Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I hope and pray justice will prevail. I think Casey Anthony is guilty, and I want her ass in prison for a long time, preferably the rest of her natural life.
But the fact the jury got the case yesterday right before noon, and the fact that when they stopped deliberating at 6, tells me they weren't all unanimous for the death penalty right off the bat. I was hoping it would be a quick comeback, a guilty verdict. Now that it goes into it's second day, I'm worried how long they will deliberate today.
I have my cell phone set up to receive updated messages regarding this trial, so I will be sent a text 30 minutes ahead, announcing the verdict is in. I hope it's today.
As I said in an earlier post on this subject, I think she is very guilty. The facts in the case are a bit cloudy because of the testimony of her parents and brother. Her refusing to testify didn't help her cause any either. I think one of two possible events happened to the baby girl. Here are my thoughts:

(1) It is not unreasonable to believe that she had a habit of chlorforming the baby to induce her into sleep so she could go out and party. It is possible that she overdosed the baby and thus caused her death.

(2) Premeditated murder. Duct tape used to smother the baby thus causing her death.

Most likely, it was premeditated murder. That would be my verdict.

1 yes, 2 no. or at least they have not proved it...

2 -I don't agree. Unless the claim she covered up an accident to look like murder has a ring of truth. The tape was used to prevent her from breathing was proven for me.
I wish it would all end. This stupid **** is nothing more then a distraction for the government to hide behind.

Which gov't does Judge Perry and the Prosecution team as well as Bozo and mumbles holding up?

The government of the collective will of We the People.

The jury has come to court today attired in their best clothes. I think they reached an unanimous verdict last night, but wanted to go home and ponder it (for the Christians, to pray about it).
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I wish it would all end. This stupid **** is nothing more then a distraction for the government to hide behind.

Which gov't does Judge Perry and the Prosecution team as well as Bozo and mumbles holding up?

The government of the collective will of We the People.

The jury has come to court today attired in their best clothes. I think they reached an unanimous verdict last night, but wanted to go home and ponder it (for the Christians, to pray about it).

I thinks it's very respectful of them to dress for the seriousness of the occasion. I don't remember other juries doing so.

It would be nice if you are right about the verdict. As a collective the trial by jury is our way of law and always has been.
Any guesses as to how many years she does? I say under 3.:(

Firstly, the jurors will have to decide a unanimous choice.
In the final analysis, there is an elephant sitting in the living room in this case, and his name is premeditation. The jury will not be able to shove this elephant aside. It is accompanied by a First Degree Murder assessment.

These people are good Americans, and they're not stupid. They have to get out of the way of the elephant sitting in the living room, and they can't.

They will either have to agree to a hung jury or a First Degree Murder charge.

Maybe they can, but I couldn't in good conscience ignore the factor of premeditation. The majority of them most likely will be quite persuasive with the nonbelievers if there are any after seeing all that stuff go past their very eyes.

Those of faith will pray for justice for that poor little discarded human being that Caylee was. Her memory is bigger than the elephant.

Casey Anthony is not going to get away with murdering her daughter in cold blood with three pieces of duct tape that most likely caused asphyxiation, which is a cruel way to leave this world.

No, actually, they don't.

You have a sharp sense in legal matters, oldsalt, and thanks for taking the time to share your observation. As for me, I stand corrected by a better person than myself.

Firstly, the jurors will have to decide a unanimous choice.
In the final analysis, there is an elephant sitting in the living room in this case, and his name is premeditation. The jury will not be able to shove this elephant aside. It is accompanied by a First Degree Murder assessment.

These people are good Americans, and they're not stupid. They have to get out of the way of the elephant sitting in the living room, and they can't.

They will either have to agree to a hung jury or a First Degree Murder charge.

Maybe they can, but I couldn't in good conscience ignore the factor of premeditation. The majority of them most likely will be quite persuasive with the nonbelievers if there are any after seeing all that stuff go past their very eyes.

Those of faith will pray for justice for that poor little discarded human being that Caylee was. Her memory is bigger than the elephant.

Casey Anthony is not going to get away with murdering her daughter in cold blood with three pieces of duct tape that most likely caused asphyxiation, which is a cruel way to leave this world.

No, actually, they don't.

You have a sharp sense in legal matters, oldsalt, and thanks for taking the time to share your observation. As for me, I stand corrected by a better person than myself.


