Can We Please Get Rid of the Pledge?

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I guess you guys think the fire department, libraries, the police department and the post office are "bad?"

Conservatism really is a mental illness.

As an interesting diversion...we, the US, are I think pretty unique in that our libraries, museums and galleries and zoos are free - open to anyone. They can educate anyone with the curiousity and ability to get there regardless of class - it, along with our public education system are one of the huge equalizers in our society. There are other countries where families have to pay to educate their children.


When has the last time you been to a museum, a zoo , a aquarium in the U.S.A.?


Maybe back in the 1970s and before..but not today
Ever notice that Obama only wears a single American flag pin? I never leave home with less than 10 of them on my polo shirt.

I hate to break it to you but....your flag decal won't get you into heaven anymore....

Ever notice that Obama only wears a single American flag pin? I never leave home with less than 10 of them on my polo shirt.
Ever notice that Obama only wears a single American flag pin? I never leave home with less than 10 of them on my polo shirt.

Then quit letting illegals in that work under the table, under cuts poor workers low wages already.
How long has Coyote been bringing in illegals, this is news to me, do we need rotten tomatoes to get her to stop it?

Damn...the secret is out now :(

It is worse than you think. Lucy has discovered our war plans against Western Civilization!

No, half the planet knows that the Leftist POS hate Western Civilisation, the world will be better once the Leftists are given a collective dirt nap.

Sorry Toots, but your dreams of an authoritarian utopia will NEVER fucking happen. Hate to ruin your fantasy there, but good will always triumph over evil.


It's already been planned A LONG TIME AGO, it only needs to be re-activated.

We will win, we have faith in Our Lord, unlike you Satanic God hating POS, you are the evil, Leftist spew has always been the evil, your ilk should have been given the dirt nap many decades ago, this time all the right parts have been put together, you'll have NOBODY to save your filthy buttocks this time.

Take a hike Skippy, enjoy it whilst you still have the time, in about two years you and your ilk will have nothing.
:laugh2:es morality to capitalism.[/QUO
You are indeed whining about it. There is nothing remotely interesting about the Left's agenda to dismantle the America we all grew up in. Hiding behind the article is pointless. You posted it so own it crybaby

The America my grandmother grew up in did not allow her to work after marriage. The America my mother grew up in rarely accepted women into PHD programs in sciences, or allowed women to earn credit independent of her husband...the America I grew up in, is far better but we have yet to elect a woman president. Which America are we dismantling?

Why is electing a woman president so important to you?

Don't you just want the best president possible?

I could care less if the president is a liberal or a democrat. Black, yellow, Brown or White. A woman, a guy, a lesbo, or a homo

As long as they are fair to everyone, willing to compromise across the aisle, understand /follow the constitution , not a liar. Not corrupt and a strong big deal to me who it is


A woman in and of itself is not important. But there have been excellent women, who could have been elected but were not. So IS the best president being elected - when a woman can't even get past the primaries? Are American women so inferior that India, the British, even Pakistan elect a woman before we do?

I was thinking about what your response would be as I posted it.

You have to remember the U.S. is only 200 plus years old.

I also never talked to you here before and not sure if you ever read my posts like other mods do.

But I said it a hundred times I love my governor Nikki Halley. I loved Thatcher, I love the new pm of great Britain Mays. We only have like 6 woman governors today 3 repubs , 3 democrats?

A question for you? Why does libs hate woman republicans? How come so few of liberal senators, governors?

Also I am still astonished how few black senators we have had the only one today is South Carolinas Tim Scott
Interesting questions. I would say this - liberals aren't a monolithic voting block - just like women or blacks. I don't think we hate "woman" republicans - it's more what those particular women stand for - and by that I mean women like Sarah Palin and Michelle Malkin that are total fruit loops. Thatcher - I didn't love, but sure as hell respected. I also respect Nikki Halley and Condi Rice. Would I vote for them? Depends on their policies.

I could never vote for Claire McCaskill the rep from SW Mizzouri...her policies suck and are aimed at personal gain..
I guess you guys think the fire department, libraries, the police department and the post office are "bad?"

