Can we cut the bullshit about spending under Obama?

The 7 trillions dollars sure as hell hasn't want to improving this country....

-Infastructure = cut
-Science - cut
-Education hasn't want up

One has to wonder wtf?
Name the last president who didn't increase the debt?

Is this the new barometer for measuring failure? Someone else did it so I can do it too?

Not at all, but it sure seems to be the standard for rightards who call it failure when every president before Obama also increased the debt. I don't recall y'all calling it a failure when Reagan or either of the Bush's did it.

Seems your meter is broken -- it only works when the president is a Democrat.

Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budget.
You've changed tactics here. So now it's "well everyone else does it." No, no one else has incurred 7 trillion dollars of accumulated deficits in 5 years. Another first for Obama!
The 7 trillions dollars sure as hell hasn't want to improving this country....

-Infastructure = cut
-Science - cut
-Education hasn't want up

One has to wonder wtf?

WTF is right, Matthew! Did you just roll out of bed, Dude? That post made no sense at all. Hit Starbucks. Have a Mocha latte Grande and try again.:redface::redface::redface:
Name the last president who didn't increase the debt?

Didn't want anything to do with answering that question...did ya', Faun? :eusa_shifty::eusa_shifty::eusa_shifty:

That was the answer. Obama, like every president before him, raised the debt.

Actually he didnt. You are clearly ignorant of how gov't works.
The right answer is Obama has spent more money than every other president combined.
CHEAP to avert a true depression....morons. This mess could have been over in 2010 withoud mindless Pub obstruction...
This must be the thread where the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy & Boogeyman hang out cause reality sure as hell doesn't reside here.

Pass the pipe op

Pass it on over. It's gotta be some good stuff. Let's all feel good about the debt. Even though it's heading up at a record pace.......its really going down, gramps. Just follow the rabbit and the dude with the funny hat.

How is this for just rolling out of bed? Nasa and most of our science programs have also been sliced since Obama has been in office.

You have to wonder where it is it all going.
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federal debt when obama took office 10 trillion

federal debt today 17 trillion

probable federal debt when obama leaves office 21 trillion.

spin it however you like, obama has added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.
Even going with those numbers, which I highly doubt given the drop in the deficit, so ... ?

Where was the outrage from Conservatives at Bush when he nearly increased as much debt as every president combined before him? Where was their outrage at Bush when he turned a $17b deficit into a $500b deficit and later into a trillion dollar deficit? Where was their outrage when Bush turn a projected $6t surplus into an $8t deficit ? Where was their outrage when his father wad on pace to increase the debt more than every president combined before him? Where was their outrage when Reagan increased by almost twice every president combined before him?

Don't you remember? "Deficits don't matter." ~ a leading member of the Conservative cult

What? 6 trillion surplus? BWAHAHAHAHAHA !!! What are you smoking? Please show me anywhere we've even had even a 400 billion surplus. YOU CAN'T, because we never have. You really proved you lunacy here faun.

Your G-d given limitations aside ... of course I can prove my claim ...


How is this for just rolling out of bed? Nasa and most of our science programs have also been sliced since Obama has been in office.

You have to wonder where it is it all going.
To his contributors and other assorted communists.
Even going with those numbers, which I highly doubt given the drop in the deficit, so ... ?

Where was the outrage from Conservatives at Bush when he nearly increased as much debt as every president combined before him? Where was their outrage at Bush when he turned a $17b deficit into a $500b deficit and later into a trillion dollar deficit? Where was their outrage when Bush turn a projected $6t surplus into an $8t deficit ? Where was their outrage when his father wad on pace to increase the debt more than every president combined before him? Where was their outrage when Reagan increased by almost twice every president combined before him?

Don't you remember? "Deficits don't matter." ~ a leading member of the Conservative cult

What? 6 trillion surplus? BWAHAHAHAHAHA !!! What are you smoking? Please show me anywhere we've even had even a 400 billion surplus. YOU CAN'T, because we never have. You really proved you lunacy here faun.

Your G-d given limitations aside ... of course I can prove my claim ...

You understand what the word "estimate" means, right?
In any case, why was the debt higher after this? If there's a surplus the debt should be lower, right?

Honestly you're getting your tuchas handed to you right and left here. Just like Billy, who has wisely gone elsewhere to spread his ignorance and stupidity. Do thou likewise.
Is this the new barometer for measuring failure? Someone else did it so I can do it too?

