Can We Please Get Rid of the Pledge?

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Dumping the pledge is just another attempt by the left to create division where unity can grow, to erase history so they can rewrite it, to make the roots of socialism take root. There is nothing wrong with sharing a pledge amongst the races and classes. The OP is simply spreading anarchy, hate and slavery to his ideas.

Socialist critter that I often am, I always liked that the Pledge was written by a socialist.

But even more - what I liked was it's idea of one nation undivided, after the horror of our civil war - we'd never be divided again. It should remind us that, despite partisanship we are after all - all Americans. We may have differing ideas of what it means to be American, of the direction our country should take but we all want what's best and in the end, we are American.

Yet part of that American tradition is the Pledge, flag and national anthem. The OP is driving us toward a nation of self serving anarchists.

There's nothing liberal about the OP, liberal isn't saying that things you don't like should be removed from view or got rid of.

There's nothing liberal about Leftists, what they are is Leftist Totalitarians, this is the Alt-Left, the children of Marx and Trotsky and Saul Alinsky amongst us now.
Man, those three guys sure got laid a lot...

Probably they got blow-jobs from men also.

Those Commie women are some of the ugliest women ever, half of them Butch Lesbian.
There is no morality in creating lazy and dependent people.

There is no morality in sweatshops either.

Then quit letting illegals in that work under the table, under cuts poor workers low wages already.
How long has Coyote been bringing in illegals, this is news to me, do we need rotten tomatoes to get her to stop it?

Damn...the secret is out now :(

It is worse than you think. Lucy has discovered our war plans against Western Civilization!

Lucy and I are secretly working on an alternative plan involving heavy subsities to the ACME corporiation:eusa_shhh:
There is no morality in creating lazy and dependent people.

There is no morality in sweatshops either.

Then quit letting illegals in that work under the table, under cuts poor workers low wages already.
How long has Coyote been bringing in illegals, this is news to me, do we need rotten tomatoes to get her to stop it?

Damn...the secret is out now :(

It is worse than you think. Lucy has discovered our war plans against Western Civilization!
And finally invading Canada which has eluded the US for over 200 years....
Dumping the pledge is just another attempt by the left to create division where unity can grow, to erase history so they can rewrite it, to make the roots of socialism take root. There is nothing wrong with sharing a pledge amongst the races and classes. The OP is simply spreading anarchy, hate and slavery to his ideas.

Socialist critter that I often am, I always liked that the Pledge was written by a socialist.

But even more - what I liked was it's idea of one nation undivided, after the horror of our civil war - we'd never be divided again. It should remind us that, despite partisanship we are after all - all Americans. We may have differing ideas of what it means to be American, of the direction our country should take but we all want what's best and in the end, we are American.

Yet part of that American tradition is the Pledge, flag and national anthem. The OP is driving us toward a nation of self serving anarchists.

There's nothing liberal about the OP, liberal isn't saying that things you don't like should be removed from view or got rid of.

There's nothing liberal about Leftists, what they are is Leftist Totalitarians, this is the Alt-Left, the children of Marx and Trotsky and Saul Alinsky amongst us now.
Man, those three guys sure got laid a lot...

Probably they got blow-jobs from men also.
Only when all the gals were pregnant....and not in the mood...
:laugh2:es morality to capitalism.[/QUO
Not "whining" about it, prison bitch boi. I found the article and I thought it was interesting and I knew it would get you guys riled up, so I thought it would be an interesting topic.
You are indeed whining about it. There is nothing remotely interesting about the Left's agenda to dismantle the America we all grew up in. Hiding behind the article is pointless. You posted it so own it crybaby

The America my grandmother grew up in did not allow her to work after marriage. The America my mother grew up in rarely accepted women into PHD programs in sciences, or allowed women to earn credit independent of her husband...the America I grew up in, is far better but we have yet to elect a woman president. Which America are we dismantling?

Why is electing a woman president so important to you?

Don't you just want the best president possible?

I could care less if the president is a liberal or a democrat. Black, yellow, Brown or White. A woman, a guy, a lesbo, or a homo

As long as they are fair to everyone, willing to compromise across the aisle, understand /follow the constitution , not a liar. Not corrupt and a strong big deal to me who it is


A woman in and of itself is not important. But there have been excellent women, who could have been elected but were not. So IS the best president being elected - when a woman can't even get past the primaries? Are American women so inferior that India, the British, even Pakistan elect a woman before we do?

I was thinking about what your response would be as I posted it.

You have to remember the U.S. is only 200 plus years old.

I also never talked to you here before and not sure if you ever read my posts like other mods do.

But I said it a hundred times I love my governor Nikki Halley. I loved Thatcher, I love the new pm of great Britain Mays. We only have like 6 woman governors today 3 repubs , 3 democrats?