Conservatism really is a mental illness.

As an interesting diversion...we, the US, are I think pretty unique in that our libraries, museums and galleries and zoos are free - open to anyone. They can educate anyone with the curiousity and ability to get there regardless of class - it, along with our public education system are one of the huge equalizers in our society. There are other countries where families have to pay to educate their children.


When has the last time you been to a museum, a zoo , a aquarium in the U.S.A.?


Maybe back in the 1970s and before..but not today

Oh wait you might live in a small city.

Yea I know a bunch of small museums in south carolina that are free.

My apologies , I was thinking when I lived in chicago.
How long has Coyote been bringing in illegals, this is news to me, do we need rotten tomatoes to get her to stop it?

Damn...the secret is out now :(

It is worse than you think. Lucy has discovered our war plans against Western Civilization!

No, half the planet knows that the Leftist POS hate Western Civilisation, the world will be better once the Leftists are given a collective dirt nap.

Sorry Toots, but your dreams of an authoritarian utopia will NEVER fucking happen. Hate to ruin your fantasy there, but good will always triumph over evil.


It's already been planned A LONG TIME AGO, it only needs to be re-activated.

We will win, we have faith in Our Lord, unlike you Satanic God hating POS, you are the evil, Leftist spew has always been the evil, your ilk should have been given the dirt nap many decades ago, this time all the right parts have been put together, you'll have NOBODY to save your filthy buttocks this time.

Take a hike Skippy.

Unhinged alt-right authoritarian tyrant says what?
How long has Coyote been bringing in illegals, this is news to me, do we need rotten tomatoes to get her to stop it?

Damn...the secret is out now :(

It is worse than you think. Lucy has discovered our war plans against Western Civilization!

No, half the planet knows that the Leftist POS hate Western Civilisation, the world will be better once the Leftists are given a collective dirt nap.

Sorry Toots, but your dreams of an authoritarian utopia will NEVER fucking happen. Hate to ruin your fantasy there, but good will always triumph over evil.


It's already been planned A LONG TIME AGO, it only needs to be re-activated.

We will win, we have faith in Our Lord, unlike you Satanic God hating POS, you are the evil, Leftist spew has always been the evil, your ilk should have been given the dirt nap many decades ago, this time all the right parts have been put together, you'll have NOBODY to save your filthy buttocks this time.

Take a hike Skippy, enjoy it whilst you still have the time, in about two years you and your ilk will have nothing.

You are sexy when you get angry, Lucy!
I guess you guys think the fire department, libraries, the police department and the post office are "bad?"

Conservatism really is a mental illness.

As an interesting diversion...we, the US, are I think pretty unique in that our libraries, museums and galleries and zoos are free - open to anyone. They can educate anyone with the curiousity and ability to get there regardless of class - it, along with our public education system are one of the huge equalizers in our society. There are other countries where families have to pay to educate their children.


When has the last time you been to a museum, a zoo , a aquarium in the U.S.A.?


Maybe back in the 1970s and before..but not today

Oh wait you might live in a small city.

Yea I know a bunch of small museums in south carolina that are free.

My apologies , I was thinking when I lived in chicago.
Smithsonian was free when I was in DC...
Unless someone is being forced to say the pledge get over it. Last I checked there is no law requiring you to say it just like there is no law requiring people stand during the national anthem.
The court of law of public opinion and social peer pressure.......
If your not strong enough to stand up against those it's no ones fault but your own.
I told all of my kids that if they don;t feel comfortable to say the pledge not to, and then the populace of my community tried to shame me, yet I have been saying that for over 30 years, and still do......

I told my kids if they didn't say the pledge it would make me uncomfortable. They all said the pledge. You should be ashamed.
I guess you guys think the fire department, libraries, the police department and the post office are "bad?"

Conservatism really is a mental illness.

As an interesting diversion...we, the US, are I think pretty unique in that our libraries, museums and galleries and zoos are free - open to anyone. They can educate anyone with the curiousity and ability to get there regardless of class - it, along with our public education system are one of the huge equalizers in our society. There are other countries where families have to pay to educate their children.


