Carl Fiorina is unhinged


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
Just go to the 50 second mark and watch for 5 seconds.

Sounds pretty hinged to me. Carly was a high profile tech company executive. What does Hillary have to offer besides victimhood and embarrassment?

What does Hillary have to offer besides victimhood and embarrassment?

Well, there's her war record, and the Purple Heart when she was hit landing under sniper fire.
Just go to the 50 second mark and watch for 5 seconds.


she's another nut-job. why is every female politician ugly and bitchy (except Sarah Palin, but she's just a fruit loop)
Sounds pretty hinged to me. Carly was a high profile tech company executive. What does Hillary have to offer besides victimhood and embarrassment?

A job she got fired from after running hp into the ground !! But not until she eliminated good jobs from thousands of American workers . Oh , then she lost a senate race on top of all that too.

She's going to question Hillary's credentials ? Are we in bizarro world?!?
I mean do you have to be an ugly nasty bitch to be successful?
I don't get it... I guess attractive women just don't get respect....
... why is every female politician ugly and bitchy ...

I mean do you have to be an ugly nasty bitch to be successful?

Show me ANY male candidate that is very handsome, sexy, and charming.

Up until you posted in this thread I thought you might not be such a bad person.

But for a woman to judge another woman's success based entirely on her looks is lower than low.

You are filth, Bonzi.
... why is every female politician ugly and bitchy ...

I mean do you have to be an ugly nasty bitch to be successful?

Show me ANY male candidate that is very handsome, sexy, and charming.

Up until you posted in this thread I thought you might not be such a bad person.

But for a woman to judge another woman's success based entirely on her looks is lower than low.

You are filth, Bonzi.

Well join the club. You have good company.... I never said I was a good person for the record....
Just here for fun and to say what is on my mind.....
If you don't like or approve of it, fine.

This is part of the reason there is such division and hate in our country.
We can't disagree and still get along....
Just go to the 50 second mark and watch for 5 seconds.


Be fair now, if you were in her place, a female Conservative fighting for air in a field of 14-15 men (testosterone deficient but male none the less) trying to out-macho each other - "I don't know if sand can glow in the dark, but we're gonna find out." (obviously embracing the "nuclear option"), "I'd punch Putin in the nose." (two governors actually used this metaphor in the debate) wouldn't you say fuck the truth and fuck morality in order to maintain the attempted projection of the illusion that she has "balls"?
It's not that I'm against ugly women.
It's more so that attractive women are not taken seriously when it comes to business and politics. They can be sideline reporters or sports reporters (cause mostly men watch sports) – but in the male dominated areas, forget it. They are disrespected automatically if they are pretty or (god forbid) sexy……
... why is every female politician ugly and bitchy ...

I mean do you have to be an ugly nasty bitch to be successful?

Show me ANY male candidate that is very handsome, sexy, and charming.

Up until you posted in this thread I thought you might not be such a bad person.

But for a woman to judge another woman's success based entirely on her looks is lower than low.

You are filth, Bonzi.

I think what Bonzo was saying is her personality is unattractive , I would say like the Disney wicked step mother kind of creepy. In all honesty , a soft women wouldn't last a second in that ring of men. Hillary can come off like that at times too.

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