A question for you? Why does libs hate woman republicans? How come so few of liberal senators, governors?

Also I am still astonished how few black senators we have had the only one today is South Carolinas Tim Scott
Trent Lott left for a coaching job at Ok Univ...
There is no morality in sweatshops either.

Then quit letting illegals in that work under the table, under cuts poor workers low wages already.
How long has Coyote been bringing in illegals, this is news to me, do we need rotten tomatoes to get her to stop it?

Damn...the secret is out now :(

It is worse than you think. Lucy has discovered our war plans against Western Civilization!
And finally invading Canada which has eluded the US for over 200 years....

Damn Canucks, with their "Eh?", and flap eared caps and flannel shirts.......
You haven't got the slightest idea of what my "position" is. Hell, you're too stupid to figure out that I didn't compose the article in the OP, yet you keep posting as if I wrote it. You didn't know the Pledge was written by a socialist, yet you are accusing "the left" of wanting to "make the roots of socialism take root." Hilarious.


You are the OP author and have stated nothing contrary to the position taken in that OP. There is little doubt you are a liberal socialist. Socialists have devolved considerably since the writing of the pledge.

Why is some socialism so bad? It gives morality to capitalism.

It gives us lazy ass workers ..that's why it sucks, what's the point of education when workers don't have the attitude or will to go the extra mile.

What's the point of getting paid the same as a lazy ass coworker who lays out all the time and when they are their just britches and moans about management, crys all the time and doesn't want to do a Damn thing.

Out of curiousity...why is "lazy ass workers" worse than abused and mistreated workers?

I think the solutions are usually somewhere in the middle.

An interesting question.

But what country are we talking about?
I guess you guys think the fire department, libraries, the police department and the post office are "bad?"

Conservatism really is a mental illness.
I like that we have a privately funded military, not some form of socialist military...

Exactly. And we can thank EVILLLLL socialism for Veterans Health Care, the G.I. bill, social security, the Pentagon, Homeland Security, etc etc.
There is no morality in creating lazy and dependent people.

There is no morality in sweatshops either.

Then quit letting illegals in that work under the table, under cuts poor workers low wages already.
How long has Coyote been bringing in illegals, this is news to me, do we need rotten tomatoes to get her to stop it?

Damn...the secret is out now :(

It is worse than you think. Lucy has discovered our war plans against Western Civilization!

No, half the planet knows that the Leftist POS hate Western Civilisation, the world will be better once the Leftists are given a collective dirt nap.
:laugh2:es morality to capitalism.[/QUO
Not "whining" about it, prison bitch boi. I found the article and I thought it was interesting and I knew it would get you guys riled up, so I thought it would be an interesting topic.
You are indeed whining about it. There is nothing remotely interesting about the Left's agenda to dismantle the America we all grew up in. Hiding behind the article is pointless. You posted it so own it crybaby

The America my grandmother grew up in did not allow her to work after marriage. The America my mother grew up in rarely accepted women into PHD programs in sciences, or allowed women to earn credit independent of her husband...the America I grew up in, is far better but we have yet to elect a woman president. Which America are we dismantling?

Why is electing a woman president so important to you?

Don't you just want the best president possible?

I could care less if the president is a liberal or a democrat. Black, yellow, Brown or White. A woman, a guy, a lesbo, or a homo

As long as they are fair to everyone, willing to compromise across the aisle, understand /follow the constitution , not a liar. Not corrupt and a strong big deal to me who it is


A woman in and of itself is not important. But there have been excellent women, who could have been elected but were not. So IS the best president being elected - when a woman can't even get past the primaries? Are American women so inferior that India, the British, even Pakistan elect a woman before we do?

I was thinking about what your response would be as I posted it.

You have to remember the U.S. is only 200 plus years old.

I also never talked to you here before and not sure if you ever read my posts like other mods do.

But I said it a hundred times I love my governor Nikki Halley. I loved Thatcher, I love the new pm of great Britain Mays. We only have like 6 woman governors today 3 repubs , 3 democrats?

A question for you? Why does libs hate woman republicans? How come so few of liberal senators, governors?

Also I am still astonished how few black senators we have had the only one today is South Carolinas Tim Scott

Interesting questions. I would say this - liberals aren't a monolithic voting block - just like women or blacks. I don't think we hate "woman" republicans - it's more what those particular women stand for - and by that I mean women like Sarah Palin and Michelle Malkin that are total fruit loops. Thatcher - I didn't love, but sure as hell respected. I also respect Nikki Halley and Condi Rice. Would I vote for them? Depends on their policies.
The Pledge of Allegiance is not an expression of patriotism. It is a loyalty oath that one normally associates with totalitarian regimes. People who love freedom, should be appalled by the idea our children are being coerced to stand and declare their support for the state. This is the worst form of indoctrination and it is completely anathema to the principals articulated in the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I cannot imagine outspoken libertarians like Thomas Jefferson or Tom Paine ever proclaiming their loyalty to the state when they correctly saw the state as the greatest threat to individual freedom. Which it is.

