Can We Please Get Rid of the Pledge?

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The American flag is co-opted by every damned institution in the country, from being used as a sales tool, to defining the definition of patriotism by the religious Right, to glorifying American dead, regardless of the justification of what they fought for.

During the Vietnam era, the American flag stood for international aggression and imperialism. It stood for Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew. It was no longer my flag.
The federal government is little different now than they were in the 1800s, breaking treaty after treaty. Except for now they are much worse…
Not communist propaganda it was a well know term. Actually Communists used the Intelligentsia for their purposes.... then they killed them... useful idiots they were and became threat to communism when they realized what it was about...hahaha.. it is the same with these idiots here at home...

Most totalitarian governments end up committing democide against intellectuals. The nazis for example.

You already have the US government assassinating whistleblowers.
Enlighten me
Yes, the Republic is the state bound by the Constitution.

Hence, the pledge of allegiance is directed towards the state.

That also is not necessarily true. The state is not bound by the constitution. It is a beast that cannot be leashed.

The Constitution restricts the state/government. The best system in the history of mankind.


The constitution has actually allowed a type of state that has been far worst than almost anything else experienced in history.

Yes, the state is a political structure and so forth entrusted with certain powers and shit.

I do not entrust the state with anything, and even if I did, that would not change its evil nature.

What is you idea of existence?

Now you want to engage in existential philosophy?
The federal government is what makes us the United States of America. Otherwise you are nothing but unaligned states. The Union, that thing we saved from people like you, is still united because of the war your kind lost.

That's too bad.

The United States should not of been saved. Its abusive politics screw people over every day of every year.

The land is nothing more than dirt and people without the Republic and the republic is the United States, not the do whatever the fuck you like States.

Which should not exist.

This country is here because of this nation founded by the unifying document we call the Constitution which established a liberal secular constitutional democratic republic of aligned states with a allegiance to what we call the Federal Government.


The country and the nation exist whether or not the constitution does. It certainly existed before the Articles of Confederation.

You don't like? Leave.

That is one option.

He could also stand with his homeland.
Just leave, you un-American POS. TY.
An extreme distrust and hatred for the federal government is healthy for the individual…
I have to agree. Our anthem is sucky. So many better songs...I'd nominate This Land is Your Land...

I mean look at the French Anthem - it's stirring!

I don't know,'s not the song's what it stands for! The first time I played hockey in Canada as part of a US travel squad and they lined you up on the blue lines and played the national anthems of both the US and Canada was one of the most exciting moments of my young life. Literally sent chills up and down my spine.

I see what you mean...but I do wish we had chosen a different is inspirational and spiratual...I listen to the old Civil War song "Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory" and I feel it, our anthem - though I'll always stand, does not give me the same chill :)

I wish we had an easier anthem to sing! A lifetime of listening to people butcher our national anthem tends to put you off it but like I said...when you're representing your country...especially abroad and they play that song it makes you want to do something special. At least for me...

Isn't our anthem tune after a British drinking song?
Yes. The Star-Spangled Banner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Good find. Not the best musical anthem.... But it's ours and pretty awesome. Lots of others are better tunes, but lack the awesomeness of being American.

Today's federal government and its leaders or should I say it's owners are the very definition of hypocrisy...
An extreme distrust and hatred for the federal government is healthy for the individual…

Still incredibly dangerous if you do not go a step further.

Have you ever heard this quote?


The people are rarely not living in fear of the state. The people are only trusting when the state conditions them with ultra-nationalistic tendencies.

When the state is living in fear of its people, then the people do not need the state. If this happens, then the state consolidates power and becomes more authoritarian.
An extreme distrust and hatred for the federal government is healthy for the individual…
Neither distrust not hatred are appropriate you un-American POS.

If you want a new nation leave and found one, like they did.
An extreme distrust and hatred for the federal government is healthy for the individual…

Still incredibly dangerous if you do not go a step further.

Have you ever heard this quote?


The people are rarely not living in fear of the state. The people are only trusting when the state conditions them with ultra-nationalistic tendencies.

When the state is living in fear of its people, then the people do not need the state. If this happens, then the state consolidates power and becomes more authoritarian.
Start with "its" people, not "it is" people, assholes.
A famous politician said something like the scariest phrase in the English language is we are from the government and are here to help...
I say it's the scariest phrase in all of history, The federal government all about destroying people that it disagrees with.
During the Vietnam era, the American flag stood for international aggression and imperialism. It stood for Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew. It was no longer my flag.
Hahahaha.. aggression,huh? You've never been near to combat zone. You've never worn the subdued U.S. flag on your shoulder..... hahaha.. what a fake...
A famous politician said something like the scariest phrase in the English language is we are from the government and are here to help...
I say it's the scariest phrase in all of history, The federal government all about destroying people that it disagrees with.
The only reason you fear the federal government is because it isn't made up of total dickheads, who can't spell, like you.
Is that a spelling Nazi I here? Lol
Control freaks like yourself make the government what it is…
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