Zone1 Capital Punishment is Wrong!

Capital Punishment is Barbaric

The problem is that some individuals are so dangerous, there isn't a valid choice. No breachproof prison has ever been built, and never will be.

And of course, the protection of fellow inmates as well as prison staff is very important to, if the condemned are locked up as well. If your dad was doing time for ripping mattress tags, do you really want him sharing a cell with Jeff Dahmer?

Would you want to be out on the yard as a CO or another inmate at the same time as Ted Bundy or El Chapo?

I don't think so.

I guess permanent solitary incarceration is an idea, but that sounds pretty barbaric as well.
Most of the states and most of the civilized world has moved beyond eye for an eye retribution.

Not US Conservatives and not Muslims

If you are comparing the United States of America to Muslims then you are no better off than the MAGAts.
America rarely uses it as well.
There were 18 executed in 2022 … but 2,414 on death row.

My issue with the death penalty is not because of any sanctity of human life, but because it is inherently unjust in how it is applied, and innocent people have been executed.
There were 18 executed in 2022 … but 2,414 on death row.

My issue with the death penalty is not because of any sanctity of human life, but because it is inherently unjust in how it is applied, and innocent people have been executed.

Trump executed 13 in six months
Another reason to ban the Death Penalty

Blood Thirsty President

Trump was hardly "blood thirsty".

These are people who were condemned before he got in. Obama agreed with the death penalty for them too, otherwise he would have commuted their sentences.
Trump was hardly "blood thirsty".

Trump ordered the most executions in 120 years and the first federal execution in 17 years

He pushed his last one through just five days before Biden took office

Another reason we should ban the death penalty. Rather than being based on objective criteria, it is based on how blood thirsty the Chief Executive is

Trump ordered the most executions in 120 years and the first federal execution in 17 years

He pushed his last one through just five days before Biden took office

Another reason we should ban the death penalty. Rather than being based on objective criteria, it is based on how blood thirsty the Chief Executive is

The Trumpster didn't sentence anyone to death- he only finished the work of his predecessors.

I don't think Sleepy Joe has done the work of having anyone executed, even though he has been in office for more than 2 years. But he hasn't excused or pardoned any of the condemned either. Looks pretty fucking lazy to me, the worst of both worlds. If Biden doesn't think the electric chair is "civilized", he should unplug it and swing open the doors of death row- instead of allowing the sword of Damocles to continue to hang over these men's heads. That's what is really cruel .
If Biden doesn't think the electric chair is "civilized", he should unplug it and swing open the doors of death row- instead of allowing the sword of Damocles to continue to hang over these men's heads. That's what is really cruel .

Before he leaves office, expect Biden to do exactly that.
After the bloodthirsty rampage of Trump before he left office, Biden will not risk another Republican President.

His final act as President will be to pardon all Federal Death Row inmates
Before he leaves office, expect Biden to do exactly that.
After the bloodthirsty rampage of Trump before he left office, Biden will not risk another Republican President.

His final act as President will be to pardon all Federal Death Row inmates

Why wait until his final day in office? Why not just do it now instead of keeping people on the edge of their seats? Why doesn't he release Tsarnaev and the others under penalty of death BEFORE the election and let the people know?

(You don't have to answer- we know that Sleepy Joe is a coward)
Why wait until his final day in office? Why not just do it now instead of keeping people on the edge of their seats? Why doesn't he release Tsarnaev and the others under penalty of death BEFORE the election and let the people know?

(You don't have to answer- we know that Sleepy Joe is a coward)

Biden doesn’t have to pardon all federal death row prisoner now
He will just refuse to sign Death Warrants like other Democratic Presidents before him

But he will not risk another Trump execution rampage

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