Carl Bernstein: Donald Trump’s Disdain For Facts Worse Than Nixon

Who declares the "facts" that Trump is ignoring? Yes, it is the anti-Trump establishment and its foolish slaves.

Pro fact = anti-Trump.

You can be for one, you can be for the other, but they are so mutually exclusive you can't be for both unless you are on Trump's payroll.

Donald Trump's file

Kurt Eichenwald on Twitter

Kurt EichenwaldVerified account ‏@kurteichenwald Dec 9

Ok, now I'm being told I'm wrong again on who was booing and why. Let's say this: It had nothing to do with Glenn. I was in error.

Pro fact = anti Trump, bawahahahahahaahaha
This lefting loon got caught making shit up again. Keep believing your fake news.
Who declares the "facts" that Trump is ignoring? Yes, it is the anti-Trump establishment and its foolish slaves.
trump nazis sure get existential as they bend over backwards to defend their orange fuhrer...What are facts anyway, what is truth? Do we deceive the other by means of the truth itself? In a universe in which all are looking for the true face beneath the mask is the best way to lead them astray, to wear the mask of truth itself?
So cute! So get rid of your mask and face the truth of what a President Hillary would have meant for the US and the entire world.
what you mean like the last 8 years of obama?
Even worse!
Who declares the "facts" that Trump is ignoring? Yes, it is the anti-Trump establishment and its foolish slaves.
trump nazis sure get existential as they bend over backwards to defend their orange fuhrer...What are facts anyway, what is truth? Do we deceive the other by means of the truth itself? In a universe in which all are looking for the true face beneath the mask is the best way to lead them astray, to wear the mask of truth itself?
So cute! So get rid of your mask and face the truth of what a President Hillary would have meant for the US and the entire world.
what you mean like the last 8 years of obama?
Even worse!
alright well I'll think of that on my way too trumps new concentration camps..... I hear they're yuuge
“Trump lives and thrives in a fact-free environment.”

Carl Bernstein, one half of the legendary duo that broke the Watergate scandal, declared president-elect Donald Trump a bigger liar than Richard Nixon in a blistering attack during an interview on CNN.

“Trump lives and thrives in a fact-free environment. No president, including Richard Nixon, has been so ignorant of fact and disdains fact in the way that this president-elect does,” Bernstein said on CNN’s Reliable Sources. “It has something to do with the growing sense of authoritarianism that he and his presidency are projecting and the danger of it is obvious and he’s trying to make the conduct of the press an issue not his own conduct.”

Trump, often prone to stretching the truth, has made a series of factually incorrect assertions this weekend that have further increased worry about the aim of his presidency. In just one interview with Fox News on Sunday, Trump discounted CIA reports that Russia interfered with the U.S. election, said “nobody really knows” the facts around climate change and said he didn’t need daily intelligence briefings because he’s “smart.”

Bernstein alleges the past months have shown that Trump has a “pathological disdain for the truth,” pointing to his recent attack on the president of the union that represents steelworkers at the Carrier Corporation.

“What we have seen throughout the campaign is pathological disdain for the truth, a kind of lie and ease with lying that we have not seen before.”

More: Carl Bernstein: Donald Trump’s Disdain For Facts Worse Than Nixon

Amen! I've never seen anything like it.
Let me preface by saying I DID NOT VOTE FOR TUMP!!!! But this is coming from the left...what did Nixon do, he created a hit list of his enimies to target...

The IRS actually targeted political enimies and then targeted them by throwing red tape their way so they could not fundraise ... this just happened 3 years ago. And the left said this was nothing to worry about, only a small group of bad actors...where was the left when this was going on??

I'm happy to stand with the left of trumps grievances, but only when they recognize the miscgrievances of their own side.
The Irs targeted people who were actively spreading information to help people cheat on their taxes, its not the democrats fault only republicans were doing that
So being a political group is not tax exemptable??? Ok fair enough, get rid of every democratic political group please? The hypocrisy is unbelievable right now
What are you talking about the TEA party was going around helping people cheat on their taxes. Why is that the democrats fault?
WHO!! An entire political movement was cheating on their taxes??? Please provide facts, I am waiting for your answer.

