Can't be Partisan and be a Supreme Court Justice

Did Kavanaugh forget what parties he went to, who got him there, who drove him home, how he called for a ride?

Yes, this is America, and in America, you are innocent until proven guilty. In leftist America, you are guilty until proven innocent. That's why America has turned on you and will turn even more down the road. We don't want to have a justice system similar to North Korea or Cuba. That's what Democrats want.

Kavanaugh was NOT in a 'court of law' so, your shitty 'due process' argument is moot.

Kavanaugh IS experiencing a 'job interview.'

Have you ever had the opportunity for 'due process' in a job interview?

Yeah, right.

And what job interview should involve an FBI investigation? This was a hearing--not a job interview. And in a Senate hearing, you are sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. I've never been to a job interview where I had to do that. Furthermore innocent until proven guilty is the American way and has been since the founding of this country. But we all know how anti-American way the left is.

Oh, poor U.

C this thread? Have You EVER LIED on a Job Application, In a Job Interview, On your Resume?

Well, did U lie for your job?

A job interview does NOT come with 'due process' boi.

So why don't you just come out and say it? You leftists don't believe a person is innocent until proven guilty. You believe an American is guilty until proven innocent outside of a court hearing. At least you would be honest that way.

You dumb shit: a JOB INTERVIEW is NOT about innocent, nor guilty.

A job interview is about getting the best candidate that is TRUTHFUL.

God; you people are fvcking dumb.

A job interview is highly regulated by Federal and State Government.
There are questions that are not allowed by law to be asked. In the
interview setting or written on the application. When people call for references, the people they call are prohibited from answering certain
questions or willingly giving out certain information.

No one that I know has ever been required to bring their High School
Yearbook to a Job Interview so that the Interviewer could read all the
captions, hoping to find one that read..."Remember the party where we
tried to rape the homely whore."
You're wishing just a little too hard. There case before the court was about same sex legality in another state. No matter how that case turned out, it did not have a direct impact on the legality in the state she performed the ceremony in.
The Issue Is Impartiality, Ma'am....
Kavanaugh was NOT in a 'court of law' so, your shitty 'due process' argument is moot.

Kavanaugh IS experiencing a 'job interview.'

Have you ever had the opportunity for 'due process' in a job interview?

Yeah, right.

And what job interview should involve an FBI investigation? This was a hearing--not a job interview. And in a Senate hearing, you are sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. I've never been to a job interview where I had to do that. Furthermore innocent until proven guilty is the American way and has been since the founding of this country. But we all know how anti-American way the left is.

Oh, poor U.

C this thread? Have You EVER LIED on a Job Application, In a Job Interview, On your Resume?

Well, did U lie for your job?

A job interview does NOT come with 'due process' boi.

So why don't you just come out and say it? You leftists don't believe a person is innocent until proven guilty. You believe an American is guilty until proven innocent outside of a court hearing. At least you would be honest that way.

You dumb shit: a JOB INTERVIEW is NOT about innocent, nor guilty.

A job interview is about getting the best candidate that is TRUTHFUL.

God; you people are fvcking dumb.

We're dumb? A job interview does not require a Senate hearing. So yes it is about being innocent or guilty. That's why there was a Senate hearing.

However even it it was what you said, a job interview. You believe that during this "job interview" a person is guilty until proven innocent? Just come out and say it. It's all I ask. You believe that somebody making an unsubstantiated claim should have the ability to ruin an innocent persons life.

There is no way a job interview will ruin an innocent persons life.

They may, or may not get the job but gemme a break with the drama, please.
And what job interview should involve an FBI investigation? This was a hearing--not a job interview. And in a Senate hearing, you are sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. I've never been to a job interview where I had to do that. Furthermore innocent until proven guilty is the American way and has been since the founding of this country. But we all know how anti-American way the left is.

Oh, poor U.

C this thread? Have You EVER LIED on a Job Application, In a Job Interview, On your Resume?

Well, did U lie for your job?

A job interview does NOT come with 'due process' boi.

So why don't you just come out and say it? You leftists don't believe a person is innocent until proven guilty. You believe an American is guilty until proven innocent outside of a court hearing. At least you would be honest that way.

You dumb shit: a JOB INTERVIEW is NOT about innocent, nor guilty.

A job interview is about getting the best candidate that is TRUTHFUL.

God; you people are fvcking dumb.

We're dumb? A job interview does not require a Senate hearing. So yes it is about being innocent or guilty. That's why there was a Senate hearing.

However even it it was what you said, a job interview. You believe that during this "job interview" a person is guilty until proven innocent? Just come out and say it. It's all I ask. You believe that somebody making an unsubstantiated claim should have the ability to ruin an innocent persons life.

