Catholic states of America should dismantle the Zionist states of America.

1.) I don't like Zionists who liter the U.S.A, mostly Protestants, and Jews who have become a side of genocide, and worse perhaps the apocalypse.

2.) Since Zionists believe Israel should steal from Palestine because Jews were there long ago.

3.) I support Catholics to steal from the Zionist states of America, because Catholics like France, Spain, Columbus, Vespucci etc. were here first overall.

4.) Most Native Americans are also Catholic.

5.) So why should Catholic Americans allow for continuing this Zionist monstrosity of the U.S.A?


Why can't you just get along? Seriously?

Catholics are good people. Jews are good people.

We are beyond the point where we should recognize it.
He claims to be an American, but he thinks like a European.
He doesn't know this IS NOT a Catholic nation.
We are a Protestant nation. I am not Protestant, nor Catholic nor Jew, Buti do understand our founding.
1.) I don't like Zionists who liter the U.S.A, mostly Protestants, and Jews who have become a side of genocide, and worse perhaps the apocalypse.

2.) Since Zionists believe Israel should steal from Palestine because Jews were there long ago.

3.) I support Catholics to steal from the Zionist states of America, because Catholics like France, Spain, Columbus, Vespucci etc. were here first overall.

4.) Most Native Americans are also Catholic.

5.) So why should Catholic Americans allow for continuing this Zionist monstrosity of the U.S.A?


Why can't you just get along? Seriously?

Catholics are good people. Jews are good people.

We are beyond the point where we should recognize it.
-------------------- aw see what 'catholics' built in south america and 'poland' and compare to PROTESTANT built USA . Jews are good people , very smart , inventive , build good weapons of war , are good Doctors , made their deserts bloom and build nice guns and weapons of war like bombs , missiles and are said to have pretty nice nukes and are fighting for their civilized society against muslim enemies . I notice that you don't mention how nice 'muslims' are Coyote .

The Protestant USA is a disaster of Zionists, Diversity, and Abortion, etc.

Catholics bought about the Renaissance, and a whole myriad of inventions.

Protestants, and Jewish Zionists are a genocidal rabble who provoke potentially WW3.

So, absolutely I don't support your disgusting nation anymore, and hope we can treat you the way Israel treats Palestinians.

I love the USA. I love our diversity, the complexities of our political system which means our Constitution can't be easily mangled...I love our people because despite the rhetoric here where we are anonymously hateful - we are a good people. I have been helped by those who's political views oppose my own as often as by those who's views might match. Americans can be hateful...but they can also be very very very generous, and that has no bearing on whether they are Protestant, Catholic, Jewish or Muslim or Athiest. We are a good people at heart...we just sometimes lose our way.
1.) I don't like Zionists who liter the U.S.A, mostly Protestants, and Jews who have become a side of genocide, and worse perhaps the apocalypse.

2.) Since Zionists believe Israel should steal from Palestine because Jews were there long ago.

3.) I support Catholics to steal from the Zionist states of America, because Catholics like France, Spain, Columbus, Vespucci etc. were here first overall.

4.) Most Native Americans are also Catholic.

5.) So why should Catholic Americans allow for continuing this Zionist monstrosity of the U.S.A?


Why can't you just get along? Seriously?

Catholics are good people. Jews are good people.

We are beyond the point where we should recognize it.
He claims to be an American, but he thinks like a European.
He doesn't know this IS NOT a Catholic nation.
We are a Protestant nation. I am not Protestant, nor Catholic nor Jew, Buti do understand our founding.

We are a pluralistic nation...we forget that. IMO.

Unlike Europe, we have never had the continent wide religious wars and persecutions and executions...we were founded to escape that right?
and here you are , publicly scared of the Russians , Jews and Protestants , JAN would be ashamed of you SOB .

I hardly ever mention Russians, I'm much more concerned with the Zionists, their wars, their diversity, their Liberals, etc. etc.

You shouldn't be.

I challenge you to have a dinner with a Jewish family.
If a Jewish minority of Israel can steal from Palestine as Zionist's because they lived there long before?

Why can't the present Catholic minority steal from the U.S.A as a Catholic super-state because they lived there long before ?

You know it's just not that simple. You have a state you have the Vatican. Israel is not much larger.

Does this bother you?

How come Palestinians don't get a state, eh?

Hopefully they will, but that to is complicated.

Let me ask you a question: do you support the Palestinians because their cause is just or because you don't like Jews?

Zionism has become a World security threat, point blank.