If you are against political organizations being tax exempt then condem every signal organization that's on the left too.
Who declares the "facts" that Trump is ignoring? Yes, it is the anti-Trump establishment and its foolish slaves.

Pro fact = anti-Trump.

You can be for one, you can be for the other, but they are so mutually exclusive you can't be for both unless you are on Trump's payroll.

Donald Trump's file

Kurt Eichenwald on Twitter

Kurt EichenwaldVerified account ‏@kurteichenwald Dec 9

Ok, now I'm being told I'm wrong again on who was booing and why. Let's say this: It had nothing to do with Glenn. I was in error.

Pro fact = anti Trump, bawahahahahahaahaha
This lefting loon got caught making shit up again. Keep believing your fake news.

WTF? You seriously Trump grade stupid to think that some particular instance of someone RETRACTING something they reported is a negation of Trump's daily lies and flip-flopping.
Who declares the "facts" that Trump is ignoring? Yes, it is the anti-Trump establishment and its foolish slaves.

Pro fact = anti-Trump.

You can be for one, you can be for the other, but they are so mutually exclusive you can't be for both unless you are on Trump's payroll.

Donald Trump's file

Kurt Eichenwald on Twitter

Kurt EichenwaldVerified account ‏@kurteichenwald Dec 9

Ok, now I'm being told I'm wrong again on who was booing and why. Let's say this: It had nothing to do with Glenn. I was in error.

Pro fact = anti Trump, bawahahahahahaahaha
This lefting loon got caught making shit up again. Keep believing your fake news.

WTF? You seriously Trump grade stupid to think that some particular instance of someone RETRACTING something they reported is a negation of Trump's daily lies and flip-flopping.

Fake news bro, that's your team bro

What daily lies? Do tell
“Trump lives and thrives in a fact-free environment.”

Carl Bernstein, one half of the legendary duo that broke the Watergate scandal, declared president-elect Donald Trump a bigger liar than Richard Nixon in a blistering attack during an interview on CNN.

“Trump lives and thrives in a fact-free environment. No president, including Richard Nixon, has been so ignorant of fact and disdains fact in the way that this president-elect does,” Bernstein said on CNN’s Reliable Sources. “It has something to do with the growing sense of authoritarianism that he and his presidency are projecting and the danger of it is obvious and he’s trying to make the conduct of the press an issue not his own conduct.”

Trump, often prone to stretching the truth, has made a series of factually incorrect assertions this weekend that have further increased worry about the aim of his presidency. In just one interview with Fox News on Sunday, Trump discounted CIA reports that Russia interfered with the U.S. election, said “nobody really knows” the facts around climate change and said he didn’t need daily intelligence briefings because he’s “smart.”

Bernstein alleges the past months have shown that Trump has a “pathological disdain for the truth,” pointing to his recent attack on the president of the union that represents steelworkers at the Carrier Corporation.

“What we have seen throughout the campaign is pathological disdain for the truth, a kind of lie and ease with lying that we have not seen before.”

More: Carl Bernstein: Donald Trump’s Disdain For Facts Worse Than Nixon

Amen! I've never seen anything like it.
Let me preface by saying I DID NOT VOTE FOR TUMP!!!! But this is coming from the left...what did Nixon do, he created a hit list of his enimies to target...

The IRS actually targeted political enimies and then targeted them by throwing red tape their way so they could not fundraise ... this just happened 3 years ago. And the left said this was nothing to worry about, only a small group of bad actors...where was the left when this was going on??

I'm happy to stand with the left of trumps grievances, but only when they recognize the miscgrievances of their own side.
The Irs targeted people who were actively spreading information to help people cheat on their taxes, its not the democrats fault only republicans were doing that
So being a political group is not tax exemptable??? Ok fair enough, get rid of every democratic political group please? The hypocrisy is unbelievable right now
What are you talking about the TEA party was going around helping people cheat on their taxes. Why is that the democrats fault?
WHO!! An entire political movement was cheating on their taxes??? Please provide facts, I am waiting for your answer.

If you are against political organizations being tax exempt then condem every signal organization that's on the left too.
your the one who brought it up? you know you cant show any of your sources with out going to Infowars anyway
Who declares the "facts" that Trump is ignoring? Yes, it is the anti-Trump establishment and its foolish slaves.

