Carbonite CEO admits dropping Limbaugh hurt growth more than expected


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Remember how the left was going to destroy Limbaugh?? LOL, he is still here tormenting liberals and Carbonite? Better change their name.

Carbonite CEO admits dropping Limbaugh hurt growth more than expected

» Carbonite CEO admits dropping Limbaugh hurt growth more than expected - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

Carbonite famously dropped Rush Limbaugh on a Saturday Night at the height of the Sandra Fluke controversy. Carbonite became the poster child for the Rush boycott movement organized by Media Matters, which coordinated the effort with so-called independent groups.

At the time I examined Carbonite’s SEC filings, and how Carbonite had built its business model based on high growth driven, in significant part, by the promotion of Carbonite by Limbaugh. I predicted that Carbonite had shot itself in the foot, and put political correctness before the interests of its shareholders.

Since that time the Stop Rush effort has imploded, with backstabbing and accusations among the participants. Limbaugh has had better numbers than ever, and the hype surrounding Mike Huckabee as a Limbaugh replacement has gone flat.

Yet what became of Carbonite?

On August 1 Carbonite released its 2d Quarter 2012 results, the first full quarter after dropping Limbaugh in March. The results shocked Wall Street, as Carbonite did not meet its growth targets, causing multiple analysts to drop the target price. The stock dropped 15% in a day. (h/t reader W)

Most important, in a conference call held on August 1, the CEO David Friend admitted that dropping Limbaugh damaged Carbonite’s growth, and is likely to do so for at least one or two more quarters.
Good, let that be a lesson to them.
If the man's audience is good enough to earn them piles of revenue on it might also be good enough to remain loyal to those who support his freedom of speech.
Like I said in an earlier post.
Rush's pimp hand is strong....
Many have tried to take on El Rushbo.
They have all failed.

“If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen”

Barack Hussein Obama

LOL, sounds like the obamabots claiming his economic disaster would be even worse had he not caused it. Too funny.

Yeah carbonite can make any claim they want the proof is in the numbers. They made a bad choice.

Sounds lie some retard got caught pulling things way out of context and lying about the meaning again.

Actually, the numbers would offer up no proof at all without a control set to prove that their revenue would have been better had they stayed. there is absolutely no proof to claim that staying would have helped them at all.
How bad was it for the advertisers that stayed? The answer is, not at all. Carbonite intends to eat a few sour grapes.

LOL, sounds like the obamabots claiming his economic disaster would be even worse had he not caused it. Too funny.

Yeah carbonite can make any claim they want the proof is in the numbers. They made a bad choice.

Sounds lie some retard got caught pulling things way out of context and lying about the meaning again.

Actually, the numbers would offer up no proof at all without a control set to prove that their revenue would have been better had they stayed. there is absolutely no proof to claim that staying would have helped them at all.

Meanwhile there seems to be concrete proof that being pussies hurt their bottom line.
two things.

first if i were advertising a product for morons, or looking to have the LCD buy my product Rush would be a great advertising asset considering he has his finger on the pulse of the LCD of america. Yes you heard me Rush is probably one of the best cable TV news and talk radio advertisers for hitting mass numbers of completely retarded people so if you have a product for the dumb ass masses Rush is your man, and Rupert murdoch companies are one of your advertising friends. Money from idiots is the same as money from smart people as Chi fil a recently found out.

The second thing is I have to wonder about the actual market and the fall off. From what I now about carbonite it is an online storage area for backup of your computer files and files you want to have access to from anywhere you can get a connection. I cannot say the falloff has a lot to do with Rush. First off their is a massive switch to how mobile computing is done in the same time as this whole controversy. There has been introductions like the Apple cloud and mobile access to date for multiple devices by smartphones and tablet makers. On top of that there has been a huge drop in mobile HD technology costs and the ability to bring your data anywhere on massive portable HDs. Things like the cloud and mobile HD technology are direct alternatives to carbonite not cost effective and available until recently. Carbonite would be pointlessly repetative to the people who now use smart phone technologies to share their data between devices. You couple that with data caps being installed HS home and business service, and the costly nature of off network downloads for wireless customers who go over their data limits and carbonite has actually become a piss poor service for doing what it does. It maes much more sense for carbonite to blame it's failings on a bad advertising campaign to strengthen confidence in it's future rather than to admit it's market failings are due to a shift in technology that it has not followed which is making it's service rather pointless and overly expensive to use.

But don't let things like knowledge of the market viability of the product get in your way. I am sure that Rush is not just the head of the republican bullshit machine, but he also makes sales for technology despite it's rather uselessness. Don't worry about the fact that certain residential routers can now offer nationwide access to your home data through your HS network via the installing of a network available shared USB 3 HD that you can set up to access remotely for any of your machines. In other words I can do everything carbonite can do without paying another monthly fee, and i do not run the risk of the carbonite people allowing other companies to scan my data because i do not own the machinery it is stored on.
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two things.

first if i were advertising a product for morons, or looking to have the LCD buy my product Rush would be a great advertising asset considering he has his finger on the pulse of the LCD of america. Yes you heard me Rush is probably one of the best cable TV news and talk radio advertisers for hitting mass numbers of completely retarded people so if you have a product for the dumb ass masses Rush is your man, and Rupert murdoch companies are one of your advertising friends. Money from idiots is the same as money from smart people as Chi fil a recently found out.