With that said I also support statehood for countries like Tibet, Kurdistan, Chechnya, Tatarstan, and so forth.

No...Zionism is the convenient Bogey Man under the bed upon which to blame all the world's ills.

Do you know what the real world security threat is?

No one listens to The Other.

Zionism killed in Palestine, Zionism killed in Iraq, and it will kill more in Iran if we tolerate it.

I used to think Diversity was the #1 enemy, that is until the potential Zionist Apocalypse is on the horizon, now Zionists are the #1 enemy, especially considering most Zionists support diversity.
You know it's just not that simple. You have a state you have the Vatican. Israel is not much larger.

Does this bother you?

How come Palestinians don't get a state, eh?

Hopefully they will, but that to is complicated.

Let me ask you a question: do you support the Palestinians because their cause is just or because you don't like Jews?

Zionism has become a World security threat, point blank.

With that said I also support statehood for countries like Tibet, Kurdistan, Chechnya, Tatarstan, and so forth.

No...Zionism is the convenient Bogey Man under the bed upon which to blame all the world's ills.

Do you know what the real world security threat is?

No one listens to The Other.

Zionism killed in Palestine, Zionism killed in Iraq, and it will kill more in Iran if we tolerate it.

I used to think Diversity was the #1 enemy, that is until the potential Zionist Apocalypse is on the horizon, now Zionists are the #1 enemy, especially considering most Zionists support diversity.

A lot of things "killed" in Palestine, but it's important to remember that the world was very different 80 years ago. The Arabs were killing. The Jews were killing. The Brits were killing. And outside powers were nation building.

If Zionists support do I. There is room for all of us. It's not zero sum.
and here you are , publicly scared of the Russians , Jews and Protestants , JAN would be ashamed of you SOB .

I hardly ever mention Russians, I'm much more concerned with the Zionists, their wars, their diversity, their Liberals, etc. etc.

You shouldn't be.

I challenge you to have a dinner with a Jewish family.

I don't meet pro-Jewish people here in New York, never have, except some Jews themselves.

I've been around Jews, and personally find them to be unfriendly, stuck up snobs.
some info on JAN SOBIESKI and the Winged Hussars for you Coyote . --- --- he was good , he saved Europe from the 'muslims' . Course i think that JAN may have been Protestant Coyote .
and here you are , publicly scared of the Russians , Jews and Protestants , JAN would be ashamed of you SOB .

I hardly ever mention Russians, I'm much more concerned with the Zionists, their wars, their diversity, their Liberals, etc. etc.

You shouldn't be.

I challenge you to have a dinner with a Jewish family.

I don't meet pro-Jewish people here in New York, never have, except some Jews themselves.

I've been around Jews, and personally find them to be unfriendly, stuck up snobs.

That's too bad...I don't. I've been around Jews, Israeli's, Poles, Chinese, Soviet Russians - and liked them all....:)
1.) I don't like Zionists who liter the U.S.A, mostly Protestants, and Jews who have become a side of genocide, and worse perhaps the apocalypse.

2.) Since Zionists believe Israel should steal from Palestine because Jews were there long ago.

3.) I support Catholics to steal from the Zionist states of America, because Catholics like France, Spain, Columbus, Vespucci etc. were here first overall.

4.) Most Native Americans are also Catholic.

5.) So why should Catholic Americans allow for continuing this Zionist monstrosity of the U.S.A?


Why can't you just get along? Seriously?

Catholics are good people. Jews are good people.

We are beyond the point where we should recognize it.
He claims to be an American, but he thinks like a European.
He doesn't know this IS NOT a Catholic nation.
We are a Protestant nation. I am not Protestant, nor Catholic nor Jew, Buti do understand our founding.

We are a pluralistic nation...we forget that. IMO.

Unlike Europe, we have never had the continent wide religious wars and persecutions and executions...we were founded to escape that right?

We Catholics make up many of the first people here, many Native American tribes, Mestizos mixed with Natives, the French, an Spanish.

We should as a Catholic minority bulldoze down the Protestant / Jewish others one house at a time.
(Just like Israeli Jews did to Palestine)
1.) I don't like Zionists who liter the U.S.A, mostly Protestants, and Jews who have become a side of genocide, and worse perhaps the apocalypse.

2.) Since Zionists believe Israel should steal from Palestine because Jews were there long ago.

3.) I support Catholics to steal from the Zionist states of America, because Catholics like France, Spain, Columbus, Vespucci etc. were here first overall.

4.) Most Native Americans are also Catholic.

