Canadian Court tells dad - The kids aren't yours but you still must pay child support

I have to wonder if bringing in the biological fathers is something this man honestly wants. I think right now he's mad as hell that his wife left him, and he wants to punish her. However I'd bet while he may not want to pay support, he also would hate it if his daughters started calling someone else daddy.

If those guys who impregnated her get served with child support papers there is no guarantee they will want to get involved in the childs life still. My ex girlfriend had a kid with someone when she was very young, the guy pays his child support but has NO interest in getting to know his son. Not everyone who pays support is active in their childs life.

True, but it would be a risk. Right now, he's their father, and along with support he gets all the rights that entails. I have to wonder if, once he cools off, he would honestly want to give up those rights to someone else.
I have to wonder if bringing in the biological fathers is something this man honestly wants. I think right now he's mad as hell that his wife left him, and he wants to punish her. However I'd bet while he may not want to pay support, he also would hate it if his daughters started calling someone else daddy.

If those guys who impregnated her get served with child support papers there is no guarantee they will want to get involved in the childs life still. My ex girlfriend had a kid with someone when she was very young, the guy pays his child support but has NO interest in getting to know his son. Not everyone who pays support is active in their childs life.

True, but it would be a risk. Right now, he's their father, and along with support he gets all the rights that entails. I have to wonder if, once he cools off, he would honestly want to give up those rights to someone else.

Thats a good question, depends on him. Regardless, not really his choice. The wife could ring those guys up anytime she feels like it.
I don't think it's right what's happened to this guy, but I can't help to think that he isn't somewhat to blame himself. How can your wife have three kids with three different men while you're married to her and not figure out something is going on. You can't tell me he didn't know that she was who she was and yet he stuck with her all this time anyway.

I'd be curious to know if he could sue the biological fathers to reimburse him for the financial support he's given their kids all of these years.
I don't think it's right what's happened to this guy, but I can't help to think that he isn't somewhat to blame himself. How can your wife have three kids with three different men while you're married to her and not figure out something is going on. You can't tell me he didn't know that she was who she was and yet he stuck with her all this time anyway.

I'd be curious to know if he could sue the biological fathers to reimburse him for the financial support he's given their kids all of these years.

Women are very sneaky my dude, plenty of men are raising kids that are not even theres and they don't even know it.
I don't think it's right what's happened to this guy, but I can't help to think that he isn't somewhat to blame himself. How can your wife have three kids with three different men while you're married to her and not figure out something is going on. You can't tell me he didn't know that she was who she was and yet he stuck with her all this time anyway.

I'd be curious to know if he could sue the biological fathers to reimburse him for the financial support he's given their kids all of these years.
The only way that the guy would know for sure that the kids weren't his is if he never had sex with the woman before the conception of the three girls.

God bless you and him and the four kids always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. To me, he should get some kind of reimbursing after all of this time. My question is, do the other three guys even know that they are the fathers of these three girls? I wonder what all four kids think of their mom now? If I were them, I would not want anything more to do with her.
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I don't think it's right what's happened to this guy, but I can't help to think that he isn't somewhat to blame himself. How can your wife have three kids with three different men while you're married to her and not figure out something is going on. You can't tell me he didn't know that she was who she was and yet he stuck with her all this time anyway.

I'd be curious to know if he could sue the biological fathers to reimburse him for the financial support he's given their kids all of these years.

Women are very sneaky my dude, plenty of men are raising kids that are not even theres and they don't even know it.

Yeah, I can see it happening once, but three?
^^^ To me the government had help in destroying it by those who do not know what marriage is in the first place.

While the article in the OP is very limited, it does say he was aware of multiple affairs on her part. He knew she was a whore, and didnt care.
If the guy knew and let her get away with everything that she was guilty of then he is nuts too! :eek: :eek: :eek:

God bless you two and the kids always!!!

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He shouldn't have to. Even though he may have raised them, he has no genetic link to them.

He raised them, they're his kids.

He has raised them, yes, and he is the only father they have ever known. But no man should ever be expected to pay support for children that are not biologically his! Especially if his wife was a whore who screwed around behind his back.

So you raise a girl for 16 years, you call her daughter, you love her, care for her, dry her tears, shield her from harm and suddenly, because you have a problem with her mother, she is no longer your child and you want nothing to do with her? I don't give a crap if she has your DNA or not, you raised her, she's yours and the harm that man is doing to that child is criminal. Yeah, the mother is a slut, she deserves what she gets, the children don't. IMO, he should take custody of all 4 kids and the mother should be the one to pay child support but then again, maybe he never loved the kids, maybe he never really cared for them, in which case he deserves everything he gets.
I don't think it's right what's happened to this guy, but I can't help to think that he isn't somewhat to blame himself. How can your wife have three kids with three different men while you're married to her and not figure out something is going on. You can't tell me he didn't know that she was who she was and yet he stuck with her all this time anyway.

I'd be curious to know if he could sue the biological fathers to reimburse him for the financial support he's given their kids all of these years.

Women are very sneaky my dude, plenty of men are raising kids that are not even theres and they don't even know it.