There is no way a job interview will ruin an innocent persons life.

They may, or may not get the job but gemme a break with the drama, please.

His life is ruined even if he gets confirmed. Such an allegation will be over his head for many years to come. Any ruling he makes against the liberal agenda will resurface this claim in the media. For crying out loud, your people won't even let ours eat in a restaurant in peace just because they hold an anti-Communist position.
Kavanaugh was NOT in a 'court of law' so, your shitty 'due process' argument is moot.

Kavanaugh IS experiencing a 'job interview.'

Have you ever had the opportunity for 'due process' in a job interview?

Yeah, right.

And what job interview should involve an FBI investigation? This was a hearing--not a job interview. And in a Senate hearing, you are sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. I've never been to a job interview where I had to do that. Furthermore innocent until proven guilty is the American way and has been since the founding of this country. But we all know how anti-American way the left is.

Oh, poor U.

C this thread? Have You EVER LIED on a Job Application, In a Job Interview, On your Resume?

Well, did U lie for your job?

A job interview does NOT come with 'due process' boi.

So why don't you just come out and say it? You leftists don't believe a person is innocent until proven guilty. You believe an American is guilty until proven innocent outside of a court hearing. At least you would be honest that way.

You dumb shit: a JOB INTERVIEW is NOT about innocent, nor guilty.

A job interview is about getting the best candidate that is TRUTHFUL.

God; you people are fvcking dumb.

A job interview is highly regulated by Federal and State Government.
There are questions that are not allowed by law to be asked. In the
interview setting or written on the application. When people call for references, the people they call are prohibited from answering certain
questions or willingly giving out certain information.

No one that I know has ever been required to bring their High School
Yearbook to a Job Interview so that the Interviewer could read all the
captions, hoping to find one that read..."Remember the party where we
tried to rape the homely whore."

How many Americans interview for a SCOTUS justice seat? :206:

You seem to be a bit dim.
Next will be their temper tantrums as toddlers.
Maybe we should start holding our politicians accountable for everything they’ve done when they were kids. We should also start accusing them of being sexual predators whenever someone makes that accusation

Its now standard operating procedure for the Supreme Court to ask for their yearbooks and Permanent Record from school, and detailed history of their alcohol and drug use in school as well as their sexual experiences will be questioned in Embarrassing Detail.

If a prospective Supreme Justice ever snuck a smoke between classes in school, it will be grounds for rejection.
We already know what Ginsburg thinks of the president. She told us more than a year ago that she "can't imagine what the country would be . . . with Donald Trump as our president." Facing criticism for her apparent endorsement of Hillary Clinton and her attacks on Trump, Ginsburg doubled down, emphasizing in a CNN interview: "He is a faker." She then went on "point by point, as if presenting a legal brief," the CNN analyst said.

Still, the Code of Conduct for U.S. judges states that a judge shall not "make speeches for a political organization or candidate, or publicly endorse or oppose a candidate for public office," and it sure looks like Ginsburg violated that provision. The code also insists that judges avoid "impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all activities." Technically, the code does not apply to the Supreme Court, but Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. has assured us that he and his fellow justices follow it.

Opinion | Justice Ginsburg has some explaining to do

"He is a faker," she said of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, going point by point, as if presenting a legal brief. "He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. ... How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that."

Acknowledging her own age and that Justices Anthony Kennedy and Stephen Breyer will turn 80 and 78, respectively, Ginsburg said of the possible next president: "She is bound to have a few appointments (to the Supreme Court) in her term."

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a 'faker,' he says she should resign - CNNPolitics

You were saying democrats?

Wouldn't it be nice if justices were appointed in a non-partisan manner too?

If you appoint them in a partisan manner, they will be partisan. The Supreme Court is so partisan it's ridiculous.
Be even nicer if they followed the US Constitution
Maybe we should start holding our politicians accountable for everything they’ve done when they were kids. We should also start accusing them of being sexual predators whenever someone makes that accusation

All judicial committee members to undergo an FBI investigation to make sure the senators confirming SC nominees are not lowlife lying scum.
Oh, poor U.

C this thread? Have You EVER LIED on a Job Application, In a Job Interview, On your Resume?

Well, did U lie for your job?

A job interview does NOT come with 'due process' boi.

So why don't you just come out and say it? You leftists don't believe a person is innocent until proven guilty. You believe an American is guilty until proven innocent outside of a court hearing. At least you would be honest that way.

You dumb shit: a JOB INTERVIEW is NOT about innocent, nor guilty.

