CBO: Stimulus saved between 5 to 25 million jobs

The stimulus stopped the deflationary spiral and created the growth.

Basic economics.

Wait wait wait, I thought you were going to make a point to back up your graph. Tell me how on earth the stimulus could have had an affect on these numbers in the early months of 2009 when the economy was stabilizing?

It didn't.

But it brought us back from the brink.

But you post this amazing graph over and over illustrating how jobs losses eased, wealth bottomed out, GDP bottomed out, and the stockmarket bottomed out all in and around the 1st quarter of 2009. And you credit Obama every time. So tell me - what did Obama do to make this happen? Why should he be given credit?
Wait wait wait, I thought you were going to make a point to back up your graph. Tell me how on earth the stimulus could have had an affect on these numbers in the early months of 2009 when the economy was stabilizing?

It didn't.

But it brought us back from the brink.

But you post this amazing graph over and over illustrating how jobs losses eased, wealth bottomed out, GDP bottomed out, and the stockmarket bottomed out all in and around the 1st quarter of 2009. And you credit Obama every time. So tell me - what did Obama do to make this happen? Why should he be given credit?

The stimulus stopped the deflationary spiral and created growth.
Nice try going back and editing your response by the way. But I nailed you.

Not really.

The deflationary spiral was not stabilized. The economy was not growing.

You can argue all you want, but you are wrong.

The stimulus saved us from another Great Depression.
Nice try going back and editing your response by the way. But I nailed you.

Not really.

The deflationary spiral was not stabilized. The economy was not growing.

You can argue all you want, but you are wrong.

The stimulus saved us from another Great Depression.

You're graphs show otherwise, and your "since Jan 2009 statements" suggest otherwise from what you say.
Nice try going back and editing your response by the way. But I nailed you.

Not really.

The deflationary spiral was not stabilized. The economy was not growing.

You can argue all you want, but you are wrong.

The stimulus saved us from another Great Depression.

You're graphs show otherwise, and your "since Jan 2009 statements" suggest otherwise from what you say.

No actually the graphs prove my point.

The economy has been growing since the stimulus.

Too bad you can't disprove that.
Not really.

The deflationary spiral was not stabilized. The economy was not growing.

You can argue all you want, but you are wrong.

The stimulus saved us from another Great Depression.

You're graphs show otherwise, and your "since Jan 2009 statements" suggest otherwise from what you say.

No actually the graphs prove my point.

The economy has been growing since the stimulus.

Too bad you can't disprove that.

Here we go again whit this shit.....

Prove it...

Let me guess you will post GDP??
You're graphs show otherwise, and your "since Jan 2009 statements" suggest otherwise from what you say.

No actually the graphs prove my point.

The economy has been growing since the stimulus.

Too bad you can't disprove that.

Here we go again whit this shit.....

Prove it...

Let me guess you will post GDP??


I'm not intellectually beating republicans and democrats again.
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Not really.

The deflationary spiral was not stabilized. The economy was not growing.

You can argue all you want, but you are wrong.

The stimulus saved us from another Great Depression.

You're graphs show otherwise, and your "since Jan 2009 statements" suggest otherwise from what you say.

No actually the graphs prove my point.

The economy has been growing since the stimulus.

Too bad you can't disprove that.

The free fall stabilized before the stimulus could have any real effect, and you have failed about 21 times to disprove that.

20 straight months of private sector job growth.

Pathetic Chris. Let's just ignore the fact the number of jobs created weren't enough to keep up with the influx of new workers nor produce jobs for those unemployed. We need 400,000 a month and we get 200,000 instead -yeah, TECHNICALLY that still counts as job growth but the problem is it just isn't enough to produce jobs for the influx of new workers or the millions still unemployed. Which is why we still have an UNACCEPTABLE high unemployment rate. This is NOT a bragging point for Obama yet you seem to think it is! ROFL Insisting on doubling down on the display of your lack of critical thinking skills is typical of leftists.

You are arguing my arborist/lawyer example over and over and over. NO SALE honey. If you didn't read that one, I suggest you take a look at it and maybe it can help put your stupid graphs in perspective here! If I were a liberal and actually believed this is as good as it gets, I'd slit my wrists. Fortunately I'm a conservative and I know good and well it is not even close. On top of which, I already learned the hard way -I lived through Jimmy Carter's disastrous one term as well. He tried to convince people it was as good as it gets too....
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20 straight months of private sector job growth.

Pathetic Chris. Let's just ignore the fact the number of jobs created weren't enough to keep up with the influx of new workers nor produce jobs for those unemployed. We need 400,000 a month and we get 200,000 instead -yeah, TECHNICALLY that still counts as job growth but the problem is it just isn't enough to produce jobs for the influx of new workers or the millions still unemployed. Which is why we still have an UNACCEPTABLE high unemployment rate. This is NOT a bragging point for Obama yet you seem to think it is! ROFL Insisting on doubling down on the display of your lack of critical thinking skills is typical of leftists.