Yeah, I can see it happening once, but three?

Sure, if the guy shes fucking is the same race as you, it could happen. However if you are both white and the child comes out looking like Scottie Pippen, that might tip you off.
I don't know that I would ever speak to the mother again... but if I'd spent that long with the kids and had built up a parental level of trust and support? That guy is their Dad and I hope for his sake and the kids sake he embraces the role.

Since they're "his", perhaps he should take custody, having mom declared an unfit parent.

Bet the courts wouldn't award him custody due to the kids not being biologically his.

Bet you're right, but they sure as hell can order him to cough up money to support them.
So they can make him pay support, but they cannot force this man to be their father unless he wants to. I am never getting married again, that law is a joke and a slap in the face.

Marriage is a raw deal for men. They have absolutely nothing to gain from it.

Damn straight, you lose your freedom and apparently your fucking civil rights!

Marriage = legal prostitution. She trades her services for his goods.
If those guys who impregnated her get served with child support papers there is no guarantee they will want to get involved in the childs life still. My ex girlfriend had a kid with someone when she was very young, the guy pays his child support but has NO interest in getting to know his son. Not everyone who pays support is active in their childs life.

True, but it would be a risk. Right now, he's their father, and along with support he gets all the rights that entails. I have to wonder if, once he cools off, he would honestly want to give up those rights to someone else.

Thats a good question, depends on him. Regardless, not really his choice. The wife could ring those guys up anytime she feels like it.

Nothing says she won't hit them up for cash, either.
No wonder men turn into serial killers. No justice in this world for them

Dad must pay child support for 3 kids that aren't his: Court rules | Canada | News | Calgary Sun

FEBRUARY 06, 2013 04:04 AM MST

MONTREAL - A father has been ordered to pay child support to his ex-wife despite results of DNA testing that found three of the four children he helped raise are not biologically his, a Quebec Superior Court ruled.

The man learned the shocking news after he demanded DNA testing when he and his wife of 16 years separated in April 2010.

His daughters are aged 12, 14, and 16, and his son is nine. DNA testing revealed the son is his only biological child.

To make matters worse, his ex-wife told him his three daughters were all fathered by different men, he said.
There is nothing new in this. A man who is the legal father of children has always been obliged to pay child support. This is the way it has always been in America. He is their legal father. He is on the birth certificate as their father. He is legally obligated to pay child support. A man should know his wife better and not marry or stay married to a woman who cheats.

I wonder. His children are in their teens. He has been their father all this time. Does a man, when he learns the child is not biologically his, suddenly stop loving the child? Stop being a father? What kind of human wretch does that? He may be angry with his wife, hurt beyond belief, but does he pass those feelings on to the child he has raised as his own? So pathetic.

Wrong. In America, the law is that the man who signs the birth certificate and/or is the legal husband of the mother at the time of birth is the legal father of the child and legally responsible for the child . . . UNLESS someone disputes his paternity, which would include a DNA test. That someone could be him, the mother, or the biological father of the child.

I have no idea why Canada thinks it's okay to make a man legally responsible for a child that is not biologically his.
No wonder men turn into serial killers. No justice in this world for them
There is nothing new in this. A man who is the legal father of children has always been obliged to pay child support. This is the way it has always been in America. He is their legal father. He is on the birth certificate as their father. He is legally obligated to pay child support. A man should know his wife better and not marry or stay married to a woman who cheats.

I wonder. His children are in their teens. He has been their father all this time. Does a man, when he learns the child is not biologically his, suddenly stop loving the child? Stop being a father? What kind of human wretch does that? He may be angry with his wife, hurt beyond belief, but does he pass those feelings on to the child he has raised as his own? So pathetic.

Wrong. In America, the law is that the man who signs the birth certificate and/or is the legal husband of the mother at the time of birth is the legal father of the child and legally responsible for the child . . . UNLESS someone disputes his paternity, which would include a DNA test. That someone could be him, the mother, or the biological father of the child.

I have no idea why Canada thinks it's okay to make a man legally responsible for a child that is not biologically his.

Well, I previously looked this up and posted further on it based on my research.

In the US, there is something called the Presumed Father Law. The man who is the woman's legal husband or who has signed the birth certificate is the legal father and responsible for child support. That can be challenged by a biological father, but it cannot be challenged by the man whose name is on the birth certificate. Once he has agreed, legally, by signing the birth certificate, he is considered to be the child's father and responsible for its support. That can only be changed if the biological father challenges that and and the court agrees to change legal parentage. If the biological father does not challenge it, the law does not go after him for child support; the legal father is still responsbile for child support.

Canda thinks it's okay to make a man legally responsible for a child that isn't his biologically for the same reasons the US does, because he has signed the birth certificate and taken responsibility for the child. Because he was the woman's husband. Think about what it would be if fathers refused to take responsibility for their children, how much worse it would be for all women. It is bad enough as it is with legal fathers refusing to pay child support. I guess the only thing that can be done in this day and age is requiring a DNA test as soon as the child is born to determine parentage from day one. The parents should have to pay for those tests though, until the day when such testing is not expensive.
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