I believe that is they all agree on murder to any degree - first degree murder, aggravated child abuse or aggravated manslaughter of a child - it will be a unanimous guilty verdict.
I realize there is no DNA evidence in this case that proves that Casey did it, but there is a ton of other circumstantial evidence that convinces me she is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Most importantly that Casey was the last person to be seen with Caylee, and then all the lies about where Caylee was, and lastly that she was found dead and discarded. Not to mention the pictures of Casey having a good old time when her daughter was "missing".

To find Casey not guilty would be as bad and shameful as when OJ was found not guilty. Caylee deserves justice. That poor, sweet little girl. :(

The only one who provided that information was George Anthony, who has also directly lied or lied by omission throughout to protect himself.
The coroner certainly did. She ruled the death a homicide.

This case is absolutely, positively, and irrevocably not about me.

Do you always applaud your own propensity toward fiction? I recommend against it.

And the coroner got the cart before the horse.

Link to her disciplinary hearing, please.

Dr. G correctly concluded it was homicide because someone had placed duct tape over the child's face, and that wouldn't happen if she was looking at something purely accidental. But she could not definitively say if the duct tape caused Caylee's death or whether it was done post-mortum. Therefore, the duct tape as a weapon should not have been used by the State as the cause of death. Dr. G's cause of death was never determined, so even the chlorofill argument was only speculation. Ironically, those are the two most important points that the jury will zero in on, especially since the final word in court came from the prosecutors who continued to hammer away that both the chlorofill and the duct tape "caused" Caylee's death.
she is guilty...she is the one that benefits from the child's death.....what kinda woman doesnt know where her 2 yr old is for 30 days....hell my kidlet is 28.....i dont go over a few days without knowing where he is....
Is she guilty in your opinion?

I think she is guilty. I think that Caylee died of asphyxiation when her mother placed three pieces of tape and a little heart over her mouth and nose after researching online how to euthanize and kill, and I think the jury will agree it was premeditated murder. If one of the jurors holds out for awhile, I think the other jurors will prove to him or her the error of her or his thinking and their duty-bound role to give a truthful verdict. of guilty of murder in the first degree.

They may opt to recommend life without the possibility of parole if they have to compromise with the holdout. OTOH, the jury may decide that the method of funeral was so horrible the perpetrator will get death. I do not know what the jury will decide, but my guess is the premeditation factor in this case will result in an accurate decision to call it first degree and not second degree murder.

The "little heart" claim was frankly pretty stupid. They never proved it was even a heart, a heart sticker, or anything other than a piece of torn paper resembling half of a heart.
I only watched it yesterday and some this morning.
She is guilty. Premeditated? - Don't know, and no one will ever know.
Her behavior after the death is just mind blowing.

My personal opinion on what happened...

She had intent to kill her daughter at some point in time, and even went so far as to acquire chlorophyll. But did not fully commit to the crime....thus why she had no plan to deal with the body and no plans on how she was going to create the "story".
One night for whatever reason, maybe she was drunk, maybe she had a fight with her boyfriend - whatever - she went through with it - she murdered her child. However, it was done by impulse, she never developed a plan...she panicked. She put the body in her car to buy some time, after several days she still had no plan that she could think of that would explain why she had not told anyone Caylee was missing for now several days.
Then the car began to smell, she simply did not know what to do with the body - aware of the ability of modern forensics - she panics again and simply tosses the body in a swampy area not very deep in the woods.
At this point it gets bizarre. Maybe the memory of murdering her daughter was catching up to her...maybe she wasn't sleeping - whatever - she just flat out was trying to pretend nothing happened. Started making up wild stories that changed from one day to the next to her family who was beginning to worry. It got worse and worse for her as her mother and father began calling multiple times a day "where is Kaylee, where is Kaylee"...and finally at the point she simply had absolutely no way to explain where Kaylee is - she makes up yet another bizarre story that her daughter has been missing for a month and she is "investigating it on her own".
And that is the most unbelievable thing in this entire case - that her final story is she did not call one single person when her daughter went missing. Did not tell anyone at all. Not even resembling something believable.

She killed her daughter.

But considering all the tesimony, regarding your specific comments, here are some of the questions jurers should be asking themselves if they were to address them:

1. Why would Casey plot to "kill" her daughter just so she could live free from her responsibilities, when it would have been so simple just to ask Mom & Dad to take custody while she went out and "found herself"?? (Even the judge asked that question at one point.) The grandparents loved the child; so did Lee and the uncles and family friends. No complications; no problems. Why risk getting caught for murder?

