Carson defends Trump: He didn't have time to think about abortion question

Read carefully: the fetus is not a human being.

Follow your own advice dumb ass.

The question posed to Trump was based on a situation where abortion was banned and already seen as murder. Trump was asked. . . "What should the punishment BE for a woman who gets an abortion in that case?"
I was responding to your silly statement. The fetus is not a human being, not a pre-natal child..

You are not visionary either, only wrong.

As, we already have laws that define "children in the womb" as "human beings," Your denials about whether or not a child in the womb is a human being have already been defeated.

Your side lost that debate over ten years ago.
Quote the case law on fetuses and their supposed status as human beings in fetal homicide. Notice the term "fetal homicide", it is not "unborn child homicide."

You know as well as I do that our fetal homicide laws allow for the charges of murder, manslaughter and attempted murder.

I'm not going to try to link to it again with my phone.
in limited circumstances fully making aware that the charge is feticide by a third party, not murder of an unborn child.
Follow your own advice dumb ass.

The question posed to Trump was based on a situation where abortion was banned and already seen as murder. Trump was asked. . . "What should the punishment BE for a woman who gets an abortion in that case?"
I was responding to your silly statement. The fetus is not a human being, not a pre-natal child..

You are not visionary either, only wrong.

As, we already have laws that define "children in the womb" as "human beings," Your denials about whether or not a child in the womb is a human being have already been defeated.

Your side lost that debate over ten years ago.
Quote the case law on fetuses and their supposed status as human beings in fetal homicide. Notice the term "fetal homicide", it is not "unborn child homicide."

You know as well as I do that our fetal homicide laws allow for the charges of murder, manslaughter and attempted murder.

I'm not going to try to link to it again with my phone.
in limited circumstances fully making aware that the charge is feticide by a third party, not murder of an unborn child.

Such an idiotic response from you.

If something is TRUE in one circumstance. . . That is all that is needed for the basis of a legal argument to EXPAND those circumstances.

The setting and circumstances may be narrowly defined FOR NOW. . . But the premise has been established that a person CAN BE charged with Murder for killing a child in the womb.

Not that we don't care on many levels about the women and the children in theses cases. . . But, In general, why should we care any more or any less if someone dies in a back alley while in the act of killing their child?
"The setting and circumstances may be narrowly defined FOR NOW. . . But the premise has been established that a person CAN BE charged with Murder for killing a child in the womb."

So you hope, but it won't. The female vote will destroy any party that makes a serious effort to criminalize women's decisions for abortion. You know it, I know it.
Apparently the low information left didn't have time to think about the answer. Trump said he would punish women who had abortions if abortion was illegal. In light of the fact that the sodomite community wants to punish bakeries and court clerks and the entire freaking state of North Carolina for refusing to allow freakazoids in the ladies room, punishing people who take a human life isn't unreasonable if abortion is illegal.
I love how you connected all that in a psycho way.
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The Donald has been under continuous assault from the zionist elites in government and the media for a while now. The Donald let his guard down and tried to be consistent thinking that Chris, the mumbling, drolling homosexual with thrill up a his leg when a black beats a white, Matthews was going to follow up the interrogation about abortion with immigration. For example, illegal aliens need not be punished either for breaking the law if others need not be punished for breaking the law. It was a hypothetical and The Donald should have changed the subject to Obama trying to dance the Tango while Islamic Terrorists are blowing themselves up amongst humans in Europe.

You're an idiot.

Not that we don't care on many levels about the women and the children in theses cases. . . But, In general, why should we care any more or any less if someone dies in a back alley while in the act of killing their child?
And. that. is. the. Rightwing. Anti-Choice. Position. Folks.

While I do think there should be consequences for violating or for killing a child. . I still believe we are all free to make choices. . . So, unless your choice is to violate a child? You have nothing to worry about.
Abortion is not a violation of a child, because a fetus is not a child.

Chuz, words have meanings and you stretch the meanings beyond common terms.
Some questions qualify as no brainers

Do you accept the support of the KKK...... No brainer

Should women who get abortions be punished...No brainer

Trump failed both times
Abortion is not a violation of a child, because a fetus is not a child.

Chuz, words have meanings and you stretch the meanings beyond common terms.
Abortion is legalized murder...only a fool would think otherwise...and someone like Jake who makes fools look smart.
Abortion is not a violation of a child, because a fetus is not a child.

Chuz, words have meanings and you stretch the meanings beyond common terms.
Abortion is legalized murder...only a fool would think otherwise...and someone like Jake who makes fools look smart.
Only a fool thinks abortion is a legalized murder. I make people like you look like monkeys. :lol:
It was a gotcha question, and where was Palin? trump is running as an anti-abortion con and he isn't ready for an abortion question? And Ben Carson tries to defend him with 'he didn't have time'.

Ben Carson would need an hour to wake up and then an hour to think about it, then ten minutes to explain that he did in fact use a hammer on someone.

We've crossed into territory that I didn't even think existed. They are blazing a new path for crazy.
Abortion is not a violation of a child, because a fetus is not a child.

Chuz, words have meanings and you stretch the meanings beyond common terms.
Abortion is legalized murder...only a fool would think otherwise...and someone like Jake who makes fools look smart.
Only a fool thinks abortion is a legalized murder. I make people like you look like monkeys. :lol:
Oh poor Jake...a monkey has more sense in it's little finger than you.

Anyone who does not know abortion is legalized murder, is a fool...but then we knew long along you are a fool.

If the elites told you the sky is pink, you would believe it. You are the poster child for 'who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?'
Abortion is not a violation of a child, because a fetus is not a child.

Chuz, words have meanings and you stretch the meanings beyond common terms.
Abortion is legalized murder...only a fool would think otherwise...and someone like Jake who makes fools look smart.
Only a fool thinks abortion is a legalized murder. I make people like you look like monkeys. :lol:
Oh poor Jake...a monkey has more sense in it's little finger than you. Anyone who does not know abortion is legalized murder, is a fool...but then we knew long along you are a fool. If the elites told you the sky is pink, you would believe it. You are the poster child for 'who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?'
You are a fool if you think abortion is legalized murder. A fetus is not a child.

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