Catholic School Has Demons

These liberals can’t ignore Christianity. It makes them aware of their guilt.
These liberals can’t ignore Christianity. It makes them aware of their guilt.
Throughout our nation's history, churches have done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility. Moral and civil individuals are largely governed by their own sense of right and wrong, and hence have little need for external government. This is the real reason the collectivist Left hates religion: Churches as institutions compete with the state for the people's allegiance, and many devout people put their faith in God before putting their faith in the state. Knowing this, the secularists wage an ongoing war against religion, chipping away bit by bit at our nation's Christian heritage.
Dr. Ron Paul
Churches as institutions compete with the state for the people's allegiance,

Did this guy ever swear this oath?

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; ...

If the christian churches were teachers of morality and right and wrong, why do they lie in the name of God and teach people to worship a human being? What kind of morality is that?

If a politicians true allegiance is to the church how can they swear allegiance to the constitution, which guarantees protections and rights to the people that the churches condemn, except by being a liar and hypocrite?

I suppose that would explain the religious rights dedication to usurping positions of authority in government by any means including treason, restricting fundamental rights, invading privacy, undermining progressive policies, legislating their perverse version of morality, and criminalizing freedom for all the people that they have deemed to be enemies of the church.

They have sworn and openly maintain allegiance to a foreign enemy, an ancient Roman scam that deprives people of truth liberty and justice, and are actively and openly subverting the constitution in cahoots with a hostile nation.

I say, lock em up!
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Churches as institutions compete with the state for the people's allegiance,

Did this guy ever swear this oath?

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; ...

If the christian churches were teachers of morality and right and wrong, why do they lie in the name of God and teach people to worship a human being? What kind of morality is that?

If a politicians true allegiance is to the church how can they swear allegiance to the constitution, which guarantees protections and rights to the people that the churches condemn, except by being a liar and hypocrite?

I suppose that would explain the religious rights dedication to usurping positions of authority in government by any means including treason, restricting fundamental rights, invading privacy, undermining progressive policies, legislating their perverse version of morality, and criminalizing freedom for all the people that they have deemed to be enemies of the church.

They have sworn and openly maintain allegiance to a foreign enemy, an ancient Roman scam that deprives people of truth liberty and justice, and are actively and openly subverting the constitution in cahoots with a hostile nation.

I say, lock em up!
Christians believe Jesus is fully God and fully man. I don't see how that prevents us from holding office or swearing an oath to God.

Why are you so offended by our beliefs? No one is forcing you to believe it? Are you a subversive? Is it your job to try to deMORALIZE us? It seems to me that that is exactly what you are trying to do.

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Churches as institutions compete with the state for the people's allegiance,

Did this guy ever swear this oath?

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; ...

If the christian churches were teachers of morality and right and wrong, why do they lie in the name of God and teach people to worship a human being? What kind of morality is that?

If a politicians true allegiance is to the church how can they swear allegiance to the constitution, which guarantees protections and rights to the people that the churches condemn, except by being a liar and hypocrite?

I suppose that would explain the religious rights dedication to usurping positions of authority in government by any means including treason, restricting fundamental rights, invading privacy, undermining progressive policies, legislating their perverse version of morality, and criminalizing freedom for all the people that they have deemed to be enemies of the church.

They have sworn and openly maintain allegiance to a foreign enemy, an ancient Roman scam that deprives people of truth liberty and justice, and are actively and openly subverting the constitution in cahoots with a hostile nation.

I say, lock em up!
Funny how you left out the part about so help me God.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God
Christians believe Jesus is fully God and fully man. I don't see how that prevents us from holding office or swearing an oath to God.

Why are you so offended by our beliefs? No one is forcing you to believe it? Are you a subversive? Is it your job to try to deMORALIZE us? It seems to me that that is exactly what you are trying to do.

Obviously your beliefs don't prevent you from holding office or swearing an oath to God even though those openly professed beliefs indicate a sickness of mind and absence of honesty that sober minded voters should notice. Aside from that if scripture is true then you are an idolator under the condemnation of God and the domination of Satan who is dedicated to perpetuating evil..

If you worship a human being and perpetuate lies in the name of God you are incapable of knowing the right course to take in any given situation and even less capable of doing the right thing for the people who in your eyes are damned for rejecting your religion..

You can't have it both ways. If you are a dedicated religious person who furthers the cause of your religion, you are a religious person who only pretends to uphold the constitution..