A job interview is about getting the best candidate that is TRUTHFUL.

God; you people are fvcking dumb.

We're dumb? A job interview does not require a Senate hearing. So yes it is about being innocent or guilty. That's why there was a Senate hearing.

However even it it was what you said, a job interview. You believe that during this "job interview" a person is guilty until proven innocent? Just come out and say it. It's all I ask. You believe that somebody making an unsubstantiated claim should have the ability to ruin an innocent persons life.

There is no way a job interview will ruin an innocent persons life.

They may, or may not get the job but gemme a break with the drama, please.

His life is ruined even if he gets confirmed. Such an allegation will be over his head for many years to come. Any ruling he makes against the liberal agenda will resurface this claim in the media. For crying out loud, your people won't even let ours eat in a restaurant in peace just because they hold an anti-Communist position.

Sorry Bubba but I DON'T HAVE any of "your people"

I haven't voted for a major party candidate for POTUS in nearly four decades.

That is the whole goddamn problem with this fucked up nation.

Nearly everyone believes they only have one of two choices; NOT me.

So, take your "your people" and stuff it 'cause I aint got any.
Kav isn't a mere partisan .. He's a HYPER-Partisan on steroids.
Everyone has political opinions.
But political OPERATIVES such as he (worked with KennyBoy Starr against Clintons and YEARS in the Bush White House) aren't fit.
Ginsberg Was A Director At The ACLU

The ACLU fights for the civil liberties for everybody. If you didn't want to take those civil liberties away, you wouldn't see them as an enemy.

It's amazing that so many around these parts who obviously have such deep interest in politics, know so little about how things work.
Their are tens if not hundreds of thousands of conservatives who are card carrying members of the ACLU.
Irrelevant what-about-isms are becoming especially tiresome
So why don't you just come out and say it? You leftists don't believe a person is innocent until proven guilty. You believe an American is guilty until proven innocent outside of a court hearing. At least you would be honest that way.

You dumb shit: a JOB INTERVIEW is NOT about innocent, nor guilty.

A job interview is about getting the best candidate that is TRUTHFUL.

God; you people are fvcking dumb.

We're dumb? A job interview does not require a Senate hearing. So yes it is about being innocent or guilty. That's why there was a Senate hearing.

However even it it was what you said, a job interview. You believe that during this "job interview" a person is guilty until proven innocent? Just come out and say it. It's all I ask. You believe that somebody making an unsubstantiated claim should have the ability to ruin an innocent persons life.

There is no way a job interview will ruin an innocent persons life.

They may, or may not get the job but gemme a break with the drama, please.

His life is ruined even if he gets confirmed. Such an allegation will be over his head for many years to come. Any ruling he makes against the liberal agenda will resurface this claim in the media. For crying out loud, your people won't even let ours eat in a restaurant in peace just because they hold an anti-Communist position.

Sorry Bubba but I DON'T HAVE any of "your people"

I haven't voted for a major party candidate for POTUS in nearly four decades.

That is the whole goddamn problem with this fucked up nation.

Nearly everyone believes they only have one of two choices; NOT me.

So, take your "your people" and stuff it 'cause I aint got any.

Sure you do. You are a member of a long list of so-called Independents who constantly side with the Democrats, but refuse to admit what you really are. Trust me, you are a leftist. I've been following politics for far to long for you to tell me differently.
We already know what Ginsburg thinks of the president. She told us more than a year ago that she "can't imagine what the country would be . . . with Donald Trump as our president." Facing criticism for her apparent endorsement of Hillary Clinton and her attacks on Trump, Ginsburg doubled down, emphasizing in a CNN interview: "He is a faker." She then went on "point by point, as if presenting a legal brief," the CNN analyst said.

Still, the Code of Conduct for U.S. judges states that a judge shall not "make speeches for a political organization or candidate, or publicly endorse or oppose a candidate for public office," and it sure looks like Ginsburg violated that provision. The code also insists that judges avoid "impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all activities." Technically, the code does not apply to the Supreme Court, but Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. has assured us that he and his fellow justices follow it.

Opinion | Justice Ginsburg has some explaining to do

"He is a faker," she said of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, going point by point, as if presenting a legal brief. "He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. ... How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that."

Acknowledging her own age and that Justices Anthony Kennedy and Stephen Breyer will turn 80 and 78, respectively, Ginsburg said of the possible next president: "She is bound to have a few appointments (to the Supreme Court) in her term."

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a 'faker,' he says she should resign - CNNPolitics

You were saying democrats?

Wouldn't it be nice if justices were appointed in a non-partisan manner too?