Now I know that many people think the Pledge is simply an affirmation of their respect for the flag, their love for the country, and their gratitude to the men and women who fought in America’s wars. But that’s not what it is. The Pledge is an attempt to impose conformity on the masses and compel them to click their heels and proclaim their devotion to the Fatherland. That’s not how it’s supposed to work in a democracy. In a democracy, the representatives of the state are supposed to pledge their loyalty to the people and to the laws that protect them. That’s the correct relationship between the state and the people. The Pledge turns that whole concept on its head.

Now I’d have no problem if our schoolchildren recited the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence before class every day:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

That’s great stuff, unfortunately, the people who run this country would never allow it. They’d never allow our kids to recite an incendiary, revolutionary document like that every day for fear it would incite violence against the state. What they want is “good Germans”, not revolutionaries, not freedom-loving populists, and not well-informed, critical thinking individuals who can see through the sham of their jingoistic propaganda. They want people who are going to follow the rules, do what they’re told, fight the wars, and perform their worktime drudgery for 30 or 40 years until they’re carted off to the glue factory. That’s what they want. Reciting the Pledge fits perfectly with this dumbed-down version of permanent indentured servitude. It provides the ideological foundation for bovine acquiescence to the demands of the state and the crooks who run it behind the tri-color banner.

The fact that institutions like the Pledge are never challenged in a public format, points to deeper problems with the media and the way our kids are being educated. And while I don’t have time to talk about that now, it makes me wonder where are the people to question these silly recitations that undermine democracy and personal liberty? Why are their voices never heard?

Read the rest here:
Can We Please Get Rid of the Pledge?

Interesting perspective, one that I've shared for years but never bothered to articulate as well as this author did. Your thoughts?

As a kid I detested the pledge

It always seemed the height of hypocrisy- forcing kids to 'pledge' to be patriotic.

I always figured if I wasn't patriotic, I wouldn't hesitate to lie and say I was.

As an adult it irritates me less, but it still strikes me as hypocrisy.

I am a patriotic American- you don't have to force me to pledge it as part of the collective.

If you were a patriotic American you would not have to be forced to pledge.
Damn those Founding Fathers, they never took the pledge either.......
There is no morality in sweatshops either.

Then quit letting illegals in that work under the table, under cuts poor workers low wages already.
How long has Coyote been bringing in illegals, this is news to me, do we need rotten tomatoes to get her to stop it?

Damn...the secret is out now :(

It is worse than you think. Lucy has discovered our war plans against Western Civilization!

No, half the planet knows that the Leftist POS hate Western Civilisation, the world will be better once the Leftist are given a collective dirt nap.
Ah yes, another religious ass hat desiring to sin via murder...I am glad the Ten Commandments left that out...
There once lived a nonconforming sparrow. When winter came, he didn't
want to fly South with the rest of the birds. Finally, though, it got
so cold that he reluctantly started flying South. After a short while,
ice started forming on his wings and he fell to the Earth. Shortly, a
rather large cow came by and crapped on the little sparrow. The
sparrow thought this was surely the end. But, the warm shit actually
started to warm him up. After a while, he was warm, content, and he
could breath easily. He was so overjoyed that he started singing at
the top of his lungs. A cat wandering by heard the noise and decided
to investigate. He found the bird in the pile of shit, dug him out,
and promptly ate him.
The moral of the story is:
1) Everyone who shits on you is not necessarily your enemy.
2) Everyone who digs you out of the shit is not necessarily your
3) If you are warm and contented in a pile of shit, keep your mouth
There is no morality in sweatshops either.

Then quit letting illegals in that work under the table, under cuts poor workers low wages already.
How long has Coyote been bringing in illegals, this is news to me, do we need rotten tomatoes to get her to stop it?

Damn...the secret is out now :(

It is worse than you think. Lucy has discovered our war plans against Western Civilization!

No, half the planet knows that the Leftist POS hate Western Civilisation, the world will be better once the Leftists are given a collective dirt nap.

Ok...I'm kind of into gardening and all...what would you suggest for growing Leftists? I tried growing Rightists but...they seem very delicate.
You are the OP author and have stated nothing contrary to the position taken in that OP. There is little doubt you are a liberal socialist. Socialists have devolved considerably since the writing of the pledge.

Why is some socialism so bad? It gives morality to capitalism.

There is no morality in creating lazy and dependent people.

There is no morality in sweatshops either.

Then quit letting illegals in that work under the table, under cuts poor workers low wages already.
How long has Coyote been bringing in illegals, this is news to me, do we need rotten tomatoes to get her to stop it?