5.) So why should Catholic Americans allow for continuing this Zionist monstrosity of the U.S.A?


Why can't you just get along? Seriously?

Catholics are good people. Jews are good people.

We are beyond the point where we should recognize it.
He claims to be an American, but he thinks like a European.
He doesn't know this IS NOT a Catholic nation.
We are a Protestant nation. I am not Protestant, nor Catholic nor Jew, Buti do understand our founding.

We are a pluralistic nation...we forget that. IMO.

Unlike Europe, we have never had the continent wide religious wars and persecutions and executions...we were founded to escape that right?

We Catholics make up many of the first people here, many Native American tribes, Mestizos mixed with Natives, the French, an Spanish.

We should as a Catholic minority bulldoze down the Protestant / Jewish others one house at a time.
(Just like Israeli Jews did to Palestine)

No, you do not make up the first people - you converted the first peoples. In fact, in the case of the Spanish, often quite brutally.

Why should you bulldoze anyone's houses? Do you do things just because other's do?
1.) I don't like Zionists who liter the U.S.A, mostly Protestants, and Jews who have become a side of genocide, and worse perhaps the apocalypse.

2.) Since Zionists believe Israel should steal from Palestine because Jews were there long ago.

3.) I support Catholics to steal from the Zionist states of America, because Catholics like France, Spain, Columbus, Vespucci etc. were here first overall.

4.) Most Native Americans are also Catholic.

5.) So why should Catholic Americans allow for continuing this Zionist monstrosity of the U.S.A?


Why can't you just get along? Seriously?

Catholics are good people. Jews are good people.

We are beyond the point where we should recognize it.
He claims to be an American, but he thinks like a European.
He doesn't know this IS NOT a Catholic nation.
We are a Protestant nation. I am not Protestant, nor Catholic nor Jew, Buti do understand our founding.

Catholics were here first, not Protestants.

So, thus our Catholic minority should bully the Protestant, and Jewish majorities until you are put behind walls with armed guards preventing you from leaving like Israel does to Palestine, when yes Palestine was once a Palestinian majority.

We Catholics are the first people of America, just like you Zionists claim Jews are the first people of Israel.

Therefor we shouldn't support your Protestant Zionist monstrosity.
some info on JAN SOBIESKI and the Winged Hussars for you Coyote . --- --- he was good , he saved Europe from the 'muslims' . Course i think that JAN may have been Protestant Coyote .

Jan III Sobieski actually said the greatest mistake was saving Europe.

He could have sided with Islamic Turks to fight against Germans including it's Protestants.

In the end Islamic Turks, and Islamic Iranians didn't support the Partitions... Unlike Protestants who supported the Partitions of Poland.

I support f*cking Iran, over you Zionists any day.
1.) I don't like Zionists who liter the U.S.A, mostly Protestants, and Jews who have become a side of genocide, and worse perhaps the apocalypse.

2.) Since Zionists believe Israel should steal from Palestine because Jews were there long ago.

3.) I support Catholics to steal from the Zionist states of America, because Catholics like France, Spain, Columbus, Vespucci etc. were here first overall.

4.) Most Native Americans are also Catholic.

5.) So why should Catholic Americans allow for continuing this Zionist monstrosity of the U.S.A?


Why can't you just get along? Seriously?

Catholics are good people. Jews are good people.

We are beyond the point where we should recognize it.
He claims to be an American, but he thinks like a European.
He doesn't know this IS NOT a Catholic nation.
We are a Protestant nation. I am not Protestant, nor Catholic nor Jew, Buti do understand our founding.

Catholics were here first, not Protestants.

So, thus our Catholic minority should bully the Protestant, and Jewish majorities until you are put behind walls with armed guards preventing you from leaving like Israel does to Palestine, when yes Palestine was once a Palestinian majority.

We Catholics are the first people of America, just like you Zionists claim Jews are the first people of Israel.

Therefor we shouldn't support your Protestant Zionist monstrosity.

The first people of America were not of any Abrahamic do realize that don't you?
1.) I don't like Zionists who liter the U.S.A, mostly Protestants, and Jews who have become a side of genocide, and worse perhaps the apocalypse.

2.) Since Zionists believe Israel should steal from Palestine because Jews were there long ago.

3.) I support Catholics to steal from the Zionist states of America, because Catholics like France, Spain, Columbus, Vespucci etc. were here first overall.

4.) Most Native Americans are also Catholic.

5.) So why should Catholic Americans allow for continuing this Zionist monstrosity of the U.S.A?