2. The boyfriends did not testify to any fight nor any discomfort nor problems with having both Casey and her daughter around. If Casey had gone off at some point, at least someone she was close to aside from the immediate family would have said so.

3. If Casey had stuffed her dead child into the trunk of her car temporarily until she could dispose of the body for good, why then did she remark to one of her friends "[this car] smells like a dead squirrel died in it"?? That might prompt the friend to suggest they look in the trunk to see what the smell was. Why would Casey risk that?

I agree that she told so many lies and pretended nothing was wrong during those 31 days because she was trapped. She was probably thinking all along that Caylee would be declared simply missing (a milk carton child eventually), and she wouldn't have to go public with the truth about how she died and who was responsible, whether it was Casey, George or Cindy.

Short of a confession from Casey herself, no one will ever convince me that she intentionally killed her child, nor did she ever "plot" to do it.
As I said in an earlier post on this subject, I think she is very guilty. The facts in the case are a bit cloudy because of the testimony of her parents and brother. Her refusing to testify didn't help her cause any either. I think one of two possible events happened to the baby girl. Here are my thoughts:

(1) It is not unreasonable to believe that she had a habit of chlorforming the baby to induce her into sleep so she could go out and party. It is possible that she overdosed the baby and thus caused her death.

(2) Premeditated murder. Duct tape used to smother the baby thus causing her death.

Most likely, it was premeditated murder. That would be my verdict.

Casey didn't testify because Ashton and Burdick would have eaten her for lunch. That's a no-brainer. But am I the only one who wondered why both George and Cindy refused to take a lie detector test at any time over the past 3 years?
Guilty of aggravated child abuse, making premeditation moot.

That's my prediction, too. But it still will be appealed.

Planned incompetence on the part of a lawyer in order to secure an appeal in a losing case is inflicted against a court. I think the consequence should be disbarrment of the offending officer of the court.

Why should the overtaxed public be put through this loathesome episode again over a cagey play where the lawyer wins either way?

Disbarrment for intentionally throwing a case would send a message through the legal system that Americans aren't going to take it anymore.

Who said anything about throwing the case? Baez simply did not have the experience defending a capital offense, and that was proven day in and day out. He should have been able to present and articulate extremely strong arguments squashing the murder-by-chlorofill/duct tape, but Baez would get thisclose, then switch subjects--to the shock and awe of most everyone--thereby leaving the jury scratching their collective heads. It wasn't until his final argument that he FINALLY tied it all together in a cohesive manner.
But considering all the tesimony, regarding your specific comments, here are some of the questions jurers should be asking themselves if they were to address them:

1. Why would Casey plot to "kill" her daughter just so she could live free from her responsibilities, when it would have been so simple just to ask Mom & Dad to take custody while she went out and "found herself"?? (Even the judge asked that question at one point.) The grandparents loved the child; so did Lee and the uncles and family friends. No complications; no problems. Why risk getting caught for murder?

2. The boyfriends did not testify to any fight nor any discomfort nor problems with having both Casey and her daughter around. If Casey had gone off at some point, at least someone she was close to aside from the immediate family would have said so.

3. If Casey had stuffed her dead child into the trunk of her car temporarily until she could dispose of the body for good, why then did she remark to one of her friends "[this car] smells like a dead squirrel died in it"?? That might prompt the friend to suggest they look in the trunk to see what the smell was. Why would Casey risk that?

I agree that she told so many lies and pretended nothing was wrong during those 31 days because she was trapped. She was probably thinking all along that Caylee would be declared simply missing (a milk carton child eventually), and she wouldn't have to go public with the truth about how she died and who was responsible, whether it was Casey, George or Cindy.

Short of a confession from Casey herself, no one will ever convince me that she intentionally killed her child, nor did she ever "plot" to do it

We've know you felt this way for weeks now, why pretend your decision has anything to do with the trial?

As to your 1 & 2 they were addessed to the satisfaction of many.

3 So what? No one knew Caylee was missing much less dead at that point. She said it and that's the end of the story.
Here is my thought on this casey woman. To kill a child is unthinkable....but a quick act really. To BURY your own child takes time. She wrapped that child up a bit and put that child in a bag and put her in a makeshift grave...that all takes time. That is what I dont understand how she does not lose her mind over.

I really dont believe in Heaven and Hell but dammit, if there is a hell, she will be there greeting new monsters daily.

I dont trust human nature, so I honestly think she will not do real time.

But it wasn't CASEY who was familiar with how to do that. It was GEORGE, who had buried all their pets in the same manner. Another eyebrow raised, if I were on the jury.

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