When has the last time you been to a museum, a zoo , a aquarium in the U.S.A.?


Maybe back in the 1970s and before..but not today

The national museums, galleries and zoo in Dc are free. So are all the public libraries. In my town they are all free. Pittsburgh - the nearest big city, I think are free not sure. In Raleigh NC, near where my mother lives - there are free galleries and museums.
How long has Coyote been bringing in illegals, this is news to me, do we need rotten tomatoes to get her to stop it?

Damn...the secret is out now :(

It is worse than you think. Lucy has discovered our war plans against Western Civilization!

No, half the planet knows that the Leftist POS hate Western Civilisation, the world will be better once the Leftists are given a collective dirt nap.

Sorry Toots, but your dreams of an authoritarian utopia will NEVER fucking happen. Hate to ruin your fantasy there, but good will always triumph over evil.


It's already been planned A LONG TIME AGO, it only needs to be re-activated.

We will win, we have faith in Our Lord, unlike you Satanic God hating POS, you are the evil, Leftist spew has always been the evil, your ilk should have been given the dirt nap many decades ago, this time all the right parts have been put together, you'll have NOBODY to save your filthy buttocks this time.

Take a hike Skippy, enjoy it whilst you still have the time, in about two years you and your ilk will have nothing.
Oh my, he hates Satan, that's a bad thing, right?
I guess you guys think the fire department, libraries, the police department and the post office are "bad?"

Conservatism really is a mental illness.

As an interesting diversion...we, the US, are I think pretty unique in that our libraries, museums and galleries and zoos are free - open to anyone. They can educate anyone with the curiousity and ability to get there regardless of class - it, along with our public education system are one of the huge equalizers in our society. There are other countries where families have to pay to educate their children.


When has the last time you been to a museum, a zoo , a aquarium in the U.S.A.?


Maybe back in the 1970s and before..but not today

Oh wait you might live in a small city.

Yea I know a bunch of small museums in south carolina that are free.

My apologies , I was thinking when I lived in chicago.
Smithsonian was free when I was in DC...
To live with socialism is to suffer
Fascist left once again demanding to destroy a freedom because they don't fucking like it..

The Leftist Extremists again illustrate that they're Traitors and are the Fifth Column.

The Leftist Extremists across the planet hate their own nations and drool at every opportunity to trash everything and anything about their nation, they should all be put into military aircraft and air-dropped into Africa and the Middle East and forced to stay there.

With regard to this disgusting thread, young men and women have died and others been maimed defending the American Flag and the values it represents for better or worse.

Those young men and women have died and others have been maimed, so Leftist Extremist Traitors can have the freedom to sit in their basements and spew that the American Flag should be burned and urinated on and that the Pledge of Allegiance should be flushed down the toilet.

As a reservist in my own nations Armed Forces, I thank all who have had the courage to serve in the American Armed Forces, at several points of our respective history we have fought each other on opposite sides, I hope we never have to fight each other again in another World War :salute:

Thank you for your service. This nation owes you a debt that can never be repaid.

Well thank you for thanking me, but I'm not American, but we all need to fight this Leftist Extremism everywhere and together, because these Collective Traitors want to destroy everything that Western Civilisation has ever brought to this world.

The Leftist Extremists have declared war on Western Civilisation and our shared values system.

So we all share this common ground, no matter what our respective nation is, we must fight this together.
Certain religions in the US can only pledge to their God...The pledge is an ancient custom which is trickery used to hold a certain position in society, if broken can lead to damnation after death...What a load......

Good luck with that.
Guys...let's try to kind of stay on topic and stay away from FZ style flaming....
Why is some socialism so bad? It gives morality to capitalism.

There is no morality in creating lazy and dependent people.

There is no morality in sweatshops either.

Then quit letting illegals in that work under the table, under cuts poor workers low wages already.
How long has Coyote been bringing in illegals, this is news to me, do we need rotten tomatoes to get her to stop it?

So coyote is not a lefty like you?
I'm ambidextrous...
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