Pro fact = anti-Trump.

You can be for one, you can be for the other, but they are so mutually exclusive you can't be for both unless you are on Trump's payroll.

Donald Trump's file

Kurt Eichenwald on Twitter

Kurt EichenwaldVerified account ‏@kurteichenwald Dec 9

Ok, now I'm being told I'm wrong again on who was booing and why. Let's say this: It had nothing to do with Glenn. I was in error.

Pro fact = anti Trump, bawahahahahahaahaha
This lefting loon got caught making shit up again. Keep believing your fake news.

WTF? You seriously Trump grade stupid to think that some particular instance of someone RETRACTING something they reported is a negation of Trump's daily lies and flip-flopping.

Fake news bro, that's your team bro

What daily lies? Do tell
what you mean like just today?

FACT CHECK: Trump Claims A 'Massive Landslide Victory' — But History Differs

All the man does is lie? what do you watch nothing but fox news? you know their not actually news right? its an entertainment show for the old and the grumpy and the insane
Let me preface by saying I DID NOT VOTE FOR TUMP!!!! But this is coming from the left...what did Nixon do, he created a hit list of his enimies to target...

The IRS actually targeted political enimies and then targeted them by throwing red tape their way so they could not fundraise ... this just happened 3 years ago. And the left said this was nothing to worry about, only a small group of bad actors...where was the left when this was going on??

I'm happy to stand with the left of trumps grievances, but only when they recognize the miscgrievances of their own side.
The Irs targeted people who were actively spreading information to help people cheat on their taxes, its not the democrats fault only republicans were doing that
So being a political group is not tax exemptable??? Ok fair enough, get rid of every democratic political group please? The hypocrisy is unbelievable right now
What are you talking about the TEA party was going around helping people cheat on their taxes. Why is that the democrats fault?
WHO!! An entire political movement was cheating on their taxes??? Please provide facts, I am waiting for your answer.

If you are against political organizations being tax exempt then condem every signal organization that's on the left too.
your the one who brought it up? you know you cant show any of your sources with out going to Infowars anyway
Infowars is a Russian crock of shit....what I mentioned was ADMITTED BY THE IRS themselves. So condemn these actions or give the fucktard trump the pass to do the same thing to say BLM or Democracy now...Or let's just all say it's no way ok for the IRS to have this much power. Because anyone who actually cares about freedom will say no, an unelected burea should not have this much power.
Who declares the "facts" that Trump is ignoring? Yes, it is the anti-Trump establishment and its foolish slaves.

Pro fact = anti-Trump.

You can be for one, you can be for the other, but they are so mutually exclusive you can't be for both unless you are on Trump's payroll.

Donald Trump's file

Kurt Eichenwald on Twitter

Kurt EichenwaldVerified account ‏@kurteichenwald Dec 9

Ok, now I'm being told I'm wrong again on who was booing and why. Let's say this: It had nothing to do with Glenn. I was in error.

Pro fact = anti Trump, bawahahahahahaahaha
This lefting loon got caught making shit up again. Keep believing your fake news.

WTF? You seriously Trump grade stupid to think that some particular instance of someone RETRACTING something they reported is a negation of Trump's daily lies and flip-flopping.

Fake news bro, that's your team bro

What daily lies? Do tell
what you mean like just today?

FACT CHECK: Trump Claims A 'Massive Landslide Victory' — But History Differs

All the man does is lie? what do you watch nothing but fox news? you know their not actually news right? its an entertainment show for the old and the grumpy and the insane

Wait are you fucking serious? That's the big lie?
Some subjective term.
It was a massive landslide considering people were predicting Hillary with 320 EVs.
HE fucked all those people in the media, you have to do better than that.
Next thing you know he'll say Peyton Manning on accident when he meant Tom Brady and you'll say that is a guys are fucking ridiculous.
The Irs targeted people who were actively spreading information to help people cheat on their taxes, its not the democrats fault only republicans were doing that
So being a political group is not tax exemptable??? Ok fair enough, get rid of every democratic political group please? The hypocrisy is unbelievable right now
What are you talking about the TEA party was going around helping people cheat on their taxes. Why is that the democrats fault?
WHO!! An entire political movement was cheating on their taxes??? Please provide facts, I am waiting for your answer.

