Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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After reading through some of the posts at the beginning of this thread, I believe my signature has found a home. It's just too bad it'll fly right over many heads without ever being understood.

I don't even know where to start commenting at in here. LOL
the lawyers are chauvinist and they feel that if they pick an all women jury they can tell them stories about video games ,buying candy, and racial hatred.
the lawyers are betting that women won't be very bright. women won't care about self defence .

the reason why 5 out of 6 are "white" is so they can say Zimmerman was convicted by a nearly "all white jury"
(i predicted this in a previous post)

Zimmerman has no defense attorneys. they should have demanded half the jury be from the Montana Militia.

no reason to follow the case ,you're just going to see a shadow puppet show for the next year or so.

(6 jurors, what is there budget cuts?)

Where is your proof in most of what you've said? It's public knowledge that the jurors are mostly white and women, but other than that, where is proof of the other shit you spew out?

You seem to have a dislike towards women based on your statements above. Why is that?
the cops even told him "do not follow him, just let us know where he is" & GZ apparently disregarded the cops because he wanted to play Hero.

I'd say manslaughter & at least 2 yrs prison, if not more.
It doesn't matter what the cops told him, the bottom line is that Travon attacked him and he has the right to defend himself.

Not really and not with a gun. Zimmerman did everything wrong. He had no right to follow Martin and had no authority to do anything at all. The Wife is doing her CCW right now. Zimmerman is used in her class as an example of what NOT to do in any situation. It was the same when I did my CCW in Texas. All three instructors pointed to this case as a perfect example of how to get your ass locked up for lots of years.
Can't speak for anyone else. But I only say he appears to be guilty. The more I hear and see, the more guilty he appears.

And frankly I'm getting a little tired of that card being played.

"Innocent until proven guilty" =/= "Innocent."

If you don't want to hear peoples' opinions, this board might not be the venue for you, let alone the Zimmerman trial as a topic of conversation you'd find comfortable. :thup:

Appearances are not admissible in a court of law and while innocent until proven guilty does not mean innocent appears guilty does not mean guilty how about people wait till the trial starts and actually get the facts.

So, I don't get to share my opinions until after the trial? But you do? Is that how, hmm? :eusa_whistle:
I haven't shared a opinion about Zimmerman's guilt or innocence if you wish to cast judgement on the man before the trial starts and we have seen a single piece of evidence or heard from any witnesses so be it.
the cops even told him "do not follow him, just let us know where he is" & GZ apparently disregarded the cops because he wanted to play Hero.

I'd say manslaughter & at least 2 yrs prison, if not more.
It doesn't matter what the cops told him, the bottom line is that Travon attacked him and he has the right to defend himself.

Not really and not with a gun. Zimmerman did everything wrong. He had no right to follow Martin and had no authority to do anything at all. The Wife is doing her CCW right now. Zimmerman is used in her class as an example of what NOT to do in any situation. It was the same when I did my CCW in Texas. All three instructors pointed to this case as a perfect example of how to get your ass locked up for lots of years.

exactly. GZ inserted himself into a position of authority that the cops have, not him. It makes sense because he applied to be a cop & was turned down for some reason so this was an opportunity, albeit an illegal one, for him to play policeman. The results were disastrous as everyone knows.
You gotta love this guilty till proven innocent stuff.

Yep. POTUS sewed that up.

First cause for mistrial should be on his back.

Amen to that. The problem with his statements about this case is that he is Zimmerman's president as well. Doing something like that was really not appropriate. If I had been Zimmerman, I would have answered the POTUS's little speech and told him that, but that's just me.

Yeah, that's just me too.


Prez on the horn talking about the vic being his son, anybody listening?

Oh all you are listening??

Good then!!!



<ring ring>

Black Panther's calling.


BP: We got a hit out on this guy for 10K on our website and we're coming to Sanford.


BP: Hell no! Al already paved the way, no one's going to do shit about us right now, it's time, you ready? We'll be there Sunday.
<Tweet tweet>

Spike: Hey! zillion followers, guess what! I got the address for that race killer's parents house, here it is!!


Spike bad.

I got a million of 'em.