If you appoint them in a partisan manner, they will be partisan. The Supreme Court is so partisan it's ridiculous.

not so much partisan as conservative and liberal. but that's nothing new, its naïve to think it is.
So why don't you just come out and say it? You leftists don't believe a person is innocent until proven guilty. You believe an American is guilty until proven innocent outside of a court hearing. At least you would be honest that way.

You dumb shit: a JOB INTERVIEW is NOT about innocent, nor guilty.

A job interview is about getting the best candidate that is TRUTHFUL.

God; you people are fvcking dumb.

We're dumb? A job interview does not require a Senate hearing. So yes it is about being innocent or guilty. That's why there was a Senate hearing.

However even it it was what you said, a job interview. You believe that during this "job interview" a person is guilty until proven innocent? Just come out and say it. It's all I ask. You believe that somebody making an unsubstantiated claim should have the ability to ruin an innocent persons life.

There is no way a job interview will ruin an innocent persons life.

They may, or may not get the job but gemme a break with the drama, please.

His life is ruined even if he gets confirmed. Such an allegation will be over his head for many years to come. Any ruling he makes against the liberal agenda will resurface this claim in the media. For crying out loud, your people won't even let ours eat in a restaurant in peace just because they hold an anti-Communist position.

Sorry Bubba but I DON'T HAVE any of "your people"

I haven't voted for a major party candidate for POTUS in nearly four decades.

That is the whole goddamn problem with this fucked up nation.

Nearly everyone believes they only have one of two choices; NOT me.

So, take your "your people" and stuff it 'cause I aint got any.

so you make it a habit of wasting your vote, How brilliant.
We already know what Ginsburg thinks of the president. She told us more than a year ago that she "can't imagine what the country would be . . . with Donald Trump as our president." Facing criticism for her apparent endorsement of Hillary Clinton and her attacks on Trump, Ginsburg doubled down, emphasizing in a CNN interview: "He is a faker." She then went on "point by point, as if presenting a legal brief," the CNN analyst said.

Still, the Code of Conduct for U.S. judges states that a judge shall not "make speeches for a political organization or candidate, or publicly endorse or oppose a candidate for public office," and it sure looks like Ginsburg violated that provision. The code also insists that judges avoid "impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all activities." Technically, the code does not apply to the Supreme Court, but Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. has assured us that he and his fellow justices follow it.

Opinion | Justice Ginsburg has some explaining to do

"He is a faker," she said of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, going point by point, as if presenting a legal brief. "He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. ... How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that."

Acknowledging her own age and that Justices Anthony Kennedy and Stephen Breyer will turn 80 and 78, respectively, Ginsburg said of the possible next president: "She is bound to have a few appointments (to the Supreme Court) in her term."

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a 'faker,' he says she should resign - CNNPolitics

You were saying democrats?

Wouldn't it be nice if justices were appointed in a non-partisan manner too?

If you appoint them in a partisan manner, they will be partisan. The Supreme Court is so partisan it's ridiculous.
Be even nicer if they followed the US Constitution

Well they would if there were less partisan nonsense going on, and appointments were made in a non-partisan manner.
Their are tens if not hundreds of thousands of conservatives who are card carrying members of the ACLU.
Irrelevant what-about-isms are becoming especially tiresome

If someone supports the ACLU radical left program of Anti-Life activism and gun grabbing, they aren't a "conservative"
And what job interview should involve an FBI investigation? This was a hearing--not a job interview. And in a Senate hearing, you are sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. I've never been to a job interview where I had to do that. Furthermore innocent until proven guilty is the American way and has been since the founding of this country. But we all know how anti-American way the left is.

Oh, poor U.

C this thread? Have You EVER LIED on a Job Application, In a Job Interview, On your Resume?

Well, did U lie for your job?

A job interview does NOT come with 'due process' boi.

So why don't you just come out and say it? You leftists don't believe a person is innocent until proven guilty. You believe an American is guilty until proven innocent outside of a court hearing. At least you would be honest that way.

You dumb shit: a JOB INTERVIEW is NOT about innocent, nor guilty.

A job interview is about getting the best candidate that is TRUTHFUL.

God; you people are fvcking dumb.

We're dumb? A job interview does not require a Senate hearing. So yes it is about being innocent or guilty. That's why there was a Senate hearing.

However even it it was what you said, a job interview. You believe that during this "job interview" a person is guilty until proven innocent? Just come out and say it. It's all I ask. You believe that somebody making an unsubstantiated claim should have the ability to ruin an innocent persons life.

There is no way a job interview will ruin an innocent persons life.