Why can't you just get along? Seriously?

Catholics are good people. Jews are good people.

We are beyond the point where we should recognize it.
He claims to be an American, but he thinks like a European.
He doesn't know this IS NOT a Catholic nation.
We are a Protestant nation. I am not Protestant, nor Catholic nor Jew, Buti do understand our founding.

Catholics were here first, not Protestants.

So, thus our Catholic minority should bully the Protestant, and Jewish majorities until you are put behind walls with armed guards preventing you from leaving like Israel does to Palestine, when yes Palestine was once a Palestinian majority.

We Catholics are the first people of America, just like you Zionists claim Jews are the first people of Israel.

Therefor we shouldn't support your Protestant Zionist monstrosity.

The first people of America were not of any Abrahamic do realize that don't you?

The first people of Israel also weren't of any Abrahamic faiths, as well.

But, if Half breed Jews (Ashkenazis) speaking Yiddish from other nations can pour into Palestine be a minority, and create a Israel because Jews were there before they were.

Why can't Catholic half breed Native Americans (Mestizos) speaking Spanish from other nations pour into America as a minority, and create a new Catholic state w because Native Americans were there before they were?
1.) I don't like Zionists who liter the U.S.A, mostly Protestants, and Jews who have become a side of genocide, and worse perhaps the apocalypse.

2.) Since Zionists believe Israel should steal from Palestine because Jews were there long ago.

3.) I support Catholics to steal from the Zionist states of America, because Catholics like France, Spain, Columbus, Vespucci etc. were here first overall.

4.) Most Native Americans are also Catholic.

5.) So why should Catholic Americans allow for continuing this Zionist monstrosity of the U.S.A?


Why can't you just get along? Seriously?

Catholics are good people. Jews are good people.

We are beyond the point where we should recognize it.
He claims to be an American, but he thinks like a European.
He doesn't know this IS NOT a Catholic nation.
We are a Protestant nation. I am not Protestant, nor Catholic nor Jew, Buti do understand our founding.

Catholics were here first, not Protestants.

So, thus our Catholic minority should bully the Protestant, and Jewish majorities until you are put behind walls with armed guards preventing you from leaving like Israel does to Palestine, when yes Palestine was once a Palestinian majority.

We Catholics are the first people of America, just like you Zionists claim Jews are the first people of Israel.

Therefor we shouldn't support your Protestant Zionist monstrosity.

The first people of America were not of any Abrahamic do realize that don't you?

The first people of Israel also weren't of any Abrahamic faiths, as well.

But, if Half breed Jews (Ashkenazis) from other nations can pour into Palestine be a minority, and create a Israel because Jews were there before they were.

Why can't Catholic half breed Native Americans (Mestizos) from other nations pour into America as a minority, and create a new Catholic state w because Native Americans were there before they were?

This is so weird I'm not sure how to respond.

There is a Catholic state - the Vatican. There are multiple Catholic majority states - Poland, Italy for example.

What is your issue here?

Why can't you just get along? Seriously?

Catholics are good people. Jews are good people.

We are beyond the point where we should recognize it.
He claims to be an American, but he thinks like a European.
He doesn't know this IS NOT a Catholic nation.
We are a Protestant nation. I am not Protestant, nor Catholic nor Jew, Buti do understand our founding.

Catholics were here first, not Protestants.

So, thus our Catholic minority should bully the Protestant, and Jewish majorities until you are put behind walls with armed guards preventing you from leaving like Israel does to Palestine, when yes Palestine was once a Palestinian majority.

We Catholics are the first people of America, just like you Zionists claim Jews are the first people of Israel.

Therefor we shouldn't support your Protestant Zionist monstrosity.

The first people of America were not of any Abrahamic do realize that don't you?

The first people of Israel also weren't of any Abrahamic faiths, as well.

But, if Half breed Jews (Ashkenazis) from other nations can pour into Palestine be a minority, and create a Israel because Jews were there before they were.

Why can't Catholic half breed Native Americans (Mestizos) from other nations pour into America as a minority, and create a new Catholic state w because Native Americans were there before they were?

This is so weird I'm not sure how to respond.

There is a Catholic state - the Vatican. There are multiple Catholic majority states - Poland, Italy for example.

What is your issue here?

I'm not in a Catholic ethno-state, so therefor I want one here, where I stand, one which combats the Zionist Jews, and Protestants.

The U.S.A stole most of their land from Catholics like France, and Spain, and depended on Catholic explorers like Columbus, and Vespucci to discover it.

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