So coyote is not a lefty like you?
There is no morality in sweatshops either.

Then quit letting illegals in that work under the table, under cuts poor workers low wages already.
How long has Coyote been bringing in illegals, this is news to me, do we need rotten tomatoes to get her to stop it?

Damn...the secret is out now :(

It is worse than you think. Lucy has discovered our war plans against Western Civilization!

No, half the planet knows that the Leftist POS hate Western Civilisation, the world will be better once the Leftists are given a collective dirt nap.

Sorry Toots, but your dreams of an authoritarian utopia will NEVER fucking happen. Hate to ruin your fantasy there, but good will always triumph over evil.

You fucking communist bastard...

You have no God Damn respect for the men who fought for your God Damn freedom, saved the world twice in two wars..

Promoted freedom around the world, and brought the world into the 21 st century..

No other country on earth can say that, sure we have our bad points liberals and conservatives both.

But we are human after all

No nation in the history of earth can claim all the good we did..

You are a fucking piece of shit...


Way to fly off the handle there, ya loon. Talk about unhinged...

1. Not a communist, you drooling moron.
2. No one fought for "my freedom" since 1776, so shut the fuck up with your bullshit.
3. "Promoted freedom around the world," like how we did in Iraq you mean? lol
4. Get fucked.

1. You are a communist prick

2.No one fought for your freedom since 1776? Read a history stupid commie pig.

3. The Kurds are not free ? Iraq don't have free elections?

You uneducated moron.

4. Suck my left nut..

Just a couple of thoughts here....

Communism arose, directly, as a result of the huge gap between the haves and have nots, and the rampant abuse of the workers and poor. In it's initial formation - it was good and just and needed. There was a lot of abuse if you weren't one of the entitled. It led to horrific abuses of course - but it's origins were legitimate.

Second - this whole thing about "free elections" is bullshit. As if that is the SUPREME marker of a free and democratic society. Without all the institutions necessary for democracy - education, equality, protection of minorities, an independent judiciary, a means to tackle corruption and a peaceful transfer of power - the vote means NOTHING.

Third - your left nut is far smaller then your right nut. Is this some sort of sucko bait and switch?

Saaaaasyy what?


Communism was flawed at the beginning , it was an ideology that looked good on paper to intellectual morons, but any 3rd grader who ever ran a lemonade stand. could of told you it was crap.

Free elections are as free as they can be, where else but in america you need an ID to survive, but to vote all you need to say your name is joe smoe in chicago and vote early and often.

I have had to show an ID for 37 years to vote in 8 different states.............Even in states that had no voter ID laws...

Yet the Left say that black people having to have an ID to vote is racist.
I guess you guys think the fire department, libraries, the police department and the post office are "bad?"

Conservatism really is a mental illness.
I like that we have a privately funded military, not some form of socialist military...

Exactly. And we can thank EVILLLLL socialism for Veterans Health Care, the G.I. bill, social security, the Pentagon, Homeland Security, etc etc.
and VA loans, the bestest form of socialism, I saved with GEICO since 1982 while in the socialist utopia called the US Army...
Way to fly off the handle there, ya loon. Talk about unhinged...

1. Not a communist, you drooling moron.
2. No one fought for "my freedom" since 1776, so shut the fuck up with your bullshit.
3. "Promoted freedom around the world," like how we did in Iraq you mean? lol
4. Get fucked.

1. You are a communist prick

2.No one fought for your freedom since 1776? Read a history stupid commie pig.

3. The Kurds are not free ? Iraq don't have free elections?

You uneducated moron.

4. Suck my left nut..

Just a couple of thoughts here....

Communism arose, directly, as a result of the huge gap between the haves and have nots, and the rampant abuse of the workers and poor. In it's initial formation - it was good and just and needed. There was a lot of abuse if you weren't one of the entitled. It led to horrific abuses of course - but it's origins were legitimate.

Second - this whole thing about "free elections" is bullshit. As if that is the SUPREME marker of a free and democratic society. Without all the institutions necessary for democracy - education, equality, protection of minorities, an independent judiciary, a means to tackle corruption and a peaceful transfer of power - the vote means NOTHING.

Third - your left nut is far smaller then your right nut. Is this some sort of sucko bait and switch?

Saaaaasyy what?


Communism was flawed at the beginning , it was an ideology that looked good on paper to intellectual morons, but any 3rd grader who ever ran a lemonade stand. could of told you it was crap.

Free elections are as free as they can be, where else but in america you need an ID to survive, but to vote all you need to say your name is joe smoe in chicago and vote early and often.

I have had to show an ID for 37 years to vote in 8 different states.............Even in states that had no voter ID laws...

Yet the Left say that black people having to have an ID to vote is racist.
Do you always commit grammatical murder?
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