Can’t Win at the Voting Booth, Take it to Court!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This is what the Dimbocraps are turning this nation into. No longer a place where the voice of the people counts. They refuse to accept their loses and turn to Democratic-appointed judges to enforce their minority views.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) signed into law Sunday a bill that prohibits localities from enacting or following “sanctuary” policies and establishes criminal and civil penalties for officials who do not comply.

Abbott, who gave no advance notice of the event, signed the piece of legislation into law via Facebook Live. The legislation, which goes into effect Sept. 1, forces Texas officials to comply with federal immigration laws and agents by honoring detention requests or face misdemeanor charges and fines up to $25,000 per day that they violate the law. Non-compliant officials also face removal from their posts if they continue to defy the law.

The bill also stipulates that law enforcement officials can inquire about anyone’s immigration status if they are detained.

This means a majority of the state legislature approved this law and sent it to the governor to sign. So, what does the opposition do?

Democratic lawmakers and pro-illegal immigrant rights activists were, unsurprisingly, quick to pan the new law and threaten legal action against it.

Story @ Texas Implements Major ‘Sanctuary’ Crackdown
Both sides do it genius! Obama was thwarted, sued, and stymied all too often by lawsuits against him, his EO, or a policy! Spare me the victimhood! After what Republicans put Obama through, I better not ever hear any BS about respecting the office! Nothing and no one was spared in the repeated acts of disrespect! Of course he'd never lower himself into the gutter where Trump resides with his party of sleaze! :banghead: :blahblah::bs1: :lame2: :poop::nono: :talktothehand:
what about setting up lemonade stands? the left hates that! those damn kids are making too much money and not sharing it with the poor !!!!!
Regarding the Texas law I believe the majority opinion written by Antonin Scalia that outlawed a portion of the Obamacare bill does likely fit in this situation as well. Probably will find out when they impose this on somebody and either Texas stands down or a court ruling decides it one way or other.

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