Candace Owen's completely DESTROYS the Democrat party at today's hearing.

This woman tried to turn a serious hearing into a farce. She thinks Hitler would have been okay if he hadn't tried to conquer the world.
Like Lieu, you are misrepresenting what she said and in the context of how she said it in answer to a question she was asked.

You are every bit as much lying and engaging in attempted character assassination as Lieu was.

You try to define her, label her, minimize what she said by attempting to paint her as something she is not.

The stench of FEAR is on you as it is on the Democrats who have been brutally savaged by her truthful testimony, exposed down to the core for who and what they are, what they have always been.
Why is it that only a black woman gets to speak for any conservatives?

Why can’t white nationalists speak for themselves?
Why is it you would think that?
The headline should read "Candace Owens destroys the GOP." This woman is a embarrassment to the GOP and shows how unhinged Republicans are. Ted Lieu destroyed her by playing her statement saying Hitler would not be so bad if he hadn't tried to become a globalist, ignoring what he did to German Jews. She also lied about the GOP's southern strategy. It did exist. She is a white nationalist and they are committing more violence. The fact that the GOP attempted to turn this into a circus shows how in the grip of white nationalists they are.

If anyone wants her then they can have her. It will hasten the demise of the Trump Republican Party.
So you are missing the entire point here. The black woman is refuting your ideas so she must be a white nationalist. And a Nazi, and several other names you have for her, How about you actually come back with a response to what she said?

Is that too difficult to do for you? Or is she just another worthless coon that escaped the plantation?

Which ironically is exactly what she was talking about and how the dems treat black people,
The arrogance of the democrats has no bounds. First they try to lie about her and pretend She is a nazi. Then they lie about what she said in an attempt to shut her up. Then when the lie is exposed he shrugs and pretends that it’s no big deal

No one lied about her. She was exposed for what she is. Even though she is black, she clearly believes in white supremacy. Other than that, her testimony was garbage. Oh they are picking on me for this. They are picking on me for that. Typical Republican. In a hearing about white nationalists who have killed people, this is what the GOP has to offer.

Candace Owens is a Black White Supremacist? This has got to be a first :uhoh3:
The fact is that Republicans are more interested in seeing people remain poor. They take the side of big business over individuals. They are more interested in kicking poor people off of welfare than they are in helping people. They then crow about how many people are no longer receiving welfare. Neither party has the best interests of blacks in mind.

So the Republican party is interested in seeing people remain poor, but it's the Democrats who are ushering in unskilled low income foreign workers to compete with our poor and take their jobs. Gotcha.

We are interested in kicking people off of welfare. Welfare is servitude. There are no advancements on welfare, no employer wants to hire somebody that's been on welfare for an extended period of time, welfare is dependency and promotes laziness. Why would anybody but Democrats want to see people live this lifestyle?

Democrats work on selected groups. Republicans just believe in doing what's best for all people, because we believe Americans are all the same.
The arrogance of the democrats has no bounds. First they try to lie about her and pretend She is a nazi. Then they lie about what she said in an attempt to shut her up. Then when the lie is exposed he shrugs and pretends that it’s no big deal

No one lied about her. She was exposed for what she is. Even though she is black, she clearly believes in white supremacy. Other than that, her testimony was garbage. Oh they are picking on me for this. They are picking on me for that. Typical Republican. In a hearing about white nationalists who have killed people, this is what the GOP has to offer.
I see you never studied logic. It's not too late y'know.
That white guy next to her had to shit his pants at least 3 times. I was waiting on him to self combust and be done with it.

That was Morton Klein, economist, activist and president of Zionist Org of America. When she started talking he kept shaking his head and later couldn't find a place for his hands. I kept listening to her and watching his hands to see if they would go for her throat. He's a good, faithful Democrap. would sure beat where the hands would go if it was Joe Biden sitting next to her. :auiqs.jpg:
To be fair, Klein does have Tourette's Syndrome and his hand and body movements are almost uncontrollable. He is a brilliant man but like most brilliant people, is too dumb to be a Republican. All Dems believe their own bullshit.

