Can we cut the bullshit about spending under Obama?

Reagan tripled the debt, W doubled it- IN GOOD TIMES, JUST SCAMS AND THIEVERY. Reagan's 3 trillion in the 80's was more than today's 7 trillion, shytteheads, and Obama's was 2-3 trillion just for UE and Welfare for victim's of Pub and Wall St THIEVERY-3 trillion for fed stimulus - Pubs have blocked everything else and love that Wall St stimulus...MORONS.

You hater dupes are total fools for the greedy rich...and thanks for the obstruction and phomy crises that keep this mess're too busy with phony scandals and hate to know....ay caramba...

Why is Obama doing the same thing as Bush? Bailing out banks, wallstreet and failure.
168- That's when Pubs got the filibuster back in 2/2010- how'd that work...


The money isn't going to roads, bridges, science, education or anything to the advancement of this country. Makes me fucking sick!:mad:

Imagine what this country could do for its own betterment with this.

We dont need roads anymore. We're moving away from all that horrible energy stuff....back to horses and buggies. It's all natural......and green.
168- That's when Pubs got the filibuster back in 2/2010- how'd that work...


The money isn't going to roads, bridges, science, education or anything to the advancement of this country. Makes me fucking sick!:mad:

Imagine what this country could do for its own betterment with this.

What's sad is that you believe (in your infinite arrogance) that you believe you have the right to take someone else's money for "science", education, or bridges.

If you want science funded, fund it yourself you greedy, lazy, moron.... It is not the responsibility of the federal government. Not are roads, bridges, or education (those are all state responsibilities - learn to read the Constitution).
Your G-d given limitations aside ... of course I can prove my claim ...

You understand what the word "estimate" means, right?
In any case, why was the debt higher after this? If there's a surplus the debt should be lower, right?

Honestly you're getting your tuchas handed to you right and left here. Just like Billy, who has wisely gone elsewhere to spread his ignorance and stupidity. Do thou likewise.
Funny how you're so demented, you think you're winning an argument here. :lol:

For example, you point out how that $6 trillion surplus figure was only an estimate ... Moron .... I said it was a projected figure in my post. But g'head, keep lying to yourself. All that really matters to you is that you believe your own lies anyway.

Why would you use a projected figure for something that happened over a decade ago? It isnt like the final number isn't known.
But looky here.
Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
On Jan 1 we owed over $5.7T.
On Sep 30 of the same year whcih is the end of the federal fiscal year, we owed $5.8T.
So if there was a 6 Trillion dollar surplus it should have wiped off the debt, right? At least it should have made a dent in the debt, right?
But it didnt.
And by the next year teh debt was 6.2T.

So your post is a lie. You keep getting your ass handed to you. You really need to quit while you're in the deep hole.
168- That's when Pubs got the filibuster back in 2/2010- how'd that work...


The money isn't going to roads, bridges, science, education or anything to the advancement of this country. Makes me fucking sick!:mad:

Imagine what this country could do for its own betterment with this.

What's sad is that you believe (in your infinite arrogance) that you believe you have the right to take someone else's money for "science", education, or bridges.

If you want science funded, fund it yourself you greedy, lazy, moron.... It is not the responsibility of the federal government. Not are roads, bridges, or education (those are all state responsibilities - learn to read the Constitution).
My Constitution allows for the government to provide for the general welfare of the nation. Education and roads being inclusive of general welfare.

The money isn't going to roads, bridges, science, education or anything to the advancement of this country. Makes me fucking sick!:mad:

Imagine what this country could do for its own betterment with this.

What's sad is that you believe (in your infinite arrogance) that you believe you have the right to take someone else's money for "science", education, or bridges.

If you want science funded, fund it yourself you greedy, lazy, moron.... It is not the responsibility of the federal government. Not are roads, bridges, or education (those are all state responsibilities - learn to read the Constitution).
My Constitution allows for the government to provide for the general welfare of the nation. Education and roads being inclusive of general welfare.

Which part of "your" constituton provides that?
JEEBUS THE HATER DUPES HAVE BS COMING OUT OF THEIR EARS...get the fek out of the adults' way fer chrissake.
The government built the highways
The government Builit the bridges
The government funds science and r@d keeping us a first world country
The public school system MAY SUCK but we're better off for it.

You fucking clowns on the right are a lot like the Taliban goat fuckers. I don't like democrats but my god they're the closes thing to sanity. I am so fucking sorry for being duped for so long...

no government or regulations isn't what I want for this country!
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Republicans going back to 1791
Democrats = learning the lessons be it economic or political realities since 1791!

Some of the things the democrats believe are also wrong. I want a first world power for my America!!!!
Reagan tripled the debt, W doubled it- IN GOOD TIMES, JUST SCAMS AND THIEVERY. Reagan's 3 trillion in the 80's was more than today's 7 trillion, shytteheads, and Obama's was 2-3 trillion just for UE and Welfare for victim's of Pub and Wall St THIEVERY-3 trillion for fed stimulus - Pubs have blocked everything else and love that Wall St stimulus...MORONS.

You hater dupes are total fools for the greedy rich...and thanks for the obstruction and phomy crises that keep this mess're too busy with phony scandals and hate to know....ay caramba...

Why is Obama doing the same thing as Bush? Bailing out banks, wallstreet and failure.

