Capitol rioter gets 5 years, longest sentence yet

He could’ve stopped lying that got this man in prison in the first place.

No one has proven Trump lied as corruption has been discovered. Trump also held no gun to Palmer's head. I know Democrats and snowflakes have no clue what 'personal accountability' means - especially since Biden continues to blame everyone for his failures, like Hillary has returned from 'the dead' to do again - but they should look it up & educate themselves.
He said it himself. Look at you. When reality doesn't align with your cumtism, you just insist reality isn't real. Sad and childish.
Others, like Palmer needs to, need to accept the fact that he committed a crime and deserves to be held accountable.

Democrats are really good at making sure OTHERS are held accountable for THEIR crimes.
Others, like Palmer needs to, need to accept the fact that he committed a crime and deserves to be held accountable
He did that. Loud and clear. He didn't suggest the orange pile of shit go to jail instead of him. He just places some blame on the orange pile of shit for abusing his station by telling so many embarrassing and dangerous lies.
Uneven Justice will fail and the dems will pay politically....why do we have a GOP majority on the Supreme Court?...because people are waking up to the two level justice system the dems have put together over the last 10 years.....and we ain't having any of it....MAGA in 24....
The guy who murdered half a dozen people at a Christmas parade in Wisconsin had a arm long rap sheet and was a registered child molester and out on bail for a violent crime. The poor bastard who had no criminal record but sprayed a fire extinguisher at Capital Cops gets five years.
Dude seriously step away from the computer and call your doctor or speak with your caregiver. You arent acting normal.
Try answering the question dancing boy. Seems NONE of you leftards can answer a simple question. Of course brain dead’s like g0000 and Coyote approve of running away from that too,
The insurrection at the Capitol was unprecedented. No one could have expected such a thing to happen.
Hey dummy, they knew for 2 weeks something could happen. Pisslosi refused the offered security. Seems SHE knew something was up....
Millions of Americans have been receiving that treatment for decades. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad that you have been ignorant of that fact.
Ignorant describes you perfectly rube. The warden of the jail where these people are being held without bail bragged about refusing to let Republicans examine conditions there. Which have been shown to be horrid. Keep swinging and missing...
Ignorant describes you perfectly rube. The warden of the jail where these people are being held without bail bragged about refusing to let Republicans examine conditions there. Which have been shown to be horrid. Keep swinging and missing...
It is so sad you tards are only just now discovering the horrible conditions of our jails and horrible treatment of our prisoners.

Seriously. How have you been this ignorant for so long?

I would say that this new discovery by you tards is the silver lining of 1/6, but I know you will go right back to ignoring the problem and won't support any prison reform programs.

MTG's histrionics over the 1/6 insurrectionists is theater for you rubes. She doesn't actually give a flying fuck about the 1/6 inmates.
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It is so sad you tards are only just now discovering the horrible conditions of our jails and horrible treatment of our prisoners.

Seriously. How have you been this ignorant for so long?
Well dumbfuck, I’ll just embarrass you again. Unlike people like you, I’ve never been arrested or gone to prison. I’ve seen the insides of prisons doing research and most of them are decent condition. Sorry, prison is no time supposed to be a country club. Seems you libtards run things into the ground. No surprise for a party of ignorant racists like you. It’s a wonder you remember to breathe.
If MTG did give a fuck about the 1/6 insurrectionists, she'd be criticizing Trump for leading these credulous rubes to their doom.

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