Being dumb is a requirement for being a Republican. Smart and highly educated people are leaving the GOP.
To you left wing idiots only the uneducated would fight for their own decisions in life. The truly smart people would give their rights to an elected retard to dictate how they can live. Who's the dumb one here?
"Being dumb is a requirement for being a Republican. Smart and highly educated people are leaving the GOP."

Do you have a link? Oh hold on, I forgot you ARE the link, the missing one.
Being an angry, bitter, emotional, hate-driven, divisive, lying, manipulative racist has and always be a requirement to be a Socialist Democrat.

From the KKK to Antifa, from intimidation and fear to bribery, economic slavery, and racist reparations, the Democrats have fed and lived off of lies, division, fear, and hate, just as Owens stated.

The disgusting performance put on by Lieu, and now you, only further proves it...
That white guy next to her had to shit his pants at least 3 times. I was waiting on him to self combust and be done with it.

That was Morton Klein, economist, activist and president of Zionist Org of America. When she started talking he kept shaking his head and later couldn't find a place for his hands. I kept listening to her and watching his hands to see if they would go for her throat. He's a good, faithful Democrap. would sure beat where the hands would go if it was Joe Biden sitting next to her. Republicans and some Democrats.
To be fair, Klein does have Tourette's Syndrome and his hand and body movements are almost uncontrollable. He is a brilliant man but like most brilliant people, is too dumb to be a Republican. All Dems believe their own bullshit.

Being dumb is a requirement for being a Republican. Smart and highly educated people are leaving the GOP.

I didn’t know you were a Republican.

Former Republican. I wised up unlike you. You are still dumb.
The arrogance of the democrats has no bounds. First they try to lie about her and pretend She is a nazi. Then they lie about what she said in an attempt to shut her up. Then when the lie is exposed he shrugs and pretends that it’s no big deal

No one lied about her. She was exposed for what she is. Even though she is black, she clearly believes in white supremacy. Other than that, her testimony was garbage. Oh they are picking on me for this. They are picking on me for that. Typical Republican. In a hearing about white nationalists who have killed people, this is what the GOP has to offer.

Man getting deep now aren’t we? Typical Democrat, if blacks follow there are okay, however if they develop any of their own ideas then the racist Democrats cry out.
That white guy next to her had to shit his pants at least 3 times. I was waiting on him to self combust and be done with it.

That was Morton Klein, economist, activist and president of Zionist Org of America. When she started talking he kept shaking his head and later couldn't find a place for his hands. I kept listening to her and watching his hands to see if they would go for her throat. He's a good, faithful Democrap. would sure beat where the hands would go if it was Joe Biden sitting next to her. :auiqs.jpg:
To be fair, Klein does have Tourette's Syndrome and his hand and body movements are almost uncontrollable. He is a brilliant man but like most brilliant people, is too dumb to be a Republican. All Dems believe their own bullshit.

Being dumb is a requirement for being a Republican. Smart and highly educated people are leaving the GOP.

Why don't you just say people who vote Republican are deplorables? We could use another win in 2020.
The arrogance of the democrats has no bounds. First they try to lie about her and pretend She is a nazi. Then they lie about what she said in an attempt to shut her up. Then when the lie is exposed he shrugs and pretends that it’s no big deal

No one lied about her. She was exposed for what she is. Even though she is black, she clearly believes in white supremacy. Other than that, her testimony was garbage. Oh they are picking on me for this. They are picking on me for that. Typical Republican. In a hearing about white nationalists who have killed people, this is what the GOP has to offer.

Candace Owens is a Black White Supremacist? This has got to be a first :uhoh3:
...and a new low for Democrats.
I wonder why very few educated, knowledgeable, gainfully employed black American taxpayers find her message to have any merit?

What could the reason be?

Because most haven’t heard of her yet let alone her message.

That's a lie.

She's well known.

How is she well known unless you are a Fox News viewer?

I've known of her for well over a year now. Black Americans who are interested in politics are well aware of her.