Not at all, but it sure seems to be the standard for rightards who call it failure when every president before Obama also increased the debt. I don't recall y'all calling it a failure when Reagan or either of the Bush's did it.

Seems your meter is broken -- it only works when the president is a Democrat.

Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budget.
You've changed tactics here. So now it's "well everyone else does it." No, no one else has incurred 7 trillion dollars of accumulated deficits in 5 years. Another first for Obama!
So? No one else added $5 trillion in 8 years before Bush did it. Before him, no one added over a trillion in 4 years until Bush Sr. did it. Before him, no one added a trillion in 8 years before Reagan did it.
What? 6 trillion surplus? BWAHAHAHAHAHA !!! What are you smoking? Please show me anywhere we've even had even a 400 billion surplus. YOU CAN'T, because we never have. You really proved you lunacy here faun.

Your G-d given limitations aside ... of course I can prove my claim ...

You understand what the word "estimate" means, right?
In any case, why was the debt higher after this? If there's a surplus the debt should be lower, right?

Honestly you're getting your tuchas handed to you right and left here. Just like Billy, who has wisely gone elsewhere to spread his ignorance and stupidity. Do thou likewise.
Funny how you're so demented, you think you're winning an argument here. :lol:

For example, you point out how that $6 trillion surplus figure was only an estimate ... Moron .... I said it was a projected figure in my post. But g'head, keep lying to yourself. All that really matters to you is that you believe your own lies anyway.
Not at all, but it sure seems to be the standard for rightards who call it failure when every president before Obama also increased the debt. I don't recall y'all calling it a failure when Reagan or either of the Bush's did it.

Seems your meter is broken -- it only works when the president is a Democrat.

Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budget.
You've changed tactics here. So now it's "well everyone else does it." No, no one else has incurred 7 trillion dollars of accumulated deficits in 5 years. Another first for Obama!
So? No one else added $5 trillion in 8 years before Bush did it. Before him, no one added over a trillion in 4 years until Bush Sr. did it. Before him, no one added a trillion in 8 years before Reagan did it.

And now Obama has surpassed all of them combined. When Reagan added a trillion, we we're only a trillion in debt. When Obama added the obnoxious, outrageous, unacceptable $7 trillion, we were already a staggering $10 trillion in debt (ie 10x's where we were under Reagan).
Even going with those numbers, which I highly doubt given the drop in the deficit, so ... ?

Where was the outrage from Conservatives at Bush when he nearly increased as much debt as every president combined before him? Where was their outrage at Bush when he turned a $17b deficit into a $500b deficit and later into a trillion dollar deficit? Where was their outrage when Bush turn a projected $6t surplus into an $8t deficit ? Where was their outrage when his father wad on pace to increase the debt more than every president combined before him? Where was their outrage when Reagan increased by almost twice every president combined before him?

Don't you remember? "Deficits don't matter." ~ a leading member of the Conservative cult

What? 6 trillion surplus? BWAHAHAHAHAHA !!! What are you smoking? Please show me anywhere we've even had even a 400 billion surplus. YOU CAN'T, because we never have. You really proved you lunacy here faun.

Your G-d given limitations aside ... of course I can prove my claim ...


And there is the key word....PROJECTED.

In other words, if you continued to gut defense half a trillion every 8 years as Clinton did (which caused 9/11) and tax people to death (which caused all of the jobs going overseas), then someday there would be a surplus.

Of course, there also wouldn't be a country because there eventually wouldn't be a military any longer cutting half a trillion every 8 years... :eusa_doh:
Reagan tripled the debt, W doubled it- IN GOOD TIMES, JUST SCAMS AND THIEVERY. Reagan's 3 trillion in the 80's was more than today's 7 trillion, shytteheads, and Obama's was 2-3 trillion just for UE and Welfare for victim's of Pub and Wall St THIEVERY-3 trillion for fed stimulus - Pubs have blocked everything else and love that Wall St stimulus...MORONS.

You hater dupes are total fools for the greedy rich...and thanks for the obstruction and phomy crises that keep this mess're too busy with phony scandals and hate to know....ay caramba...
168- That's when Pubs got the filibuster back in 2/2010- how'd that work...


The money isn't going to roads, bridges, science, education or anything to the advancement of this country. Makes me fucking sick!:mad:

Imagine what this country could do for its own betterment with this.
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