Swear to God all you like to uphold the constitution. People have noticed the dedication of the religious right to subverting it according to their perverse religiously addled perceptions of right and wrong.....
Catholicism shaped every form of christianity, single handedly, long ago.
So who are you guys to say they are wrong? Without the Catholics, there would be NO TELLING what you guys would be believing right now..

I find it odd that the Catholic church has the official doctrine that abortion is murder, yet they seem to remain strangely silent, much like they were silent during the Holocaust.

How do you figure that?
The Vatican saved many Jews....Some Jews were hidden there.

Nazi Germany was 2/3rd's Protestant as a nation, BTW.
Christians believe Jesus is fully God and fully man. I don't see how that prevents us from holding office or swearing an oath to God.

Why are you so offended by our beliefs? No one is forcing you to believe it? Are you a subversive? Is it your job to try to deMORALIZE us? It seems to me that that is exactly what you are trying to do.

Obviously your beliefs don't prevent you from holding office or swearing an oath to God even though those openly professed beliefs indicate a sickness of mind and absence of honesty that sober minded voters should notice. Aside from that if scripture is true then you are an idolator under the condemnation of God and the domination of Satan who is dedicated to perpetuating evil..

If you worship a human being and perpetuate lies in the name of God you are incapable of knowing the right course to take in any given situation and even less capable of doing the right thing.

You can't have it both ways. If you are a dedicated religious person who furthers the cause of your religion, you are a religious person who only pretends to uphold the constitution..

Swear to God all you like to uphold the constitution. People have noticed the dedication of the religious right to subverting it according to their perverse religiously addled perceptions of right and wrong.....
I believe in the mystery of the Trinity. You don't.

I don't believe I am worshiping an idol. You do.

This is not new news to you.

It appears that my beliefs offend you.
If you worship a human being and perpetuate lies in the name of God you are incapable of knowing the right course to take in any given situation and even less capable of doing the right thing.
Wrong. The moral laws are written into the hearts of men. All men are capable of knowing wrong from right. Even the ones who do not believe in God at all.
If you worship a human being and perpetuate lies in the name of God you are incapable of knowing the right course to take in any given situation and even less capable of doing the right thing.
Wrong. The moral laws are written into the hearts of men. All men are capable of knowing wrong from right. Even the ones who do not believe in God at all.

If the moral law is written on your heart what the fuck are you doing perpetuating evil?

Is it deliberate?
You can't have it both ways. If you are a dedicated religious person who furthers the cause of your religion, you are a religious person who only pretends to uphold the constitution.
Being religious, or believing in God does not mean that we do perfect things. We are still imperfect human beings full of all sorts of imperfections such as pride, lust, greed, selfishness, etc.

Do you seriously see yourself as any different or better than others just because of your religious beliefs?
If you worship a human being and perpetuate lies in the name of God you are incapable of knowing the right course to take in any given situation and even less capable of doing the right thing.
Wrong. The moral laws are written into the hearts of men. All men are capable of knowing wrong from right. Even the ones who do not believe in God at all.

If the moral law is written on your heart what the fuck are you doing perpetuating evil?

Is it deliberate?
I'm not. You think I am. That doesn't make it true. I am an imperfect man who is on his own journey and is being pruned and purified by God. You don't speak for him.

Do you seriously believe everyone should believe as you do?

Do you seriously believe that unless everyone believes as you do they are evil?
If you worship a human being and perpetuate lies in the name of God you are incapable of knowing the right course to take in any given situation and even less capable of doing the right thing.
Wrong. The moral laws are written into the hearts of men. All men are capable of knowing wrong from right. Even the ones who do not believe in God at all.

If the moral law is written on your heart what the fuck are you doing perpetuating evil?

Is it deliberate?
I'm not. You think I am. That doesn't make it true. I am an imperfect man who is on his own journey and is being pruned and purified by God. You don't speak for him.

Do you seriously believe everyone should believe as you do?

Do you seriously believe that unless everyone believes as you do they are evil?

Its not about believing me its about you not believing scripture that the consequences for setting aside the law of God and worshiping a human being is death.

Deliberately misleading people to defy the law of God is evil.

I don't know about anyone else but I have had enough of the politics and policies of the dead.

The problems in this society are not caused by gays getting married, women having abortions, immigrants looking for a better life, people smoking pot, or titties on TV..

If scripture is true, its caused by duplicitous malicious and fake religious bastards desecrating the constitution in the name of a fake three in one mangod bringing the whole land under a curse, the condemnation of he who truly is God.

