could change for the worse too for him.

I have to say this, Biden is an absolute catastrophe for the Dems, mentally he's already checked out. This man is just not able to do what might be the most demanding job in the world. It does help to have the MSM solidly behind you though. So - 4 more years of Trump or 4 years of Biden, should he live that long which I wonder, what a choice.
Biden is a safe and secure pick after four years of Trump drama and temper tantrums.

As opposed to Hillary, there is not a strong......I hate Biden vote.

Biden has a long history of bipartisanship and a moderate voting record. People will settle for Biden.
The fake news media were the cause of all the drama and Temper tantrums. Just consider the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" hoax. Everyday the media announced a new bombshell, and it was all totally bogus.
No, actually Trump excelled at creating drama and false crisis without anyone’s help
Hmmm, no, the fake media created all the drama and false crisis.
Reporting on a Trump tantrum did not create the tantrum
The media and Dim morons like you are the ones having the tantrums. All Trump did is point out the stupidity and the lies.

Doesnt take a moron to just let Trump bury himself.

Is fun to watch though
Then why aren't you shutting up?
My view of the race six months ago was much, much worse For Democrats than today.

There was a time when it looked like Biden was collapsing and Bernie Sanders would get the nomination. I did not think Bernie could beat Trump. Commie, Commie, Commie

Even with Biden, I saw Biden taking Pennsylvania and Michigan with Trump holding Wisconsin for the narrow win.

But all that depended on Trump riding a strong economy to victory. Trumps performance against COVID has been horrible and it has tipped the race to the Democrats at all levels of government.

I now see Biden taking Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin for the win. In addition, I see Biden taking Florida, Arizona and North Carolina for a big victory.

If Trump continues to slide, I can see Texas, Georgia, Iowa and Ohio going to Biden

Still too much time till the election. Voters are anything but predictable.
Very true

Four months can be a lifetime. But if things don’t change for Trump.......he could be headed for disaster

Trump thought his great economy would carry him. He thought COVID would be over by summer and his economy would save him. It is not happening
/—/ Ahhh, the libtards’ never ending wet dream. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
What do you think of the vaunted Trump economy today?

Vote for me .....We have 15 percent unemployment
/—-/ If Trump shut down the economy you’d have a valid point. It was the state Governors that have the only say, and you damn well know it, so stop playing stupid. It’s tiresome.
It is TRUMPS economy good or bad.

Whining....It is not my fault doesn’t help anyone
/——-/ Rightwinger sobs in his oatmeal over this good news: Private payrolls up 2.37 million in June; May loss revised up to 3.065 million from 2.76 million, ADP says
A loss of 3 million is good news?

Better news....New unemployment numbers will be out Friday and the second quarter GDP numbers will be out soon

Wont be pretty

Yes, we know you on the left are hoping the country is destroyed so you can get your handicapped candidate in the White House. You people only care about politics--not the country.
It is what it is

Trump will have to run on it

Run on what, that he didn't go into a phone booth, change into his superhero costume, and stop a worldwide virus? Or he didn't fly to Democrat cities, to stop other Democrats from rioting and destroying their own cities?
Run on Trump totally botched his response to a historic crisis

He got it wrong. The virus did not just go away by itself. It was not over as soon as the Summer started, the economy did not recover like a rocket, his advice to ignore social distancing and turning the not wearing of masks into a political statement cost lives.

The voters see the impact the virus is having and the resurgence of the virus. Trump will bear the blame.

The President didn't botch anything. He supported not wearing masks because Fauci and the CDC supported the same. As for Trump's opinion, they were only that, his opinions, no different from yours, mine, or anybody else. Speaking of wrong opinions, we didn't have millions dead either, or run out of ventilators, or ICU units, or hospital beds.

If you want to go that route, Piglosi botched it when she told her constituents to go out and visit Chinatown, or when DeBlazio told people to ride the subways, or when Cuomo said not to worry, the state had everything under control in the event they got hit with Covid, or during the first two weeks in March when the commies were trying to pass a bill to strip the President of his ability to single-handedly issue travel bans.

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