The second thing is I have to wonder about the actual market and the fall off. From what I now about carbonite it is an online storage area for backup of your computer files and files you want to have access to from anywhere you can get a connection. I cannot say the falloff has a lot to do with Rush. First off their is a massive switch to how mobile computing is done in the same time as this whole controversy. There has been introductions like the Apple cloud and mobile access to date for multiple devices by smartphones and tablet makers. On top of that there has been a huge drop in mobile HD technology costs and the ability to bring your data anywhere on massive portable HDs. Things like the cloud and mobile HD technology are direct alternatives to carbonite not cost effective and available until recently. Carbonite would be pointlessly repetative to the people who now use smart phone technologies to share their data between devices. You couple that with data caps being installed HS home and business service, and the costly nature of off network downloads for wireless customers who go over their data limits and carbonite has actually become a piss poor service for doing what it does. It maes much more sense for carbonite to blame it's failings on a bad advertising campaign to strengthen confidence in it's future rather than to admit it's market failings are due to a shift in technology that it has not followed which is making it's service rather pointless and overly expensive to use.

But don't let things lie knowledge of the market viability of the product get in your way. I am sure that Rush is not just the head of the republican bullshit machine, but he also makes sales for technology despite it's rather uselessness. Don't worry about the fact that certain residential routers can now offer nationwide access to your home data through your HS network via the installing of a network available shared USB 3 HD that you can set up to access remotely for any of your machines. In other words I can do everything carbonite can do without paying another monthly fee, and i do not run the risk of the carbonite people allowing other companies to scan my data because i do not own the machinery it is stored on.

In other words, everyone with whom you disagree is "retarded".
...How utterly convincing...
LOL, sounds like the obamabots claiming his economic disaster would be even worse had he not caused it. Too funny.

Yeah carbonite can make any claim they want the proof is in the numbers. They made a bad choice.

Sounds lie some retard got caught pulling things way out of context and lying about the meaning again.

Actually, the numbers would offer up no proof at all without a control set to prove that their revenue would have been better had they stayed. there is absolutely no proof to claim that staying would have helped them at all.

Meanwhile there seems to be concrete proof that being pussies hurt their bottom line.

Evidence, i see no evidence of anything other than the idiocy of the rushtards thinking Rush is infallible. But if I ever want to buy cheap ass gold from dumbass rightwingers I do now where to advertise.
two things.

first if i were advertising a product for morons, or looking to have the LCD buy my product Rush would be a great advertising asset considering he has his finger on the pulse of the LCD of america. Yes you heard me Rush is probably one of the best cable TV news and talk radio advertisers for hitting mass numbers of completely retarded people so if you have a product for the dumb ass masses Rush is your man, and Rupert murdoch companies are one of your advertising friends. Money from idiots is the same as money from smart people as Chi fil a recently found out.

The second thing is I have to wonder about the actual market and the fall off. From what I now about carbonite it is an online storage area for backup of your computer files and files you want to have access to from anywhere you can get a connection. I cannot say the falloff has a lot to do with Rush. First off their is a massive switch to how mobile computing is done in the same time as this whole controversy. There has been introductions like the Apple cloud and mobile access to date for multiple devices by smartphones and tablet makers. On top of that there has been a huge drop in mobile HD technology costs and the ability to bring your data anywhere on massive portable HDs. Things like the cloud and mobile HD technology are direct alternatives to carbonite not cost effective and available until recently. Carbonite would be pointlessly repetative to the people who now use smart phone technologies to share their data between devices. You couple that with data caps being installed HS home and business service, and the costly nature of off network downloads for wireless customers who go over their data limits and carbonite has actually become a piss poor service for doing what it does. It maes much more sense for carbonite to blame it's failings on a bad advertising campaign to strengthen confidence in it's future rather than to admit it's market failings are due to a shift in technology that it has not followed which is making it's service rather pointless and overly expensive to use.

But don't let things lie knowledge of the market viability of the product get in your way. I am sure that Rush is not just the head of the republican bullshit machine, but he also makes sales for technology despite it's rather uselessness. Don't worry about the fact that certain residential routers can now offer nationwide access to your home data through your HS network via the installing of a network available shared USB 3 HD that you can set up to access remotely for any of your machines. In other words I can do everything carbonite can do without paying another monthly fee, and i do not run the risk of the carbonite people allowing other companies to scan my data because i do not own the machinery it is stored on.

In other words, everyone with whom you disagree is "retarded".
...How utterly convincing...

In other words you cannot rebutt my flawless argument and whine lie a retard. good to know.

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