They may, or may not get the job but gemme a break with the drama, please.
The Democrats on the committee didn't do a job interview. They ran a smear campaign. Big difference.
We already know what Ginsburg thinks of the president. She told us more than a year ago that she "can't imagine what the country would be . . . with Donald Trump as our president." Facing criticism for her apparent endorsement of Hillary Clinton and her attacks on Trump, Ginsburg doubled down, emphasizing in a CNN interview: "He is a faker." She then went on "point by point, as if presenting a legal brief," the CNN analyst said.

Still, the Code of Conduct for U.S. judges states that a judge shall not "make speeches for a political organization or candidate, or publicly endorse or oppose a candidate for public office," and it sure looks like Ginsburg violated that provision. The code also insists that judges avoid "impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all activities." Technically, the code does not apply to the Supreme Court, but Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. has assured us that he and his fellow justices follow it.

Opinion | Justice Ginsburg has some explaining to do

"He is a faker," she said of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, going point by point, as if presenting a legal brief. "He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. ... How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that."

Acknowledging her own age and that Justices Anthony Kennedy and Stephen Breyer will turn 80 and 78, respectively, Ginsburg said of the possible next president: "She is bound to have a few appointments (to the Supreme Court) in her term."

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a 'faker,' he says she should resign - CNNPolitics

You were saying democrats?

Wouldn't it be nice if justices were appointed in a non-partisan manner too?

If you appoint them in a partisan manner, they will be partisan. The Supreme Court is so partisan it's ridiculous.
Be even nicer if they followed the US Constitution

Well they would if there were less partisan nonsense going on, and appointments were made in a non-partisan manner.
Appointments are always made in a partisan manner. The President appoints and the office of the President is a political partisan office. Reality check......
There is no way a job interview will ruin an innocent persons life.

They may, or may not get the job but gemme a break with the drama, please.

The Democrats are trying to destroy Judge Kavanaugh's life and reputation, they aren't just trying to defeat him on a confirmation vote much less give him a fair "job interview".

The D's strategery is twofold. One, even if Kavanaugh is confirmed, make sure that other qualified people think twice when offered a presidential appointment.

Two, they hope to delay Kav past the midterms, and if they win the Senate, don't confirm any more of the President's appointments for as long as they keep power.
Can't be a 'beer' drunk, stumbling around, forgetting shit, raping 15 year olds, and be a SCOTUS justice.

Oh; this is America. I guess you CAN!!!

Did Kavanaugh forget what parties he went to, who got him there, who drove him home, how he called for a ride?

Yes, this is America, and in America, you are innocent until proven guilty. In leftist America, you are guilty until proven innocent. That's why America has turned on you and will turn even more down the road. We don't want to have a justice system similar to North Korea or Cuba. That's what Democrats want.

Kavanaugh was NOT in a 'court of law' so, your shitty 'due process' argument is moot.

Kavanaugh IS experiencing a 'job interview.'

Have you ever had the opportunity for 'due process' in a job interview?

Yeah, right.

Kavanaugh should show proper judicial temperament and tell the Senators making such absurd accusations about Kav's adolescence to "Zip it" and Judge Judy would tell them.
We already know what Ginsburg thinks of the president. She told us more than a year ago that she "can't imagine what the country would be . . . with Donald Trump as our president." Facing criticism for her apparent endorsement of Hillary Clinton and her attacks on Trump, Ginsburg doubled down, emphasizing in a CNN interview: "He is a faker." She then went on "point by point, as if presenting a legal brief," the CNN analyst said.

Still, the Code of Conduct for U.S. judges states that a judge shall not "make speeches for a political organization or candidate, or publicly endorse or oppose a candidate for public office," and it sure looks like Ginsburg violated that provision. The code also insists that judges avoid "impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all activities." Technically, the code does not apply to the Supreme Court, but Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. has assured us that he and his fellow justices follow it.

Opinion | Justice Ginsburg has some explaining to do

"He is a faker," she said of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, going point by point, as if presenting a legal brief. "He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. ... How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that."

Acknowledging her own age and that Justices Anthony Kennedy and Stephen Breyer will turn 80 and 78, respectively, Ginsburg said of the possible next president: "She is bound to have a few appointments (to the Supreme Court) in her term."

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a 'faker,' he says she should resign - CNNPolitics

You were saying democrats?

Wouldn't it be nice if justices were appointed in a non-partisan manner too?

If you appoint them in a partisan manner, they will be partisan. The Supreme Court is so partisan it's ridiculous.
Be even nicer if they followed the US Constitution

Well they would if there were less partisan nonsense going on, and appointments were made in a non-partisan manner.

when has that ever been the case? Were Sotomayor and Kagan non partisan? duh, no.

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