Cats Rule! A Real, "Animal To The Rescue" story...

A very old story. LIke two or three years old. Tara has had hero status ever since. She actually got to "throw" out the first ball at the local high school.

By the way. The dog is okay. The owner was warned to keep the dog confined or leashed.
A very old story. LIke two or three years old. Tara has had hero status ever since. She actually got to "throw" out the first ball at the local high school.

By the way. The dog is okay. The owner was warned to keep the dog confined or leashed.
It was new to me. And it was awesome!
Cats are cool. Anyone who abuses cats is sick and immature and needs a very good ass whooping......

Which I would be MORE than happy to administer.
Anyone who abuses animals at all. I would love to administer a correction. I know just how too.

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