Would you like me to provide you with a take on her by a black journalist who has followed her career for a long time?

You assholes are all narcissists. You think if you haven't seen something, it doesn't exist.

Oh, a black journalist followed her? And how many people heard of him?

Well if you've known about her for a year, then she must be well known. Gosh do I feel stupid now. I should have asked if you knew her before I made my comment.
The arrogance of the democrats has no bounds. First they try to lie about her and pretend She is a nazi. Then they lie about what she said in an attempt to shut her up. Then when the lie is exposed he shrugs and pretends that it’s no big deal

No one lied about her. She was exposed for what she is. Even though she is black, she clearly believes in white supremacy. Other than that, her testimony was garbage. Oh they are picking on me for this. They are picking on me for that. Typical Republican. In a hearing about white nationalists who have killed people, this is what the GOP has to offer.

That white guy next to her had to shit his pants at least 3 times. I was waiting on him to self combust and be done with it.

That was Morton Klein, economist, activist and president of Zionist Org of America. When she started talking he kept shaking his head and later couldn't find a place for his hands. I kept listening to her and watching his hands to see if they would go for her throat. He's a good, faithful Democrap. would sure beat where the hands would go if it was Joe Biden sitting next to her. :auiqs.jpg:
To be fair, Klein does have Tourette's Syndrome and his hand and body movements are almost uncontrollable. He is a brilliant man but like most brilliant people, is too dumb to be a Republican. All Dems believe their own bullshit.

Being dumb is a requirement for being a Republican. Smart and highly educated people are leaving the GOP.

"Being dumb is a requirement for being a Republican. Smart and highly educated people are leaving the GOP."

Do you have a link? Oh hold on, I forgot you ARE the link, the missing one.

"According to the American National Election Survey, white men without college degrees have consistently supported the GOP over the past two decades, while those with degrees — roughly one-fifth of the 2018 electorate — have increasingly moved toward Democrats. In 1996, when President Bill Clinton overwhelmingly won re-election, he only received 36% of the votes of white male college graduates, according to ANES. Hillary Clinton lost her race in 2016 but won 43% of them."

2018 exit polls
Are you a college graduate?
Democrat 59%
Republicans 39%

Whites by education and gender
16% Women college women Democrat 59% Republican 39%
15% White college men Republican 51% Democrat 47%

2018 midterms: EXIT POLLING | CNN
That white guy next to her had to shit his pants at least 3 times. I was waiting on him to self combust and be done with it.

That was Morton Klein, economist, activist and president of Zionist Org of America. When she started talking he kept shaking his head and later couldn't find a place for his hands. I kept listening to her and watching his hands to see if they would go for her throat. He's a good, faithful Democrap. would sure beat where the hands would go if it was Joe Biden sitting next to her. :auiqs.jpg:
To be fair, Klein does have Tourette's Syndrome and his hand and body movements are almost uncontrollable. He is a brilliant man but like most brilliant people, is too dumb to be a Republican. All Dems believe their own bullshit.

Being dumb is a requirement for being a Republican. Smart and highly educated people are leaving the GOP.
To you left wing idiots only the uneducated would fight for their own decisions in life. The truly smart people would give their rights to an elected retard to dictate how they can live. Who's the dumb one here?

You are the right wing idiot. The fact is opposing Trump does not make you left wing as moderates have left the party as well.
The arrogance of the democrats has no bounds. First they try to lie about her and pretend She is a nazi. Then they lie about what she said in an attempt to shut her up. Then when the lie is exposed he shrugs and pretends that it’s no big deal

No one lied about her. She was exposed for what she is. Even though she is black, she clearly believes in white supremacy. Other than that, her testimony was garbage. Oh they are picking on me for this. They are picking on me for that. Typical Republican. In a hearing about white nationalists who have killed people, this is what the GOP has to offer.


And to suggest that Hitler would be alright if he had stayed within German borders. That is not what I call thinking. That is white nationalism thinking. Then she lied about the GOP's southern strategy. That is not thinking either.

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