If you are against political organizations being tax exempt then condem every signal organization that's on the left too.
your the one who brought it up? you know you cant show any of your sources with out going to Infowars anyway
Infowars is a Russian crock of shit....what I mentioned was ADMITTED BY THE IRS themselves. So condemn these actions or give the fucktard trump the pass to do the same thing to say BLM or Democracy now...Or let's just all say it's no way ok for the IRS to have this much power. Because anyone who actually cares about freedom will say no, an unelected burea should not have this much power.
its your claim its your job to prove it.... this is whats called fake news.... I dont even wanna know what nutjob website told you infowars is controlled by the russians
Who declares the "facts" that Trump is ignoring? Yes, it is the anti-Trump establishment and its foolish slaves.
trump nazis sure get existential as they bend over backwards to defend their orange fuhrer...What are facts anyway, what is truth? Do we deceive the other by means of the truth itself? In a universe in which all are looking for the true face beneath the mask is the best way to lead them astray, to wear the mask of truth itself?
So cute! So get rid of your mask and face the truth of what a President Hillary would have meant for the US and the entire world.
what you mean like the last 8 years of obama?
Even worse!
alright well I'll think of that on my way too trumps new concentration camps..... I hear they're yuuge
You are already happily heading...
trump nazis sure get existential as they bend over backwards to defend their orange fuhrer...What are facts anyway, what is truth? Do we deceive the other by means of the truth itself? In a universe in which all are looking for the true face beneath the mask is the best way to lead them astray, to wear the mask of truth itself?
So cute! So get rid of your mask and face the truth of what a President Hillary would have meant for the US and the entire world.
what you mean like the last 8 years of obama?
Even worse!
alright well I'll think of that on my way too trumps new concentration camps..... I hear they're yuuge
You are already happily heading...
As a high ranking member of the Illuminati I find that offensive
Who declares the "facts" that Trump is ignoring? Yes, it is the anti-Trump establishment and its foolish slaves.

Pro fact = anti-Trump.

You can be for one, you can be for the other, but they are so mutually exclusive you can't be for both unless you are on Trump's payroll.

Donald Trump's file

Kurt Eichenwald on Twitter

Kurt EichenwaldVerified account ‏@kurteichenwald Dec 9

Ok, now I'm being told I'm wrong again on who was booing and why. Let's say this: It had nothing to do with Glenn. I was in error.

Pro fact = anti Trump, bawahahahahahaahaha
This lefting loon got caught making shit up again. Keep believing your fake news.

WTF? You seriously Trump grade stupid to think that some particular instance of someone RETRACTING something they reported is a negation of Trump's daily lies and flip-flopping.

Fake news bro, that's your team bro

What daily lies? Do tell
what you mean like just today?

FACT CHECK: Trump Claims A 'Massive Landslide Victory' — But History Differs

All the man does is lie? what do you watch nothing but fox news? you know their not actually news right? its an entertainment show for the old and the grumpy and the insane
And MSNBC is different? If you haven't recognized that both sides are locked in their own echo chambers that translate into 2 different circle jerks simultaneously going on then you are part of the problem.
Pro fact = anti-Trump.

You can be for one, you can be for the other, but they are so mutually exclusive you can't be for both unless you are on Trump's payroll.

Donald Trump's file

Kurt Eichenwald on Twitter

Kurt EichenwaldVerified account ‏@kurteichenwald Dec 9

Ok, now I'm being told I'm wrong again on who was booing and why. Let's say this: It had nothing to do with Glenn. I was in error.

Pro fact = anti Trump, bawahahahahahaahaha
This lefting loon got caught making shit up again. Keep believing your fake news.

WTF? You seriously Trump grade stupid to think that some particular instance of someone RETRACTING something they reported is a negation of Trump's daily lies and flip-flopping.

Fake news bro, that's your team bro

What daily lies? Do tell
what you mean like just today?