A true great depression is not a good idea- the fed's stimulus of Wall St is the only stimulus/investment the Pubs have allowed...
So who spent that seven trillion dollars then if not Obama and the Democrats? For those who already have or will say Bush please remember as difficult as it may be for you he is not and has not been President for almost five years now.
So who spent that seven trillion dollars then if not Obama and the Democrats? For those who already have or will say Bush please remember as difficult as it may be for you he is not and has not been President for almost five years now.

Bush didn't budget the wars or the tax cuts within his budget. Obama added it back into the budget = why it want sky high.

Obama has been bad for science, infrastructure and education in America as he has cut it to the bone.:mad:
Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budget.
You've changed tactics here. So now it's "well everyone else does it." No, no one else has incurred 7 trillion dollars of accumulated deficits in 5 years. Another first for Obama!
So? No one else added $5 trillion in 8 years before Bush did it. Before him, no one added over a trillion in 4 years until Bush Sr. did it. Before him, no one added a trillion in 8 years before Reagan did it.

And now Obama has surpassed all of them combined. When Reagan added a trillion, we we're only a trillion in debt. When Obama added the obnoxious, outrageous, unacceptable $7 trillion, we were already a staggering $10 trillion in debt (ie 10x's where we were under Reagan).
As usual, you prove to be stupid beyond words. No, Obama has not added more debt than all other presidents combined. Stop listening to your delusions -- they betray you.

Obama: $6.6t
All other presidents combined: $10.6t

not even in you bizarro backwards Conservative world is 6.6 greater than 10.6. :eusa_doh:
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The money isn't going to roads, bridges, science, education or anything to the advancement of this country. Makes me fucking sick!:mad:

Imagine what this country could do for its own betterment with this.

What's sad is that you believe (in your infinite arrogance) that you believe you have the right to take someone else's money for "science", education, or bridges.

If you want science funded, fund it yourself you greedy, lazy, moron.... It is not the responsibility of the federal government. Not are roads, bridges, or education (those are all state responsibilities - learn to read the Constitution).
My Constitution allows for the government to provide for the general welfare of the nation. Education and roads being inclusive of general welfare.

And therein lies the problem. Maybe your Constitution allows for that, but the U.S. Constitution does not.

First of all, "general welfare" is not one of the specific, 18 enumerated powers of the federal government. "General welfare" is simply mentioned as a reason why the federal government is being granted 18 specific, enumerated powers. But it is not a power itself :eusa_doh:

Second, when you take from 52% and use it to reward a specific group, that is not the "general welfare". That is punishing a larger group for the welfare of a smaller group. General means ALL or MOST (see definition below). And since 48% of the people (the parasite class) pay no federal taxes, you are punishing 52% to reward 48%. Those numbers are a far cry from ALL or MOST.

Now that I have educated you on the Constitution (no need to thank me, it has been my pleasure) and illustrates how even your misinterpretation of the Constitution doesn't hold up, would you like to try again? :)

gen·er·al (ˈjenərəl/)
1. affecting or concerning all or most people, places, or things; widespread.
So? No one else added $5 trillion in 8 years before Bush did it. Before him, no one added over a trillion in 4 years until Bush Sr. did it. Before him, no one added a trillion in 8 years before Reagan did it.

And now Obama has surpassed all of them combined. When Reagan added a trillion, we we're only a trillion in debt. When Obama added the obnoxious, outrageous, unacceptable $7 trillion, we were already a staggering $10 trillion in debt (ie 10x's where we were under Reagan).
As usual, you prove to be stupid beyond words. No, Obama has not added more debt than all other presidents combined. Stop listening to your delusions -- they betray you.

Obama: $6.6t
All other presidents combined: $10.6t

not even in you bizarro backwards world is 6.6 greater than 10.6. :eusa_doh:

so you are obviously OK with obama spending more than half than all other 43 presidents combined did in a >200 year history. More than half in 5 years!!!

you leftard nutters are INSANE.
So? No one else added $5 trillion in 8 years before Bush did it. Before him, no one added over a trillion in 4 years until Bush Sr. did it. Before him, no one added a trillion in 8 years before Reagan did it.

And now Obama has surpassed all of them combined. When Reagan added a trillion, we we're only a trillion in debt. When Obama added the obnoxious, outrageous, unacceptable $7 trillion, we were already a staggering $10 trillion in debt (ie 10x's where we were under Reagan).
As usual, you prove to be stupid beyond words. No, Obama has not added more debt than all other presidents combined. Stop listening to your delusions -- they betray you.

Obama: $6.6t
All other presidents combined: $10.6t

not even in you bizarro backwards Conservative world is 6.6 greater than 10.6. :eusa_doh:

A bit of a reading comprehension problem [MENTION=33829]Faun[/MENTION]?

See, I was responding to your post (which can still be seen above in this post right here) in which you cited Bush, Bush Sr., and Reagan (highlighted and bolded above since you have a reading comprehension problem).

As anyone who can read and comprehend what they are reading would have known, those three presidents you cited were the "all" I was referring to. I was not referring to all presidents in U.S. history (although Obama has surpassed them if you take first terms only - yep, that's right, Obama added more to the U.S. debt in his first term than all other presidents in U.S. history combined did).

Feel stupid now Fauny? You should... :lmao:
UE and welfare for those ruined by the Pub/Wall St meltdown is still at least 400 billion/year- but thanks for the phony crises, no jobs/infrastructure act, and giving the rich a tripling of their wealth while the rest are ruined...I know, another debt crisis that costs at least 0.6 per cent in growth, MORON debt cultists...

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