You are arguing my arborist/lawyer example over and over and over. NO SALE honey. If you didn't read that one, I suggest you take a look at it and maybe it can help put your stupid graphs in perspective here! If I were a liberal and actually believed this is as good as it gets, I'd slit my wrists. Fortunately I'm a conservative and I know good and well it is not even close. On top of which, I already learned the hard way -I lived through Jimmy Carter's disastrous one term as well. He tried to convince people it was as good as it gets too....

I am afraid octocrissy has reached the point where his canned statements and graphs are nothing more than spam (and ink). He is the three monkey's all in one (see (read) no data, hear no data, SPEAK no data).

He is a classic example of someone who has to hold to a lie because his world is built around it. And he comes to this board to satisfy an inate need to justify his position by simply sticking his fingers in his ears and going lalalalalalalalalalala...I can't hear what you are saying.

I have asked if there is an ignore function on this board. I know I can ignore him but it would save me the problem of being reminded that there are people in this world whose back are so flexible they can spend most of their lives with thier heads up their asses.

If you look at President Obama's approval ratings, he is at 43.0 on the RealClear average. At one point, Octo was bragging about how he was at 46 and improving. Then he tanked again and it seems to be trending in the wrong direction. It is about as bad as it can get. If it drops below 43, you can make a good case that he is a one-termer. The GOP is now focused on each other. When they start to narrow it down and begin to blister President Obama, he is going to be in bad shape. How anyone can hold up the current information and not realize that we really are in a pile of poop is beyond me.

But, then again some people like to accuse the GOP of ignoring facts, all the while demonstrating they have little grasp of the facts (or what they mean which is the real trick) themselves.
The stimulus saved us from another Great Depression.

And it changed the alignement of the stars.

There is more evidence of that than what you claim.

You are a fraud.

The train to nowhere left the station a long time ago.
No actually the graphs prove my point.

The economy has been growing since the stimulus.

Too bad you can't disprove that.

Cancer grows too.

The economy has been sputtering since the stimulus.

To ba you can't disprove that ? And why is it, according to you, that it is to bad he can't disprove it ?

Do you need evidence your Messiah is a failure ?
No actually the graphs prove my point.

The economy has been growing since the stimulus.

Too bad you can't disprove that.

Cancer grows too.

The economy has been sputtering since the stimulus.

To ba you can't disprove that ? And why is it, according to you, that it is to bad he can't disprove it ?

Do you need evidence your Messiah is a failure ?

GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
Americans paid off $1 trillion dollars of personal debt in the last few years.
We are leaving Iraq, which will save us billions.
We are leaving Afghanistan in 2014, which will save us billions.
Auto sales are up 13.9%,
Pending home sales are up 10%,
Retail sales are up 16%
And unemployment is down.

The economy is getting better and better.

Too bad you can't handle the truth.
I would make the argument that TARP saved us from a possible Depression...the Obama Stimulus was more of a bail out of government employee unions and Obama supporters than it was a stimulus. We took a bath on Solyndra. How did that help us? We propped up government workers jobs for a year with money we had to borrow from China, thus driving up our deficit to such astronomical heights that we suffered our first credit ratings downgrade in the history of the country...something that didn't happen even DURING the Great Depression.

Sorry, Chris...but your beloved charts show the economy had already bottomed out and was starting to recover before Obama's stimulus was passed let alone implemented. Saying the Obama stimulus caused that to happen is wishful thinking on your part. The truth is...many of Obama's policies hampered the normal rebound from a recession...prolonging it's effect instead of easing it. There is a reason why there are more long time unemployed NOW than at any time in our history. That reason is that the Obama Stimulus failed.
I would make the argument that TARP saved us from a possible Depression...the Obama Stimulus was more of a bail out of government employee unions and Obama supporters than it was a stimulus. We took a bath on Solyndra. How did that help us? We propped up government workers jobs for a year with money we had to borrow from China, thus driving up our deficit to such astronomical heights that we suffered our first credit ratings downgrade in the history of the country...something that didn't happen even DURING the Great Depression.

Sorry, Chris...but your beloved charts show the economy had already bottomed out and was starting to recover before Obama's stimulus was passed let alone implemented. Saying the Obama stimulus caused that to happen is wishful thinking on your part. The truth is...many of Obama's policies hampered the normal rebound from a recession...prolonging it's effect instead of easing it. There is a reason why there are more long time unemployed NOW than at any time in our history. That reason is that the Obama Stimulus failed.


Half the stimulus was tax cuts not government spending.

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