FACT CHECK: Trump Claims A 'Massive Landslide Victory' — But History Differs

All the man does is lie? what do you watch nothing but fox news? you know their not actually news right? its an entertainment show for the old and the grumpy and the insane
And MSNBC is different? If you haven't recognized that both sides are locked in their own echo chambers that translate into 2 different circle jerks simultaneously going on then you are part of the problem.
you've still provided zero evidence so i will assume you have none
Kurt Eichenwald on Twitter

Kurt EichenwaldVerified account ‏@kurteichenwald Dec 9

Ok, now I'm being told I'm wrong again on who was booing and why. Let's say this: It had nothing to do with Glenn. I was in error.

Pro fact = anti Trump, bawahahahahahaahaha
This lefting loon got caught making shit up again. Keep believing your fake news.

WTF? You seriously Trump grade stupid to think that some particular instance of someone RETRACTING something they reported is a negation of Trump's daily lies and flip-flopping.

Fake news bro, that's your team bro

What daily lies? Do tell
what you mean like just today?

FACT CHECK: Trump Claims A 'Massive Landslide Victory' — But History Differs

All the man does is lie? what do you watch nothing but fox news? you know their not actually news right? its an entertainment show for the old and the grumpy and the insane
And MSNBC is different? If you haven't recognized that both sides are locked in their own echo chambers that translate into 2 different circle jerks simultaneously going on then you are part of the problem.
you've still provided zero evidence so i will assume you have none

I did, the media makes shit up all the time and it's always to the detriment of republicans and not democrats, hmmmmmmm
Keep in mind Bernstein is a butthurt bitch who remained silent in regards to profound corruption in the democrat party. The only reason he and qu33rs on MSNBC keep bringing up Nixon is their fake news effort to associate President Trump with a President who resigned. That is their only hope to try to stay relevant. Fake news reporter Rachel "Blinky" Maddow thinks she discovers "bombshells" everyday to suggest The Donald should be impeached, but she is mentally disturbed to say the least. :p
WTF? You seriously Trump grade stupid to think that some particular instance of someone RETRACTING something they reported is a negation of Trump's daily lies and flip-flopping.

Fake news bro, that's your team bro

What daily lies? Do tell
what you mean like just today?

FACT CHECK: Trump Claims A 'Massive Landslide Victory' — But History Differs

All the man does is lie? what do you watch nothing but fox news? you know their not actually news right? its an entertainment show for the old and the grumpy and the insane
And MSNBC is different? If you haven't recognized that both sides are locked in their own echo chambers that translate into 2 different circle jerks simultaneously going on then you are part of the problem.
you've still provided zero evidence so i will assume you have none

I did, the media makes shit up all the time and it's always to the detriment of republicans and not democrats, hmmmmmmm
have even ever heard of fox news? or do you just get all your news from breitbart infowars and stormfront?
Who declares the "facts" that Trump is ignoring? Yes, it is the anti-Trump establishment and its foolish slaves.

Pro fact = anti-Trump.

You can be for one, you can be for the other, but they are so mutually exclusive you can't be for both unless you are on Trump's payroll.

Donald Trump's file

Kurt Eichenwald on Twitter

Kurt EichenwaldVerified account ‏@kurteichenwald Dec 9

Ok, now I'm being told I'm wrong again on who was booing and why. Let's say this: It had nothing to do with Glenn. I was in error.

Pro fact = anti Trump, bawahahahahahaahaha
This lefting loon got caught making shit up again. Keep believing your fake news.

WTF? You seriously Trump grade stupid to think that some particular instance of someone RETRACTING something they reported is a negation of Trump's daily lies and flip-flopping.

Fake news bro, that's your team bro

What daily lies? Do tell

I gave you a whole fucking list that will take you days to read should go ahead though.", so you don't sound like a useful lemming everytime you post.

You want the latest one?

"The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history."

It wasn't long ago and it wasn't anywhere near biggest EC victories, in fact it ranks 46th out of 58, putting it in company of smallest victories when we throw in a fact that Trump lost popular vote by almost 2 million votes.

These facts don't stop Trump and his team from repeating these "landslide!" lies.
So cute! So get rid of your mask and face the truth of what a President Hillary would have meant for the US and the entire world.
what you mean like the last 8 years of obama?
Even worse!
alright well I'll think of that on my way too trumps new concentration camps..... I hear they're yuuge
You are already happily heading...
As a high ranking member of the Illuminati I find that offensive
You can also take one of the free rides, of course!

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