You religious nutjobs have usurped positions of authority and fertilized the land with deception and superstition. You have defunded education to build prisons. You have sacrificed your own children to Molech by indoctrinating them into a perverse religion that defies the law of God as sign of your religious devotion. Now confusion reigns and insanity flourishes and people are pissed off..

Does this shock you?
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If you worship a human being and perpetuate lies in the name of God you are incapable of knowing the right course to take in any given situation and even less capable of doing the right thing.
Wrong. The moral laws are written into the hearts of men. All men are capable of knowing wrong from right. Even the ones who do not believe in God at all.

If the moral law is written on your heart what the fuck are you doing perpetuating evil?

Is it deliberate?
I'm not. You think I am. That doesn't make it true. I am an imperfect man who is on his own journey and is being pruned and purified by God. You don't speak for him.

Do you seriously believe everyone should believe as you do?

Do you seriously believe that unless everyone believes as you do they are evil?

Its not about believing me its about you not believing scripture that the consequences for setting aside the law of God and worshiping a human being is death.

Deliberately misleading people to defy the law of God is evil.

I don't know about anyone else but I have had enough of the dead.
It absolutely is about believing what you believe. I don't see anyone else trying to force their beliefs down my throat except you. So let me ask you my questions again and maybe this time you will truthfully answer them.

Do you seriously believe everyone should believe as you do?

Do you seriously believe that unless everyone believes as you do they are evil?

Do you seriously see yourself as any different or better than others just because of your religious beliefs?
If you worship a human being and perpetuate lies in the name of God you are incapable of knowing the right course to take in any given situation and even less capable of doing the right thing.
Wrong. The moral laws are written into the hearts of men. All men are capable of knowing wrong from right. Even the ones who do not believe in God at all.

If the moral law is written on your heart what the fuck are you doing perpetuating evil?

Is it deliberate?
I'm not. You think I am. That doesn't make it true. I am an imperfect man who is on his own journey and is being pruned and purified by God. You don't speak for him.

Do you seriously believe everyone should believe as you do?

Do you seriously believe that unless everyone believes as you do they are evil?

Its not about believing me its about you not believing scripture that the consequences for setting aside the law of God and worshiping a human being is death.

Deliberately misleading people to defy the law of God is evil.

I don't know about anyone else but I have had enough of the dead.
It absolutely is about believing what you believe. I don't see anyone else trying to force their beliefs down my throat except you. So let me ask you my questions again and maybe this time you will truthfully answer them.

Do you seriously believe everyone should believe as you do?

Do you seriously believe that unless everyone believes as you do they are evil?

Do you seriously see yourself as any different or better than others just because of your religious beliefs?

Thanks for demonstrating so perfectly why someone who professes beliefs like yours should never be given a position of public trust.

You are openly deceptive in public and thats putting your best foot forward.

Can you imagine the evil done behind closed doors?
Wrong. The moral laws are written into the hearts of men. All men are capable of knowing wrong from right. Even the ones who do not believe in God at all.

If the moral law is written on your heart what the fuck are you doing perpetuating evil?

Is it deliberate?
I'm not. You think I am. That doesn't make it true. I am an imperfect man who is on his own journey and is being pruned and purified by God. You don't speak for him.

Do you seriously believe everyone should believe as you do?

Do you seriously believe that unless everyone believes as you do they are evil?

Its not about believing me its about you not believing scripture that the consequences for setting aside the law of God and worshiping a human being is death.

Deliberately misleading people to defy the law of God is evil.

I don't know about anyone else but I have had enough of the dead.
It absolutely is about believing what you believe. I don't see anyone else trying to force their beliefs down my throat except you. So let me ask you my questions again and maybe this time you will truthfully answer them.

Do you seriously believe everyone should believe as you do?

Do you seriously believe that unless everyone believes as you do they are evil?

Do you seriously see yourself as any different or better than others just because of your religious beliefs?

Thanks for demonstrating so perfectly why someone who professes beliefs like yours should never be given a position of public trust.

You are openly deceptive in public and thats putting your best foot forward.

Can you imagine the evil done behind closed doors?
Do you seriously believe everyone should believe as you do?

Do you seriously believe that unless everyone believes as you do they are evil?

Do you seriously see yourself as any different or better than others just because of your religious beliefs?
Wrong. The moral laws are written into the hearts of men. All men are capable of knowing wrong from right. Even the ones who do not believe in God at all.