Let me know when you want me to stop.

Let's get our hoodies on and beat this guy coming out so we can show what it means to be profiled!!
<more dipshits>

Cops!!! COPS DID THIS, COPS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's some cop cars let's shoot em up!
It doesn't matter what the cops told him, the bottom line is that Travon attacked him and he has the right to defend himself.

Not really and not with a gun. Zimmerman did everything wrong. He had no right to follow Martin and had no authority to do anything at all. The Wife is doing her CCW right now. Zimmerman is used in her class as an example of what NOT to do in any situation. It was the same when I did my CCW in Texas. All three instructors pointed to this case as a perfect example of how to get your ass locked up for lots of years.

exactly. GZ inserted himself into a position of authority that the cops have, not him. It makes sense because he applied to be a cop & was turned down for some reason so this was an opportunity, albeit an illegal one, for him to play policeman. The results were disastrous as everyone knows.

Only for the criminals. The neighborhood, on the other hand, and the people who live there, are much safer.
Al Sharpton:

I'll give pRick Scott one feather, he stopped Sanford from not burning.

Al - Well, he got his agenda podium front and center. Doesn't he have a show or something now? Good career move, Al.

Al Sharpton opened the Martin family's press conference, saying openly that he did not trust Florida Gov. Rick Scott or prosecutor Angela Corey to handle the case correctly. Some quotes from his diatribe:
"I did not trust Gov. Scott. I did not trust the appointment. I want to congratulate him and the prosecutor for being what they should be."
That is certainly what the defense is going to argue and the jury is going to reject.

The prosecutor and judge sealed GZ's fate with an all-female jury.

Jake, that's pretty insulting. What? Maybe women shouldn't get law degrees, now.

Not at all. Women have their own unique dynamics as you well know. Not bad, not evil at all. Without the men around, the women will come to a conclusion that they might not if there were men in the jury room.

I think they will come up with the most objective and fair conclusion based on the evidence.

And, yes, women are great lawyers, judges, police officers, and machine gunners. Best light machine gunner I ever saw was female.
"appears" has no bearing in a court of law.


Sorry. I'll stop being an asshole now.

"appears" is not legal standard of proof, it is however mindful of the legal term "probable cause" and if I understand Cuyo correctly he believes from the reports made public that there was PC to issue the arrest warrant and to hold GZ to answer. To that I fully agree.

We're not talking about "probable cause"... We are talking about "beyond a reasonable doubt".

The prosecutor has not made his case - yet. The Defense Theory is self defense, time will tell who prevails and that is when "Reasonable Doubt" comes into play and six women decide the fate of GZ.

Consider these points:

1. GZ was out and about and legally carrying a deadly weapon. We don't know what his mindset was on that day, what we know is he discharged his weapon and killed an unarmed teenager.

2. TM was legally out and about and purchased an ice tea and candy. He was unarmed and we don't know what his mindset was that day.

3. At some point GZ and TM met, engaged in mutual combat and GZ drew his gun and killed TM.

4. We know GZ had contacted the police agency and reported suspicious activity. We know he was told not to engage the 'suspect'.

5, We know the deceased cannot give his version of the events which lead to his death.
The prosecutor has not made his case - yet. The Defense Theory is self defense, time will tell who prevails and that is when "Reasonable Doubt" comes into play and six women decide the fate of GZ.

Consider these points:

1. GZ was out and about and legally carrying a deadly weapon. We don't know what his mindset was on that day, what we know is he discharged his weapon and killed an unarmed teenager.

2. TM was legally out and about and purchased an ice tea and candy. He was unarmed and we don't know what his mindset was that day.

3. At some point GZ and TM met, engaged in mutual combat and GZ drew his gun and killed TM.

4. We know GZ had contacted the police agency and reported suspicious activity. We know he was told not to engage the 'suspect'.

5, We know the deceased cannot give his version of the events which lead to his death.

We know he was told not to engage the 'suspect'.
Wry, no, that is not what GZ was told. Go find the transcript of the dispatch call. I know you can ;)
GZ was further engaged by dispatch when dispatch continued to ask GZ questions on the whereabouts of TM.
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