Can we last till the election?

It’s the typical rhetoric of fascists and authoritarians.

Create an enemy that they will rescue you from.
It is also the typical acts of this fake administration. That makes them fascists and authoritarians. DOH.
The economy was still well below normal when Trump was in office because of COVID. Inflation goes bananas when the economy starts back up and resources are not ready for the surge. Very little to do with the government. Very much to do with sheer reality of trying to start the economy back up (metaphorically speaking).

Try to avoid the Republican groupthink. are part of the groupthink. You are parroting the nonsense about transitory inflation that the MSM was trying to see a few months ago. It doesn't take a degree in economics to figure out what is going on. You can't pay people not to work, which Biden absolutely did and wants to do again, expect them to go back to work. They are spending the "free" money on stuff, increasing demand. The supply can't be produced nor transported without labor and labor is staying home because they were paid to. According to the Biden folks and those that mindless follow the demented/comprised fool, we are supposed to believe that all the burger flippers are waiting around for huge raise when in reality they are waiting on more freebees and will get them if Biden and the vast majority of Democrats get their way. In the meantime, they are spending their newly found cash on new iPhones and other "necessities", driving up demand.

You don't even realize you are part of the groupthink, that is evidence that what they are doing works. They may even get to you believe the nonsense that Biden said in his press conference about "over performing."
No president has ever received more votes to throw them out of office than Trump. 57 guilty votes in the Senate.
This tally sheet recorded the votes in the Senate impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson. The final count, 35 to 19, was one vote short of the two-thirds majority required to convict the president.

You’re going to have to rewrite the constitution if you think that Trump is going to take the presidency from the speaker position.
You might want to read what it says in regards to the order of succession before making yourself look even more ignorant.
No president has ever received more votes to throw them out of office than Trump. 57 guilty votes in the Senate.

Nice spin. You mean all the wacko, agenda driven Democrats and a few RINOS voted to remove him from office? Color me shocked.
I know many people are looking forward to judgement day in the 2022 elections, but can we last till November?

Will there be anything left of the country?

And if we do, will the GOP respond since they usually don't?

Very depressing.
personally i kinda enjoy watching the democrats destroy themselves while creating their insane version of utopia
Then House Speaker DJT will commence the impeachment parade.
Do you like the SCOTUS makeup?
Reap what you sow again, motherfuckers.
Hahahaha so what? You'll never convict or remove good old Joe from office even if that Criminal POS Trump is selected Speaker by the fascists Neo-GOP if they win the House.
Hahahaha so what? You'll never convict or remove good old Joe from office even if that Criminal POS Trump is selected Speaker by the fascists Neo-GOP if they win the House.
Laughing about the level of corruption in our government? are part of the groupthink. You are parroting the nonsense about transitory inflation that the MSM was trying to see a few months ago. It doesn't take a degree in economics to figure out what is going on. You can't pay people not to work, which Biden absolutely did and wants to do again, expect them to go back to work. They are spending the "free" money on stuff, increasing demand. The supply can't be produced nor transported without labor and labor is staying home because they were paid to. According to the Biden folks and those that mindless follow the demented/comprised fool, we are supposed to believe that all the burger flippers are waiting around for huge raise when in reality they are waiting on more freebees and will get them if Biden and the vast majority of Democrats get their way. In the meantime, they are spending their newly found cash on new iPhones and other "necessities", driving up demand.

You don't even realize you are part of the groupthink, that is evidence that what they are doing works. They may even get to you believe the nonsense that Biden said in his press conference about "over performing."
You just parroted the right wing group think to a tee. I mean, honestly, I could have perfectly written this same exact diatribe based on the party line I’ve been hearing from the right for 6 months now. It’s a narrative that is extremely simplistic, but that’s the kind of narrative that appeals to the political tribes such as yourself when they appeal to pre-existing biases.