If the moral law is written on your heart what the fuck are you doing perpetuating evil?

Is it deliberate?
I'm not. You think I am. That doesn't make it true. I am an imperfect man who is on his own journey and is being pruned and purified by God. You don't speak for him.

Do you seriously believe everyone should believe as you do?

Do you seriously believe that unless everyone believes as you do they are evil?

Its not about believing me its about you not believing scripture that the consequences for setting aside the law of God and worshiping a human being is death.

Deliberately misleading people to defy the law of God is evil.

I don't know about anyone else but I have had enough of the dead.
It absolutely is about believing what you believe. I don't see anyone else trying to force their beliefs down my throat except you. So let me ask you my questions again and maybe this time you will truthfully answer them.

Do you seriously believe everyone should believe as you do?

Do you seriously believe that unless everyone believes as you do they are evil?

Do you seriously see yourself as any different or better than others just because of your religious beliefs?

Thanks for demonstrating so perfectly why someone who professes beliefs like yours should never be given a position of public trust.

You are openly deceptive in public and thats putting your best foot forward.

Can you imagine the evil done behind closed doors?
Do you really believe you speak for God?
Being religious, or believing in God does not mean that we do perfect things. We are still imperfect human beings full of all sorts of imperfections such as pride, lust, greed, selfishness, etc.

No kidding.

"We are still imperfect human beings full of all sorts of imperfections such as pride, lust, greed, selfishness"

What your own words clearly demonstrate is that you have cast your lot in life with a spirit of perversity not the spirit of truth

" to the spirit of perversity belong greed, remissness in right doing, wickedness and falsehood, pride and presumption, ruthless deception and guile, abundant insolence, shortness of temper and profusion of folly, arrogant passion, abominable acts in a spirit of lewdness, filthy ways in the thralldom of unchastity, a blasphemous tongue, blindness of eyes, dullness of ears, stiffness of neck and hardness of heart, to the end that a man walks entirely in ways of darkness and of evil cunning. The guerdon of all who walk in such ways is multitude of afflictions at the hands of all the angels of destruction, everlasting perdition through the angry wrath of an avenging God, eternal horror and perpetual reproach, the disgrace of final annihilation in the Fire, darkness throughout the vicissitudes of life in every generation, doleful sorrow, bitter misfortune and darkling ruin-ending in extinction without remnant of survival."

The enlightenment of man's heart, the making straight before him all the ways of righteousness and truth, the implanting in his heart of fear for the judgments of God, of a spirit of humility, of patience, of abundant compassion, of perpetual goodness, of insight, of perception, of that sense of the Divine Power that is based at once on an apprehension of God's works and a reliance on His plenteous mercy, of a spirit of knowledge informing every plan of action, of a zeal for righteous government, of a hallowed mind in a controlled nature, of abounding love for all who follow the truth, of self-respecting purity which abhors all the taint of filth, of a modesty of behavior coupled with a general prudence and an ability to hide within oneself the secrets of what one knows - these are the things that come to men in this world through communion with the spirit of truth.

Manual of Discipline
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if they cared about the truth
But see, that's the problem with magical bullshit: There is now wya to decide what is true and what is false. Who are you to say your magical bullshit is correct, and their magical bullshit is not? By what standard is this personal favorite?

It is much more rational and intelligent just to toss all of that magical bullshit -- yours and theirs-- out the window.
if they cared about the truth
But see, that's the problem with magical bullshit: There is now wya to decide what is true and what is false. Who are you to say your magical bullshit is correct, and their magical bullshit is not? By what standard is this personal favorite?

It is much more rational and intelligent just to toss all of that magical bullshit -- yours and theirs-- out the window.
I do understand why you would think that because you are still proudly wearing that ornamental magical bullshit bone in your nose.. ooh ooh ahh ahh!

BTW, When did you change your position from there is no way to discover the truth to there is now a way to discover the truth?

Did you see the light sahib? Do you think this is a modern discovery? lol...

And, by what standard what is true and false decided? Are you joking? Didn't you just say that there is a way? Don't you know the way?

There are many deceptions, many ways that lead to destruction, many signs that a person is on the road to destruction, many ways to test what comes out of a persons head to determine whether it is clean or unclean.

There is only one truth, one way to interpret scripture that both fulfills its claims and conforms to and is confirmed by reality.

Just a little intelligent thought mixed with a load of magical bullshit makes the entire loaf rise into bread from heaven.

Try it, you'll like it.
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