Inflation is because spending habits shifted. We spend far more on durable goods. Demand has sky rocketed. Labor is short bedside of many reasons. People are retiring and not coming back. People are staying home and taking care of kids because child care is unaffordable or not available. People are working less because they’re stressed and burned out. The labor supply shifted dramatically during the pandemic and it is not going to simply fall back in place quickly. Blaming it on government benefits is somewhere on the list but implying that it has anything near the only effect is dumb. You guys were parroting that it was because unemployment benefits which disappeared LONG ago and it didn’t change anything.
Laughing about the level of corruption in our government?
Nah, laughing at you. What does the SC have to with it? Trumpybear was impeached twice. It takes only 34 votes in the Senate of absolve the President of impeachment. So I say, so fucking what!
Nice spin. You mean all the wacko, agenda driven Democrats and a few RINOS voted to remove him from office? Color me shocked.
People like you define a RINO as anyone who doesn’t support Trump.

It has nothing to do with the values they have. It’s just about Trump.
Nah, laughing at you. What does the SC have to with it? Trumpybear was impeached twice. It takes only 34 votes in the Senate of absolve the President of impeachment. So I say, so fucking what!
I did not say thing 1 about the SCOTUS. Next.
I understand. The right-wing treason campaign hasn't gone anywhere, hence the fascists are depressed.


Non-traitors, on the other hand, think things are going pretty well.
We learned from our errors. This time in January 2025 we go in with 3 dozen more unarmed protesters wearing Viking hats.

Biden won’t stand a chance.
You just parroted the right wing group think to a tee. I mean, honestly, I could have perfectly written this same exact diatribe based on the party line I’ve been hearing from the right for 6 months now. It’s a narrative that is extremely simplistic, but that’s the kind of narrative that appeals to the political tribes such as yourself when they appeal to pre-existing biases.

Inflation is because spending habits shifted. We spend far more on durable goods. Demand has sky rocketed. Labor is short bedside of many reasons. People are retiring and not coming back. People are staying home and taking care of kids because child care is unaffordable or not available. People are working less because they’re stressed and burned out. The labor supply shifted dramatically during the pandemic and it is not going to simply fall back in place quickly. Blaming it on government benefits is somewhere on the list but implying that it has anything near the only effect is dumb. You guys were parroting that it was because unemployment benefits which disappeared LONG ago and it didn’t change anything.

Cheez, you will believe anything. This is straight from any "economist" they interview on MSNBC who is doing their best to run cover for failed policy. These are the exact same morons that claimed that the inflation was transitory when anyone that was paying attention knew otherwise. They are tricking you yet again. Not surprisingly, real economists without an agenda would disagree, though these are increasingly hard to find. All of this just happened to coincide with our new idiot in chief took office. Don't quit your day job. Let someone else handle your money. Maybe you can work up something with Mac, he fancies himself as an expert since he is a CFP. I am sure he would never steer you wrong.

We can revisit this thread regarding the causes of inflation. There are many factors, lack of labor being the primary and no it is no due to retirement. The lower paying jobs aren't typically held by seniors and yet this is where most of the shortages lie. Federal pandemic unemployment benefits did end and some state implemented their own supplement. There is already talk of another stimulus and extending the newly revised child tax credit to make it permanent along with free pre-school and increased SNAP and welfare payments. If Build Back Better or something even close to it passes, people will NOT be going back to work. Many are just hold up now waiting to see if the freebees will come to pass. Remember, we are talking about lower skilled/paying jobs for the most part. It doesn't take much assistance to put them close enough to their old income level to justify not working.
I did not say thing 1 about the SCOTUS. Next.

My apologies if you didn't say this:

"Then House Speaker DJT will commence the impeachment parade.
Do you like the SCOTUS makeup?
Reap what you sow again, motherfuckers."
I know many people are looking forward to judgement day in the 2022 elections, but can we last till November?

Will there be anything left of the country?

And if we do, will the GOP respond since they usually don't?

Very depressing.
What are you whining about there, little chicken?

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